The buildings near the university town were built many years ago. At that time, there were still high-rise buildings with dozens of floors. A dozen floors were already reaching the sky.

The noise came from a nine-story building.

Nine floors, four units in one unit, but only one elevator.

Seeing that the elevator was stuck on the fifth floor and was still not moving, Lu Huanhuan gritted her teeth and rushed towards the stairs, heading straight to the top floor.


Pushing open the wooden door on the top floor, she panted and looked into the field.

The night wind is very strong,

It was also very cold.

A young man dressed as a waiter has climbed up the outer wall of the high-rise building and is standing up tremblingly, looking down.

"don't want!"

In addition to the young man who wanted to commit suicide, there was also a pregnant woman who collapsed on the ground and cried loudly to the young man:

"Zheng Kuo, no!"

The woman is very beautiful. Even if she is not dressed up and looks haggard, her good foundation still makes her better than most women of this age group.


Running all the way, Lu Huanhuan's throat felt dry, so he stretched out his hand hurriedly and said:

"My friend, you are still young and you can overcome any difficulties. What on earth have you encountered that makes you so hard to think about?"


A resident upstairs shouted:

"Think about your parents and relatives, how sad they would be if you died."

"There are many good places in this world, such as music, movies, travel... Why should you be so young and commit suicide?"


Lu Huanhuan's expression changed slightly.

A large part of the reason why people commit suicide is because of their parents and relatives. Talking about these things is not only useless.

On the contrary, it may irritate the other party.



Zheng Kuo smiled bitterly when he heard this:

"They've already gone down!"


He shook his head, with anger on his face:

"Ever since my family suffered a disaster, they want me to die!"

"It seems that you have encountered some changes in your life, so you can't think about it." Lu Huanhuan walked forward slowly and said cautiously:

"Can we talk about it?"

"I believe that a person will not go to a dead end unless it is absolutely necessary. To be honest... I have thought about suicide before."

"Who are you?" Zheng Kuo looked sideways and said in a voice:

"Don't come over here. If you come over again, I'll jump down!"

"A passerby." Lu Huanhuan stopped and raised his hands high:

"Don't be impulsive."

"Zheng Kuo." The woman on the ground raised her head and cried:


"Things are already like this, how can they be worse? You still have me, and we have children. We can live a good life."

Zheng Kuo's complexion changed slightly, and there was some hesitation in his eyes.

There is a door!

Lu Huanhuan's eyes lit up and she approached cautiously again:

"This should be your wife. She is still pregnant with your child. What will they do if something happens to you?"

"If something happens to you, your enemies will be happy, and those who really care about you will be sad."

"You don't understand!" Zheng Kuo lowered his head and trembled:

"You don't understand!"

"Yes." Lu Huanhuan nodded:

"It's difficult for others to understand you because of your different experiences. It's okay to tell your friends what they have in mind."

The other party's mood swings are too violent, and she is not a professional negotiator. Now she just wants to delay the situation and give the Sheriff's Department time to arrange things.


That's the best persuasion.


Fang Zheng raised his head and focused his eyes and ears. Even though they were nine floors away, the figures and voices upstairs were still clearly distinguishable to him.

It's like the world is in high-definition mode, and high myopia is wearing eyes.

The hazy scene suddenly became clear.

Zheng Kuo?

He smiled faintly, unmoved.



Zheng Kuo grinned, his eyes empty and lifeless:

"You don't understand, you don't understand."

He clenched his fists and his voice was erratic, as if in a dream:

"My days were like being in heaven. As long as I wanted, I could get whatever I wanted, and everyone was surrounding me."

"Beauty, good wine, good food..."

“Everything is at your fingertips!”

"Do you know that feeling?"


He roared loudly, his body shaking with excitement.

Lu Huanhuan squinted her eyes.

This feeling……

She really understands!

It was an obsessive feeling. Even if she was unscrupulous and lawless, someone would help her settle things.


It's like a game.

And she,

It's like being a high-end VIP!

It was a life that was completely different from that of ordinary people, high and mighty, rich and glorious...


Zheng Kuo smiled bitterly:

"I can spend tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands on a meal. Women change things and play in different ways every day. As long as I am unhappy, I can always find something to make me happy."

