Heavenly Master, I have a different world

Chapter 129 Five Thunder Hands!

The rain is getting heavier.

Blood gushed out from the ground and merged into the running water.

Fang Zheng appeared calm and contemptuous on the surface, but in fact he was frightened when he started to attack, and his heartbeat has not calmed down even now.

The other party is a martial artist!

And he is a strong man who has been famous for many years.

If you miss it, you may be the one who loses your life.


Although the martial artist was strong, he was not completely immune to firearms and bullets. His body lost balance due to heavy injuries, and he seized the opportunity to behead him with a sword.


The dark wind suddenly rose, and five resentful souls came out of the five ghost pockets smelling the smell of blood, and howled excitedly towards the two corpses on the ground.

Especially Yin Fang's body.

The abundant energy and blood are like a gluttonous feast for them. Even if Fang Zheng suppresses them, they still move forward desperately.

"Get away!"

Fang Zheng shouted low, waved his hand to scare away the resentful soul, and bent down to inspect Yin Fang's body.

A total of eight bullets hit Yin Fang. Just in case, he did not shoot at the head, but aimed at the larger chest.

To avoid missing out.

The situation he saw made him take a deep breath.


"It didn't penetrate the internal organs?"

All eight bullets were caught by Yin Fang's solid skin, flesh, and bones. None of them entered the internal organs, let alone fatal.

Fortunately, the bullet breaks the bone, which is also uncomfortable.

"The physical body of a martial artist is comparable to that of a ferocious beast. The key is that the skin, flesh, muscles and bones will work on their own to resist foreign objects. The lethality of the pistol is greatly reduced. This is without wearing soft armor and shooting at close range."

Fang Zheng withdrew his gaze, thoughtfully:

"If Yin Fang was wearing soft armor, even the lowest level of soft armor, today's situation would be different."

"The reaction speed of ordinary people and even blood-changing warriors is far inferior to that of martial arts masters. Last time I couldn't threaten the opponent even with a gun."


Shaking his head, he waved with one hand:

"It's ready to eat."


The resentful soul was ecstatic, screaming and rushing towards the corpse on the ground. Black smoke covered the corpse, and the sound of chewing also sounded.

a long time.

They flew up contentedly, even ignoring the body that was silently sitting beside them.

Fang Zheng had already arrived in the house, and there was an unfolded letter on the table. It seemed that Yin Fang suffered this disaster before he finished reading the letter.

"Da da……"

Footsteps came from behind.

"Altar Master!"

"I heard some noise, what happened?"

Two beggars with sticks in their hands walked out of the back door. They were startled when they saw Fang Zheng. Then they tensed up and subconsciously held the sticks.


Fang Zheng raised his head and waved to the five resentful spirits behind him:

"Leave no one alive."


The ghost's roar suddenly pierced the soul.


Fang Mansion.

Underground darkroom.


Fang Zheng put a bunch of things on the table and was frightened:

"What a fluke this time!"

Yin Fang has close-fitting soft armor, and the quality is not bad, but he is probably going to rest, and the armor has been removed and not worn.

The moment he saw the soft armor, Fang Zheng secretly called him lucky.

That small courtyard should be the secret residence of the Beggar Clan, and Yin Fang has many good things hidden in it.


All are cheaper than Founder.

"Six Yang Gong"

"Secret Techniques to Catch Snakes"

"A Brief Discussion on the Three Skills and Martial Arts"

First of all, there are a few books, among which Liuyang Gong is the method practiced by Yin Fang, and his nickname of "Wind and Fire Dragon" is also derived from this.

This skill contains scorching power.

The six-yang palm recorded inside is so powerful that it burns everything in the palm.


After flipping through it casually, Fang Zheng shook his head helplessly.

"Six Yang Gong" is true, and there are notes from Yin Fang inside, indicating that he often reads it, but the key points are missing.

This is normal.

Most of the important methods are passed down orally, or the true secret books are hidden in secret places, and the exercises carried with them are incomplete.

in this way,

It’s not a big problem if the technique is lost.

This "Six Yang Gong" is already relatively complete. After all, Yin Fang has to figure it out with him. At least according to the description of this skill, he is expected to cultivate to the level of a martial artist.

Later, if you practice this kind of practice, you may become obsessed with it.

Putting down the book, Fang Zheng picked up a brocade box.


Carefully opening the lid, a gentle halo of light emerged from it.


In the brocade box, there are more than a dozen round pearls the size of bird eggs, each of which is of excellent quality and valuable.

