
The door to the private room was violently knocked open. Tian Liang and Zhang Yong pushed the door open and lined up on the left and right to make way for Fang Zheng and others to enter.




There were more than a dozen people sitting in the room, both men and women.

The appearance of most of them was above average, but a few of them had obviously had surgery on their faces, and their facial features were similar.

Seeing several people breaking in, their expressions couldn't help but change. They were shouting and clamoring, and the anger in their eyes was not concealed at all.

Another person rushed over, pointing one hand squarely, trying to push him.

Celebrities from the Southern Dynasties are very popular in Xia Kingdom, especially among the younger generation, and they have some who can be called fanatical fans.

In addition, they came from a foreign country, and the Xia country's tradition paid more attention to entertaining guests, so they gradually got used to the compliments of the Xia people.

and even……

Develop a arrogant and arrogant attitude when facing Xia people.

But obviously, they hit a wall today.

"screw you!"

Seeing someone trying to get close to Fang Zheng, Tian Liang, who had not had time to make a move at the door before, took a step forward, raised his hand and threw it out.

The force was so great that he vented all his annoyance at not being able to take action in time.


This slap landed firmly on the man's face, causing him to stumble towards the ground, and it was difficult to recover for a moment.

"You hit someone?"

One person looked shocked and said in a strange tone:

"How dare you hit our people?"

"It turns out I can speak human language." Tian Liang moved his sore wrists and looked at him with disdain:

"What if I hit someone?"

"He deserves a beating!"


"Not convinced?"

He stepped to the huge solid wood dining table, raised one leg and suddenly lowered it, and the muscles in his leg under his trousers were knotted together like a knife and an axe.

When he landed on the dining table, the strength in his legs suddenly exploded.


The solid wood dining table, which was more than enough for more than ten people to sit around, shattered under his leg, and the broken wood stubble was exposed ferociously.

Intention - Thunder axe!

Integrated into the Wu Lei Shou's Xinyi Fist's ultimate move.

This scene left everyone in the Southern Dynasty stunned, with fear in their eyes.

This is a solid wood dining table, weighing hundreds of kilograms. If you drop it, what will be the consequences if it falls on you?

Think about it,

It makes people shudder.


Tian Liang drew back his legs and snorted:

"Be honest with me. If you are not honest...this table will be your fate!"

As he said that, he glanced at Zhang Yong beside him, with a hint of provocation in his eyes.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Yong was not afraid, but his eyes were wild, staring at his legs as if he wanted to see clearly.

What a strong kick!


The strong one is not Tian Liang, but Boss Fang Zhengfang!

He had a certain understanding of Tian Liang. Before that, he was just a street gangster who couldn't stand on the stage, and his strength would never be so exaggerated.


It only started when I followed Boss Fang.

If I could become a disciple of Boss Fang... I wonder if I would have the opportunity to learn from him the ability to turn iron into clay?

In an instant, Zhang Yong's thoughts changed rapidly and he became more and more sure of his choice.

"You...you..." The man sitting in the middle of the field turned pale, subconsciously took a step back, and then said:

"We are international friends, you can't do this."

"Don't worry, we don't have any ill intentions. You don't need to panic." Fang Zheng chuckled at the other party and signaled to Qin Shuman and Shen Xiuting:

"Go ahead."

"Now I can say a few words and take a photo together."

The two women were silent.

Shen Xiuting complained in her heart.

More than just saying a few words and taking a photo together?

Now I just ask the By group to take off their clothes and dance, and I'm afraid it won't be a problem, but the three brothers were so frightened that their faces turned pale.

"never mind."

Qin Shuman shook his head gently:

"Tingting, go ahead, I don't want to take a photo with you."

For some reason, when she really saw her favorite celebrity, the energy in her heart suddenly disappeared, and she slowly felt lost.


It's because the other person is far less beautiful than you imagined.


The three of them were each holding a woman in their arms, their attitudes were ambiguous, and judging from the situation at the scene, they were not lovers.

