Heavenly Master, I have a different world

Chapter 138 Business! arrogant!

Tian Liang, once a handsome man and now bodyguard and driver, turned the steering wheel and let the black business car drive smoothly onto the highway.

After the partition, there are four airline seats facing each other.

Dapeng's whole body sank into the seat, his eyes were blank, and he was silent for a long time, seeming to be still immersed in the atmosphere of the party.

"What are you thinking about?"

Fang Zheng, who was sitting opposite, was playing with his mobile phone and said with a smile:

"Surprised by my current success?"

"I'm really surprised." Dapeng's eyes moved and he said:

"I didn't expect that my brother would be so capable. I will have bragging rights when I go out to brag with others in the future."


"how did you do it?"

"Coincidence." Fang Zheng shrugged:

"Luck accounts for 90%, strength is only 10%."

"Why don't I have such good luck?" Dapeng shook his head and stopped asking further, but said thoughtfully:

"I made a decision."


"Really?" Fang Zheng was surprised and said:

"If we really get married, I will definitely give you a generous gift, but the Jiang family is not short of money, so I really have to think carefully about what gifts to give."

"No." Dapeng shook his head:

"I won't marry Jiang Han, I will marry Nannan."

"Ah!" Fang Zheng was stunned:

"No..., didn't you come here today just to propose to Jiang Han? And you and Nan Nan... haven't you two broken up already?"

"It doesn't matter, just do it." Dapeng straightened up from his seat:

"After today's experience, I finally understand what kind of woman is suitable for me. Jiang Han is not the same as me."

"You have to think carefully." Fang Zheng put away his phone and said seriously:

"Jiang Han has a high education, a good family, and even looks good; Nan Nan has not graduated from junior high school. She comes from a rural area and works in real estate sales."

"I don't have any personal opinions, but these two people..."

"It's really quite different."

By marrying Jiang Han, the Jiang family can provide Dapeng with a platform and support, which will be beneficial to him, his relatives, and future generations.

And Nan Nan...

It will be a lot more cumbersome.


This is without counting feelings, which are difficult to calculate clearly.

"I understand." Dapeng sighed:

"If I marry Jiang Han, I will save ten years of detours in my life. This is not a joke, it will really save me ten years of struggle."

"But the monk..."

"Do you think Jiang Han and I are suitable?"

Fang Zheng said nothing.

Only the person involved knows whether they are suitable or not. He never asks about other people's emotional affairs. If he doesn't understand, he will easily beat the couple.

"After you leave, I'll chat with the others."

Dapeng scratched his head and said:

"I don't understand what they say, and I'm not interested."

"What channels, what taxes, what international environment... Just thinking about how I will live like this every day in the future makes my scalp numb."

"Do you want to make money?" Fang Zheng said:

"That's all!"

"I can't learn." Dapeng shook his head repeatedly:

"Everyone knows that studying hard is good for the future. When I was in school, I didn't get sleepy when I read a book. It's the same now. I get distracted when I hear business talk."

"It's best for me to just hang around."

Fang Zheng was speechless.

"And that uncle." Dapeng curled his lips with disdain:

"It's like he's practiced changing his face. One moment he's sarcastic and sarcastic, the next he's condescending, and the next he's as enthusiastic as a brother."

"I don't have the ability like him!"

In fact, Dapeng knew very well that it was easier for someone like Jiang Shuo to get ahead. After all, not everyone has the ability to do what they want.

Even if someone slaps you in the face, you can still get close to him with a smile.

How many can do it?

Moreover, the other party has real abilities and is willing to struggle. If he doesn’t succeed, who will succeed?


Sighing, Dapeng said:

"I am a small citizen. I am not interested in doing business. I will not get involved in business affairs if I can."


"That's what suits me best."

"It's up to you." Fang Zheng shook his head and didn't give much advice:

"If you don't do business or gamble, you won't be able to live a hard life in your current situation. No matter how you live, it will last a lifetime. Just be happy."

"That makes sense!" Dapeng nodded heavily:

"Do you have any wine? Let's have a drink!"

Fangzheng opened the car refrigerator and took out two bottles of cold beer.






