

Accompanied by shouts of killing, a crowd of figures rushed into the courtyard.

The temptation of gold and silver wealth makes people's eyes red. People who rush in rush to rummage through the boxes and cabinets to plunder the owner's treasures.

In the blink of an eye.

The courtyard was a mess.

It would be okay if there was no obstruction, but if there was someone who intercepted him, these murderous people would never show mercy because of their old age and weakness.


If you fail to get a satisfactory answer to your inquiry, you will be beaten or even stabbed with a sword.

They only had time for two sticks of incense.

Once the two hours are up, everyone will stop and honestly give up their positions for the soldiers of the Anxi Army to slowly clean up the battlefield.

In order to obtain more treasures, many people gradually lose their humanity.

The blood and corpses everywhere remind Fang Zheng that this world is different from modern society and is full of barbarism and killing.

"My boss."

Wu Hai spoke in a low voice:

"This is treating us as the vanguard."

"Vanguard Army?" Fang Zheng asked:

"What's the point?"

"My boss." Li San explained:

"The vanguard in the army are the death squads. They are the first to encounter the enemy and advance without retreating. They are also the group with the highest proportion of casualties and casualties."

"It's been half a year since I was a pioneer and I didn't meet any old friends."

If you don’t meet any old friends, it’s naturally because they are all dead.

"That's right." Wu Hai nodded:

"Most of the vanguard troops are death row criminals and people who have committed heinous crimes. It seems that they have priority in searching after the city is broken, but in fact there are very few survivors."

"Don't look at these people who are so proud and rampant now. In fact, the Anxi Army is deliberately giving them a sweet spot. I'm afraid there will be a big battle later."

Li San nodded in agreement.

Fang Zheng pursed his lips:

"Don't worry about them, just be careful."


Both should be.


The sky is like a dome,

Covering the surrounding areas.

The huge county town is surrounded by white snow.

It was like there was an invisible cover. Outside the cover was ice and snow, and there was total silence. Inside, the cover was filled with shouts of murder and turmoil.


"It's still time for two sticks of incense."

Ming Qianhu sat astride the horse, his eyes cold under the mask, scanning the whole place:

"Everything looted within the two sticks of incense belongs to you. However, if anyone dares to fight or shrinks from the battle, don't blame the military law for handling it."



All the soldiers raised their swords in unison, with a solemn killing intent.

"grown ups!"

Different from the beginning, at this time there was no longer any fear in the eyes of everyone in the field, replaced by enthusiastic excitement and impatience.

"You give the order!"

Someone yelled:

"We'll break through this manor right now."


Mr. Ming's voice was filled with a ferocious smile, and he waved his big hand forward:

"let's go!"


Before he finished speaking, everyone in the field had already rushed towards the manor in front, especially the warriors guarding the courtyard, who were competing for the first place.

As long as they abandon the concept of good and evil in their hearts and carry out a few plunders, their income will be more than they have been busy in the past few years.

This kind of thing...

Naturally, the more, the merrier!

Fang Zheng and the other three looked at each other and blended into the crowd silently. They were neither in the front nor too far behind. They focused on keeping a low profile.


The hard outer door could not withstand the crazy impact of the crowd and collapsed, and people rushed into the courtyard.


"Come on!"

There were only a few interceptions in the front yard, and there was no way to fight back in front of the many warriors and guards. They collapsed after just one contact.

Enter the hospital for the second time.


A man rushed towards the courtyard gate. Before he could see the situation clearly, an arrow was nailed in the middle of his forehead.

The few people behind could not stop, they were also greeted by arrows, and the arrows went straight to the vital points of the body as if they had eyes.



In the blink of an eye, there were four more corpses in the field.


Someone roared and rushed to the backyard holding a door panel, shouting:

"There are experts here!"

"Master?" A second-level warrior sneered, held a whip over the courtyard wall, swung the whip and grabbed a heavy object and threw it at the house:

"I want to see how high it is."


A person in the room snorted coldly, dodged the incoming heavy object and rushed out with lightning, and struck the second-blood warrior with both palms in the air with extremely exquisite palm techniques.

"not good!"

Someone with extraordinary eyesight reminded loudly:

"It's Xiaoming Wangzhang of the White Lotus Sect!"


Before he finished speaking, the two of them had collided head-on. The heavy whip shadow only slightly blocked the incoming person, and was torn apart by both palms.