In short,

She just wants to go back now.



Shen Xiuting took out her mobile phone and took a few photos of several people. She then put the mobile phone into her pocket and looked back at Qin Shuman:

"Let's go!"


Qin Shuman nodded.

"Then let's go." Fang Zheng said to Xia Hong at the same time:

"If they call the Public Security Department, remember to inform me that they are guests and Fang doesn't mind keeping them for a few more days."


Xia Hong lowered his head:

"Don't worry, Boss Fang, they won't call the police."

When she looked up, Fang Zheng and the others had already walked away. Xia Hong looked at Fang Zheng's back, her face flushed and her eyes almost stretched out.

This kind of man...

How exciting!


As soon as I left the hotel, I got a call.

"Master Chen."

Fang Zheng answered the phone and said with a smile:

"It's really rare. I'm calling you right now. Is there something wrong?"

"Boss Fang." Chen Jian said in a low voice and politely:

"We may have to delay receiving next month's goods, and the payment will not be received in a short time. Please bear with me."


Fang Zheng raised his eyebrows.

Chen Jian was his business partner when he first started his career. He mainly engaged in jade trading. He was similar in age to him and had a good temper, and they gradually became friends.

His jade business is mostly handled by the Chen family, which can provide profits ranging from millions to tens of millions per month.

There have been no mistakes in the cooperation between the two parties so far.

"It doesn't matter."

After thinking for a while, Fang Zheng spoke slowly:

"We are all old friends. If you are short of money, it won't be a problem to pay for the goods a few months later. If you are short of money, let me know."

"If Fang can help, please help."

"..." There was silence on the other side of the phone, and after waiting for a while, Chen Jian's voice came, her voice low and helpless:

"Boss Fang, have you offended the Mu family?"


Fang Zheng narrowed his eyes, paused in his steps, and then waved to the others, indicating that they should get in the car and wait for him before speaking:

"How do you say this?"

"I met a member of the Mu family a few days ago, but it shouldn't be said that I offended him, right?"

"That's not necessarily the case." Chen Jian said in a dull voice:

"The Mu family is the dominant one in Xizhou. No one dares not to listen to what the Mu family says. There is no business they want to do that cannot be done."

"..." Fang Zheng said slowly:

"So, there is no problem with the Chen family's business. It's the Mu family that asked you not to pay me for the goods and to terminate the business?"

Chen Jian said nothing.

"Ha..." Fang Zheng chuckled:

"It's really domineering."

First, he launched a navy attack on black square porcelain, which caused serious damage to the porcelain business and threatened the cash flow of the Chen family's jade business.

Now he only has the Gold Swallowing Beast Yunzhi Textile Factory and the barely maintained asset operation company in his hands.

The Mu family is sure to win!

"Boss Fang."

Chen Jian whispered:

"You also know that our Xizhou is close to the Burmese country. It is very chaotic here. The Mu family's ability to become the hegemon in Xizhou must be extraordinary."

"There are some things that are inconvenient to say..."

"But as far as I know, for any business that is targeted by the Mu family, either the other party's boss suddenly disappears, or the other party agrees to the Mu family's request."


Be killed!

Fang Zheng raised his eyebrows, and instantly recalled the scene when he met Mu Yuanchun in the club. The other party deliberately shot the target with a hidden threat, and his attitude was domineering. He thought it was due to the arrogance of the young man, but it turned out to be the inherent style of the Mu Yuanchun family.


It's straightforward enough, I like it.

"We are friends, please listen to my advice." Chen Jian said:

"I agree to the Mu family's request. If we have money, we can still make money together. It's just that we can earn more and less. If we die that day, no matter how much money we have, it will be useless."

"I know you have some strength in Qu City, but..."

"No comparison with the Mu family!"

He really considered Fang Zheng as a friend, otherwise he would never have said these words, and it would not be good for him if they reached the ears of the herdsmen.

"I see."