A few days later.

Or in a business car.

Wen Lei, dressed as a professional strong woman, handed over a stack of documents and said:

"I still have the same opinion as before. The textile industry has developed to this point and is already a red ocean. People who don't understand this industry will rush into it rashly and they will only end up with a bloody head."

"Five hundred workers..."

"The current Yunzhi Textile Factory is a gold-eating beast."

There are five hundred employees. Except for the security guards and the weavers responsible for simple processes, whose wages are slightly lower, the salary of everyone else is upwards of four to five thousand.


In particular, experienced weavers are now difficult to recruit at low prices.

Coupled with the fact that the factory provides food and accommodation, and full payment of five social insurances and one housing fund, the average monthly expenditure per person has already exceeded 10,000 yuan.

one month,

The starting price is seven million!

Coupled with other miscellaneous expenditures, a textile factory with 500 employees has an annual net expenditure of at least 100 million.

Want to make money.

The net income must also exceed 100 million.

But at present, Yunzhi's income cannot be deducted from his expenses at all, and he has to advance money every month, so he is said to be a gold-eating beast.

"If I recruit 500 people, 500 families will not have no income. It will also be a small help to the stability of Qu City."

Fang Zheng opened his mouth:

"This is how this society works. If everyone only cares about themselves, everyone will be hurt."

"The company's provision of jobs is a reflection of its social responsibility. This is what Mr. Zhao said, so you must listen."

Five hundred workers are already so difficult to handle.

There are millions of families in Qu City. You can imagine how many jobs are needed and how difficult it is to maintain the orderly functioning of society.

"But..." Wen Lei frowned:

"The company's current accounts are not so generous, and upgrading the equipment in the weaving factory will require a lot of money. What should we do next?"

"Boss Wen."

Seeing her sad face, Fang Zheng couldn't help but smile and said:

"We might as well establish a rule in the future. You only need to be responsible for spending money for promotion. As for financial issues, you don't have to worry about it."

"How about it?"

Wen Lei raised her head and said angrily:

"Of course I am willing, but I'm afraid you don't have enough money."


Pointing to the document in front of him.

Founder currently has four companies under his name.

Fangci is responsible for producing and selling porcelain, positioning it as a high-end luxury product; Lingyu is responsible for mining and selling ore, focusing on jade trading; Dingli is an asset management company that currently owns the sales facades of Fangci and Lingyu.

Now we have to add Yunzhi.


Fang Ci’s monthly net profit exceeds RMB 10 million.

Lingyu sales have gradually declined, reaching only four million last month, but they can be increased at any time if Founder is willing.

Most of the stores under the Dingli name were obtained with loans and are still in the loan repayment stage.

That is to say...

At present, the most important profit-making project comes from square porcelain!

However, in recent days, Fang Ci’s situation has obviously been a little bad. A large number of trolls have emerged on the Internet, frantically attacking Fang Ci’s products.

Sales have not changed yet, but the number of pre-orders has decreased significantly, and many people have chosen to return products.

Return ratio skyrocketed.

"I think..."

Wen Lei thought for a while and whispered:

"If the price of the Mu family's proposal is really right, it's not impossible to consider it."

"Yeah." Fang Zheng touched his chin:

"Has anyone looked for you?"

"Yes." Wen Lei nodded:

"The remuneration offered to me is very high. As long as I can convince you to sell your shares, I will get 10 million immediately. Do you think I can't be tempted?"

He said rolling his eyes.

Ten million!

This is by no means a small sum for Wen Lei's family.

However, she could easily say it at this time, and she was obviously more inclined to Fangzheng's view than the wealth of 10 million.

This is also the trust between the two people.

"Mujia's investment in Fangci's channel promotion is indeed very beneficial." Fang Zheng stopped what he was doing, thought about it seriously, and said:

"But I don't like that Mu Yuanchun, let alone the way the Mu family does things."

"Boss Fang." Wen Lei leaned forward:

"You mean, it was the Mu family who secretly instigated Black Fang Ci?"

"Who else could it be if it wasn't the Mu family?"


There is no shortage of people on the Internet who dislike Fang Porcelain, but it is not that simple to really have an impact on Fang Porcelain.

