"Brother Yong!"

"Brother Yong!"


As I walked through the hotel passage, the security guards and waiters passing by stopped to greet me one after another, and even subconsciously avoided looking at me.


Zhang Yong nodded expressionlessly and pushed open the room at the end of the passage.

As Yuhua's top thug, Zhang Yong is not very young, but he has been in this industry for more than ten years. The two hideous scars on his face are both a painful experience and a kind of medal.

The many dark sides he has been exposed to for a long time have made him trust the big boss who is ruthless, ruthless and clean.


"don't want……"

The room is well soundproofed.

Standing outside the door, I couldn't hear the slightest sound. When I opened the door, I was greeted by frightened, cowering, and shrill screams with a slight trembling sound that rushed straight into my eardrums.

"Brother Yong!"

"You're here."

Several people in black suits in the room hurriedly stood up when they saw Zhang Yong pushing the door open. The card players and drinkers also stopped what they were doing.


Zhang Yong nodded:

"how's it going?"

"What else can I do?" One person chuckled:

"The man named Zhou was born in a rural area. His family has a total of three acres of land and a dilapidated house. He can't even collect the 200,000 he owes by selling pots and iron."

"Thanks to him having a beautiful girlfriend..."


As if he thought of something, he smiled strangely.

In the corner of the room, two big men in black were surrounding a person, punching and kicking him. The man had a bruised nose and face, but his delicate facial features could be vaguely seen.

Born in a rural area?

It’s actually thin skin and tender meat?

It seems that he was raised pampered at home, no wonder he couldn't bear any hardship.

The big man in black kicked out, hitting the young man in the heart and knocking him to the ground. The huge force made his eyes turn white and his breathing became rapid.

"Strike gently."

Zhang Yong frowned:

"Beat him to death, it's hard to deal with."

"Yes, Brother Yong." The big man in black nodded, then bent down and slapped the man on the cheek, then grabbed the man's collar:

"Boy, where is your girlfriend now?"

"elder brother!"

"Brother..." The man's voice was trembling:

"Never mind her business, don't... don't play with my girlfriend."


The big man in black slapped him again:

"It's pretty f*cking friendly, but if your girlfriend hadn't accompanied you to sign the contract, would we have agreed to lend you two hundred thousand?"

"I took my girlfriend with me at that time, and my friendship was fed to the dog?"


The big man in black was punching and kicking, without any intention of holding back. The man had never been beaten like this before, and he couldn't help but scream and retreat.

"Say or not?"

"Why don't you fucking tell me!"

"Say! I'll say it!" Seeing the fist coming straight towards his temple, the man lost his sight in the space of death and screamed:

"She went to a textile factory called Yunzhi and worked as a weaver there. She has blocked me. I really don't know anything else."

"Yunzhi." Zhang Yong took out a cigarette and lit it, his eyes slightly narrowed in the smoke:

"Check the place."

"In the northern suburbs of Qu City." A person looked up from the mobile phone screen and said:

"There are many textile factories over there."


Zhang Yong nodded:

"Go over and have a look."


There are many mechanical equipment in the textile workshop, which emit a lot of heat all the time, causing the temperature in the workshop to reach 30 or 40 years.

And because materials have many requirements for temperature and humidity, installing air conditioning to cool down is not worth the gain for small factories.

Not to mention air conditioning.

In some cases, water accumulation on the ground cannot be dealt with in time.

High-temperature steamer, wading through stagnant water, and the machine humming constantly.

Most of the female workers working in such a workshop only wear close-fitting clothes. Even so, they are still sweating profusely and their clothes are soaked, which is extremely indecent.

Working in this environment for a long time will cause abnormalities in all aspects of the body, such as deafness and many other occupational diseases.

"Yueyue, please bear with me for a few more days."

Sister Li wiped the sweat from her face and said with a smile:

"The new workshop will be opened soon. The environment there is good and the temperature is low. Then we won't have to suffer like this every day."

"Yeah." Jian Yue nodded:

"It would be better if the salary increased."

She pursed her lips, lowered her head and continued to work, beads of sweat slowly dripping across her delicate facial features from her smooth chin and beautiful nose.

The water on the ground rippled.

It also made ripples appear on that beautiful figure.

Growing up, everyone around her would praise Jian Yue for her beauty, and she would be favored, but beauty could not be used as food if she was talked about too much.

Sometimes they will be ostracized.

"Hehe..." Xu Tong, a good friend and best friend next to him, laughed:

"Yueyue, you are still so obsessed with money. Isn't it easy for you to get money with your appearance?"