"Really?" Lu Huanhuan's expression turned cold and asked:

"Where now?"

"Now?" Zheng Kuo opened his eyes and roared loudly:

"I worked my butt off and only earned more than 5,000 yuan a month. I had been busy for a year and didn't eat or drink, which was not enough for a meal!"

"The house I live in..."

"More than a dozen people are crowded together, the smell..."


He looked at Zhao Xiuxiu, his face twisted:

"I tried to start over and listen to your good life, but... you don't understand the feeling of falling from the sky!"

"This life..."

"We'll never get back to that time."

"If I had been living the life I am living now, it might not be a big deal, but the despair of never going back after being exposed to that kind of life is... the real despair!"

Zheng Kuo raised his hands high, his whole body trembling slightly, and his face was filled with tears.

After working day after day and enduring the once unbearable torture, the harvest throughout the year is not even comparable to the original meal.

Can't go back!

You can never go back!

His whole life can be seen at a glance, and he will never get ahead. It is like an endless haze, shrouding him tightly.

"I have money!"

Zhao Xiuxiu cried:

"If you want to eat delicious food, I will go with you to eat. If you want to play, I will go with you to play. I have money... I still have more than 600,000."

"More than six hundred thousand." Zheng Kuo turned around and said:

"How do you have so much money?"

"You gave it to me." Zhao Xiuxiu said with tears in her eyes:

"I kept all the things you gave me. I changed them into money. If you want... I will give them all to you."

"Please, come down!"

"..." Zheng Kuo froze, looking at Zhao Xiuxiu blankly, and suddenly a wry smile appeared on his face:

"I regret it so much."

"There are so many women, but I have never cared about you. I made a mistake. If there is an afterlife, I will definitely marry you."

not good!

Lu Huanhuan's expression changed and her body suddenly rushed forward.

"don't want!"


A shrill scream came from the top of the building. Lu Huanhuan stretched out her hand with all her strength, but only touched the breeze stirred up when Zheng Kuo jumped down.


The muffled sound coming from below made her tilt her head and couldn't bear to look.


"Zheng Kuo is the son of the former chairman of Fuhong Group. Because of Fuhong's restructuring, Mr. Zheng was killed, many crimes were discovered, and all his property was confiscated."

"Since then, Zheng Kuo has lost his source of wealth and started working everywhere."

Officer Lin held the tablet in his hand and said:

"He worked as a security guard, a courier, and also spent some time at a construction site, but he couldn't stick with it no matter what he did."

"The last work experience was as a waiter in a nearby restaurant."

"Before committing suicide, several second-generation rich people from wealthy families went to a restaurant for dinner. There seemed to be a dispute during the dinner. Zheng Kuo may have been stimulated in some way and chose to commit suicide."

"That person's name is Zhao Xiuxiu. His father is a gambler. He used to have a very bad life. It was not until Zheng Kuo took a liking to him that his life improved."

"Zhao Xiuxiu has been taking care of Zheng Kuo in the past few months."

"Director Lu?"


Lu Huanhuan, who was sitting in the back seat of the car, came back to her senses after hearing the sound and rubbed her brow:

"Take those rich second generations to the agency to ask about the situation. If there are no problems, notify the family members to claim the body."

"This..." Officer Lin hesitated and said:

"Both Zheng Kuo's parents are dead and he has no relatives. Even if he is afraid, he will not be welcomed. There may be some trouble in identifying the body."


Lu Huanhuan lowered the window, looked at the crying pregnant woman outside, and gestured with her forehead:

"How about leaving it to her?"

"This..." Officer Lin shook his head:

"There is no certificate between them. They are not husband and wife, and it is against the rules."

"Rules are dead, people are alive." Lu Huanhuan said:

"How about you handle it?"

"..." Officer Lin laughed dryly:

"That's what Director Lu said."

"By the way, something happened downstairs just now. Do you want to take a look?"

He said and handed over the tablet.

A video was playing on the tablet. It was a clip recorded by a nearby store of Zheng Kuo falling from the sky and falling heavily to the ground.


Lu Huanhuan squinted her eyes and chose to slow down.