It costs a lot to mobilize so many influential navy forces.

"That Mr. Mu is hosting a banquet at Yunhai Restaurant today." Wen Lei asked:

"Still not going?"

"I won't go." Fang Zheng said:

"I have guests today."

"If he still calls, tell him directly that I am not interested in the Mu family's investment. As for the impact of Fang Porcelain's business..."


He chuckled softly and said slowly:

"Boss Wen, you can unconditionally trust me in terms of funds. No matter how rich the Mu family is, they can't suppress Fang Ci."

"Wait a moment, the opportunity will come soon."


Wen Lei raised her eyebrows.

Although she didn't know where Fang Zheng's confidence came from, after hearing these words, the restlessness in her heart actually calmed down.

square porcelain,

It cannot be defeated!

As for the transfer...


She was puzzled, but Fang Zheng himself was quite magical, so Wen Lei still chose to believe it.

"All right."

Putting away the documents, she nodded:

"Let me get down from the front."




Qushi Railway Station.

Among the bustling crowd, two beautiful figures walked out.

Qin Shuman carried a leather bag and pulled a suitcase, and squeezed out of the crowd with his long legs, waving to Shen Xiuting behind him from time to time.

"Tingting, hurry up and catch up. Stop looking around."

"Sister Shuman, don't be anxious." Shen Xiuting looked at the surrounding stalls with interest and said:

"This is my first time coming to Qu City. I didn't expect that your train station is so big and there are so many businesses inside."

"They are all selling souvenirs." Qin Shuman shook his head:

"If you want to buy souvenirs, you can go to Tianpanshan Small Market. The same things are much cheaper there than here, and they are more memorable."

"You can also go to Qilipu."


"Brother-in-law asked someone to pick us up outside. Don't make us wait."

Saying that, she grabbed Shen Xiuting's wrist and walked towards the outside.

"Sister Shuman."

Shen Xiuting straightened her long hair and followed up:

"What does your brother-in-law do? Can he really let us meet the BY group from the Southern Dynasties? I am their fan."

"It should be no problem." Qin Shuman nodded:

"Brother-in-law is not the kind of person who talks big. By group is holding a concert in Qushi now, so he said it's OK."

As soon as the two of them walked out of the train station, they were blocked by someone.

"Qin Shuman Miss Qin?"

The man had a strong build and was dressed in a black suit and sunglasses, giving people an invisible intimidation, which also made the two women subconsciously take a step back.


Qin Shuman looked suspicious:

"Who are you?"

"My name is Tian Liang." Tian Liang grinned:

"The boss asked me to pick you two up."

As he said that, he showed the hand-raising sign in his hand, which had the names of Qin Shuman and Shen Xiuting clearly written on it.


Tian Liang took the suitcase and stretched out his hand:

"This way, you two, please."

The two women looked at each other. Compared to Qin Shuman's suspicion, Shen Xiuting, who came from a decent family background, was used to this kind of thing.

Then he followed up.

The door of the business car in the parking space opened, and Fang Zheng stood aside and greeted him with a smile:

"Shuman, welcome back."


Seeing Fang Zheng, Qin Shuman's eyes curved into crescent moons, and there was a hint of intimacy in his tone. The worry of being received by a stranger also quietly dissipated.


Fang Zheng nodded, looked at the other woman in the field, stretched out his hand and said:

"You must be Shen Xiuting who is often mentioned in books and comics. I am Fang Zheng, a native of Qu City."


Shen Xiuting nodded, stretched out her hand to hold it lightly, with curiosity in her eyes:

"Sister Shuman also talks about you often."

She had heard about the brother-in-law mentioned by Qin Shuman many times, and meeting him for the first time now was completely different from what she had imagined.

Come when she wants to.

Fang Zheng should be a graceful and frail scholar, affectionate and simple, otherwise he would not be attracted by sister Qin Shuman.


The man in front of him was nearly two meters tall, strong and masculine, like a professional basketball player.

His appearance is not outstanding, but he is very attractive, especially his eyes, which are as transparent and pure as black pearls.

The skin is even better and scary.

