Heavenly Master, I have a different world

Chapter 130 Five Ghosts Moving

at dusk.

It was dark.

Captain Luo carried a bag of grain into the house, threw the bag on the ground, and waved to the people inside:

"Take it to the back and cook it. Remember to seal the cracks in the kitchen door tightly. Don't let the heat escape. If someone sees it, it will cause unnecessary trouble."


Mrs. Luo walked over and pulled his sleeve:

"You come with me."

"What's wrong?" Luo Captou looked surprised and followed his wife to the corner of the backyard:

"Is there anything you can't say in front of everyone?"


Mrs. Luo hummed:

"How can you tell me in front of your face that our family of six and Qi Dianli's family of five are not too much for you, how long can we last with that little food?"

"Don't say that." Luo Captou shook his head:

"I have been a head catcher for so many years, and I have offended many people. If it hadn't been for the care of Qi Dianli, whether I would have survived until now is anyone's guess."


"We are also living in Qi Dianli's foreign residence now."

As for their family...

During this period, many enemies came to take advantage of the chaos and seek revenge. They no longer dared to live in the house anymore and could only hide here.

"Qi Dianli won't say anything."

Mrs. Luo whispered:

"Why did you bring Xiao Rong? One more person means one more ration. How long has it been since we had enough to fill our stomachs?"

"Food is tight now, and every time you go out to get food, your family will be worried."

"She is your sister, your biological sister!" Luo Captou opened his eyes and said:

"And she has a child with her. How can my brother-in-law take care of her in that condition? If he doesn't bring her, will he just watch his sister die?"

"You..." Mrs. Luo stamped her foot angrily:

"Are you so kind? Do you think you have a crush on her? I've long seen something wrong with the way you look at that bitch Xiao Rong."

"What did you say?" Luo Captou was speechless. He thought for a while and then said:

"Don't think so wildly. Your sister is of use to me. Maybe I can find another place for Ru'er to go. It may not be safe to follow us."

Luo Ru is their daughter, aged fourteen.

"What's the use?" Mrs. Luo was annoyed when she heard this. She reached out to twist the soft flesh around Luo Catcher's head and waist, and the flesh jumped on her face:

"Besides she has more milk and her place is bigger than mine, what else can she be used for?"

"There's a lot of milk, that's what it's for." Luo Captou said:

"Don't worry about it, you will know when the time comes."


Mrs. Luo said angrily:

"I saw it right, you just have bad intentions."

"No..." Mr. Luo was about to explain when his eyes suddenly froze and he stretched out his hand to pull Mrs. Luo aside:



An arrow struck Mrs. Luo and pierced into the ground. It penetrated a few inches into the soil. If it really hit the body, it would be fatal even if it wasn't a vital part.


The strong wind roared above, and a cold voice sounded:

"Luo Captou, I haven't seen you for many years, but do you still remember our old friend?"

"It's you!"

When he saw the person coming, Mr. Luo's expression changed drastically, and he pulled his wife back madly:

"Let's go!"

"Let's go?" The person who came was wearing a cloak, his eyes were gloomy, and he sneered when he saw this:

"I finally found Luo Captou's hiding place, how could I let you escape so easily? No one can leave today!"

While talking.

There was a sound of breaking the door in the front yard.




A woman screamed in the house.

Several figures jumped into the courtyard from outside, forming a siege and pressing closer step by step.

Luo Captou glanced around and saw a few familiar faces. His heart sank, and there was a look of fear in his eyes.

This is……

Come prepared!

Some of these people were relatives of criminals he had arrested, and some were prisoners who had narrowly escaped. In short, all of them had a grudge against him.

If there were one, two, or even three or four, he would have the power to fight.

but now……

There are eight people!

And among them there was a boss who was as powerful as one of the two evil spirits in Hejian. The second brother died in his hands early in his life.

"Luo Captou."

One person pulled off his hood and stared angrily:

"Do you still remember me?"

"Green-faced ghost." Luo Baotou narrowed his eyes:

"I only regret that I didn't have one more knife to turn you into a real ghost!"

"Haha..." The green-faced ghost laughed:

"Even if I really become a ghost, I will never let you go. Don't worry, Mr. Luo. I will send you to be a ghost today."

"The boss!"

Mrs. Luo's face turned pale.



A man and a woman also rushed out of the room. They were both in their teens, and their faces were full of youth. They were holding swords and had serious expressions on their faces. They were not afraid of so many evil people.

