Heavenly Master, I have a different world

Chapter 136: Rubbing iron like mud

Hotel suite.

The two girls in Jian Yue huddled in the corner and shivered.

Compared to Jian Yue's frightened face, her best friend Xu Tong, although equally frightened, also paid attention to the expressions of other people in the scene.

This group of people in black suits forcibly took them away from the workshop. Their attitude along the way was extremely arrogant and domineering, and they would be slapped if they resisted at the slightest moment.


If they had not taken care of the rules, they would have been taken over long ago.

This situation started to change with a phone call.

An extremely scary name seemed to be mentioned on the phone, and the people in black suits changed their colors and stopped moving towards them.

He even found a coat and put it on.

They also stopped the fat man who regarded Jian Yue as 'goods' and wanted to take action by force, but they did not let her go, as if they were waiting for something.

Time passes slowly.

The atmosphere in the field also gradually changed.

"How long we have to wait?"

Fatty Quan felt hot all over because he had taken the medicine, so he simply took off his shirt and paced back and forth in the room shirtless.

The plump white meat swayed back and forth under the light.


"I can't control it anymore!"

"Boss Quan." The black suit frowned and said:

"Would you like to go down there and find a girl for you? We can't help but give it to you for free this time. You really can't touch this one for the time being."

"Am I short of women?" Fatty Quan turned around and glared at Jian Yue in the black suit, then pointed at Jian Yue in the corner and growled in a low voice:

"I have a lot of money. If I want that kind of woman, I won't be able to get it at any time. I want her now. Is that okay?"

"Boss Quan..." The black suit smiled bitterly:

"Don't make things difficult for your brothers."



Fatty Quan nodded heavily:

"Wang Changfu is really talented. If I hadn't promoted him back then, would Yuhua and Wang be where they are today?"

"Jingle Bell……"

Just then, the phone rang.

There was a moment of silence in the field.

Fatty Quan was breathing heavily and staring at the phone.

Jian Yue and Xu Tong also raised their heads, with deep hope in their eyes. This phone call might be the moment that determines their fate.


The man in the black suit breathed a long sigh of relief, pressed the connect button, and turned on the speakerphone at the same time.


A cold voice came from the other side of the phone.

"Boss." The black suit lowered his head and said respectfully:

"You say."

"Is the person still there with you?"


"You didn't touch it, did you?"

"Didn't touch it."

"Let it go."

Hearing this, Jian Yue and Xu Tong in the corner breathed heavily, their eyes widened with ecstasy on their faces, and their bodies trembled with excitement.

"..." The eyes in the black suit changed slightly, then nodded:


"The man surnamed Wang." Hearing this, the fat man Quan on the side suddenly snatched the mobile phone from the hand of the black suit and shouted loudly towards the opposite side:

"I paid the money, and this is how you do business? Don't forget that if it weren't for my help, you wouldn't be where you are today!"

"All boss."

Wang Changfu’s audio tape is helpless:

"What I did today was wrong. Let's have a show someday. You can do whatever you want. You really can't touch that woman."


Fatty Quan’s eyes widened:

"I touched it today, what can you do?"

"All fat people!" Wang Changfu's voice was sharp, and then he whispered:

"They are Boss Fang's people."

"Boss Fang?" Fatty Quan snorted coldly:

"What do I care about..."

"It's Boss Fang from Fang Ci." Wang Changfu said:

"The Fuhong Group, the deputy director of the Public Security Department, and those from Fengyue Pavilion... you don't want to follow in their footsteps, do you?"


As if he thought of something, Fatty Quan's eyes narrowed, and his hand holding the phone slowly relaxed.

"Brother has tried his best."

Wang Changfu sighed:

"But Boss Fang requires that the person be sent back with all his beard and tail intact. I have no choice, otherwise I will let you taste the sweetness no matter what."


Yunhai Restaurant.

Tian Liang kicked away the black suit who wanted to take action, but was blocked in his way.

"I'm Zhang Yong."

Zhang Yong twisted his neck, and the two scars on his face squirmed, like ferocious centipedes crawling on his face. He cupped his fists and said:

"I studied under the master Li Hutian of Yuzhou Baji. How do I call my friends?"

"What a mess." Tian Liang pouted:

"I don't know anything about Tan Kou at all. I just learned a few Xin Yi Quan from my boss. Do you want to compete with me?"