Under sunlight, the surface of the skin appears to have a hazy halo.

At first glance, it seemed ordinary, but after a few more glances, one couldn't help but become addicted to it. Shen Xiuting felt her heart beating and her pretty face turning red.

This kind of man...

It meets my requirements perfectly.

When she was looking at Fang Zheng, Fang Zheng was also looking at her.

Shen Xiuting is the cousin of Qin Shuman's boyfriend. The two girls are the same age and go to the same university, so they naturally became good friends.

This woman has exquisite facial features, lively eyes, and an outstanding appearance and figure, but her skin is a bit too fair.


Also too weak.

It should be that his physique is too poor, or his innate energy is insufficient.

"Get in the car."

After getting in the car, Shen Xiuting touched the armrest of the seat out of habit, turned her eyes to take in everything in the field, and asked curiously:

"I remember this car cost more than three million. Brother-in-law, what's your business?"

"More than three million!"

Before Fang Zheng could answer, Qin Shuman's eyes widened:

"real or fake?"

"Of course it's true." Shen Xiuting rolled her eyes:

"Sister Shuman, don't be so exaggerated."

"Probably." Fang Zheng nodded:

"The company paid for it and said it can be deducted from taxes. I don't understand these things, but I can sit out and take a rest."

"As for what I do..."

"I used to be in the porcelain business, but now I have a textile factory."

"Textile factory?" Shen Xiuting's beautiful eyes lit up:

"My family is also in this industry, but business has been difficult in the past two years and labor costs have been too much. My dad is already planning to sign the factory to Malay."


Fang Zheng nodded:

"Labor is not cheap now."

"Qushi is fine here. The textile industry is not too developed. Some people don't want to travel far and are willing to come to the factory for a few thousand yuan."

Shen Xiuting nodded in agreement.

She has been working in the textile industry with her parents since she was a child, and has knowledge of textiles, printing and dyeing, garment manufacturing, accessories and auxiliary materials.

Various warp knitting machines, flat weft knitting machines, and circular weft knitting machines are readily available.

Processing, processing...

Many paths are clear.

After a conversation, Fang Zheng was impressed.

Family environment affects a person in all aspects. People born in business families are almost all talented in business.

Not because they are smarter.

Rather, he is familiar with the industry his parents work in and various business paths, and ordinary people simply cannot gain these experiences.

Studying and going to college is undoubtedly a good way out.

However, children raised by ordinary families also have to work for others after graduating from college, while some people are trained to be bosses since they were young, and their goals are different from the beginning.

work to earn a living?

It’s impossible to work part-time!

"Xiu Ting knows so much."

Fang Zheng took out a few bottles of drinks and handed them to the two women:

"Hot drinks to warm your tummy."


Shen Xiuting's pretty face turned red.

She didn't know if Fang Zheng meant it, but Shen Xiuting's physical condition was very poor because her mother accidentally had fetal gas when she was pregnant with her.

Growing up, I could only drink hot drinks.

"Celebrity concerts can also be contracted."

Fang Zheng changed the subject and talked about a topic that the two women were interested in:

"There are specialized companies responsible for operating celebrity concerts. Some of them invest in and operate them themselves, and some outsource them directly to third parties."

"Especially foreign companies, which lack domestic influence and don't understand domestic channels, mostly choose to outsource or pay dividends."

"Depending on the influence of the star, the contract price for the concert will also be different."

"Just like the BY combination in Southern Dynasty this time, the contract price seems to be three million for two days, and the additional special income is divided in half."

"Brother-in-law." Qin Shuman asked curiously:

"How can I make money by contracting concerts?"

She always thought that concerts were organized by the stars themselves, or that fans raised money to fund them, but she never thought they could be outsourced.

The celebrity's economic work directly takes away three million in contract fees. How does the contractor make money?

“The tickets are one thing.”

Fang Zheng opened his mouth:

"However, for most stars, the ticket income alone is not enough to cover the contract fees. Just like this time by the group, the tickets seem to have only sold more than one million."

"There are also various sponsorships, promotions, and advertisements at various concerts..."

"The person who undertook the concert this time is my friend."