"Haha..." Someone laughed:


"It looks like we can have a family reunion today!"

"No harm will come to my wife and children." Luo Baotou said with a cold expression.

"Do you have to do something so extreme?"

"Absolutely?" The boss of Hejian Shuangsha smiled sinisterly:

"Are you afraid that you have forgotten what we do?"

"Stop talking nonsense." A dwarf licked the corner of his mouth with a sinister look on his face:

"Kill him and avenge our brothers!"


The green-faced ghost pounced with a ghost-headed knife:

"Finally, kill the person named Luo, let him watch his relatives die one after another, and taste the feeling of grief, just like... I felt like that time!"


Everyone rushed forward, swords drawn out.

None of the people who came today were weak, they all had the ability to exchange blood, and the worst one was also very skilled in movement, otherwise he would not have escaped from Luo Captou back then.


Luo Baotou raised his head to the sky and roared angrily, swinging his sword and slashing violently.


The boss of Shuangsha waved his stick to block, and he couldn't help but take several steps back. His face was not surprised but happy:

"Luo, today is the day you die. No matter how hard you struggle, it's useless. You should just accept your fate!"




Screams could already be heard from behind.

The familiar voice made Capt. Luo's face turn pale, and the hand holding the knife trembled slightly. Then he focused his eyes and rushed towards the side courtyard wall.

On the way, he waved his sword and forced many opponents back.

"not good."

The green-faced ghost's eyes changed:

"He wants to escape!"

"Don't leave!"

The boss of Shuangsha rushed forward with a stick, and the stick was heavily shadowed. However, when Luo Baotou rushed down with all his strength, he was still torn open.


Luo Baotou jumped up to the wall, turned around and glared at the people below with his scarlet eyes, gritted his teeth and said:

"You guys remember it!"

"If anything happens to one of Luo's family members today, no matter where you run away in this life, I will find you."

There was a sudden silence in the field.

No one expected such a change.

A city-wide arrest was made, but when faced with the revenge of his enemies, he did not choose to protect his family with all his strength, but instead chose to escape immediately.


No one dares to underestimate the threat of Luo's arrest.

It has always been the case that one can only commit a thief in a thousand days, not a thousand days to guard against a thief. Moreover, they all know the opponent's methods and are best at finding traces.

If you are really targeted by the other party...

Don’t expect peace in the days to come!

For a while.

It is difficult to kill or not to kill.


There will be concerns.

do not kill,

It’s hard to let go of the hatred in your heart.

It has to be said that although Luo Captou's approach is inhumane and even cruel, it is very effective.


Luo Captou hummed.

Knowing that he couldn't stay any longer, he had to leave temporarily to save his own life, and then look for an opportunity to come back to rescue his family. This was the right path.

Turning around, a dark shadow came towards me.


Luo Baotou opened his eyes, and the long knife in his palm was already slashed out.



A dark monster broke through the interception with a long knife and stamped it on Luo Baotou's chest. It exploded with unparalleled power and knocked him down.

"Want to leave?"

The visitor stood on the wall and looked at him coldly:

"Have you asked me?"


Luo Baotou forced himself to stand up, his eyes focused:

"Iron Hand Huoyang!"

This person is also his enemy. He is also of third blood, but he is the best among them. In addition, he was suddenly attacked and was injured by one blow.

"Exactly." The visitor twisted his neck and smiled coldly:

"Luo Captou, we meet again!"

"Surround him!"

"Don't let him escape!"

This time, the gangsters learned from their previous experience and abandoned the others to surround Capt. Luo, denying him the chance to escape.


Luo Shaotou looked around with despair on his face and sad eyes:

"Today, God is going to kill me!"


At this moment, the outer door was pushed open.

A person stepped in and couldn't help but be startled when he saw the situation, and then he laughed:

"Luo Captou, why is it so lively today?"

"Master Fang!"

Luo Captou was happy at first, and then looked anxious:

"Why are you here now? Be careful, these people are important criminals wanted by the court, and all of them have murder cases on their hands."

Fangzheng has three bloods.

It was undoubtedly a big help to him.

However, the opponent has just entered the third level of blood and is not good at fighting with others. It will not be of much use to everyone in the field, and may lose his life in vain.


Fang Zheng was thoughtful:


"Here comes another one." The green-faced ghost pursed his lips and struck the ghost-headed knife with his hand:

"Let me operate on you first!"