"Xinyi Fist?" Zhang Yong narrowed his eyes:

"Let's do Xingyiquan!"

Then he nodded:

"Exactly, it's rare to meet a friend who practices martial arts. Zhang is feeling hungry for a while, so he might as well learn from each other. Boss Fang doesn't mind, right?"

As he spoke, he looked at Fang Zheng, his eyebrows raised, with a hint of provocation.

"Is your master Li Hutian?"

Fang Zheng opened his mouth:

"It turns out that he is a disciple of the Baji who has the inheritance. However, although Li Hutian is quite strong, he cannot be considered a master of the Baji."

"Tian Liang."

He became interested and waved his hand casually:

"Play with him."

"Yes." Tian Liang responded, squinting at the other party:

"bring it on!"


Zhang Yong snorted coldly.

In his opinion, Master Li Hutian's strength is unfathomable, no less than that of the ancient martial arts masters, and everyone respects him.

How can he not be called the Eight Extremes Grandmaster?

Fang Zheng actually said something rude.

You are strong!

But it may not be better than his own master.

Little did I know.

Fang Zheng studied under Guo Ziran, and was no lower than Li Hutian in terms of seniority. As for the martial arts master... he was the most qualified to judge.

He said no,

It is not!

Looking at the entire Xia Kingdom, there are no more than five masters in martial arts who can be rated by Fang Zheng, and Li Hutian is not among them no matter how he ranks them.


Zhang Yong stepped forward and collided with his body, as if a mountain had hit him. The speed was so fast and fierce that the ground seemed to be shaken by his force.

Baji Iron Mountain relies on it!

His collision was very forceful, and the muscles of his arms and shoulders were tangled, fierce and violent.

Zhang Yong once smashed a wooden door several fingers thick with this collision, causing injuries ranging from broken bones to death.

Tian Liang's eyes shrank, he didn't dare to make a direct attack, and dodged to avoid it. At the same time, his body was like a willow and his legs struck out in succession, sweeping away fallen leaves.

His kicks are fast and fierce.

It's like there are springs installed on the legs, and every time the legs are lifted, there is a sound of breaking through the air.

Shadowless legs?

Zhang Yong's eyes flashed, and he folded across the distance, his hands as if they were closed, and his legs like old trees with entwined roots, quickly closing the distance between the two.


Only by increasing the distance can the power be exerted.


Tian Liang hummed softly, and shrank suddenly. His strong body suddenly grew into a snake shape, and he used his hands to turn, drill, and punch in various ways.


The clothes hit the air and made a crisp sound. If it fell on someone, you can imagine the consequences.

Flower boxing?

Zhang Yong turned over and hit his elbow, bumping into him forcefully.

Bajiquan and Xingyiquan have similar origins. Many moves evolved from spear techniques, including the method of using the elbow as a spear.

This cubit,

It was as if the gun came out like a dragon, crushing everything.


Tian Liang shouted loudly, and his body shape changed again. His boxing techniques were fierce, wide open and wide. If you look closely, you can see that the shape and meaning of the boxing collapse, and the eight-inch force is wonderful.

The private room is not small.

It is more than enough to accommodate more than ten people for dining.

However, a large round table in the middle takes up most of the space, and with other people present, there is not much room for movement.

The two started fighting, and at first they restrained their interactions, but as the intensity increased, they no longer cared to pay attention to their surroundings.


Chairs and stools shattered.


The vase fell to the ground.


The large round table was also kicked away. The tabletop was erected against the wall, exposing the wooden supports underneath. It was then slightly broken by the legs crossing each other.

Everyone retreated for fear of being affected, but Fang Zheng still stood there with his hands behind his back.

"Good kung fu."

Zhang Yong growled:

"But worse than me!"

As he spoke, he stepped closer to the distance between the two, used his elbow as a spear, and pierced Tian Liang's vitals with the spear, greatly increasing the offensive force.

"Pa bang..."


The two fists and elbows intertwined, and the impact was as fast as a rain shower, which made everyone in the arena tremble with fear.

After all, Tian Liang's foundation was not solid enough. Although he learned Xinyi Quan and understood the principle of fist following the movement of the heart, his reaction could not keep up.