"According to her, it took nearly a month to invest three million in preparation, and she also had to deal with various things, and only earned one or two hundred thousand. It was not cost-effective."

Xia Hong said that she regretted it several times and that she shouldn't do this kind of business on a whim. Even if she wanted to do it, she should find a few people to work together.

Contracting a concert may seem like fun, but it's actually extremely complicated.


If it's a top-tier concert, you can make a lot of money just from the tickets, but you won't contract out top-tier concerts.

"Three million in two days." Shen Xiuting counted in silence:

"Even if you rest for ten days a month, you can still run ten places, which is 30 million. Isn't it several hundred million a year?"

"The celebrity business is so profitable!"

"It's not that exaggerated." Fang Zheng shook his head:

"Celebrities can't be on stage all the time. A dozen or so shows a year is enough. Moreover, the bulk of the money must be given to the agency first, and the remaining money must be paid to employees. What's left in the end is the money in the group. Divided equally between people, there shouldn’t be much.”


Celebrities also have other incomes. For example, in the past few years of the popularity of the group By, it is easy to earn millions or even tens of millions every year.

Far more than ordinary people.


Qin Shuman sighed:

“Everything is business and money is everywhere.”

"Yes." Fang Zheng chuckled:

"Just like us."

"We pay for the celebrities to eat in the hotel. Then we go to meet and talk to them, and we also have to spend 10,000 to cover the expenses."

There are also hotels that treat guests and ask celebrities to leave a group photo, which can be used for publicity to publicize that a certain celebrity has visited the hotel.


Same thing.

A certain celebrity has stayed here, and the accommodation fee is free but you still have to pay.

Qin Shuman's eyes were straightened and his heart was falling. Even the good mood about meeting his idol was dampened.

See idols,

It was an extremely pure thing in her mind.

Not to be tarnished!

but now……

Spend money, spend money, spend money!

It turns out that those youthful, sunny and indifferent young people on the TV screen are all tools for others to make money.

"do not do that."

Shen Xiuting patted the back of her hand:

"Brothers also need to eat."

"Brother?" Fang Zheng was stunned:

"They don't seem to be big either."

"The same age as us." Shen Xiuting's face turned red and she explained:

"But they started coming out when we were in high school, we just graduated, and they've been out in the world for several years."

"Okay." Fang Zheng shook his head.


Stop the car.

Tian Liang opened the car door and led the three people out of the car.


A figure in front of the door made him look surprised, then he shook his head and ignored it, and bowed to lead the way:

"Boss, they are dining upstairs."


Fangzheng raised his head and stepped forward.

at this time.


With a muffled sound, a person knelt down heavily:

"Boss Fang, please accept me as your disciple!"



The two women were stunned.

Fang Zheng also lowered his head and looked with confusion in his eyes:

"Who are you……"

"Boss." Tian Liang took a step forward and whispered:

"His name is Zhang Yong. He is the one who took a knife in Yunhai a few days ago and tried to attack you secretly. He should be discharged from the hospital today, but he actually wants to become a disciple?"

He said with a disdainful hum.


You deserve it too!

How capable is your boss?

He was an immortal figure who followed his words, and he had followed him for a long time, riding before and after, and only learned a few hands of Xinyi Fist.

Do you still want to become a disciple?

I'm not even qualified!

Zhang Yong probably wasn't ready yet. His body leaned to the right, his left leg was slightly bent, and his hands supporting his body were trembling.

Fangzheng understood and moved forward, not intending to pay attention to:

"Let's go!"

"Yes." Tian Liang responded and kicked out fiercely:

"Get away!"


His kick landed firmly on Zhang Yong, kicking him several meters away. He hit the wall and collapsed, which was considered revenge for the punch he received that day.

"Two girls."

Turning around, Tian Liang bowed down respectfully:

"Please come in."

The two women's faces paled, their bodies tensed subconsciously, and they secretly glanced at their opponents.

‘Sister Shuman, what does your brother-in-law do? ’

‘I don’t know. After graduating from art school, I seemed to be doing performances, and then I was engaged in porcelain business. I haven’t heard of doing anything else? ’

‘My cousin’s family doesn’t like people messing around…’

In the flash of lightning, the two of them made eye contact, their expressions became a little strange, and their attitude in front of Fang Zheng also became more reserved.