"But don't think about it. Our working hours are short, but our wages are not much worse than those of weavers in nearby factories."

"There is little chance of a wage increase."

"Yes." Sister Li nodded:

"Since we changed to a new boss, we are indeed much more relaxed than before. You two came late and didn't know what the situation was like..."


She paused her movements and said:

"Our working hours are short, and we produce less things. This means that the efficiency of the factory is not high. I don't know if it can persist?"

"Sister Li." Xu Tong pouted:

"We are part-time workers, so you don't have to worry about those capitalists. The shorter the working hours, the better. Of course, the wages cannot be low."


Sister Li shook her head.

She doesn't know anything about capitalists.

But experience tells her that if the factory's operating efficiency is not good, the workers will be laid off. The relationship between the boss and the workers is not hostile.

on the contrary.

Both sides complement each other.

However, some bosses are really evil and you should never work for such people.

"I heard that the boss invited some high-level weavers from the south. They said they were the inheritors of some kind of intangible culture and asked us to learn how to weave."

Sister Li looked at the two women:

"Are you going or not?"

"Would you like a salary increase?" Jian Yue asked.

"How come you can think of raising wages at any time?" Xu Tong rolled his eyes:

"I asked around, and there won't be any salary increase. Moreover, when you learn how to weave, you only get a basic salary. But I heard that the salary will become very high after you learn how to weave."

"Yes." Sister Li nodded:

"That's what I heard too."

"You Sister Li are too old to learn any new weaving techniques, but you two can give it a try. After all, young people learn quickly."

"How long will it take to study?" Jian Yue was a little unsure and paid attention:

"How much will the salary increase?"

"Who knows this?" Xu Tong shook his head:

"But if there is such an opportunity, I will definitely learn about intangible cultural heritage...it is very touching to listen to it."


She remembered something and turned her head to look at Jian Yue:

"The factory will hold a staff singing competition next month. The top three will be rewarded, and the first place will receive a bonus of 10,000 yuan."

"You sing well, you can give it a try."

"Ten thousand!" Jian Yue's beautiful eyes lit up, and she was a little worried:

"Can I do it?"

"You!" Xu Tong was speechless, but he also knew the character of his best friend, who loved money but was timid and timid in doing things.

"Whether it works or not, we have to give it a try. It's almost time to get off work. Let's find a singing place to practice after get off work."

"Does Yueyue sing beautifully?" Sister Li asked:

"Then you can give it a try. The new boss is very rich."


A dull sound interrupted the conversation between the three of them. Following the sound, several men in black suits strode into the workshop.

The high temperature in the workshop made them a little irritated. One of them waved his arm, took out a photo from his pocket and held it up:

"Have you ever seen this person?"

"Her name is Jian Yue!"


The sudden appearance of the man made Jian Yue and Xu Tong shrink back subconsciously. After all, they had too few clothes on their bodies.

Sister Li, on the other hand, was accustomed to men coming to the workshop, and her expression did not change at all. Instead, she looked at him with curiosity.

"What is he saying?"

The machines in the workshop roared, and from a distance, you couldn't hear clearly even if you were yelling at the top of your lungs.

"have no idea."

Xu Tong quietly poked his head out from behind her, with the same curious look on his face, but his eyes suddenly turned to shock, and a look of fear appeared on his face.

The visitor is not good!

"What are you doing?"

"This is a factory workshop, outsiders are not allowed in!"

Several factory security guards rushed into the workshop. One of them yelled loudly with a short stick in his hand, but was immediately kicked to the ground by another person.

The shelves on the side also fell to the ground with a clang.

The voice just now should be the same.

Seeing how ferocious the black suit was, the security guard couldn't help but change his expression. He subconsciously took a step back, and the hand holding the short stick trembled slightly.


A man in a black suit spat on the ground and said angrily:

"It's so noisy and I can't hear anything. Turn off the machine!"

"It can't be closed." The workshop manager said hurriedly:

"Once the machine is turned off, it will be troublesome if you want to turn it on again, and the loss..."


The man in the black suit casually grabbed a stick and knocked the workshop manager to the ground with one blow. Blood even seeped out of his cheek and mixed with the accumulated water.

The workshop manager held his head in his hands, struggled and screamed on the ground, and was kicked aside again.

"Scream again!"

The black suit growled:

"I will destroy you!"

The workshop manager's voice faltered and his body trembled, but he no longer dared to make a sound.