There is also talk of raising shellfish and pearls in captivity in other worlds.

But even so, the value of these dozen pearls is still more than two thousand taels of silver.

Even more than that!


His harvest also included some banknotes, a set of soft armor, some letters, an unknown piece of metal, and a human skin mask...

Human skin mask?

Fang Zheng's eyes moved slightly, he pulled out a piece of letter paper and looked at it carefully.

After a while.

Grinning lightly:

"The Anxi Army is still doing this kind of business, even doing business with its opponents. It's true that businessmen are chasing profits and can abandon everything."

at last.

It was the only spare bullet he had left.

There are only six in total.




The next day.

"Lord Senhu."

Fang's face turned pale and his voice was trembling:

"Yesterday, Fang encountered a zombie in the goods yard. Although he was lucky enough to kill it, he was also infected with corpse poison and needs to recover for a while."

"I hope your lord will agree."


Ming Qianhu stopped sorting the documents and looked up. Seeing that Fang Zheng's breath was indeed weak, he waved his hand indifferently:



Fang Zheng nodded, feeling slightly relieved:

"Fang takes his leave."

He was very confident in his disguise. After all, the corpse poison on his body was real, but he had not stimulated his energy and blood to resist.


It's also true.

Unless someone who is proficient in medical skills takes the pulse, they will never know that something is wrong.

But if you want to leave, you still need to ask for permission. No matter how low-key he is, he is still a third-blood warrior and can be counted among the hundreds of people in the army.

"Wait a moment!"

Seeing Fang Zheng turning around to go, Ming Qianhu suddenly spoke.


Fang Zheng felt a thump in his heart and turned around slowly:

"Sir Qianhu, do you have something to give me?"


Ming Qianhu threw a token at him, lowered his head and continued to sort out the documents:

"You go to the warehouse to get some corpse-removing pills. You just need to take good care of yourself at home recently. By the way... how are the two people around you?"

"Thank you, sir." Fang Zheng took the token, first handed it over in thanks, and then said:

"Li San was seriously injured last night. I'm afraid it will take some time to get up. Wu Hai is taking care of him. I would like to thank Mr. Qianhu for taking care of him and letting them have some rest."


Ming Qianhu nodded:

"Go ahead."


Fang Zheng responded again, bowed out of the camp, went to the warehouse to get a few corpse-removing pills, registered them in the register, and then rode back to Fang Mansion.

In the evening, he changed his clothes and put on the human skin mask he got from Yin Fang, and headed towards the Western Market silently.

Human skin masks may really be made of human skin.

It fits the human face extremely well and will not show flaws even if others tear it apart. It even has the ability to cover one's own aura to a certain extent.

This is a rather rough face, with thick facial hair and a scar on the chin.

At first glance,

A fierce aura rushed towards his face.

Walking along the West Market and entering Anxi Commercial Bank, Fangzheng summoned a waiter, took out a piece of silver from his body and handed it to the waiter, while saying slowly:

“The mind and body are in balance.”

"The only way is to obey." The waiter's eyes lit up, he took the silver and pointed his hand back:

"Please come in, guest officer."


Fang Zheng put his hands behind his back and was led to a narrow alley. It was said to be an alley but in fact it had many holes and could lead in all directions.

In every hole, there are people sitting cross-legged, with a small flag hanging or items placed in front of them. From time to time, someone stops and asks in a low voice.

There are not many people here.

There were also many whispers of conversation, and there was a strange atmosphere.


It’s the rumored black market!

All kinds of shady things can be traded here, and with Anxi Trading Company as a guarantee, even if thousands of families from the army come here, they can't act rashly.

It's just that the admission fee is more expensive.


It's not clear whether Fang Zheng is authentic or not, and can only guess from Yin Fang's correspondence with others, but it doesn't matter.

It's not like he himself is shady.

He chose a hole and sat down. He lightly traced his fingers on the wall, carved his request, took some dye and applied it on it, then crossed his legs and closed his eyes without saying a word.

This place is already dark, and the sky is now dark. Although it is not difficult to see people with outstretched hands, it is not easy to see people several meters away.

Time passes slowly.


A man squatted down in front of the hole and asked:

"Do you want to acquire various spells, thunder martial arts, and various prescriptions for nourishing the mind and tempering the body?"


Fang Zheng opened his eyes with cold eyes:

"Do you have one?"

