"Yuan Chun is dead!"

Mu Yandi is Mu Yuanchun's aunt. She is only in her early thirties. Since she is about the same age as Mu Yuanchun, the relationship between the aunt and nephew is very good.

Today, she is wearing an off-white light shirt with a silk bow tied at the neck and a black straight skirt underneath. She has both casual and professional style.

In her thirties, she was in her prime.

The skin is smooth and elastic, and the figure is graceful and attractive. There is no trace that this is a woman who already has two children.

At this time, Mu Yandi clenched her hands tightly, veins popped out on the back of her hands, her teeth were clenched, and her face was ferocious:

"Third brother, your son is dead!"

"You didn't react at all?"

"How do you want me to react?" Mu San had been sitting in his seat expressionless, and suddenly he yelled like he was being stimulated:

"Everyone is dead, what do you still want from me?"


Mu Yandi's beautiful eyes widened and she gritted her teeth and said:

"Whoever kills Yuan Chun will be buried with his whole family. Take this opportunity to tell the people in the capital that our Mu family is not someone to be trifled with."


Boss Mu Shichong’s voice deepened:

"Say less."

"What?" Mu Yandi stood up and said:

"Brother, when did you become so cowardly?"

"The foundation of our herdsman family in Myanmar was built by you following the old man. At that time, how many people did you kill in several districts of Myanmar?"

"You don't understand." Mu Shichong shook his head:

"Myanmar is different from China. We have been targeted by some people for a long time. If we go too far, I'm afraid... in any case, we must be cautious."

The Mu family's success today relies heavily on the power cultivated in Myanmar.

But such forces are not allowed in the country.

The Mu family has been warned many times by successive Xizhou supervisors that business operations in the country should be sidelined at best and they should not dare to go too far.

Xia Kingdom,

No private militia allowed.

Becoming the secret hegemon of Xizhou is already the limit, and going one step further will lead to an abyss. Now what the Mu family is pursuing is to go one step further politically.

Only in this way can larger industries be supported.


Mu San nodded:

"Yuan Chun knows this better than your aunt, but..."

His eyes turned cold and he said coldly:

"Killing my son, it's impossible to just let it go. I want to see who the person named Fang is?"


"First ask a few people to pick up Mu Yu. She has someone close to Fang Zheng. There are ways to deal with it by bringing the person to Myanmar."

"Yes." Mu Shichong nodded slowly.

"I'll call someone."

Mu Yandi turned her beautiful eyes and said:

"I know the right person to go to."

"Then it's up to you to arrange it." Mu Shichong waved his hand obediently:

"Don't act rashly for the time being. Check the situation first. The person who can clean up Yuan Chun's side is by no means an ordinary person."

"I know."

The corners of Mu Yandi's lips curled up slightly:

"Just wait and see."




On the highway, a black car was speeding.

Fang Zheng was sitting in the back seat, leaning on the soft and hard seat back, playing with a piece of talisman paper with one hand and looking thoughtful in his eyes.


Zhang Yong looked at the sign in front and said:

"We will be out in the market soon."


Fang Zheng raised his eyebrows:

"Hurry up."

"..." Zhang Yong lowered his head and looked at the speed displayed on the screen. His face turned slightly pale, and then his eyes focused:


This time, the boss did not let Tian Liang follow him, but asked himself to follow him. He must perform well no matter what and cannot let the boss down.


Once you miss it, you may never get it again.


Pressing the accelerator to the bottom, the car surged forward at an alarming speed, passing several vehicles that were also traveling on the highway.


It's inevitable to be called a lunatic.

"Driving so fast, I'm rushing to reincarnate!"

"You don't want to die, right?"


Zhang Yong is not an excellent racing driver. When the car reaches a certain level, he can't help but start to panic.

I looked in the rearview mirror.

Fang Zheng's expression did not change at all, and even looked a little impatient.



He stepped on the accelerator with all his strength, the engine roared wildly, the car reached a speed of 100 feet and jumped forward suddenly.

Watch it from a distance.