With a muffled shout, he was punched in the chest by the opponent and flew backwards. After landing, his eyes were blurry and he couldn't get up for a while.



Fang Zheng tapped his palms with admiration on his face:

"Yes, Bajiquan is quite effective. It seems that it is practiced with care. In modern society, not many people are willing to do this hard work."

"Boss!" Tian Liang struggled to get up, looking ashamed:

"It's embarrassing for you."

"It doesn't matter." Fang Zheng shook his head:

"You've only been practicing martial arts for a long time. It's already good to be able to persist for this long."

"Thank you, Boss Fang." Zhang Yong did not stop his fist, but looked straight at him with bright eyes:

"I've always heard people say that Boss Fang is very capable, but unfortunately I've never had the chance to meet him. I'm going to meet you today. Can you give me some advice?"

"Hmm..." Fang Zheng raised his eyebrows:

"You want to fight with me?"

"Not bad." Zhang Yong nodded, his voice aggressive:

"Is it possible that you don't dare, Boss Fang?"

"That's not true." Fang Zheng shook his head slightly.

"It's just a bit too bullying."

Even if Li Hutian is here, he can't take three moves in front of him. The difference in strength is too big, so he has no interest in taking action.

"What a loud tone." Zhang Yong hummed, and rushed forward without waiting for an answer, still relying on the Eight-Ji Iron Mountain to clear the way.


This blow hit hard.

It's just that what hit him was not a person, but a hand, with its square fingers stretched out and held lightly in front of him, as if no force was used.

But such a simple block forced Zhang Yong to stop. Even if he tried his best, he still couldn't move forward an inch.


He shouted in his mouth, swung his arm fiercely, put his five fingers together and stabbed forward hard.

It pokes at the vitals of the waist and ribs.

These methods are extremely insidious, and the target is people's kidney fluid. Ordinary people should not think about being male or female for the rest of their lives.


It's normal to die on the spot.


Five fingers stabbed in the air.

Zhang Yong's expression did not change. If the opponent was so easy to attack, he would not be so famous. Then he grabbed the opponent with five fingers and clawed to the side.

Eagle Claw Kung Fu!

Only a few people know that in addition to practicing Bajiquan, he also practices Eagle Claw Kung Fu, and has reached the level of breaking bricks with five fingers.

A bump, a poke, a claw, three consecutive attacks. Since his debut, no one has ever escaped from his hidden hand.


No way!


The five fingers passed by, and the clothes fell into place.

How can it be?

Zhang Yong was at a loss. Fang Zheng was looking at him with one hand behind his back. His expression was as calm as ever, as if he was looking at a child who was acting mischievously.


I'm not convinced!

With a bite of his steel teeth, Zhang Yong suddenly turned around, his left wrist shook, and a cold light jumped out from it, piercing Fang Zheng's throat.



Fang Zheng narrowed his eyes and stretched out two fingers to pinch it gently.

His clamping was like being caught within seven inches of a poisonous snake. Zhang Yong, who was charging towards him with a dagger, instantly froze on the spot, unable to make any further progress.


Looking at the dagger flashing with cold light, Fang Zheng shook his head slightly, with regret on his face:

"It is an insult to Bajiquan to do such a cruel thing."

As he spoke, he reached out and grabbed the dagger, and rubbed his hands gently. The sharp dagger was kneaded into a lump of iron in his hands like clay.


The iron lump fell to the ground.

This scene shocked everyone present. Even Tian Liang, who had some knowledge of Fang Zheng's strength, felt short of breath.

Rubbing iron into clay!

Is this something a human can do?

Fang Zheng raised his head, his eyes cold.


Zhang Yong suddenly changed and turned around to escape.

The next moment.

A huge force appeared out of thin air, hitting his waist and abdomen, causing him to fly off the ground and hit the side glass. After smashing the glass, he fell to the ground below.


There was a muffled sound.

"Let's go!"

Fang Zheng adjusted the windbreaker he was wearing, turned around, and walked slowly towards the outside in the eyes of others with horror and fear.



A figure crashed through the glass and fell to the ground from the third floor.


Lu Huanhuan got out of the car and shook her head speechlessly:

"The person named Fang is really a broom star. He will never be at peace wherever he goes."

"Director Lu." Officer Lin asked:

"What should we do now?"