But before Zheng Kuo jumped off the building, many people gathered around the building. A little girl broke into the crowd for some unknown reason and stumbled forward.

And at this time,

It was already approaching the time for Zheng Kuo to jump off the building.

at this time.

A figure appeared next to the little girl, like a breeze, carrying her to the roadside and covering the little girl's eyes.

Keeping her from seeing the next scene.

The next moment.


Where the little girl was just now, a figure fell heavily.

"So fast!"

Lu Huanhuan pursed her lips and her eyes flashed:

"This kind of speed is probably comparable to the top professional sprinters. The key is that there is no run-up and there is a child with me."


Officer Lin nodded:

"Thanks to Fang Zheng, otherwise the little girl would be in bad luck."

The person who took action was none other than Fang Zheng, who was watching from the side.

Lu Huanhuan did not answer, but took out her phone, pulled out a video from the file, opened it, and compared it with the video on the tablet.

Officer Lin has also seen this video. It was a car owner who accidentally encountered two 'masters' fighting on a mountain road and recorded it on his mobile phone.

He is a real master!


The premise is that the video is not fake.

The car was like a toy made of clay in front of the two of them, especially one of them, and the hard rock was shattered in front of him.

That person,

It's exactly Founder.

Fighting with him was the legendary figure among mercenaries, the Titan Cao Wu.


Officer Lin said:

"Fangzheng is very powerful, but not that exaggerated. This video has been widely circulated on the Internet in the past few months and has been falsified."


Lu Huanhuan did not comment on this, she just raised her head and glanced at him lightly:

"Police Officer Lin is familiar with Boss Fang?"

"Not familiar." Officer Lin shook his head:

"When he came to the Public Security Bureau to sign for Fang Jian's body, it was my responsibility. I met him a few times later, but we had no contact with him on weekdays."

"Really?" Lu Huanhuan handed the tablet back:

"Although there is no evidence, it is true that so many people died at the hands of Fang Zheng. Officer Lin, doesn't he think this person is scary?"

"A bit." Officer Lin nodded, thought for a while and whispered:

"But none of the people who died were good people."

"That's not the right idea of ​​yours." Lu Huanhuan chuckled and shook his head:

"Whether someone is guilty or not, and whether they should die or not, should not be decided by any one person. The chivalrous spirit of ancient times is no longer appropriate now."

"Yes." Officer Lin should be:

"That's what the Director said."

"Where is Fang Zheng?" Lu Huanhuan stretched out:

"This incident happened before I even finished speaking. I was just being polite, but he still took it seriously and didn't even settle the bill?"

"Boss Fang went to Yunhai, as if something happened."

"Go over and have a look."





Fatty Quan rubbed his hands and was led upstairs. Before he even got there, he couldn't wait to ask:

"Has the goods arrived?"


"The goods have arrived. I don't know if they have been opened or not." The black suit shook his head, and seeing the color change on Fatty Quan's face, he added:

"Our people haven't touched it anyway. If you are worried, just wait for a professional to check it. It won't be too late to come back tomorrow."

"..." Fatty Quan thought for a while, shook his head and said:

"Forget it, as long as you haven't touched it, it's probably unopened. I've already taken the medicine and I won't be in such good spirits tomorrow."

"The whole boss is so strong, why do you still need to take medicine?" the black suit said with a smile:


"You don't understand." Fatty Quan said:

"Some women are the best. You have to play with them. It's hard for me to last long at my age. I can't play for long without taking medicine."

While talking, the two stopped in front of a guest room.


The door opens.

This is a suite of more than 100 square meters. Several people in black suits are sitting or standing in the living room talking casually, and two women are huddled in the corner.

The two women were surrounded by a group of big men. Although no one touched them, their faces still looked frightened, and their delicate bodies trembled slightly when they saw the person coming.


Fatty Quan was stunned.

"In addition to the goods you ordered, there is also a stalker who won't let you take anyone with you." The black suit shook his head:

"I have no choice but to bring them here together."

"That's one for every one." Fatty Quan grinned:

“A good deal!”

"Don't." said the black suit:

"You can touch the one named Jian Yue. The other one is too aggressive and doesn't owe us any money. We'll talk about it after he's been trained."