"Yes." The other party nodded, took out a package from his arms, unfolded it carefully, and said slowly:

"To be honest, my ancestor was a Taoist man whose reputation spread far and wide, and I have a clairvoyance passed down from him."

"I'll sell it to you for just one hundred taels of silver!"

Celestial vision?

Fang Zheng's eyes moved slightly, signaling the other party to open the package.

Inside the package was a book with yellowed paper. It looked a bit old, but that was not the focus of his attention.

The visitor carefully opened the first page.


Fang Zheng glanced at him, spoke softly, closed his eyes, and said clearly and boringly:

"Thirty taels."

"Thirty taels?" The visitor frowned, looking anxious:

"This is the power of the celestial eye. Once you open your celestial eye, you can identify ghosts and ghosts. When you reach great perfection, you can even see the good and evil in people's hearts."

"That's enough." Fang Zheng frowned and said with displeasure.

"It's just a spiritual eye opening method. I don't know how many times it has been done. I am willing to pay thirty taels of silver for the sake of the first business."

"Not for sale..."

"Just get out!"

The word "get out" carries the will of martial arts, like a tiger roaring, making the visitor's face turn pale, his eyes show fear, and he almost falls to the ground.

After barely regaining consciousness, the visitor nodded hurriedly:


"I sell!"

After a while.

Fang Zheng casually flipped through the 'Celestial Vision' and then put it aside.

The spell is true, but as he said, it is just a low-level spiritual eye opening method, which has nothing to do with the word "supernatural power".

It is even more impossible to distinguish between good and evil.

The so-called spiritual eye opening method,

It is a method that uses various means to allow ordinary people to see ghosts.

There are many similar rumors in the market, such as dropping cow's tears into the eyes or using bamboo leaves dipped in water to wipe the eyebrows, you can see the soul.

But they are all rumors.

The method recorded in this book is a righteous method, but the steps are complicated and of no use to Fang Zheng today.

He has cultivated his true energy and is fully capable of being a magic user.

When the power is gathered into both eyes, one can see ghosts.

However, the method of refining the Heavenly Eye Magic Artifact is quite unique. It is barely worth thirty taels of silver, so it is not a loss to buy it.

In the following time, people stopped in front of his stall one after another.


Fang Zheng's luck was not that good. In half a day, he only got a bamboo tube that could hold souls, but nothing else.

"Thunder martial arts?"

Just when he was about to come back the next day, a familiar voice sounded in his ears.

The person wearing a gauze mask squatted down on his knees, carrying a scent of fragrant wind, and his eyes fell on Fang Zheng's face, and he said slowly:

"Why do you want such a method, brother?"

Chen Jiuniang?

Although the other party wore a veil, he could not hide it from acquaintances.

Fang Zheng subconsciously touched the human skin mask on his face and said in a low voice:

"You don't have to worry about it, miss. If you have such a method, I'm willing to sell it at a high price. Otherwise, please move."

"Heh..." Chen Jiuniang chuckled:

"I am being rude, but how high is your so-called high price?"

"Then it depends on what kind of things you can come up with." Fang Zheng looked at the other party and demonstrated his rude and direct character to the fullest:

"The things are good and the money is enough!"

His voice was rough, like thunder, and even shook several people nearby.

Under the tulle,

Chen Jiuniang's beautiful eyes moved slightly.

Martial arts will!


A warrior with the will of martial arts, even if his cultivation level is only Xiao Zhoutian, cannot be underestimated, and she has to be cautious.

No wonder he dares to trade on the black market with his true face, he is really quite capable.

"I happen to have a technique like this here, which is a superior technique." Chen Jiuniang took out a piece of paper from her sleeve and handed it over, saying:

"I wonder if brother dares to be interested?"

"I'll sell this skill cheaper, only five hundred taels of silver!"

Fang Zheng took the note and glanced at it, feeling speechless.

Vowel Refa!

Do you want to sell more fish for one fish?

You can't kill someone alone. If you say that Chen Jiuniang doesn't know that the person in front of her is herself, then it doesn't matter.


Fang Zheng snorted coldly and made an angry gesture:

"Is the girl just kidding me and teasing me with a method that I can't even practice? Do you really think I'm easy to bully?"

"Who said cultivation can't be accomplished?" Chen Jiuniang said:

"Not long ago, I saw someone practicing this method."

"Really?" Fang Zheng looked unbelieving:

"It's a pity that I don't see the opportunity to practice this method, but if the girl is free, I don't mind giving it a try."

