After stepping through the outer door carved into the rock, we continued walking inward for several hundred meters before we saw the classical buildings covered by trees.


There are still security personnel checking the identities of outsiders.

Layers of screening and tight security are to prevent outsiders with ulterior motives from getting in.

Dapeng looked around.

His family situation is pretty good, and he travels a lot. It's not an exaggeration to say he's experienced a lot, and he's still amazed by this place.

Antique buildings, winding roads, green grass, wild flowers, and trees on both sides, high and low, well-proportioned.

Centennial trees can be seen everywhere.

The water is crystal clear.

The mist fills the air like a natural oxygen bar, allowing people to breathe freely and feel refreshed.

A great place to raise people!

Dapeng didn't believe this at all before, but now he firmly believes it.

If you can live in a place like this, you can live another ten or eight years without any problem.

There are historical traces here that can only be found in scenic spots, but there is no noise of tourists, which is more suitable for slow appreciation.

"Don't look around."

Tao Hongjing pulled his sleeves and whispered:

"The people here today are either rich or noble. Let's just join in the fun and learn a lot. You must not cause any trouble for me."

"Brother Tao, you still don't know me?" Dapeng shook his head hurriedly:

"Certainly not!"

"Humph!" Tao Hongjing glanced at him:

"I don't feel at ease just because I know your character. Take a good look at where Jiang Han is. You should be looking for her this time."

"Yes." Dapeng rubbed his hands together and said with a smile:

"I heard that Hanhan was here, so I asked my friend to bring me here. Unexpectedly, I forgot the invitation. Fortunately, I met Brother Tao."

"It would be really troublesome to bring me in without you."

"Can you get the invitation?" Tao Hongjing curled his lips, expressed doubts about this, and then stepped forward:

"Let's go!"

The two of them walked into a hall.

Different from the antique style outside, the style inside the room is more fashionable. Crystal lamps, Western paintings, and soft carpets are all luxurious.

"Tianpan Association is the top chamber of commerce in Qu City. Those who can join the association are without exception business elites. Their business is not limited to Qu City."

Tao Hongjing whispered:

"If you can get involved with the people here, as long as a little bit of it leaks out from the other person's fingers, it will be enough for you to be popular and famous."


He raised his head and signaled:

"That is Fan Hu, the soy sauce king in Qu City. He got his current net worth because of his friendship with members of the Tianpan Club in the early years."

"And Boss Zhao from the building materials store over there..."

"Like my father, they were invited to join in the fun. They are not members here. They are real members."

Dapeng raised his eyebrows.

Most of the people around him are fair-weather friends, and only a few are doing business. Some of them are running Internet cafes and billiards parlors to support themselves.

There is no comparison with the people here today.

Brother Tao is already the person with the highest status in his circle.

"Jiang Han's family is a big boss in the catering industry in Qu City. It would be best if you can climb a high branch, and your brothers can also be related."

Tao Hongjing smiled, his face straightened again, and he said:


"Brother, let me tell you the truth, there is no chance for you two. Let's say goodbye to each other for the last time today and forget it!"

"Brother Tao." Dapeng opened his eyes:

"I really want to marry Hanhan."

"Tch!" Tao Hongjing waved his hand:

"Do you think it's okay if others don't want to? Even if you two want to, do you think the Jiang family will agree to your marriage?"

"Brother Tao." Dapeng looked unconvinced:

"In what age are you now, are you still clinging to clan ideas? How come you, at such a young age, are as traditional as the old man?"

"This is not tradition, but reality." Tao Hongjing sighed:

"Brother, you should see yourself clearly before speaking."

"You want me to pee and take a picture, right?" Dapeng heard what he meant, snorted, and walked inside:

"It's not here, go inside and have a look."

"No!" Tao Hongjing stretched out his hand to stop him:

"The back is a place that only formal members can go to. No matter how bad it is, it's still a probationary member. We can't go there even if we can't go to Jiang Han."

"Go look upstairs!"


Second floor.

Several young people stood by the railing, looking down.

"Is he the Dapeng you mentioned?"

Jiang Shuo frowned and looked at his sister aside:

"He doesn't look very good either. He has a beer belly at a young age. He didn't even shave for an occasion like today. He looks slovenly. I really don't understand what you like about him?"

"..." Jiang Han pouted:

“He talks interestingly!”


Jiang Shuo snorted:

"That's it?"