The second-blood warrior screamed and fell to the ground.

"Heaven Lingling, Earth Lingling, please bow before the disciple altar three times!"

"As soon as you ask the gods to protect you, you won't be afraid of the sword!"

"Second, please let God's will enter your soul and be fearless!"

"The protector of the Sanqing Dynasty descended upon me to grant me magical powers!"

"Emergency is like a law..."

The sound of shouting resounded from the courtyard, and then the window sash shattered, and the crazy-looking White Lotus believers rushed out one after another, roaring.

These believers who have been blessed by the Divine Strike ignore pain and are not afraid of life and death. In a short period of time, they are all comparable to first-blood warriors.

Everyone who rushed into the backyard was instantly hit and their heads were bruised and bloody.


"This is the stronghold of the White Lotus Sect!"

"Quickly retreat!"


The expressions of several people changed drastically, and they subconsciously turned around to escape.



Arrows fell like rain, densely packed, and instantly nailed those people to the spot.

A member of the household looked at it coldly:

"Master Qianhu said that if anyone dares to fight or retreats from the battle, he will be dealt with according to the military law. Are you going to turn a deaf ear to him?"

"This..." Several people who were also about to retreat looked at each other. Before they could speak, they saw a group of archers tightening their bowstrings.

Just move.

It’s just a rain of arrows!


Baihu stretched out his hand and said in a cold voice:

"Kill the demons from the White Lotus Sect, or you will be punished by military law. If anyone dares to fight and retreats, don't blame the ruthless military law!"


Someone gritted his teeth and rushed towards the backyard.

Facing the elites of the Anxi Army, they are certain to die, but the demons of the White Lotus Sect can still encounter them.


Second House.

Fang Zheng retracted his gaze from the front yard and shook his head slightly.

It seems that Wu Hai and the two are right. The Anxi Army uses them as vanguard envoys, and they don't feel bad if they are not consumed by their own people.

Look at the field again.

Wu Hai and Li San were holding long swords with shining lights, and they were fighting with several White Lotus followers.

Li San is slightly weaker, but Wu Hai is close to the second level. In addition, the two have been in uniform since their early years and have a tacit understanding of cooperation, so they can stick to one side.

"Move over!"

Fang Zheng spoke in a low voice:

"Lead people into corners without attracting too much attention."


Wu Hai should be.


A hole opened in the side wall, and a White Lotus cultist rushed towards the crowd.

This man wore soft armor and held a long sword. His sword was sharp and well-organized, and his moves directly hit the vital points of others. He was completely different from ordinary believers.

After a few sprints, several bodies fell in front of him.

Even the second-blood warrior is no match.


Fang Zheng held a long knife to stop the opponent:

"Your opponent is me."


The other party seemed to have no intention of communicating and slashed with his sword.

Ordinary people use their swords to stab, chop, and tease, but this person's sword skills are mostly diagonal cuts, and the attacks come from the side, never from the front.

Combined with the footwork, every move is unexpected.

The first time you come into contact with this kind of swordsmanship, you will feel uncomfortable, and you will be attacked if you are not careful.

"Interesting swordplay."

Fang looked calm and waved his sword to block.

In the warrior stage, there is not much difference between the two worlds. Even in terms of the method of transporting energy, modern society may be more sophisticated.

He has the best of both worlds. Martial arts is a system of its own. It is not an exaggeration to say that he founded a sect.

At least,

So far, I have never encountered a warrior who surpassed him in moves.

The Xinyi Fist evolved into a sword, which can be moved at will. No matter how the opponent's moves change, he can steadily parry and even counterattack from time to time.

The two seemed to be going back and forth, and it was difficult to tell the winner in a short period of time.

Even if the martial arts master was present, if he didn't know Fang Zheng very well, he might not be able to tell that he was deliberately letting off steam and delaying time.

Things were a bit grim for others.

More and more White Lotus believers rushed out from the backyard, including several third-blood warriors, and the situation became one-sided.


A cult believer holding a stick smashed one person's head into pieces with one stick, roared to the sky, and swept across with the stick.

The explosion of unparalleled power caused several people around him to fly out, their muscles and bones shattered in mid-air, and they had already died before they even hit the ground.

The ground cracked, and the man jumped several meters and ran straight to the front yard, rushing towards the Anxi Army.


Hundreds of households drew their swords and shouted:



On the horseback, Ming Qianhu snorted and slowly pulled out a giant sword.