Fang Zheng nodded:

"Come to Qushi when you have time, and I'll be your host."


Chen Jian didn't say much, nodded and hung up the phone. He said that these were all benevolence and righteousness, and as for what would happen next, it was beyond his control.

Putting away his phone, Fang Zheng looked at the two women in the car.

"Book comics."

He said slowly:

"What are your plans next?"

"Brother-in-law..." Qin Shuman was about to speak, but was interrupted by Shen Xiuting's hand.

"Boss Fang."

She said crisply:

"We have booked a hotel. Just take it to the hotel. Then the boss won't worry about it. Let's go shopping by ourselves."

As he said that, he winked secretly at Qin Shuman.

Judging from Fang's behavior, it's obvious that he came from a shady background. His cousin's family didn't like Qin Shuman at all. If they knew this, they wouldn't cause a scene.

It would be better to break off the relationship between Qin Shuman and Fang Zheng as soon as possible.

"That's fine."

Fang Zheng didn't force it, he just said:

"Call me if you need anything."

"Tian Liang, please send them off."

"Okay." Qin Shuman nodded:

"When we get to the hotel, I'll tell my brother-in-law that he's safe."




Zhao Xiuxiu dragged her tired body, opened the door and returned home.


As soon as the door was closed, the muffled sound of a wine bottle falling to the ground came from the living room. The sound... was like a mallet falling on the heart.

It makes people feel stuffy, stuffy, and breathless.


Turning around, with her long hair covering the haggard look on her cheeks, Zhao Xiuxiu spoke slowly:

"what happened again?"

The lights were not turned on in the room, and the afterglow of the moonlight mixed with the halo of street lights fell through the windows into the room, falling on Father Zhao's gloomy face.

The strong smell of alcohol enveloped the entire residence.

"What else?"

Father Zhao glared at his daughter angrily. He didn't know whether he was drunk or angry. His eyes were bloodshot. He slapped his thigh and said:

"Lao Wang and the others laughed at me, saying that my daughter was a mistress and was thrown back after being made pregnant. She was embarrassed all day long."

"My old face..."

"You've ruined everything!"

"Dad." Zhao Xiuxiu said with a livid face:

"Don't forget that all the gambling debts you owed were paid by Zheng Kuo, and... we really love each other."


Father Zhao suddenly stood up and cursed:

"How come I gave birth to a daughter as stupid as you? How old are you and do you still believe in true love?"

"If you really love each other, why didn't Zheng Kuo buy you a house when he was rich? He wouldn't have to pay off my gambling debts!"

He said angrily and paced back and forth in the living room.

"You are really stupid. If you had asked for more valuable things when you were favored, how could you end up in this situation now?"

"Not only did you not get anything, but you also got pregnant. Are you out of your mind?"

"I've been walking in and out with a big belly all day long, and being pointed at and poked at my spine, I've been buried."

The more he cursed, the angrier he became, stamping his feet and saying:

"If you dare to give birth to this child, don't expect me to take care of it!"


Zhao Xiuxiu closed the door, leaned against the door and slowly slid down, her body trembling slightly, and her tears couldn't stop flowing down.

She thought she was used to her father's cynicism.


Father Zhao's words were like sharp knives, poking back and forth on her wounds, torturing her with words in different ways every day.

‘Why do I have such a father? ’


The fetal movement made her groan, and cold sweat broke out on her forehead. She stumbled back on the bed, holding her bulging belly in her hands and stroking it.

a long time.

Zhao Xiuxiucai breathed a sigh of relief and took out the mobile phone in her bag.

There are many unread messages on WeChat.

"Xiuxiu, I heard that you were fired from the company?"

"They have the nerve to fire pregnant women and sue them, but I remember you are still in your internship. It is difficult to win in this situation."

"Pay more attention to your health!"

It was obviously concern, but Zhao Xiuxiu could smell the sarcasm between the lines of the other party's words.