"What's the point of a man being so good-looking? I like it and I'm happy with it." Jiang Han raised his slender neck, leaving Jiang Shuo speechless.

When the brother and sister were young, their parents were busy making a living and had no time to take care of them, which made their sister rebellious since she was young. Now she has become friends with such unscrupulous people.

Just make friends.


What a joke!

"Hanhan, you won't be tolerated in this matter." Best friend and sister Yan Jiale grabbed Jiang Han's arm, shook his head and said sternly:

"You must be cautious about everything in your life."

"But..." Facing his best friend, Jiang Han no longer looked stubborn, but showed embarrassment:

"I promised Dapeng that as long as he could come here today, I would marry him. Who would have thought that he would actually be able to come in."

She actually hadn't made up her mind. She was more like a child who got an interesting toy by chance and was reluctant to throw it away until she got tired of playing with it.

But when it comes to how good this toy is, and why I will never touch other toys again for its sake, it’s hard to make up my mind.

"How can you be so ridiculous about a major marriage matter?" Jiang Shuo also knew his sister's character, but now she just lacked a step forward.

Turning his eyes, he said:

"he came."


Before he finished speaking, Dapeng had already gone up to the second floor with a grin on his face, waving to Jiang Han in the distance. When he came closer, he stretched out his hand to signal to Jiang Shuo:

"Are you Brother Hanhan?"

No matter what.

The other party had no intention of shaking hands.




"This is gun number nine."

The instructor held a firearm that was two sizes larger than an ordinary pistol and said:

"Despite its size, it can only hold seven bullets inside. It is powerful enough to shatter even moderately thick iron plates. Of course... the recoil is equally astonishing."

"Boss Fang."

"Shall I demonstrate?"

"Okay." Fang Zheng nodded:

"you please!"

The instructor signaled the two men to hold the handle of the gun with both hands, slightly squat with their legs in front of one another, and then aim at the target and pull the trigger.


The muffled sound echoed in the field.

A big hole opened in the wooden board ten meters away.

The instructor also trembled, and was hit by the recoil and took two steps back before stopping.

Fang Zheng saw it clearly.

At the moment of shooting, the No. 9 pistol vibrated suddenly, causing the instructor's wrist to tremble, and the muscles to tremble from the forearm to the shoulder and even to the back, like ripples on the water, subtle and rapid.

This sudden explosive force can dislocate an unprepared person on the spot. If it is a woman, it may even break the bones.

As for power...

Fang Fang looked solemn and silent for a long time.

The lethality of firearms in modern society is extremely terrifying. In theory, carbon-based organisms like humans can never compete with it.

Even if he had cultivated his true energy, he would not have the confidence to withstand this shot.

Even a martial artist who has perfected the body-protecting energy cannot ignore an attack like this that can easily shatter a boar's head, right?

nice one!

I have to take two of them later!


At this moment, a gunshot interrupted his contemplation. A bullet slanted across the three people's positions and landed on an iron plate.

The bullets flew away and scattered some sparks, which made people's hearts beat wildly.

"Excuse me!"

At the same time, a slightly flirtatious voice sounded from nearby:

"My hand slipped just now and I missed the target. Fortunately, no one was hurt. Are you three okay?"


He whistled at Xia Hong, who was dressed hotly.

Fangzheng tilted his head and looked at the other party.

This was a young man in his early twenties with a few pimples on his face. He was staggering over with a gun in one hand.


Xia Hong's delicate body trembled:

"Do you know this is a gun, if it falls on someone..."

Was the shot just missed more than just a miss?

If the muzzle of the gun moved even an inch, it might fall on the three of them. Whenever she thought about it, she felt scared and felt chills running down her spine.

She very much suspected that the other party's shot was intentional!

"Boss Fang."

Not far away, a man saw this and hurried over, breathing heavily:

"I... let me introduce to you. This is Mr. Mu Yuan Chunmu from the Xizhou Mu family. This time I was invited to come to the club for a gathering."

"Xizhou Mujia?" Fang Zheng picked up the No. 9 pistol in the instructor's hand, shook his head and said:

"never heard of that."

"Boss Fang, there are hundreds of cents of Hongfu gold in the country, and it belongs to the Mu family." Xia Hong's beautiful eyes flashed, and she whispered in his ear:

"The market value of Hongfu Gold is tens of billions!"

"The assets under the Mu family's name include more than just Hongfu."