"..." Chen Jiuniang was speechless, shook her head, put away the paper, and stood up to leave.

"Wait a minute."

Fang Zheng suddenly spoke.

"What?" Chen Jiuniang stopped:

"Brother, do you dare to be interested?"

"No." Fang Zheng shook his head and said:

"Since the girl possesses such skills, she should also have martial arts that match them. You might as well take them out. The price can be negotiated."

The vowel thunder method is a method of cultivation, but it is not a method of killing enemies.

Just like the relationship between Three Body Posture and Five Elements Boxing.

One tempers the body,

One uses it against the enemy.

Although Fang Zheng cultivated his true energy and became a martial arts master, he had no superior martial arts inspired by his true energy other than the One-Character Clear Heart Slash.

Xinyiquan is not bad.

But the core is the power of transporting qi, blood and muscles.

How to use true energy to replace it is still being explored.

It stands to reason.

Martial arts masters who can cultivate true energy will have corresponding inheritance.

For example, Yin Fang, the leader of the Beggar Clan's altar, the 'Wind and Fire Divine Dragon', has a six-yang palm that matches the six-yang skill he practices, and his explosive power is far beyond ordinary.

But Fang Zheng was just a casual cultivator with no inheritance. He was lucky enough to be able to master the vowel thunder method, and he didn't know where to get the corresponding martial arts.


Chen Jiuniang looked hesitant.

She does.

But unlike the vowel thunder technique, which is almost impossible to practice, the martial arts skills in her hands are real Qi martial arts, superior techniques.


Fang Zheng spoke again:

“Price is not an issue!”

"What a loud tone!" Chen Jiuniang raised her eyebrows, stood still in front of the hole, and said slowly:

"I do have a superior martial art that matches it. It's called Five Thunder Hands. It's a palm technique with unparalleled power."

"However, the price is not cheap."

"tell me the story?"

"Three thousand taels of silver!"

Chen Jiuniang stretched out three fingers and looked at it with a half-smile:

"Can you afford it?"

"..." Fang Zheng raised his head, took out a brocade box from his body, opened it and revealed a dozen pearls inside, and said slowly:

"How about this thing?"

Women are not attracted to shiny things, and the same is true for Chen Jiuniang.

She licked the corners of her mouth, suppressed the restlessness in her heart, and said:

"not enough."

"Unless we add another thousand taels of silver!"

"..." Fang Zheng raised his head, expressionless:

"make a deal!"


The asking price is too low!

Chen Jiuniang's mouth twitched.





The director of the Ren family, Yan Duan, sat at the head of the table. The elders of the family and the heads of each house gathered together, and a heavy atmosphere pressed on everyone's hearts.

"What has happened has happened and it is impossible to undo it."

Sanfang Renqiu spoke:

"The most important thing is what to do next?"

"The Ren family has been rooted in Gu'an County for several generations. It has the endorsement of imperial officials and thousands of tenant farmers. It is impossible for the Anxi Army to really touch us." Ren An said:

"Xiaowu made his own mistake. We can't bring down the whole family. We should first remove his name from his place of birth, and then talk to Mr. Yan to reconcile."

"Send some more gifts to General Li, and the matter will be over."

"It's not that easy." Someone shook his head:

"In the past two days, the Anxi Army has shrunk its troops and is threatening to surround our Ren family. Song Kewang may really take action against us."


Director Yan nodded slowly:

"What you don't know is that Song Kewang is refining the Qianqiu Demon Sword. He urgently needs a large amount of blood food to replenish it, and he will risk the lives of our Ren family to replenish it..."

"It may not be impossible!"

"Magic sword?"

"Isn't it something done by the White Lotus Sect?"


The crowd was restless and the atmosphere became tense.

The reason why they were not nervous at first was because they relied on the Ren family's great power, and even the Anxi Army had to be wary.

Now that I heard that it was really possible to take action, and that it would involve my family and my life, I was naturally moved.

"The White Lotus Sect set up a blood altar in Gu'an County and used human lives to refine weapons. You all know this, but you don't know that Song Kewang took away the weapons before they were refined."

Ren Yandao:

"I don't know why, but Song Kewang can also use the power of the blood altar and refine his Qianqiu Demon Sword. If it is refined, he is expected to become a Taoist."

"For a cultivator to say this..."

"Compared with life and death!"

In order to achieve enlightenment, some people can kill their parents, wives and children just to stop their passion; some people can kill millions of soldiers without changing their expressions.