The little girl who was once popular with men is now spoiled by scumbag men and has become pregnant. She has to look for a job with her pregnant belly.

You see, you feel superior, right?

"Xiuxiu, are you looking for a job?"

"I can't do it here. The working environment is not suitable for pregnant women. Women's job titles are inherently restricted, and no one dares to accept pregnant women."


"You are pregnant, and you will be on maternity leave immediately after you arrive at the company. If something happens, the company will be responsible, and no one will want you."

Looking through the messages one by one, Zhao Xiuxiu's face was gloomy, and her eyes were dimmed due to repeated blows.

"You can ask the monk, he should be able to help."

A piece of news made her pause slightly.


She knew Dapeng, Shi Xin's friend.

Zhao Xiuxiu even knew that Shi Xin liked her. Women are more precocious and can easily understand the ignorant love in the little boy's eyes.

Later, when Shi Xin was killed, she went there to burn the paper and miss her youth.

"Fang Zheng?"

The monk Dapeng mentioned was probably another good friend of Shi Xin's. He was low-key and didn't know what he did.

Zhao Xiuxiu flipped through her phone and found Fang Zheng's WeChat account. The last time the two communicated was during the Spring Festival a few years ago, when they exchanged greetings.

In the past few years, we haven’t been sending greetings in groups, and we haven’t even contacted each other.


Even the other person's appearance became blurry in his memory.

Staring at Fangzheng's WeChat interface, Zhao Xiuxiu hesitated for a moment, then slowly entered a message in the hope of something unexpected.

After a while.


Sighing, Zhao Xiuxiu put the phone aside, lay on her side and huddled on the bed, gently rubbing her belly with one hand. It is said that this can make the fetus feel warm.


There was a sound from the phone.

She raised her eyebrows slightly, took her phone and opened the latest news.

It was a reply from Founder, with an address and a phone number on it, along with a screenshot of a factory recruitment advertisement.


Looking at the address above, Zhao Xiuxiu pursed her lips slightly.


The next day.

After getting off the bus, Zhao Xiuxiu looked around and took out her mobile phone to make a call.

"Manager Zhu?"

"It's me." The other party said:

"you arrived?"

"Yes." Zhao Xiuxiu nodded:

"I got off the bus where you said."

"Wait a moment." A frantic voice came from the phone:

"I will pick you up."

"No, no need." Zhao Xiuxiu shook her head hurriedly and whispered:

"Please tell me the specific location and I will just walk there."

"It doesn't matter." Manager Zhu smiled and said:

"It's very close. I'll be there soon."

After hanging up the phone, Zhao Xiuxiu looked around with some anxiety and felt relieved when she saw many workers coming and going nearby.

As the other party said, not long after waiting, a four-wheeled car similar to a sightseeing car stopped in front of him, and a person looked over:

"Zhao Xiuxiu?"

"It's me." Zhao Xiuxiu nodded anxiously:

"Are you Manager Zhu?"

"Just call me Sister Zhu." Manager Zhu smiled and waved his hands with an enthusiastic attitude:


"Okay, Zhu..." Zhao Xiuxiu nodded:

"Sister Zhu."

The sightseeing car turned a corner and took Zhao Xiuxiu to the textile factory not far away. Sister Zhu, who was in her early forties, introduced:

"Yunzhi has just renovated a new workshop. The equipment is all the most advanced machinery. The boss also specially invited several top weavers to teach employees textile technology."


"There are some things that I can't say directly, but you can rest assured that Yunzhi's future is very good, no... it's unprecedented!"

When she said this, her eyes lit up, and she had the energy of a young person.


Sightseeing buses swipe their cards to enter the factory.

Zhao Xiuxiu sat in the car and looked at the factory in front of her.

The door must have been recently renovated. The cement and stone slabs are not yet weathered. The shape is grand and retro, which is completely different from ordinary small factories.

The interior area is also very spacious. The key is that it is clean and tidy. There is not a single weed in such a large area, which shows the care of the management staff.