The blade of this sword is as wide as a palm, and the sword body is so thick that it looks like a polished iron plate from a distance.


He lightly clamped his legs, and the strong horse under his crotch shook its neck and gasped for breath. Seeing this, other people got out of the way, and the archers also stopped their movements.

Ming Qianhu's armor and stomach are complete, all made of fine steel. Combined with the giant sword in his hand and his own body weight, the weight can reach hundreds of kilograms.

Ordinary horses are afraid of falling to their knees if they sit on them, let alone take people with them.

But the horse under his crotch seemed not to feel the weight at all. Its four hooves moved flexibly and quickly, and its figure suddenly rushed forward.


A man and a horse suddenly appeared in the front yard like afterimages.

Ming Qianhu raised one hand high and pointed his giant sword at the sky. There was a corpse hanging on the sword. It was the person who rushed towards him with a stick just now.


He gently clamped his legs again and shook off the entity on the sword. The people and horses of the thousands of households merged into one and turned into a stream of light and rushed straight into the backyard.

Anyone who intercepts them in front will be swept away with one sword regardless of whether they are enemy or friend.

between breaths,

We have arrived at the main house in the backyard.


It was like a train running at full speed crashing into the freight yard. The terrifying force was followed by the huge sword slashing down, and the huge house shattered into pieces.

The dense cracks on the ground extend several feet away.

The roof flew high, the walls collapsed, and several figures were torn into pieces by the true energy, turning into blood and falling down in the sky.


Fang Zheng's eye sockets shrank, looking horrified.

It was not that he had never seen a martial artist before, and he had also fought against one from the Beggar Clan. Although there was a slight gap between him and a martial artist, it was not insurmountable.

At least with his current strength, it would be no problem for three or four of him to join forces and fight as a small Zhou Tianwu Master.

But what's going on in this scene in front of me?

Is it possible?

Isn't Ming Qianhu a little Zhou Tianwu master?


One person roared in the chaos:

"Ming Yanfei, the Holy Cult will never let you go!"

The man was in mid-air, high-fiving continuously, and the strength of his palms was able to bend in the air, and hit Ming Qianhu on horseback from all directions.

"Holy religion?"

Ming Qianhu audio tape disdains:

"I'm afraid you don't have the courage!"

The giant sword was swung in the air like a shield, easily defeating the force, but the next moment the horse jumped suddenly.


A cold light emerged from the ground, penetrated the shadow of the horse, and pierced the empty space.

"What a phoenix-blooded horse, he can even detect my breathing technique."

The figure that suddenly appeared exclaimed in praise and called to his companions:

"let's go!"

The two of them did not stop after landing. They jumped several feet in a flash and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Ming Qianhu did not take advantage of the victory to pursue the victory. He bent down and gently stroked the hair on the horse's neck, soothing the horse's restless mood, and then scanned the whole place with cold eyes.

"A bunch of trash!"

Fang Zheng lowered his head and pursed his lips slightly.

Waste is waste, it is better than death.

At his feet, the swordsman master had fallen to the ground, and the blood flowing from his throat was staining the ground.


Ming Qianhu's eyes fell on Wu Hai, and his eyes paused slightly:

"The Sancai Sword came from the Tiger Army?"


Wu Hai had just killed his opponent. Hearing this, he cupped his fists and handed over his hands, then cautiously retreated to Fang Zheng:

"The villain once served in the Huben Army for a period of time."


Ming Qianhu nodded and looked at Fang Zheng again:

"What's your name?"

"Fang Zheng." Fang Zheng handed over his hand:

"I have met Mr. Qianhu."

"Fangzheng." Ming Qianhu nodded:

"I remember you."

What's the meaning?

Fang Zheng was stunned, he wouldn't be targeted by the other party, would he?




Ming Qianhu was not really unkind. After so many people died, he did not attack again the next day, but gave him time to repair.

West Market.

The market is crowded with people and the sound of hawking is constant.

"A good weapon can ensure that nothing goes wrong at critical moments and can gain the upper hand against the enemy. Our store sells high-quality weapons..."

"Soft armor, protective armor, a treasure that can save lives in times of crisis, it's easy to deal with..."

"Wholesale of golden sore medicine!"