What does it mean to take the Ren family's sacrificial flag?


One person yelled:

"I'm afraid of him!"

"The mountains are blocked by heavy snow. How many Anxi troops can be stationed in Gu'an County? The worst we can do is contact the White Lotus Sect. Damn it."

"Shut up!" Ren Yan glared at him angrily, his voice turning cold:

"Don't talk nonsense."

"Not bad." Ren Qiu said:

"If these words are heard by outsiders, they will not know how to arrange us. A big tree attracts the wind. Remember to be careful in your words and deeds."

"What should we do now?" Ren An narrowed his eyes:

"Are you just sticking your head out and letting Song Kewang kill the weapon refiner?"

"Third brother." Ren Yan didn't answer and looked at Ren Qiu:

"Go to the Yamen and ask for Mr. Yan. Song Kewang is always worried about his face, so he said I would treat them to a banquet."


Ren Qiu should be.

"Ren An."


"Go and contact the people from the White Lotus Sect, and by the way, tell the Anxi Army that our Ren family is not easy to mess with. We won't be afraid if you really want to take action."

"This..." Ren An raised his head, then lowered his head:


"Ren Hu."


"Help me make an appointment with some Qianhu adults."


Ren Hu should be.





The electric current wrapped around Fang Zheng, and the arc visible to the naked eye danced between the skin and flesh, making crisp sounds from time to time.

Numbness and severe pain surged up all at once.

It also made him unable to help but grit his teeth and growl.

at the same time.

The vowel thunder method in the Zhenqi realm is operating at full strength, and the plasma-like Zhenqi swims in the body, swallowing the current and strengthening it, while tempering the physical body.

I do not know how long it has been.


Fang Zheng groaned and let go of the wire.


Exhaling for a long time, he gently touched his skin. The tight touch made Fang Zheng raise his eyebrows slightly, with a thoughtful expression on his face.

"It's different from what's written in the Nine Thunder Secrets!"

"Is it possible..."

"Is it because your cultivation path is unorthodox?"

The vowel thunder method is good at tempering the physical body, but it does not let people directly come into contact with thunder and lightning practice, but starts from the thunder sound step by step.

First, temper the body with the sound of thunder, and then touch the lightning-struck wood and other objects.

If you want to temper your body directly with the power of thunder...

The power of the sky thunder is so vast, even if there is a way to weaken it, at least one must have a strong level of true energy to be able to use it through cultivation.

"But I'm different!"

Fang Zheng moved his muscles and bones with excitement on his face:

"In modern society, there are power generation equipment that can adjust voltage and current. You can directly contact them from the beginning, and they will naturally develop rapidly."


"It's not necessarily possible to achieve a leak-free state with the incomplete vowel thunder method."

Zhenqi martial arts masters are divided into three major stages.

Little Zhoutian,

Great Zhoutian,

No leakage of the real body!

Among them, the Great Zhou Heavenly Martial Master can release his true energy, and in the realm of no leakage, he has a body-protecting true aura. It is said that those who have achieved great success in true energy can protect their body with a true aura that is as long as one foot.

By then,

Even heavy crossbows and stone cannons can't hurt them.


The true energy surged in the body, and there was a faint sound of thunder.

"The Realm of One Thunder!"

Fang Zheng smiled:

"My cultivation is still in the explosive period now. When the explosive period ends, my cultivation should have reached the realm of two thunders."

"After the three thunders, there is the Great Zhou Tianwu Master!"

"The huge Gu'an County..."

"It seems there is only one Great Zhou Tian!"

The Great Zhou Celestial Martial Arts Master was considered a top-notch master even if he was placed in Zhaonan Mansion, and he would be able to obtain the position of elder in Chunyang Palace even after passing the qualifications.


With a low drink in his mouth, Fangzheng turned around and struck out with a single palm.

When he released his palm, his five fingers were clasped inward, and the palm of his hand was sunken. The true energy poured out from the meridians and gathered in the palm of his hand, making a sound when it rubbed against the air.


With five fingers spread out, thunder roared.

The soil on the wall a few feet away could not bear the force and began to fall.

Hurt people from a distance!

"Five thunder strikes!"

Fang Zheng's body jumped up, with momentum like thunder, and when his palm fell, it was like a bolt of lightning breaking through the dark clouds and striking down, causing the ground to tremble suddenly.

"Urgent thunder hand!"

His body was like lightning, his hands transformed into numerous afterimages, and he struck out dozens of times in an instant. His speed was astonishing.