As the power switch fell, the roar of the machine gradually became dull, and then slowly stopped, with only the vents whimpering.

The workshop fell silent.

The loss of the ringing in the ears was a bit uncomfortable.

"Jian Yue!"

The black suit yelled again:



Sister Li subconsciously looked back and saw that there were many people making the same move as her. For a moment, Jian Yue's location became the focus.

"She is indeed beautiful and has a good figure."

Zhang Yong threw out his cigarette butt and waved to the people around him:

"take away."


Several men in black suits came towards Jian Yuexing, and one of them stretched out his hand to take someone.

While Jian Yue's delicate body was trembling and panicked, Xu Tong pulled his best friend back fiercely and glared at the visitor:

"What are you doing?"

"If you dare to reach out, I'll call and report it to the Sheriff's Department!"

"Report to the Public Security Department?" Zhang Yong snorted coldly:

"Your friend owes us 200,000 yuan and won't change it. If he hides here and doesn't come out, even if he goes to the Sheriff's Department, he won't be able to handle it."


Not paying back the money you owe?

Someone came to your door!

For a moment, many female workers in the workshop cast strange glances at Jian Yue, inevitably showing suspicion and even disdain.

Fox Meizi!

Sure enough, he is not a good person.


Xu Tong shouted:

"It's impossible for Yueyue to owe anyone else money!"

She knew her best friend's character very well. She loved money as much as her life and never spent money lavishly. How could she owe others two hundred thousand?

They are all owed monthly money by others.

"Do you know Zhou Zhiyuan?" Zhang Yong took out a cigarette again, held it in his mouth and said:

"Your name is on the IOU he borrowed money from."

"Let's go!"

Jian Yue's delicate body trembled.

"The person surnamed Zhou owes money. If you go to him, what does it have to do with Yueyue?" Xu Tong pulled his best friend back and said:

"Yueyue has broken up with Zhou."

"let go!"

The black suit in front of him was obviously a little impatient. He stretched out his big hand and pulled Xu Tong away, and at the same time, he firmly clasped Jian Yue's shoulder with his left hand.

The next moment.


He screamed in pain and looked at Xu Tong who bit his arm:

"You're a dog!"

"Let me go!"

"Woo... Wu..." Xu Tong's eyes widened and he whimpered, and there was even blood oozing out from where his teeth were biting.


"court death!"

The black suit let go of Jian Yue and slapped Xu Tong on the face. The huge force directly caused half of Xu Tong's cheeks to bulge at a speed visible to the naked eye.


"Don't hit her!"

Seeing that her best friend was injured, Jian Yue, who had always shown fear in her eyes, became frantic and came forward. She rushed forward and scratched her face in a black suit with her hands.


"Everyone is like a mad dog, rabid!"

The man in the black suit had red marks on his face and roared angrily. He punched and kicked the two women to the ground. He was about to step forward again, but was kicked away.

"What are you doing?"

Zhang Yong said with a cold face:

"If you break this woman, will you pay for it yourself?"

Then he waved his hand:

"take away!"

"No!" Xu Tong screamed and rushed at him again, but Zhang Yong casually pushed him to the ground.

"It's more of a sisterly bond."

Shrugging, Zhang Yong said:

"Take them together!"

"The person who bit me must be checked no matter what. If there is really rabies... someone will have to pay for the medical expenses."


Several people in black suits behind them held down the two women and pulled them toward the outside of the workshop.

They were all strong and strong, with fierce eyes. No one in the workshop dared to stop them, and even the factory security officers honestly moved out of the way.

"They are here to ask for a debt. It has nothing to do with us. They don't respect themselves when they provoke such people. Let's not cause trouble."





Winter nights come earlier.

night market,

Also opened early.

The street behind the University Town is the busiest night market in Qu City.

At this point, the night market was already crowded with people, and the smell of spicy hotpot, barbecue mixed with beer filled the air.

A low-key black business car parked silently on the side of the road. Fang Zheng stepped out of it, took a quick glance, and walked to a stall.

The small square table is a bit cramped for four people, but it is more than enough for two people.

"Lu Huanhuan?"

Fang Zheng sat down, looked at the woman opposite, and said in slight surprise:

"I thought it was a nickname."

"My parents are lazy, so my nickname became my famous name." Lu Huanhuan waved and ordered twenty meat skewers, opened a bottle of beer and placed it in front of Fang Zheng:


“The meat skewers here are good.”

"Yeah." Fang Zheng picked up the beer and said:

"Meat skewers, not mutton skewers."