"The Anxi Army has military power, but it has the power but cannot make money, and the power cannot make profits. If it interferes in other industries, it will be complained by civilian officials." Seeing Fang Zheng's curious look, Zhang Mingrui explained:

"After all, they are imperial officers and soldiers. It is impossible to massacre and loot the city."

"So in order to get benefits, there are caravans accompanying the army, specializing in various businesses, saying that they are temporarily raising military pay for the Anxi Army."


He raised his head and signaled:

"Many of these hawking merchants have backgrounds in the Anxi Army. Perhaps their brothers and sisters are serving in the Anxi Army."

Fang Zheng understood and asked:

"You only care about the golden sore medicine, but you don't care about buying and selling swords or soft swords?"

If they were bought by evil demons, robbers and bandits, wouldn't these things be turned into weapons for harvesting Anxi army soldiers?


Zhang Mingrui sneered:

"Businessmen can make anything if they have money, even if it's a noose to strangle themselves, as long as you give them enough money, they will sell it."


"Where do you think the swords and soft swords on the stall come from?"

"They were all stolen!"

"Maybe after selling it, you can get it back from other people. Wouldn't it be nice to make money for nothing?"

Fang Zheng was speechless.

"Master Fang."

At this time, a familiar voice sounded:

"meet again."

"Shopkeeper Zhao." After seeing the person coming clearly, Fang Zheng nodded:

"Are you coming to go shopping too?"

Shopkeeper Zhao started his career in the jade business and traveled frequently to Zhaonan Mansion. Fang Zheng would often buy something from him.

Once you go back and forth, you will become familiar with it.

More than two years,

He knows almost all the people who can be named in the county, at least they are familiar with each other.

"How can I have such a leisurely mood?" Shopkeeper Zhao shook his head and sighed:

"Zhao also has a stall here. Mr. Fang might as well go over and have a look. With the current market situation, the goods on hand are cheap."

"This..." Fang Zheng hesitated for a moment and shook his head helplessly:

"Fang doesn't have much money left, so he still needs to buy things to save his life."

"Master Fang doesn't know something." Shopkeeper Zhao said hurriedly:

"The market for swords has soared, and the medicine for golden sores is six to seven times more expensive than usual. Food is not cheap either. The prices of all kinds of things are rising now."

"Only the jade from my place is now half price."

"Yes." Fang Zheng nodded:

"However, although jade is good, it is an external possession after all. You don't know what will happen now, so even if you buy it, it may not really be yours."

"talk later!"

Shopkeeper Zhao opened his mouth, sighed softly, and turned his eyes to face the other person:

"Brother Mi, do you want to come and see me?"

After watching the other party leave, Fang Zheng slowly withdrew his gaze.

He always kept in mind the principle of keeping wealth secret. Although he could buy jade at the bottom at this time, he could easily be targeted and cause trouble.

"Anxi Trading Company."

After walking forward for a moment, Zhang Mingrui signaled:

"The biggest shop here. As long as you have money, you can buy anything there. Even armor and powerful crossbows are sometimes sold."

Fang Zheng raised his eyebrows and followed the other person into the shop.

The business here is good, there are nearly ten waiters greeting customers, and various weapons, armor and other items are placed behind the counter.

"Guest sir."

A person came up to him:

"What do you want?"

"Take a look." Fang Zheng said:

"Just take a look first."

"Okay." The other party nodded, took out a booklet from the counter and handed it over:

"Here is a list of items currently on sale in our firm. You two can take a look at it first. If there is anything you are interested in, we can discuss it."

"Oh!" Zhang Mingrui took the booklet:

"That's very convenient."

When you open the booklet, the first thing you see is a variety of weapons. There are all kinds of weapons including axes, axes, knives and forks, and you can buy up to ten pieces of each.

This is……

Do wholesale!

It is estimated that only the army can have such a large amount.


One of the things made Fang Zheng raise his eyebrows slightly.


"The Sun family's formula for floating brocade?"

The boy led Fang Zheng to the inner courtyard, where the store manager was sitting on a big tiger-skin chair. He was taking a sip of wine from a glass in his hand. After asking about the situation, he said:

"This is a good thing. It won't be cheap if you want to buy it out."

"No need to buy out." Fang Zheng said:

"Fang just needs to buy the formula."

"Heh..." the shopkeeper chuckled and shook his head:

"Young Master Fang is joking. Once this kind of secret recipe is spread and everyone knows it, it will be worthless. The trading houses of similar things have always only done buyouts."