At this point, her voice couldn't help but weaken, and she didn't dare to look at the other party, as if she was afraid of offending Mu Yuanchun.


It was a far more prosperous place than Qu City.


It's even more of a behemoth.

Founder is clear.

Before coming, Mr. Li said that there would be a distinguished guest at the banquet today, and he should be this one.

"It turns out to be the second generation of rich people."

Smiling, Fang Zheng moved his pistol and pointed it at the opponent:

"Mr. Mu, what do you think of my pistol?"

"Boss Fang." The instructor's expression changed drastically:

"You can't joke about pistols. This type of No. 9 gun cannot control the direction with one hand. If the gun goes off and goes off... you will be in trouble."

"Ha..." Mu Yuanchun sneered upon seeing this, with a look of disdain on his face. He stretched out his hand and pointed forward, saying:

"Fang, what do you want to do? You pointed the gun at me. Maybe you want to kill me. I'm sorry you don't dare to shoot."


Gunfire rang out.

There was a sudden silence in the field.

Mu Yuanchun's face turned pale, and he turned his head tremblingly. He saw that a wooden frame beside him had broken into pieces, and wood chips were flying everywhere.


Xia Hong screamed.

The instructor even shook his body.

The other party actually held the gun with one hand and fired. This was no joke. Wherever he shot with one hand, it all depended on luck.


Fang Zheng clicked his tongue, shook his head and said:

"The recoil is too great, and it's really difficult to aim."

"try again."

He said and pulled the trigger again.



The muffled sound was deafening, the friction between the bullet and the air produced waves visible to the naked eye, and a faint smell of gunpowder also filled the air.


Only then did other people's voices of dissuasion sound.


Fang Zheng smiled slightly, handed the bag to the instructor beside him, and walked towards Mu Yuanchun with a faint smile:

"Mr. Mu, are you not scared?"

"..." Mu Yuanchun's legs felt weak. He had touched the No. 9 gun and knew very well the recoil and difficulty of controlling the No. 9 gun.

That is to say,

I might have really been shot just now!

And with the power of the No. 9 gun, once it is shot, even if it is hit in the leg, the entire leg will be shattered on the spot, and there is almost no possibility of survival.

Just think of the consequences.

Even though he had always been cynical, he couldn't help but feel chilled.


After a long time, Mu Yuanchun suppressed his instinctive trembling body due to fear, and grinned at Fang Zheng with a stiff expression:

"Boss Fang is so brave!"

"Average." Fang Zheng shook his head and looked at Xia Hong:

"Manager Xia, my friend hasn't come here yet. Please go and pick her up from the front."


Xia Hong responded and left in a hurry. She didn't like firearms in the first place, and the atmosphere in the place was full of gunpowder, so she naturally wanted to leave.


Mu Yuanchun took a deep breath and said slowly:

"I heard that Boss Fang's business has been booming recently, and Fang Ci's popular porcelain is even known as the number one porcelain in Xia Kingdom."

"Our Mu family is very interested in Fang Ci. I wonder if there is any chance of cooperation?"

"Cooperation?" Fang Zheng raised his eyebrows:

"What kind of cooperation method?"

"Buy shares." Mu Yuanchun stretched out his hand to indicate:

"Sit inside!"

"Our Mujia has been developing in the luxury goods industry. If Fang Porcelain can be promoted by Mujia, it will be even more powerful."

"Boss Fang." At this time, a man dressed as a manager said:

"The Yuanmu Group's businesses are spread across dozens of countries, and it owns equity interests in well-known brands such as Hepai, Dante, and Orpheus."

"If we leave the square porcelain to our operation, the sales volume will at least be doubled on the current basis."

The several brands he mentioned are all leaders in the luxury goods industry. They are not the top brands, but they are still in the familiar category.

"Fang Porcelain has no shortage of sales." Fang Zheng shook his head:

“It’s only limited by capacity.”

"Production capacity will always be expanded. When the time comes, is Boss Fang sure that sales can keep up?" the manager said:

"Fang Ci's current customers are mainly domestic, and it is only spread within a small area. It is not yet a real success."

"In our hands, it can become a world-class luxury product!"

"I'm a little moved by what you said." Fang Zheng said:

"How to invest in shares?"

"Two hundred million!" Mu Yuanchun stretched out two fingers and said:

"The buyer has 20% of the shares."

"On this basis, we will sign another gambling agreement. If Fangci's sales triple within one year, we will acquire another 20% of the shares for 400 million."