Went upstairs.

Xia Hong, dressed in red, is already waiting.

"Qin Shuman!"

She responded with a smile on her face:

"Boss Fang has always been obsessed with your sister. No matter how many women show her interest, she is not interested. I have always wanted to know what kind of person her sister would be."

"I saw you today, and I feel pity for you as expected."

"This girl must be Shen Xiuting. People flock together and birds flock together. No wonder she can be friends with Shu Man. She is equally beautiful and lovely."

"Her surname is Xia." Fang Zheng said:

"You can call me Sister Xia, she will be the one who undertakes the concert."

"Sister Xia."

"Hello, Sister Xia. Sorry to trouble you, Sister Xia."

The two women saluted one after another.

With the other party's intentional show of goodwill, the three women quickly got along, but little did they know that in the hearts of the two women, Xia Hong was the eldest sister on TV.

The one who looks kind on the outside but is vicious on the inside.

"This way."

Xia Hong stretched out her hand to signal and said as she walked:

"People in the Southern Dynasties have more rules and don't respect women enough. Anyway, I personally think they are quite rude."

"When you meet someone later, just take a photo and talk to them. Too much contact may destroy your beautiful fantasy about your idol."


Stopped in a private room and knocked on the door.


The door opened and two middle-aged men came out.

One of them was slightly chubby. His eyes lit up when he saw Xia Hong, and then he frowned when he saw so many people in the venue.

Another person wearing gold-rimmed glasses nodded towards Xia Hong:

"Manager Xia, you are here."

"Brother Qian." Xia Hong stretched out her hand to guide Fang Zheng and the others:

"These are the three friends I mentioned. They want to go in and meet with the BY group, have a word with them, and take a group photo if possible."

"No!" Before Brother Qian could say anything, the fat man had already shaken his head and said:



"Brother Qian." Although she couldn't understand what the other party said, she could see his displeasure. Xia Hong frowned and asked:

"what did he say?"

"Manager Xia." Brother Qian rubbed his hands together and said:

"You're giving me a bit of a hard time. It doesn't matter if it's just one or two people. If you bring so many people here, the other party is not willing."

"What do you mean?" Xia Hong's expression changed:

"The room is so big, what's wrong with a few more people? And we don't stay in there for too long, we just go in, say a few words, and leave right away."

Brother Qian turned his head and looked at the fat man.

The two murmured quietly.

After a while.

Brother Qian turned around and looked over, spreading his hands:

"Manager Xia, I'm very sorry, but they don't agree."

"..." The muscles on Xia Hong's face tensed, and there was anger in her eyes. She took a deep breath and said:


"I won't go in. Can you let these friends of mine go in?"

"One minute!"

"Come out in a minute, no interruptions!"

"No." Brother Qian still shook his head and said:

"It would have been fine if you had only let these few people in from the beginning. Now that you have brought so many people here, you have already made our friends in the Southern Dynasties unhappy."


"Don't even go in."


His gaze fell on Xia Hong, his eyes burning:

"If Manager Xia is willing to accompany you for a while, it's not impossible to talk."


Before he finished speaking, a trap had already fallen on his face, and the huge force caused blood to spurt from his nostrils and stumble to the ground.

A figure rushed to the scene, kicked Brother Qian a few times, then reached out and grabbed the fat man's hair, pulled his head and slammed into the door.


There was a muffled sound.

The fat man fell to the ground wailing.

"Boss Fang."

Zhang Yong followed him at some point, stopped what he was doing, and lowered his head:

"Please come in."

Fang Zheng looked at him with no expression on his face.

After a pause, he nodded slowly:

"Thank you."

"It should, it should." Just two words, but Zhang Yong was overjoyed and nodded crazily:

"I can do something for Boss Fang..."

"I'm willing to do anything!"


Tian Liang's face was ugly, his hands were clenched and he glared at Zhang Yong bitterly.


Zhang Yong smiled back.

Who made you fail to seize the opportunity.

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