Fang Zheng frowned.

"rest assured."

The shopkeeper knew what he was worried about and said:

"The reputation of Anxi Commercial Bank is well known. Since it is a buyout, it is a buyout. There will never be a second offer. You can go out and find out about this."

"Why bother?" Fang Zheng said:

"You can sell a formula many times and earn more money. It's also cost-effective for your business."

The shopkeeper smiled and said nothing.

Apparently there is no intention to change the decision.

"Okay." Fang Zheng had no choice but to say:

"How to sell it?"

"Three thousand taels of silver." The shopkeeper stretched out his hand and flipped three fingers:

"As far as I know, the Sun family cloth shop was also very wealthy. It built a family business by relying on the glory of the brocade. The price of three thousand taels is definitely not expensive."

"Three thousand taels?" Fang Zheng shook his head:

"too expensive!"

"How about five hundred taels?"

"Ha..." The shopkeeper rolled his eyes:

"If Mr. Fang didn't think it through, you can come back next time. Of course, you can also use the formula of Lei Zuohong Porcelain to replace it."

Fang Zheng sighed softly and then stood up:

"Let me think about it."


The shopkeeper raised his wine glass lightly:

"Go slowly, don't send me away."

He knew in his heart that this deal was probably a scam. Three thousand taels was too much more than the other party expected, but it didn't matter.

He is a small businessman in a small place, but when he bargains with the other party, he feels that the price has dropped.

Fang Zheng walked out of Anxi Commercial Bank, looked back, and shook his head helplessly.

Sun Jiabu Company's formula for Fu Guang Jin somehow fell into the hands of Anxi Trading Company. He was indeed tempted. After all, if he got it, he could replicate it in modern society and expand his business scope.

But three thousand taels of silver is really expensive.

It’s not that I can’t afford it.


Wealth is not revealed in vain.

"never mind!"

"It seems that it has nothing to do with me."





The shouts of killing shook the sky.

Several figures rushed from the ruins and collided with everyone.

"running dog!"

"We were innocent but became evil monsters."

"Sooner or later, you will be killed by the Anxi army one day!"

Unlike the followers of the White Lotus Sect, most of the opponents this time were the guardians and warriors in the city, who for some reason had been labeled as traitors.


Fang Zheng slashed sharply with his sword and collided with the incoming spear. The familiar moves made his eyes move slightly.

Thunder gun!


The visitor also noticed something strange:

"Master Fang!"

"Brother Xu."

The two looked at each other, then stepped forward and waved their swords, swords and guns intertwined, and figures flew around. They looked extremely dangerous, but in fact they were getting away from the battlefield a little bit.

"what happened?"

During the fight, he asked in a low voice:

"Why did Brother Xu become a traitor?"

"Someone kills someone with a borrowed knife, and the Anxi Army also needs military merit. In addition, our junior brother has a shady background, so we have become traitors." Xu Xiu looked gloomy:

"It's not just us, there are many people who have been accused of crimes for no reason."

It seems that he has really reconciled with Cai Jiuyuan's apprentice, otherwise he would not be called junior disciple so naturally.

The grudges of the previous generation were finally settled with this generation.

"In this way..." Fang Zheng said:

"The military is powerful. Please forgive me for being unable to do anything."

"It doesn't matter." Xu Xiu shook his head:

"If it were Xu, he would do the same thing."


Fang Zheng nodded, and the sword light suddenly became anxious.


"Trash!" At this moment, a roar rushed from the side, holding a heavy mace and smashing it at Xu Xiu. The force even caused a strong wind:

"Suffer death!"

Xu Xiu's eyes narrowed and he hurriedly waved his gun to intercept.


The heavy mace and the long spear collided, and Xu Xiu was exhausted and kept retreating. The man holding the mace also stumbled and stopped advancing.

"He Baihu."

Fang Zheng's reaction was slow, and he took a moment before saying:

"Thanks for the help."

"What are you watching for?" He Baihu said angrily:

"Hurry up and take action!"

What an opportunity just now, if Fang Zheng took the opportunity to take action, he would be 90% sure of defeating his opponent, but he just stayed where he was and did not move.


Fang Zheng reacted hastily and slashed at Xu Xiu with his sword.

Xu Xiu faced the enemy with a gun, and He Baihu rushed in with his mace.