The light of the sword was cold, vicious, and full of ghostly aura. This second-blood warrior had killed countless people, and even his sword skills had an invisible aura of violence.

Ordinary people would be frightened just by looking at it.


The green-faced ghost's neck spun and his body fell limply to the ground.


what happened?

what happened?

Everyone was stunned, but no one saw clearly what happened just now. They only saw Fang Zheng's figure flashing, and the green-faced ghost was dead.

His neck was twisted 360 degrees, so there was no way he could survive.


The Shuangsha boss looked solemn:

"He's a master!"

"Ha..." Fang Zheng chuckled, and appeared in front of the opponent in a flash, with his fingers stretched out and moving downwards like an earth-shaking force.

Yue Family Boxing - Heaven-shaking Seal!

In the past, the use of Heaven-shaking Seal was just in vain.


Turning his big hand, in the perception of the Shuangsha boss, the world seemed to be really turned upside down, and the terrifying power was blasted down on his head.


He roared angrily and struck hard with his stick.


The palms and sticks meet.

The stick flew out of his hand with difficulty, and the Shuangsha boss spurted blood and fell back, his eyes wide open and his pupils covered with bloodshot eyes.

"There is a god in the fist!"

"Be careful, this person has martial arts will!"

He yelled, and the others were already surrounding him. Fang Zheng was surrounded by the light of swords and shadows.


The ground shook.

Fangzheng's figure flashed, his hands were like knives, and he slashed wildly in all directions. He was actually using his hands to make knives and perform the eight night fighting methods of the Bagua Knife.

"Ding ding... ding ding..."

There was a crash.

The people surrounding him all froze, and their bodies flew upside down. Fang Zheng stepped forward, grabbed a steel knife and twirled it around.


Three heads flew high into the sky.

at the same time.


Five resentful spirits appeared out of nowhere and wrapped themselves around the iron-handed Huo Yang on the wall. They screamed into his head and clawed at him frequently.

Even a third-blood warrior, as long as he has not understood the true meaning of martial arts, is still restrained by the resentful soul and cannot escape in a short time.


The sudden and unimaginable change made Luo Baotou look shocked, but he came back to his senses in an instant and rushed towards the others with a knife.

After a while.

Fang Zheng put away the five ghost pockets, and all the corpses on the ground were turned into withered bones.


Luo Baotou gasped desperately, with a look of joy on his face.

"Thank you!"

He braced himself, cupped his fists and raised his hands:

"Master Fang, I cannot thank you enough for your kindness. Today...from now on, Luo's life will be yours!"

"Brother Luo, you're welcome." Fang Zheng shook his head:

"Why do you and I need to see each other? Fang just happened to meet us. Now that we have seen him, we will not just sit back and watch. Unfortunately... we are still a step too late after all."

He said and glanced back.

Before he came, two people had died in the courtyard, and Mrs. Luo was also stabbed, her face turned pale.


Luo Captou sighed:

"Luo is already satisfied!"

If Fang Zheng hadn't arrived in time, no one here would have been spared, and their whole family... would all have gone to hell together.


He hesitated and asked:

"Mr. Fang, could it be that your current cultivation level has reached the third level of blood?"

"Yeah." Fang Zheng nodded.


He had indeed achieved the perfection of the Three Bloods, but he had just gone one step further.


Luo Baotou's eyes lit up and he was amazed:

"Young Master Fang is extremely talented. He has cultivated so much at such a young age. He has also understood the true meaning of martial arts. He will be able to cultivate his true energy very soon."

He didn't see that Fang Zheng had cultivated Zhen Qi, nor did he think in that direction. After all, how long had it been before Fang Zheng cultivated the third level of blood?

The perfect three bloods, martial arts will, and certain warlock methods are already amazing enough.

"Luo Captou deserves the prize."

Fang Zheng waved his hand:

"There was a lot of commotion just now. It's not advisable to stay here for a long time. What are Mr. Luo's plans next?"

"This..." Luo Captou pondered for a moment, then walked into the crowd, brought over a plump woman with a baby in her arms, and said:

"Mr. Fang, you said a few days ago that you wanted to find a wet nurse. My sister-in-law, Xiaorong, has enough milk and is just right. How about letting her come over?"

"That's fine." Fang Zheng nodded:

"Thank you, madam."