In addition to several workshops, there is also a three-story building in the factory area.

"Currently, the factory is planning to build an office building with more than ten floors. The land planning has been approved and the construction unit is being selected."

"Right over there."

Manager Zhu pointed out his hand and said:

"In addition, a special accommodation area will be built. Even the canteen will be renovated and renovated. There will also be an entertainment area, chess and card room, etc."

“Our place will definitely change in the next few years!”

Zhao Xiuxiu nodded slowly.

She didn't know whether what the other party said was true or not, but the enthusiasm and rush in his words were rarely seen in workers.

It also gave her some infections.

"Zhao..." Manager Zhu turned his head and said:

"How about I call you Xiuxiu?"

"Of course." Zhao Xiuxiu nodded hurriedly:

"Sister Zhu, just call me Xiuxiu."

"Okay." Manager Zhu smiled, and Fang asked carefully:

"Xiuxiu, the person who introduced you here...how did you meet him?"

"You mean Founder?" Zhao Xiuxiu said:

"He is my classmate."

"Classmate?" Manager Zhu raised his eyebrows upon hearing this, his eyes fell on Zhao Xiuxiu's swollen belly, and he nodded thoughtfully.

And said:

"Xiuxiu, it's not suitable for you to go to the workshop in this situation. Just work in the office like me and do some light work then."

"Really?" Zhao Xiuxiu was overjoyed:

"Thank you, Sister Zhu."

"Don't thank me." Manager Zhu waved his hand quickly:

"If you want to thank, thank the person who introduced you here."


"What are your salary requirements?"

"This..." Zhao Xiuxiu hesitated and whispered:

"I saw it written in the flyer that the salary ranges from 3,000 to 10,000 depending on the position and responsibilities. How much can I get?"

She doesn't seek the best.

After all, according to past experience, ten thousand out of three thousand to ten thousand is just a gimmick, but three thousand is indeed too little.

"You?" Manager Zhu smiled with envy in his voice:

"You are the person that the boss has specially told to pay attention to, so naturally you should get the most. The basic salary is 8,000 for one month during the probation period. After one month, you will become a full-time person. After becoming a regular, the basic salary will be 10,000. In addition, bonus subsidies will be calculated separately. Others such as Five insurances and one fund, five days off, five days off, nine to five are all the same.”

"Yunzhi provides food and accommodation. If you don't want to live here, depending on your position... you will receive a subsidy of two thousand yuan a month."

"If you require accommodation, there will be private rooms."

Zhao Xiuxiu's breath shortened, her hands clenched suddenly, and her heart pounded.

A basic salary of 10,000 yuan a month may not be a big deal to many people, but it was a huge surprise to her.

It was hard to believe for a moment:


"Of course it's true." Manager Zhu laughed:

"Come on, let's take a look at the working environment first. You shouldn't live in the company dormitory. After all, you are pregnant and need someone to take care of you."


Zhao Xiuxiu's voice deepened:

"I live in the dormitory."


Manager Zhu was stunned, turned his head and looked at Zhao Xiuxiu carefully, then nodded and said:

"Then let's take a look at the dormitory first."





"Boss Fang!"

"You're here."


As Fang Zheng walked by, everyone saluted.

This is a store where Yunzhi sells textiles in the city, but it has long been transformed into the company's design department.

Products completed by Yunzhi Textile Factory will be sent here first.


Fang Zheng nodded to everyone and looked at Manager Du, who was in charge of this place:

"People are here already?"


Manager Du nodded with excitement on his face.

Manager Du is only in his early thirties. He is still very young in the designer industry and is even more unknown. But this situation will change soon.

He is sure!


Your name will most likely be engraved in the halls of fashion design.


Manager Du bowed forward and said:

"Ms. Chen has just arrived and is waiting for you inside."

open the door.

Chen Wan, a big star in casual clothes, is sitting on a bamboo and rattan chair, holding a piece of clothing in her hand and looking through it slowly.