The three of them were fighting together, and Xu Xiu was in danger depending on the situation, but there were always flaws in the cooperation between Fang Zheng and He Baihu, allowing people to find opportunities to escape.

As a result, the work is never fully done.


After fighting for a long time and being hampered at every turn, He Baihu couldn't help but roar:

"You useless thing, get out of here!"

He suddenly swung his mace and hit Fang Zheng.


Fang Zheng waved his sword to block, his face turned pale, and he subconsciously waved the sword, causing He Baihu to stagnate. Xu Xiu took the opportunity to jump back.

After a few flickers it disappeared.


He Baihu's cheek muscles twitched and his eyes glowed coldly:

"He actually escaped!"

"Yes." Fang Zheng calmed his breath and whispered:

"Master Baihu, there is no need to be angry. These traitors are just a fluke. Sooner or later they will not escape the law."

"Fuck you!" He Baihu roared angrily, turned around, swung his mace and hit Fang Zheng on the head, and said angrily:

"Useless trash, how could he escape without you?"


Fang Zheng swung his sword to block again. The huge force made him stagger back, and his face even turned pale.


"Brother He, stop it!"


As the noise rang out, several people nearby rushed over, including warriors who were familiar with Fang Zheng and soldiers from the Anxi Army.

Everyone pulled and pulled them apart.

"What's the fuss about?"

The sound of horse hoofbeats sounded, and Ming Qianhu came on horseback. Seeing this, he narrowed his eyes and said with displeasure:

"what happened?"

"Master Qianhu..."

"grown ups!"

Before Fang Zheng could speak, He Baihu had already pointed at Fang Zheng and said loudly:

"This man prevented me from killing the traitor. I think he knows the traitor just now, and may even be a traitor himself."

"Kill him!"

After saying this, the whole place couldn't help but fall silent.

The scene just now was watched by many people. If you say that Fang Zheng is not strong enough, it is okay, but it is unreasonable to say that he obstructed it.

At least,

No one can tell.

In their eyes, it was Fang Zheng who tried his best to take action, but failed to cooperate, which led to He Baihu missing the opportunity.

Even the soldiers of the Anxi Army couldn't stand such a frame-up.

However, no one offered an explanation for Fang Zheng. After all, it was not worth the deal for a stranger to hate He Baihu.


Without saying a word, the nearby soldiers raised their swords and pointed at Fangzheng from a distance, with a sense of murderous intent. They waited for Qianhu to speak and then cleared out the 'traitors'.

The people in Gu'an County looked at each other with desolation in their eyes.

No matter how well you do and how hard you work, if you just make people a little unhappy, you may be labeled as rebellious and hard to defend.


Ming Qianhu sat on his horse and lowered his head to look:

"Fangzheng, do you have anything to say?"

"Fang's strength is low. Although he obtained the third blood, it took too short a time. It is indeed a sin to fail to assist Lord Baihu in taking down the traitor." Fang Zheng handed over his hand:

"But it is absolutely impossible to say that Fang deliberately let that person run away!"

"Fart!" He Baihu narrowed his eyes:

"Without you, I would have captured that person a long time ago. Do you dare to say that you don't know that person just now?"

The more he thought about it, the more it made sense. He even recalled the scene just now and vaguely grasped Fang Zheng's intention of seemingly assisting him but actually intercepting it.

I couldn't help but slap my thigh.

"Sir, there must be something wrong with this person. I would rather kill him than let him go!"

"Fang is a native of Gu'an County, and he is also a martial arts practitioner. If you say you don't know, no one will believe you." Fang's face tightened and he said:

"But in the past few days, Fang has taken the lead in killing the enemy and has never disobeyed orders..."


"Your Excellency is aware of this!"

"You are a rebel!"


"That's enough!" Ming Qianhu's voice sank, interrupting the two of them:

"How unbecoming is it to make noise!"

"It's just a traitor who escaped. Just catch him next time. Fang Zheng will have some snacks in the future. That's it this time."

"Sir!" He Baihu looked up with a look of astonishment on his face:


"What?" Ming Qianhu lowered his head and looked:

"do you have any opinion?"

"No..." He Baihu trembled and lowered his head hurriedly:

"I don't dare to do this in a humble position."

"Humph!" Ming Qianhu snorted coldly:

"I know you have climbed onto Li Qianhu's high tree, but since you are still working under me, be honest and don't let me tell you a second time."