"What a pity!" Fatty Quan rubbed his hands with excitement on his face:

"But one is enough."

"Jingle Bell……"

When the ringtone rang, the man in the black suit took out his cell phone. When he saw the phone number on it, his expression turned bright. He hurriedly answered the call and subconsciously bent over.





"Yes, yes, I understand."

The man in the black suit nodded repeatedly, and after hanging up the phone, he stretched out his hand to stop Fatty Quan, who was already impatient, and said with a wry smile:

"Boss Quan, I'm sorry, it may have to wait."

"What do you mean?" Boss Quan's expression changed drastically:

"I have already paid in advance, is it possible that you want to increase the price temporarily? When did Yuhua start doing this outside?"


The man in the black suit waved his hands repeatedly:

"Boss Quan, don't get me wrong, it's...someone asked not to touch them."


Boss Quan’s voice mentioned:

"Is anyone trying to steal the goods?"

"Probably not." The black suit shook his head:

"Yuhua's rules have never changed. Since the goods are all ordered by the boss, we will definitely not sell them to a second store. The boss is discussing this matter."

"Let's wait."

Boss Quan's face was tense. He looked at Jian Yue in the corner who was breathing heavily and her eyes slowly turned red. After a long time, he gritted his teeth and nodded.


"Then I'll wait!"

"I want to see who has such a big face!"

In the corner, Jian Yue's body was trembling, her heart was panicked, and her consciousness was blank. On the contrary, her best friend Xu Tong blinked and realized that things might have turned around.


The two of them didn't know any powerful people at all. Who would want to help them?


Yunhai Restaurant.

"Boss Fang!" Boss He Xuanping from Maimi Club appeared at the outer door of the restaurant. Seeing Fang Zhengxing approaching, he greeted him with enthusiasm:

"The location of the private room on the third floor has been decided. This time I brought a jar of aged wine, a good product that has been buried underground for more than ten years. Don't leave in a hurry."

"Boss He, you're welcome." Fang Zheng smiled and nodded.

"What are you talking about?"

He Xuanping shook his head:

"If Boss Fang hadn't taken action, there's no telling whether Mr. He is still here or not, but those guys at Fengyue Pavilion... would have died!"


Fangzheng was noncommittal:

"God can forgive you for doing evil, but people can't live for evil. Some things are untouchable. The bosses of Fengyue Pavilion have gone too far."

"This is the calamity that deserves to happen."


He Xuanping nodded repeatedly and stretched out his hand:

"Inside please!"

Tian Liang, the former gangster and now the square driver and security guard, took a step forward and opened the door for the two of them to move forward.

Come to the third floor.

Several people were already waiting at the door of the private room.

One of them was short and stocky, with dark skin, like a piece of black coal. When the elevator door opened, he came over with a smile.

"Boss Fang, I have always heard of your name, but unfortunately I have never been able to see you in person. Today I saw you and you are truly worthy of your name."

He spoke in a formal manner, giving people a strange feeling.

"Boss Fang." He Xuanping whispered:

"He is Yuhua's boss Wang Changfu Wang."

Fang Zheng nodded, stretched out his hand and shook the other person's hand lightly:

"Boss Wang, you're welcome."


"come on in!"

Wang Changfu had a smile on his face, like a blooming chrysanthemum, diligently guiding the way:

"If you can meet the famous Boss Fang today, you must have a few drinks. Boss He, don't try to persuade him to drink. We won't stop until we get drunk."

"Haha..." He Xuanping laughed:

"I'm afraid you won't make it!"

Several people took their seats one after another.

In addition to He Xuanping and Wang Changfu, there were two other people accompanying them, a middle-aged man in a suit in his thirties or forties, and a beautiful woman with dignified temperament.

It seems,

These two people don't look like the bosses of Fengyue's business, but rather like the managers of a large company. They have a refined and neat charm about them.

In addition to the few people sitting down, there were several people standing around, the most conspicuous of which were a few in black suits.

While Fang Zheng was looking at others, others were also looking at him quietly.

Just like the rumors in the world.