"Thunder running into the clouds!"

"Thunder and wind!"



The thunder stopped and Fangzheng finished his work.


He exhaled for a long time and whispered in his mouth:

"Using the vowel thunder method to activate the five thunder hands really complements each other, and the power is doubled. No wonder the martial arts and martial arts must be matched."

"The method is inappropriate, so the gap is so big?"


Fang Zheng pursed his lips and continued:

"The power of the thunder is extremely strong, and the explosive power is even more astonishing. It seems that I am not much worse than that Lord Yin now."


His cultivation level is too low, and although his explosive power is strong, his endurance is insufficient.

If he really fights Yin Fang, he can barely hold on within thirty moves, he will definitely be at a disadvantage if he takes fifty moves, and he will be defeated if he doesn't use a hundred moves.

"I wonder if I can transform the Five Thunder Hands into Xinyi Fist?"



Kong Baihu cursed angrily and kept his weapon aside:

"The Ren family is really shameless. They are just a big local family, but with some background, they dare to threaten General Li!"


Fang Zheng filled the wine glass for the other party and asked curiously:

"what happened?"

"Didn't you say that the head of the Ren family invited Master Yan and General Li to a banquet? Didn't they reach an agreement? Why did Brother Kong make him so angry?"


Kong Baihu snorted coldly:

“There’s no such thing as a good feast.”

"If you ask me, the Ren family should be killed. The most favored son of Dafang believes in the White Lotus Sect and secretly refines zombies. Do you think the Ren family doesn't know about this?"

"Who believes it?"

Fang Zheng nodded.

Kong Baihu is not a member of the four thousand households, but is directly subordinate to General Song. He is a Baihu who came out of Song Kewang's personal soldiers and also participated in today's banquet.


As a guard, he is not qualified to serve.

I don’t know what he heard. When he came back, he was so angry that he dragged Fang Zheng to drink, looking like he wanted to kill someone.

"The Ren family is not an ordinary wealthy family."

Fang Zheng refilled the other party's glass and said:

"General Song really plans to attack the Ren family?"

"I don't know." Although Kong Baihu was filled with anger, he also knew that such things should not be said nonsense. He shook his head and looked towards the backyard:

"Brother Fang, have you asked Miss Jinshu if she is willing to go to Fucheng with me?"

"This..." Fang Zheng hesitated and said:

"I'm afraid this matter will have to be discussed again."


Kong Baihu sighed, his face showing loneliness:

"To be honest, in all my life, Kong has never been so attracted to a woman. I really want to marry Miss Jinshu."

"No matter what the cost!"

"It's difficult for a hero to be a beauty." Fang Zheng chuckled:

"But I appreciate Brother Kong's character. If you like it, just say it directly. There is no need to hide it, and it's not like it's not in the light."

"Haha..." Kong Baihu laughed and shook his head:

"It's a pity that Luohua is intentional...so ruthless."


"How could a fairy like Miss Jinshu be attracted to a rough guy like Kong? It's just my... wishful thinking."


He raised his glass:

"Drink, let's drink!"

"Yes." Fang Zheng nodded:

"drink wine!"

"Life should be full of joy, don't let the golden cup stand empty against the moon, why bother with those complaints, today I will accompany Brother Kong, let's not get drunk until we return!"

"Okay!" Kong Baihu slammed the table:


After three rounds of drinking, Kong Baihu became drunk and fell to the ground in a daze. When Fang Zheng walked out of the house, he was shaken by the cold wind.



He turned sideways and looked at the shadow in the corner.

"Brother Fang has such a keen sense."

Xu Xiu walked out of the darkness with a surprised look on his face. It seemed that his skill was a top-notch skill and had never been seen through by anyone before.


Fangzheng Qinghe:

"I'm just familiar with this place."

Naturally, he couldn't say that he had cultivated the true energy and had keen perception, and the aura on the opponent's body was somewhat similar to the vowel thunder method.

Then he waved his hand and asked:

"Brother Xu, why do you have time to come here?"


Xu Xiu was silent and said:

"Brother Fang should know about the Ren family, right?"


Fang Zheng nodded:

"This is a good thing. General Song needs to be rewarded with heads. If he attacks the Ren family, he may not pay attention to other people."

"Brother Xu, there is no need to continue hiding."

"Heh..." Xu Xiu chuckled:

"Brother Fang really thinks that Song Kewang killed people to seek credit and reward from the court?"