He Baihu knelt down on his knees, sweating profusely:

"I don't dare to do this in a humble position."

Ming Qianhu gently pulls the reins:

"I'm sorry you don't dare either."


One person and one horse passed by, and everyone moved out of the way. Only when Ming Qianhu was gone did the others cast a surprised look at Fang Zheng.

what happened?

Lord Qianhu turned to an outsider?

Not to mention the people in Gu'an County, even the people in the Anxi Army looked puzzled.

Monk Fang Zheng was also confused. He had even been prepared for any eventuality and could draw a gun to resist at any time.

With his thoughts turning, he looked towards Wu Hai and the two people behind him.

Is it possible...

Is it because of the Tiger Army?


He Baihu stood up from the ground and looked at him coldly:

"Fang, don't let me catch you, otherwise..."


He suddenly swung his mace and smashed the stone table beside him.

"Congratulations to Baihu." Fang Zheng chuckled upon seeing this:

"The stone won't move. Smashing it won't show off your ability."


He Baihu opened his eyes and laughed angrily:


"Don't think that you will be fine if you have a thousand adults protecting you. Let's see!"




In addition to stalls and shops selling various things in the West Market, Anxi army merchants also have high-end bureaus, similar to auctions.

Things sold at auction will be of higher quality and rarer.

at dusk.

It was dark.

In a courtyard that has been simply renovated.

"Resentful Soul Silk!"

One person held up one hand, with a few strands of hair-like things suspended in his palm, and introduced:

"This thing is made from the resentment of ghosts and dead things. Once it is contaminated, it will be like maggots on the tarsal bones, causing nightmares all day long."

"In the end, the divine energy was exhausted and he died."

"If it is refined into a magical weapon or weapon, it will be even more miraculous."

"The price is one hundred taels of silver!"

"One hundred and ten taels!"

"One hundred and twenty taels!"


Fang Zheng withdrew his gaze and looked calm.

Resentful Soul Silk is something often refined by evil demons. Its damage to people is similar to the Nail Soul Curse, but its effect time is shorter.

The spell can be broken!

A big dip of twenty-two games can also be broken.

The reason why it can be sold for more than one hundred taels is mainly because the quantity is large, there are more than a dozen of them, otherwise it would only cost ten taels of silver at most.


The deal was made for one hundred and fifty taels of silver.

"Serial hand crossbow!"

The next thing brought out on the stage aroused many people's interest.

"This thing can be put on the arm, and the arrow is fast and unexpected. If it is a sneak attack at close range, even a martial artist may be hit."

"Of course, with the power of arrows, I'm afraid it won't be able to break through the martial artist's protective energy."

"But there should be no problem in dealing with third-blood warriors!"

"The starting price is one hundred and fifty taels of silver!"

The hand crossbow is not big, but it is exquisitely designed. The consumables used are very expensive in modern society. The price of one hundred and fifty taels of silver is not expensive.

The key is that ordinary people can use it.

Not all rich people will spend money and time to practice martial arts. In fact, on the contrary, the richer they are, the easier it is to indulge in Wenrouxiang.

Only the poor who have no way out will try their best to practice martial arts in the hope of transcending social classes.

If you really encounter danger, this kind of thing can save your life.


Two hundred taels came in a blink of an eye.

"Young Master Fang." A person came closer and whispered:

"There is news about the pulse-protecting pill you asked for."


Fangzheng raised his eyebrows slightly:


"Come with the villain, but it will be difficult to negotiate the price. You'd better be prepared."

"It doesn't matter."

The process of reaching the realm of a martial artist is extremely dangerous. If it fails, your cultivation will regress, or your meridians may be severed and you may die.

Even if Fang Zheng has a solid foundation and has understood the true meaning of martial arts, he does not dare to be careless.

When Chunyang Palace disciples break through, they have senior protectors who can minimize the losses after failure. He cannot, so he needs external objects just in case.

Pulse Protecting Pill,

Even such treasures.

As the name suggests, the Meridian Protecting Pill can protect the meridians when attacking the martial arts realm. At worst, it will not lead to death on the spot.

However, such elixirs are too expensive to make, and are controlled by sects and aristocratic families, so they have always been expensive but not marketable.

Opening the curtain, a man with a black scarf and a mask was already sitting and waiting.

"Fang Zheng?"

"It's me." Fang Zheng handed over his hand:

"Friends know me?"