"What else can I do?" Lu Huanhuan rolled her eyes:

"Call an ambulance!"

This time it was the third floor, not the ninth floor. Although the person who fell was dying, he could still move and was not dead.

"Yes Yes."

Officer Lin nodded hurriedly and took out his mobile phone to make a call.

Before the ambulance arrived, Fang Zheng and others had already walked out of the restaurant. He was surrounded by people and looked at Lu Huanhuan from a distance.

at the same time.

Two women also walked out of the hotel opposite. They were led by black suits to stagger to the front.


Tian Liang whispered:

"It should be them, the female workers in the weaving factory. One of them fell into someone else's trap."


Fang Zheng nodded, not interested in this. In fact, if Yuhua's people hadn't taken people directly from the weaving factory workshop, he wouldn't have bothered to pay attention.

Looking at Lu Huanhuan:

"Director Lu, we meet again."

"Yes." Lu Huanhuan frowned softly:

"Following Boss Fang, I feel like the little brother behind the boss in the movie. There is always something to deal with."

"Just kidding." Fang Zheng said with a smile:

"Who dares to instruct you, Director?"

"Ha..." Lu Huanhuan chuckled, came to the trembling girls Jian Yue and Xu Tong, and took out an ID from their bodies:

"You two girls, I am Lu Huanhuan, deputy director of the Public Security Department, do you need any help?"

The two women wore disposable slippers and thin coats. Their long hair was messy, their eyes were red, and they were shivering when the cold wind blew.

Seeing Lu Huanhuan approaching, he subconsciously backed away. Only then did he relax a little when he heard from the Public Security Department.

"Then there's Director Laolu." Fang Zheng nodded and glanced at the two women:

"Remember to go back to the factory tomorrow. You can take a break at noon before it's too late."


Xu Tong met Fang Zheng when he entered the factory. At that time, he only thought that he was an ordinary rich boss, but now he realized that the boss had a deep background.

His face was filled with excitement and he nodded repeatedly:

"We... won't be late."

Fang Zheng was noncommittal and sat in after Tian Liang opened the door.

Black commercial vehicles merged into the long street.

Everyone watched the vehicle go away until it disappeared from the end of the field of vision, then slowly looked back and looked at each other with complicated eyes.




Qu City has a Porcelain Industry Association, a Qu Merchants Association, and similar small circles.

Some businessmen gather together to keep warm and exchange knowledge. In addition to strengthening relationships, they can also expand their social network and even expand business.

This kind of chamber of commerce is very common.

Large chambers of commerce have extremely terrifying influence, such as the Skull and Bones Society in a certain country, which can even influence the political power of other countries to a certain extent.

Xia Kingdom also has several top-level chambers of commerce.

To put it nicely, the chamber of commerce is about win-win cooperation and mutual benefit; at worst, it is collaborating and monopolizing resources.


It's this kind of chamber of commerce.

Fang Ci was invited to this year's party.


Looking at the firearms in front of him, Fang Zheng sighed with emotion:

"There is actually a place like this in Qu City?"

"This is the Xianxian Hall. It used to be a place dedicated to worshiping the sages of the past dynasties in Qu City. Thirty-five years ago, it was purchased jointly by seven members of the Tianpan Society and operated as a private club." Xia Hong explained in a low voice at the side:

"Except for gatherings of major chambers of commerce or very special VIPs, this place is usually not open to the public. However, as a member of the Tianpan Club, you can stay and play here."

"I am also able to come here today because of your favor."

"Private club..." Fang Zheng glanced around and nodded in admiration:

"really not bad!"

Xianxian Hall covers an area of ​​hundreds of acres, with antique courtyards that are shoulder-to-shoulder without being crowded, and unique pavilions, pavilions, and rock landscaping.

Indoor basketball courts, swimming pools, massages... all such infrastructure is naturally available.

There is also an exclusive golf course out back.


There is a small shooting training range where you can experience the feeling of real guns and live ammunition.

In Xia Kingdom, golf courses and firearms training ranges are already extremely rare, and adding the word "private" in front of them is even more rare.

However, Xia Hong must be lying when she said that she came in because of her own reputation. Based on her familiarity with the environment here, it won't be her first time here.

"Tianpan Club has extremely strict requirements for members to join. Even if they meet the requirements, they have to wait three to five years to see if the business environment has changed."