"Uh..." Fang Zheng blinked:

"Isn't it?"

"Of course not!" Xu Xiu said with a solemn expression:

"As far as I know, Song Kewang is refining a magic weapon that requires blood sacrifices, so he keeps asking his men to arrest people."


"Kill the good and take credit!"

Magic weapon?

Blood sacrifice?

Fangzheng's eyes twitched.

He did not doubt Xu Xiu's statement. After all, there were similar rumors in the market, and there was no need for the other party to lie to him. But having killed so many people, wasn't it enough?

What kind of weapon is it that has to kill so many people to refine it?

"Brother Fang."

Xu Xiu took a step forward and said seriously:

"Song Kewang kills people and refines weapons, and has entered the devil's way. If a person like this becomes a general, he will only bring disaster to the common people. If he were to refine a magic weapon this time, I don't know how many people will die to satisfy his desires."


"That's the real damn thing!"

"Yeah." Fang Zheng said noncommittally:

"Brother Xu, why are you telling me this?"

No matter what the other party said, he had no interest in getting involved. No matter how evil Song Kewang was, it had nothing to do with him.

"Song Kewang deserves to die."

Xu Xiu narrowed his eyes and said:

"We're going to kill him!"


Fang Zheng looked surprised and was speechless.

Song Kewang is in charge of the camp, and he is a peak warrior of the Great Zhou Heaven. Even a master who has cultivated a perfect body cannot kill him.

"remarkably brave."

He cupped his hands towards the other party and said with a smile:

"Fang wishes Brother Xu that all his wishes will come true."

"Brother Fang, there is no need to speak coldly." Xu Xiu said:

"I want Brother Fang to help me."

"Sorry." Fang Zheng shook his head and refused directly:

"I'm not strong enough, and there's nothing much I can do to help. If Xu Xiuruo is hungry, he can take care of himself because of his past friendship."

"You..." Xu Xiu hesitated.

"Senior brother."

Outside the wall, a cold voice came:

"Why bother begging him? This guy is just a coward. Without him, we would still be able to learn about the layout of the military camp from other people."


Fang Zheng snorted coldly when he heard this:

"You two really treat this place as a playground where you can come and leave whenever you want. Do you believe that Fang can take you down with just a greeting?"

"Brother Fang..." Xu Xiu said slightly:

"It's Xu who is causing trouble."

"Brother Xu, for the sake of past friendship, let's forget it today." Fang Zheng waved his sleeves:

"I will come here in the future, otherwise don't blame Fang for not caring about our feelings. I am different from you. I just want to live a stable life in peace."

"This..." Xu Xiu's face stiffened slightly, and then he sighed:

"That's it, Xu takes his leave!"


Fang Zheng waved his sleeves.

Watching the other party's figure go away, he shook his head silently:

"What's this called?"


"Xu Xiu is not a fool. He can tell such nonsense as breaking into the military camp and killing Song Kewang. Is there any way he can do it?"

What can be done?

Looking at the entire Gu'an County, how many people can threaten Song Kewang?

No more than three!

In the military camp, even the martial arts master Wu Liu was no match for Song Kewang. If the White Lotus Sect could kill him, they would have done it long ago.

"never mind."

Fang Zheng shook his head:

"It has nothing to do with myself."




In the next few days, there were suddenly more changes in the city.

Even Kong Baihu, who was responsible for looking after General Song, went out early and came back late, looking tired. The White Lotus followers even launched several counterattacks.

The situation that had been suppressed originally appeared to be repeated.

Except for the White Lotus Sect.

There were also people like Xu Xiu and Du Qiaoyun who had been forcibly convicted, and they also began to join them.

Although there were not many of them, none of them were weak enough to survive until now. The sneak attack on scattered soldiers also had a great impact on the Anxi Army.

Fang Zheng still refused to leave the front door or step forward. He practiced martial arts in seclusion, and his cultivation strength increased day by day, gradually approaching the realm of Er Lei.

As for the situation outside...

every night.

Everyone in Kong Baihu wanted to have a drink with him, and they got to know each other a little bit.

Ren family.

Something really seems to have gone wrong.

This day.


Kong Baihu looked gloomy and smashed the table with a slap.

"what happened?"

Fangzheng said curiously:

"Even Brother Kong's subordinates, have something happened to them?"

When he came back this time, Kong Baihu was covered in blood, both his own and others', and there were even fewer soldiers following him.


Kong Baihu nodded coldly:

"Kong is fine."