"Heh..." The other party chuckled in a strange voice:

"There are only a few third-blood warriors in Gu'an County, and Mr. Fang is one of the best. Is it so strange that I know him?"

"But your Excellency has just achieved the third level of blood, and you are plotting to protect the pulse. Isn't it a little early?"

"This kind of thing should be done sooner rather than later." Fang Zheng sat down opposite and said:


"If you miss this opportunity, you won't know the year of the monkey next time."

"Well said." The other party tapped his palms and said:

"But my asking price is not low."

"tell me the story?"

"Eight hundred taels of silver!"


Fangzheng was silent.

With eight hundred taels of silver, not to mention Gu'an County, even Zhaonan Prefecture or even the capital, you can buy a good house, right?

The pulse-protecting pill can only be used once.

And it does not increase the chance of a successful breakthrough, it just makes the consequences of failure less serious.


He sighed:

"What a lion you are!"

"Heh..." Hearing this, the other party was calm and said:

"The price can be negotiated, but if it's too low it's definitely not acceptable."

You've already offered eight hundred taels. Even if we can negotiate, how much can we negotiate? Six hundred taels? Five hundred taels? Not the same but still expensive.

A few dozen taels is definitely impossible.

Fang Zheng turned his head, looked at the other person slightly, then took out a dark iron piece from his body and placed it on the table between the two of them.

"How about this thing?"

"Magic weapon!"

The other party sat upright and said in a solemn voice:

"you sure?"

"Of course." Fang Zheng nodded:

"But it requires a certain price difference from the supplier."

"Wait a moment." The other party gently touched the iron piece, and a cold breath emerged, and the roar of ghosts and ghosts could even be faintly heard.


This man is a warlock.

The iron piece can increase the power of the soul and is equivalent to a simple altar. If you carry it with you, a warlock can cast spells without having to perform incantations.

However, there is a cold air inside this object, and wearing it for a long time is harmful to the human body, so Fang Zheng usually puts it away to avoid affecting his martial arts practice.

If he can advance to the level of a martial artist, his true energy can also be used as a magic weapon, so there will naturally be no need for iron pieces.

If the advancement fails...

My cultivation level has regressed and I need to nourish my body even more. I don't know how to carry this thing with me. It is better to trade it and get some benefits in exchange.

"The stuff is good."

The other party stopped his hand and said slowly:

"But this thing is useless to you, and it is a waste to hold it. How about I add thirty taels of silver to exchange for the pulse protection pill?"

Fang Zheng smiled and said nothing, and took out a Soul Binding Talisman from his body:

"I drew it myself."


The other party laughed dryly:

"Unexpectedly, Mr. Fang is actually proficient in magic!"

"I know a little bit about it." Fang Zheng said with a humble face:

"It's hard to reach the level of elegance."

"People of the Ming Dynasty don't speak secretly." The other party took a deep breath, took out a pill bottle, put it on the table, and said solemnly:

"How to change?"

"Well..." Fang Zheng thought for a while and asked:

"I heard that there is a magic called the Five Ghost Transporting Technique. I wonder if my brother knows it. Fang is very interested in this magic."

"How to transport five ghosts?" The other party's eyes flashed:

"you sure?"

"OK." Fang Zheng nodded:

"Pulse-Breaking Pill plus Five Ghosts Transporting Technique, in exchange for my magic weapon."


The other party clapped his hands:

"make a deal!"

"Wait a minute." Fang Zheng stretched out his hand to stop him:

"I want to check the elixir."

"It should."

This is as it should be, and the other party will naturally not refuse.

After a while.

Fang Zheng walked out of the private room with a smile.

The method of transporting five ghosts is not uncommon, and many warlocks know it. However, the key to this method is how to raise the five ghosts. Without ghosts, only the method is useless.


The method of raising ghosts is much more advanced than the method of transporting five ghosts.

That's why the other party agreed easily.

Little did I know.

Fang Zheng also has a Five Ghost pocket on his body. The Five Ghosts inside have already been formed. With the Five Ghosts transportation method, he can get started in a short time.


Just as he was about to return to his seat, a gentle middle-aged man blocked his way:

"My lady invites you."

"Your lady?" Fang Zheng frowned:

"How to call it?"

"This..." The middle-aged man hesitated for a moment, as if he didn't dare to mention his lady's name, so he just said three words:

"Wanbao Pavilion."

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