"I know." Lu Huanhuan nodded:

"Mutton kebabs are too expensive, and I have a big appetite. My monthly salary is only more than 7,000, so I can't eat more than a few meals. Of course, I can save as much as I can."

"I'm treating you today." Fang Zheng said:

"up to you."

"No." Lu Huanhuan shook her head and refused:

"You are soft-spoken and short-handed when taking advantage of others. I am the deputy director of the Public Security Department who just took office. It is not good for me to just take Boss Fang's food."

Lu Huanhuan.

People from Kyoto.

Aged more than 20 years old.

Not long ago, he was transferred from above to serve as the deputy director of Qu City Public Security Department.

Her appearance is very distinctive, with narrow eyes and sharp eyes. Although she looks very good-looking, she gives people a cold and stern feeling.

Short hair, sportswear, and full of heroic spirit.

The name is also very personal.

Fang Zheng picked up the meat skewers:

"Director Lu, do you have something to do with me?"

"Yes." Lu Huanhuan nodded, took out a stack of photos from his body, and placed them on the table:

"Boss Fang's uncle's name is Fang Jian, right?"


"A few months ago, a head was placed in front of your uncle's grave. The Public Security Department investigated for a long time but could not find out the origin of the head."


Fangzheng was noncommittal:

"Fang was interrogated several times for this."

"Ha..." Lu Huan said with a smile:

"Boss Fang avenged his uncle and took the enemy's head as a memorial. If these things were done in ancient times, they would have been praised."

"I admire you!"

"Director Lu." Fang Zheng raised his head:

"It's a private meeting, there's no need to record it, right?"

This deceptive method is too low-end, at least Zhou Ping has never used it on him.

"..." Lu Huanhuan's face froze slightly, and then he smiled casually:

"Just kidding."

"I also came to Qu City, and I didn't know that there was a local figure like Boss Fang. I specially invited him to meet him today."

"Easy to say." Fang Zheng raised his beer and said:

"It is truly admirable that Miss Lu is qualified for the position of deputy director of the Public Security Department at such a young age. Fang is ashamed of herself."

"Boss Fang is laughing at me?" Lu Huanhuan smiled lightly:

"The family's arrangements are nothing shady."

Fang Zheng narrowed his eyes and looked at the other party.

This woman...


"A few months ago, Boss Fang entertained the villagers of Yuanjia Village at Yunhai Restaurant. That night, the three Yuan brothers fell from the Yunhai Restaurant and died."

"It's not a fall, it's a jump." Fang Zheng said:

"They committed suicide by jumping off the building for all to see."

"Yes." Lu Huanhuan continued with the smile on her face:

"Half a month ago, six partners of Paijie Fengyue Pavilion died in a private room. I heard that they had a dispute with Boss Fang."

"These people died from an overdose of Wushi Powder, and the Public Security Department also found evidence that they forced girls into prostitution and sold drugs." Fang Zheng's expression remained unchanged:

"They deserved their death, and the dispute with Fang was nothing more than a trivial matter."

"Really?" Lu Huanhuan narrowed his eyes and continued:

"Mr. Zhao..."

"Sweet honey...Sweet honey..." At this moment, the soothing and sweet cell phone ringtone rang.

"Hold on."

Fang Zheng gestured and answered the phone.


The voice of his subordinate Tian Liang with big flower arms sounded:

"I just reported from the weaving factory that just before getting off work, several big men in black suits broke into the factory and took away two weavers from the workshop."

"Oh!" Fang Zheng's expression remained unchanged:

"Who did it?"

"It seems to be from Yuhua." Tian Liang asked:

"Boss, what should I do?"

"Call Boss He from Maimi Club and ask him to tell Boss Wang from Yuhua." Fang Zheng glanced at Lu Huanhuan and said:

"Now is a society governed by law. If there is anything to discuss, just send the person back as he is."

"Factory security guards, please lay off some of them and replace them with more useful ones."

"Huh?" Tian Liang was stunned for a moment, then nodded:



Fang Zheng hung up the phone and said slowly:

"When doing business, you will always encounter all kinds of unexpected things, which makes Director Lu laugh."


Lu Huanhuan waved:

"The purpose of the Public Security Department is for the people to live and work in peace and contentment. If there is any need for me, Boss Fang, please don't be polite."

"Let's continue..."


Before she could finish her words, she was interrupted by another burst of noise.

"Someone jumped off the building!"



Lu Huanhuan's expression changed, she stood up suddenly and rushed in the direction of the sound.

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