Although Chen Wan is a singer, her appearance and figure are not bad.

Especially those long legs, which show amazing proportions even when sitting down, and the delicate facial features shine under the light.

No wonder she is called the most beautiful singer in Xia Kingdom.

Those who are more beautiful than her can't sing as well as her, and the few who can sing better than her are all crooked.


Fang Zheng pushed open the door and entered, smiling and extending his hand:

"meet again."

"Junior Fang." Chen Wan raised her head, stood up, stretched out her hand and said with a smile:

“I never imagined that one day I would become the spokesperson for Xidian’s products.”

The two graduated from the same art school, and Chen Wan graduated a few years earlier. They seemed to be close to each other by calling them senior sister and junior junior.

"I didn't expect it either."

Fang Zheng let go:

"I am lucky to have a senior sister."

"Easy to say."

Chen Wan nodded:

"But, junior brother, do you really plan to spend 10 million to treat me?"

Celebrity endorsement fees have their own market conditions. Generally speaking, a contract lasts for two years. The endorsement fee for the top domestic stars is around 20 million.


It's millions.

Among them, the endorsement fees in the luxury goods industry are actually not high. On the contrary, the endorsement fees for daily consumer goods and fast-moving consumer goods are higher.

This is also normal.

High-end luxury goods are a blessing for celebrities. They can choose celebrities and are also good for their influence.


It will make the star feel vulgar and damage the image, and the role of image for stars and idols is naturally self-evident.

Therefore, big prices are generally not given, and big stars are usually unwilling to sign endorsement contracts for FMCG products.

Chen Wan is at the top of the list of singers, but now singers are not popular, and female singers are unavoidable in scandals, and their endorsement fees are not very high.

Ten million,

Already a lot!

"Boss Fang."

The middle-aged man on the side handed over a business card and bowed:

"I am Ms. Chen's agent. I am very happy to be Fang Ci's spokesperson. We can discuss the specific content of the contract slowly."

"Fang Ci?" Fang Zheng shook his head gently:

"You have misunderstood. The person I want to endorse is not Fang Ci."



The two of them were stunned.

"What?" Fangzheng spread his hands:

"Senior, do you think this is where porcelain is made?"

"Junior, don't be joking." Chen Wan frowned:

"Before I came here, I agreed to endorse luxury goods..."

She paused and did not continue, because she suddenly remembered that the other party only said that it was a luxury product endorsement, but he did not say that it was Fang Porcelain.

"Boss Fang." The agent's face was even more ugly:

"It seems that there is some misunderstanding between us. If it is not the endorsement of Fang Ci, we may consider the endorsement contract."

"It should."

Fang Zheng nodded:

"You might as well take a look at our products first."

"I heard that senior sister's transformation has not been smooth in the past two years. There seems to be a national team star tour in the next few days. Senior sister wants to participate, right?"

"Boss Fang is well-informed." The agent nodded:

"That's true, but does it have nothing to do with the endorsement contract between us?"


Fangzheng clapped his hands lightly:

"Bring the stuff over here."


There should be someone behind.

The next moment.

The impatience on the agent's face disappeared in an instant, his eyes widened, and he looked at the things brought out with an incredulous look.

Chen Wan couldn't help but take a step forward, breathing heavily.

In this world...

Is there really such a thing?


Fang Zheng stretched out his hand to signal:

"I hope you can wear this Yunshang Fairy Clothes provided by our Yunzhi during the tour. As for the endorsement fee of 10 million... we can also negotiate."


Chen Wan suddenly raised her hand, her beautiful eyes flashed, and she gritted her teeth and said:

"No need to talk, sign the contract!"

"I will wear this dress..."

The agent behind him opened his mouth, but then fell silent. He knew very well the weight of the clothes in front of him, and he must sign this contract.

Not even asking for money,

Sign it too!

No woman can resist the temptation of this kind of clothing.

Fairy clothes!

Is it true?

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