The woman named Xiao Rong was obviously very shy. After hearing this, she knelt down and did not dare to look at Fang Zheng. She whispered like a mosquito:

"Thank you, Mr. Fang, for taking me in."

"I...I will definitely feed Mr. Fang's child with milk. Even if my own child cannot be fed, I will not starve Mr. Fang's child."

"Don't talk nonsense." Luo Baotou hurriedly explained:

"Young Master Fang is not married yet, how can he have a child? Young Master Fang is kind-hearted, so he picked up a child and found someone to take care of it."

Looking back again:

"Mr. Fang, Xiaorong has enough milk, so there must be no problem."

Fang Zheng looked subconsciously.


Very filling indeed!

Feeding two kids should be no problem.

"Master Fang." Luo Baantou said again:

"I am someone who has been here before. It is not easy to take care of children. Someone needs to take care of them day and night. Why don't I let my little daughter Ruer go with me?"

"In addition to helping take care of the children, Ru'er is also good at washing and cooking."

He said with a hopeful look on his face.

Fang Mansion is now considered one of the few safe places in the city.

There are soldiers from the Anxi Army stationed there, so no one dares to provoke him. Moreover, Fang Zheng himself is a master and has the trust of thousands of households, so his residence is safe and secure.

If he could arrange for his daughter to be involved, he would have one less thing to worry about.

Mrs. Luo pressed the wound, and the moaning stopped. She finally understood what her husband was thinking, and she waited anxiously for a reply.


Fang Zheng looked at the pleading couple, Mr. Luo, and then at the little girl whose expression was changing, and nodded slowly:

"That's fine."

"Thank you!" Luo Baotou's body trembled with excitement and he said repeatedly:

"Thank you, Mr. Fang."

"Xiaoru, come and see Young Master Fang."

"Luo Ru." The girl stepped forward and curtsied:

"I've met Mr. Fang."




Things are always changing and unpredictable.

Fang Zheng stood in front of the door with his hands behind his hands, looking at the dark sky. His thoughts were empty, and he allowed many distracting thoughts to emerge in the sea of ​​​​consciousness, rising and falling uncertainly.

Now the city is in chaos.

Even the chief arrester of the yamen cannot protect himself.

On the contrary, he...

In this chaotic whirlpool, you can find a safe place, and you can even protect others and watch the ups and downs of the outside world.

at the same time.

Thanks to their good impressions from Ming Qianhu and Kong Baihu's admiration for Jinshu girl, they now occupy the entire backyard.

No more fences surrounding three narrow houses.


More and more comfortable.

"My boss."

Wu Hai appeared behind him at some point and whispered:

"There is not much food in the house."


Fang Zheng came back to his senses:

"I'll go get some."

Wu Hai raised his head.

He is very much a beggar. Why does his boss always come back with a full load when he goes out? Nowadays, the price of food is soaring every day.


Where did you find so much fine grain?



Fang Zheng came to the back of a low courtyard by a familiar path. He looked around and saw no one, so he took out his five ghost pocket and shook it gently.


The dark wind suddenly rose, stirring up the dust on the ground.

The extreme cold even caused a layer of frost to appear on the surface of the surrounding soil.


Fang Zheng pointed towards the small window in front:

"Five ghosts are moving, Ji!"

The bodies of the five resentful ghosts trembled slightly, and then they turned into green smoke and disappeared into the window, which was only the size of two palms, and penetrated deep into the interior.

Not long after.

A wisp of green smoke returned from the window, bringing back a line of polished rice.

The rice and noodles were wrapped in resentful spirits and turned into an 'assembly line', flying out of an unknown warehouse and falling into Fang Zheng's open pocket.


"Am I not a gentleman?"

Seeing that the two pockets were filling up at a speed visible to the naked eye, Fang Zheng touched his chin, thoughtfully, and then smiled casually:

"never mind."

"These grain merchants are hoarding grain and raising prices. They are already heartbroken. I only take some grain to eliminate harm for the people, so what does it mean?"

When the pockets were full, he tied them with skillful drawstrings.

Just as he was about to leave with the food on his shoulders, his eyes flashed and he suddenly shrank towards the corner.


A loud noise came from not far away, and several figures broke through the wall and rushed into the ruins. The escaping energy shook away the heavy soil.

Martial arts master?

Ming Qian Hu?

The situation in front of his eyes made Fang Zheng's eyes shrink slightly and he stepped back again.

take a break.

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