"The hundreds of households around Mr. Ming were surrounded in a long street. More than thirty people survived. This incident made the general furious."

More than thirty people survived?

Fangzheng's eyes contracted:

"Who did it?"


The soldiers of the Anxi army in the city are all elite soldiers. Under the leadership of a third-blood armored warrior, more than thirty people can surround and kill the Zhenqi warrior.


No one survived?

He asked himself that even if he could reach the realm of three thunders, he still wouldn't be able to do it.

"Who else could it be?" Kong Baihu snorted coldly:

"Sixty or seventy men in full armor suddenly appeared in the city. They are capable of annihilating all the elites in the army. Who else can do it except the Ren family."

"The Ren family..."

"I really underestimated it!"


Sixty or seventy full armor!

Fang Zheng shook his head, secretly speechless.

In ancient times when he came, these people could completely disrupt a county and kill a county magistrate with ease.

The Ren family is worthy of being the Ren family, and they actually have so many stomachs on their hands. The key is to dare to take action, and even dare to kill the soldiers of the imperial court.

It’s such a mess outside!

Just stay at home.

He was determined in his heart and continued to practice silently.



The stars dimmed.

Several figures appeared near the military camp.

"The weather is starting to warm up."

One person raised his head and looked at the night sky:

"In a few days, follow-up reinforcements from the Anxi Army should arrive. If we want to take action then... we will have no chance."

Several people were silent.

"The matter has come to this, and there is no other way."

A member of the Ren family walked out of the darkness and said:

"The day after tomorrow, the four thousand households in the army will all leave the military camp. At that time, the defense in the camp will be the weakest, and we will have half an hour for us to take action."


"Are you sure you can plunge the military camp into chaos?"

The latter sentence was directed at Liu Xiangzhu of the White Lotus Sect.

"rest assured."

Liu Xiangzhu sneered:

"The method of blood sacrifice was initiated and deployed by Liu himself. Although it has been taken away by Song Kewang, there is no problem with a little manipulation."

"I can make the altar erupt with resentment, break the evil spirit in the military camp, make it difficult for them to form a battle formation, and even weaken Song Kewang's strength."


"Only one stick of incense time!"

"A stick of incense?" Someone whispered and silently estimated:


"After the matter is completed, will the Ren family be sure to settle this matter?"


Ren Hu's voice sounded:

"In order for the imperial court to have control over the army, in theory, officials above the fifth rank are not allowed to permanently station in an army."

"Song Kewang has only been here for half a year. Not everyone is convinced by him."

"He dies,"

"It's actually a good thing for the thousands of households below, but this matter still has to be blamed on you. Is there no problem?"

Hear the words.

Several people looked sideways.

The Ren family is so capable that they secretly convinced thousands of families in the army. I don't know which one or which ones, but this time the chance of winning is greatly increased.


It is impossible for the Ren family to openly oppose the imperial court.

Kill the commander...

It is even less likely that anyone from the Ren family will participate.

"Hmph!" Liu Xiangzhu snorted coldly when he heard this:

"Don't worry if there are too many lice. Besides, by killing a deputy commander, Liu will also be able to achieve great success in the Holy Cult. Why not do it?"

"That's good!"

"Everyone, be prepared. On that day, the martial arts masters gathered together, and the three-blood warriors charged to clear the way, and they were in front of Song Kewang within a stick of incense."


"That's it."


military camp.

Song Kewang was dressed in soft white clothes, with long hair hanging down around his waist. He stood in front of a strange altar with his hands behind his hands, looking at the sword in the center of the altar.

a long time.

"Somebody come!"

He shouted in a low voice.


Someone walked in and knelt down on one knee:

"My subordinate is here!"

"These two..." Song Kewang looked up, his eyes flashing:

"The military camp is not very safe. Take my son away and take care of him for a while until the matter is over and then send him back."


The visitor obviously didn't understand why he said this, and looked up with surprise. After all, where in Gu'an County is there a safer place than the military camp?

Even if it is the county government,

Not even!

However, he still nodded honestly:

"I obey my orders!"


Fang Mansion.

Underground darkroom.


Fang Zheng was naked from the waist up, his head held high, and the veins in his neck were bulging. His body was like a huge energy storage device, crazily devouring the incoming electricity.

a long time.


He put down the wire and practiced the exercises silently.

The true energy in the body made a vague thunderous sound, and the sound vibrated endlessly.

The realm of two thunders!

On the fourth day of 10,000 words, please vote for me!

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