"That is to say..."

"To cooperate with our Mujia, you only need to pay 40% of the shares, and then without doing anything else, you can get an income of 600 million and an equity valuation of more than 1 billion."

one year,

Net worth rises to 2 billion!

And if it is true as Mu Yuanchun said, the market value of Fang Porcelain will continue to rise, and Fang Zheng will become a billionaire just lying down.


Fangzheng Qinghe:

"The price is low."

"The price can be negotiated." Mu Yuanchun leaned forward:

"Boss Fang, why don't you make a price?"

"Sorry!" Fang Zheng stretched out his waist:

"I don't plan to sell Fang Ci's shares."

"Huh?" Mu Yuanchun narrowed his eyes:

"If Boss Fang doesn't think about it seriously, according to our professional estimates, Fang Ci's expansion rate is already declining rapidly."

"If we encounter anything again..."

"The valuation is not that high."

After all, Fangci is just a company that sells porcelain, and porcelain always belongs to a small group of people. This is different from luxury goods such as watches and bags.

Has its own limitations.


There are currently too few square porcelain products. There are only two types: thunder porcelain and blood porcelain. The animal porcelain variant of blood porcelain is still being explored.

As for the jade business...

At present, there are gradually fewer and fewer. In short, it looks promising, but in fact it has hit a certain threshold and has stopped moving forward.

Watching Fang Zheng leave, the smile on Mu Yuanchun's face gradually faded, and his eyes became cold.

"I don't know what's wrong!"

"Sir." The manager came closer and whispered:

"It seems he has no intention of selling his shares?"


Mu Yuanchun snorted coldly:

"That's because Fang Ci's business has been going smoothly without any trouble, but... this kind of thing will happen soon."

"Leizhaohong porcelain..."

"The Mu family must get it!"

"He won't give it, but I have plenty of ways to make him give it!"

"Yes." The manager lowered his head, bent his body at 90 degrees, and responded in a low voice. His attitude was as humble as the Japanese people on the island.

Thunder and popular porcelain!

Mu Yuanchun raised his head, his eyes twinkling.

What the Mu family wanted was not just a piece of porcelain, but some kind of strange formula that could change the physical properties of the porcelain.


Everyone must take Fang Porcelain into their own hands!




Front hall on the second floor.

The atmosphere suddenly became tense.

Jiang Shuo held the red wine in his hand, his eyes swept downstairs and then landed on Dapeng. He said expressionlessly: "Look at the other people here, and then look at yourself."


His eyes flashed, and then he said thoughtfully: "Your current situation reminds me of an idiom."

"Watch the monkeys and win the crown!"


Dapeng looked blank and his eyes were confused: "What do you mean?"

"It means that even if you put on clothes, you are not a real person." Yan Jiale on the side sneered unceremoniously:

"Look at yourself. You are no different from a monkey wearing clothes. It's just as superficial."

"you say……"

Dapeng clenched his teeth and his wrists trembled slightly: "You said I look like a monkey?"


"If it weren't for Tao Hongjing's face, do you think you could come in?"

"People must be self-aware..."


Several people made sarcastic remarks to Gale Wind, which made Dapeng tremble all over with anger.

He had never thought that people from the 'upper class' could be so vulgar, and their sarcasm could be compared to a scolding shrew.

The key is……

From beginning to end, his sweetheart Jiang Han remained silent.

"I'll fuck you!"

Dapeng snatched the red wine from Jiang Shuo's hand and threw it in his face.


The wine has a strong aroma and seems to be of good quality.

But when it falls on your head, face, or clothes, it doesn’t look that good.

Jiang Shuo looked stunned and confused, as if he didn't expect such a thing to happen.


"what are you doing!"

Before Jiang Shuo could speak, Yan Jiale screamed.

She pointed at Dapeng, her eyes widened: "How dare you throw wine at Brother Shuo, are you seeking death?"


A large glass of ice-cold wine hit her face, turning her into a drowned rat without mercy.

The elegant dress immediately lost its luster.

"If you didn't tell me, I would have almost forgotten about you."

Dapeng put down the cup he picked up and clapped his hands with a relaxed expression: "Don't think that because you are a woman, I won't do anything to you. I am very particular about equality between men and women."

"you you……"

Yan Jiale was trembling, pointing at Dapeng with one finger and trembling so hard that he could hardly speak.