Xia Hong said:

"Boss Fang is definitely a special case!"

The Tianpan Club has already announced that as long as Fangzheng is willing to apply, one more member of the Tianpan Club can be added to his membership quota next year.

"Three million a year in membership fees is not cheap."

Fang Zheng smiled and said:

"I'll think about it again."

"What's there to consider?" Xia Hong curled her lips:

"A mere three million may not be a small amount to others, but it is still a drop in the bucket to the other boss."

"Heh..." Fang Zheng picked up a pistol and his eyes flashed:

"Next year, the Porcelain Merchant Association will elect a president. The Qianju Xing family and the Baici Sun family have already agreed that they will choose me to be the president of the association."

"You know, I'm busy."

As he spoke, he raised the pistol, turned on the safety, and pulled the trigger.



The gun hit the target.

"Pa bang..."

Xia Hong applauded, her pretty face turned red:

"Boss Fang's marksmanship is so accurate. This is the first time I've seen a man use his marksmanship so accurately. Can you teach me?"


Fang Zheng was speechless.

This woman is really flirting with her every word, which makes people feel itchy in their hearts.

Today, Xia Hong is still dressed up gorgeously. She wears makeup but it doesn't make people feel like she is wearing too much makeup. Her clothes show off her figure but also cover her tightly.

This thought...

Only she can think of it.

"Boss Fang's marksmanship is indeed very good." The instructor on the side nodded and said:

"This is the No. 7 gun. The recoil is very strong. People who have never used it may even be injured. Boss Fang can even fire a few times without any problems, and the gun hits the bullseye..."

"Have you used it before?"

"No." Fang Zheng shook his head:

"Gun No. 7, does that mean there are others here?"


The instructor nodded and did not ask further questions:

"There are No. 5 and No. 4, specially prepared for women, and No. 8 and No. 9 guns. The No. 9 gun can actually be regarded as a short cannon."

"Oh!" Fang Zheng tilted his head with a smile on his face:

"Come here with a No. 9 gun and take a look."

"This..." The instructor hesitated for a moment, then whispered;

"Theoretically, novices cannot touch the No. 9 gun, but Boss Fang's physique is good enough, so it should be fine. Please be careful later."


Fang Zheng nodded.

The instructor said goodbye and left, preparing to get the No. 9 gun and matching bullets.

"Manager Xia."

Fang Zheng fired a few more shots and asked:

"I heard that the celebrity concert you're hosting is going to start in a few days?"


Xia Hong nodded:

"Boss Fang is interested? They are some popular celebrities from the Southern Dynasty, and there are two beautiful girls among them!"

"The agency in the Southern Dynasty has a high pressure on celebrities. I heard that I can accompany people when they are asked. I can go over and ask them at that time."

As he spoke, his eyebrows raised.

"Are you still in need of sponsorship?" Fang Zheng ignored her temptation and said:

"Fang Porcelain can provide some of it. The Southern Dynasty is also within the cultural influence of Xia State. Fang Porcelain's porcelain should be marketable."

"Of course, no problem." Xia Hong nodded:

"The sponsorship fee ranges from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands. If you just take a photo, you can get it for 10,000 yuan, and if you hold a piece of porcelain and say a few words, it will cost about 100,000 yuan."

"This was not decided by me, but by the agency over there in Nanchao."

"Say a few words." Fang Zheng thought for a while and then said:

"I have a younger sister who likes celebrities from the Southern Dynasty. Can you arrange for her to meet those celebrities?"

"Take a photo, get an autograph, etc.?"

"Sister?" Xia Hong raised her eyebrows:

"What kind of sister?"

Seeing Fang Zheng frowning and looking unhappy, he hurriedly said:

"No problem, it's a small matter."

"Sweet...really sweet..."

The familiar phone rings.


"Monk." Dapeng's voice rang from the phone:

"Are you not allowed to enter this place?"

"How could it be?" Fang Zheng was stunned:

"Don't you have an invitation?"

"..." Dapeng's voice weakened:


Fangzheng was speechless:

"Forget it, I'll have someone pick it up."

"No need." Dapeng suddenly said with joy:

"I saw an acquaintance, so I hung up first."

He said and hung up the phone in a hurry.


Fang Zheng showed hesitation:

"Who else does this guy know besides me?"

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