Boss Fang likes to wear ancient costumes, but the clothes should be tailor-made so that they don’t feel too out of place when walking on the street.

The light blue gown has many patterns embroidered on it and the weaving is fine, combining fashion and classicism.

With a height of over 1.9 meters, he should have given people a strong and burly look, but instead he seemed to be elegant and elegant.

The skin is even more enviable, like gleaming white jade, seemingly glowing under the light?

The appearance is quite ordinary.

But the eyes are so bright that people dare not look directly at them.

Overall, Boss Fang is a very temperamental person, but it is inconsistent with the rumored murderous situation with hands full of blood.

"Ha ha……"

After a few drinks, Boss Wang’s face turned red and he laughed loudly:

"I've always wanted to meet Boss Fang, but unfortunately I didn't have the chance. Today I finally invited Boss Fang with the help of Boss He."

"Boss Fang!"

"I did it, you can do whatever you want!"

He raised his glass and drank it in one gulp.

"Boss Wang, you're welcome." Fang Zheng also raised his glass and drank.


Boss Wang was drunk, he slapped the table with excitement and shouted, and at the same time waved to the dignified woman in the venue:

"Xiaohui, don't sit so far away. You can't even hear his voice. Go to Boss Fang and say hello. It's a bit discerning."

"This..." The woman looked confused.


Boss Wang clapped his hands with an angry look on his face:



"No." The woman's delicate body trembled, her face instantly turned pale, she stood up hurriedly, and came closer with a wine glass:

"Boss Fang, I...I propose a toast to you."

He said and drank it all in one gulp.

"That's true." Boss Wang grinned and said:

"Boss Fang, let her go back with you after the show is over. Xiaohui, send a message to the person at home and tell her that she has to work overtime tonight."

Hearing this, the woman's fingers turned white and she slowly lowered her head:



"Boss Wang, you're welcome." Fang Zheng raised his glass and drank it all in one gulp:

"I have something else to do, so I won't bother this lady. We met today and the matter was discussed. We will be friends from now on."

"You don't have to be so outspoken."

As he spoke, his intentions were revealed.

"This..." Boss Wang looked unhappy:

"It's a rare opportunity to sit down and have a drink together. Why should Boss Fang be so disappointed?"

"Old Wang." He Xuanping's eyes changed slightly, and he stood up hurriedly and winked frequently:

"Boss Fang is busy with things, unlike us. If you want to drink, I will accompany you, and we won't get drunk until we get home."

"That's it." Fang Zheng stood up with an indifferent expression.

Tian Liang hurriedly took the windbreaker hanging aside and put it on him.

"It was just a small misunderstanding at the weaving factory. Let it go as soon as the misunderstanding is resolved. I am very happy to meet a friend like Boss Wang today."

"Yes, yes." Boss Wang nodded repeatedly, his small eyes flickering back and forth:

"Don't worry, Boss Fang. I'll send someone to send the female weaving factory worker back later."

"..." Fang Zheng turned around and was about to leave. Hearing this, he paused, turned his head slowly, and said slowly:

"Boss Wang."

"I remember I said that I was sending the person back as is. Boss Wang is a smart man, so he wouldn't do anything stupid, right?"

Boss Wang's body froze, and the expression on his face changed back and forth. There was anger in his eyes, but when Fang Zheng glanced at him, his heart suddenly became cold.

It was like a stream of ice water was poured on the top of my head, and my whole body felt like it was winter.

What does that feel like?

It was like there were countless sharp knives aimed at his throat and heart, and it was like endless darkness was shrouding him, and even his breathing was stagnant.

Even if it's just for a moment.

But it makes the body stiff.


His face turned pale and he laughed dryly:


"I'll call and release him right now."


As soon as Boss Wang took out his mobile phone, a man in a black suit shouted angrily:

"You* have such a big face. You're just a woman. The boss has already set a table to give you enough face. Don't be shameless."


Before the man in the black suit finished speaking, he was kicked out.

Tian Liang appeared at the place where he stood with a gloomy face, and slowly retracted his legs:

"Do you have the right to speak?"

"Tan legs!"

Zhang Yong narrowed his eyes and walked over:

"You're still a practicing master, I'm here to learn from you!"

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