"This is the difference between us." Jiang Shuo recovered instantly, gently wiped the collar on his chest, and said calmly:

"When something happens, you can only use force but not your brain. If you can't stand others' words, how can you achieve great things in the future?"

"Bah!" Dapeng yelled angrily:

"Should I be trained by you?"

"I didn't beat you because of Hanhan's face."

"Heh..." Jiang Shuo chuckled:

"Vulgar, do you think your fists are very powerful? Do you think you can change everything by getting angry? You are so naive."

"security guard!"

He raised his hand and pointed at Dapeng:

"This man didn't have an invitation. He snuck in secretly. Get him out!"

The movement of several people had already attracted the security personnel. After hearing the words, they stepped forward and stretched out their hands to signal to Dapeng:

"Sir, please show me your invitation, something that can prove your identity."

Dapeng's expression froze.

"If not..." Seeing that his expression was wrong, the security guard straightened his body slightly with a solemn expression on his face:

"We're going to evict people."

"I'm sorry." As several security personnel gathered around, a female voice sounded in the distance, separated from the crowd and came to Dapeng:

"Mr. Dapeng, Boss Fang is waiting for you inside."


She turned back and looked at the people present:

"This is a misunderstanding. I have an invitation from Mr. Dapeng here."

As he spoke, he raised his phone. There was indeed an invitation in the screenshot of the phone. It had a unique code and could not be faked.

"Manager Xia."

"Xia Hong?"

"It's you?"

Everyone was whispering, and Dapeng also knew Xia Hong, so when he saw this, he said:

"Is the monk inside?"

"...Yes." Xia Hong was stunned for a moment, then realized that the monk in the other person's mouth was Fang Zheng, and couldn't help but purse her lips and smile:

"I didn't expect Boss Fang to have this title, but he is worthy of his name. He is a man of few desires and does not approach women. Mr. Dapeng, please follow me."


"Boss Fang!"

"Boss Jiang!"

"I have admired you for a long time!"

"you are welcome……"

The banquet was held on time, and Boss Jiang appeared nearby with his son and daughter. He enthusiastically held Fang Zheng's hand and shook it back and forth.

"Roc, right?"

Turning his eyes, Boss Jiang smiled and nodded at Dapeng:

"I heard Hanhan mention you. You are indeed young and promising. I heard that you are still Fang Ci's shareholder. Hanhan wants you to take care of her in the future."

"Uncle..." Dapeng's expression was stiff:


"Dapeng." Jiang Shuo, who had changed into a suit, took a step forward and extended his hand to signal:

"Let's get to know each other formally. I am Hanhan's eldest brother. Let's get together more often when we have time."

"..." Dapeng stretched out his hand and shook hands with the other party:


Jiang Han also smiled sweetly at him.



When no one came to propose a toast, Dapeng whispered:

"I know you've made a fortune in business, but I didn't expect it to become so big that even these rich people are rushing to get to know you."


"When did I become a shareholder of Fangci?"

"The office was short of manpower at that time, so I rounded up the number for you and gave you 1% of the shares. You forgot." Fang Zheng said with a casual look:

"Not only you, my master and Erqiu were also there at that time."

"As for growing the business..."

"This is not a good thing. You see, even your little girlfriend's attitude towards you has changed. It seems that you will really be able to have a wedding banquet in a while."


Dapeng sighed with a complicated expression:

"This is nothing like what I imagined."

"What's the difference?" Fang Zheng said:

"A beauty has returned to your heart, and you are still not satisfied?"

"You don't understand." Dapeng shook his head:

"I feel... what she likes is not my person, but... my money."

"You're thinking too much." Fang Zheng rolled his eyes, speechless:

"How much is your share worth? It's worth it to others."


"I'll take a call."

Waving his hand, he took out his mobile phone and walked to a quiet place and pressed the connect button.


"Something's not right."

Wen Lei's serious voice rang from the phone.

"Yeah." Fang Zheng raised his eyebrows slightly:

"What's wrong?"

"Many videos of people touching black porcelain suddenly appeared on the Internet, some of which are well-known V-bloggers and bloggers who focus on the luxury goods industry." Wen Lei said in panic:

"They started from the fact that blood porcelain is unlucky, and the price of red porcelain is too high to promote it. The popularity suddenly becomes very high. Someone must be up to something."

"Some people have already started returning goods."


Fang Zheng squinted his eyes and looked up towards the second floor.


Mu Yuanchun raised his glass and smiled lightly.

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