It was like an out-of-control beast appeared on the calm highway, rushing past and weaving in and out among many vehicles.

From time to time, a thrilling scene is staged.

For a while.

Zhang Yong didn't care to observe Fang Zheng, cold sweat broke out on his forehead, his eyes were fixed on the road ahead, and he turned the steering wheel from time to time.

He felt that his driving skills would definitely improve a lot after going through this experience.


Pass slowly.

The speed of the car also slowly dropped.


Fangzheng raised his head, his voice displeased.


Zhang Yong said hurriedly:

"It's not that I'm driving slowly, it's that there's a traffic jam ahead."

But on the road ahead, three luxury cars with Haizhou license plates were driving side by side, neither too fast nor too slow, but they happened to block the road.

Fang Zheng was not interested in cars, but he recognized the logos of these three cars.

Just one mark.

It's just not something ordinary people can afford.

The three cars in front are not only luxury cars, but also luxury cars among luxury cars. The cheapest one may cost millions of Xia Yuan.


Even more exaggerated.

The vehicles are already like this. In comparison, they are all with license plate numbers of six and eight. They are not so conspicuous, but they are enough to show their strength.

Haizhou is the most economically prosperous area in Xia State. Being able to buy the Leopard license plate there is a symbol of strength in itself.

"What are they doing?"

After following for a while, he saw that the three cars were still driving side by side, as if they were deliberately blocking the cars coming from behind. Fang Zheng's expression gradually became cold:

“Do you consider the highway your own home?”

Zhang Yong heard this and hurriedly blew the whistle.


At the same time, he turned the steering wheel and changed directions back and forth behind the three cars, trying to pass through the gap in the middle, but failed every time.

Even the emergency lane was blocked by the other party.

"What are you doing?"

Now, even Zhang Yong became angry:

"There's something wrong with deliberately blocking people from passing by!"


At this moment, the sunroof of the car in front opened, and a man stuck his head out with a horn in hand and shouted:

"We are recording the program in front and it will take some time. Friends, please wait a moment and we will compensate you when it is over."

"One hundred dollars a minute!"

One minute is one hundred yuan, ten minutes is one thousand, one hour is six thousand...

Zhang Yong's mind was racing and he couldn't help but sigh.

So damn rich!

"What are you talking about!" At this time, a cry came from another car, and a young man with dyed green hair showed his head:

"If you dare to overtake, you will destroy him!"

"It doesn't matter what kind of thing we drive, if our car scratches even a little bit, they can lose their money!"


Green Hair yelled:

"I don't care what urgent matters you have. Even if you go home to worship your ancestors or your wife has a baby, you have to wait until our affairs are finished."


"Bump him over." Fang Zheng frowned and was not interested in listening to what the other party had to say, so he spoke directly:

"Don't worry."


Zhang Yong has been practicing martial arts since he was a child, and he also has a sense of arrogance in his heart. He has been filled with anger for a long time, and with the support of his boss, he stepped on the accelerator and rushed over.

If something goes wrong and the boss is watching, what are you afraid of?


The black car slammed into the rear of the luxury car.

The car you choose,

It was the luxury car where the green hair was.


The luxury car shuddered suddenly, and the direction of the vehicle's forward direction became crooked. Lu Mao even exclaimed and hurriedly sat back down.

The speed of vehicles traveling on the highway is not too slow. Once the vehicle is ejected, there is almost no possibility of survival.

He just didn't expect...

Someone really dared to hit him with a car!

I've been told that this kind of thing has never been done before, but after seeing the car and license plate, no one dared to cause trouble. Don't the people behind know the consequences of doing so?


The two cars collided again.

The front of the black car was obviously dented, and the luxury car was also scratched in large areas. The tires skidded and left black marks on the road.

Three cars also had vacancies due to different speeds.


Zhang Yong stepped on the accelerator and the vehicle rushed forward, brushing against three luxury cars and rushing forward. At the same time, he lowered the glass and gave Lu Mao a middle finger.

"Ha ha……"


He slapped the horn, his face full of excitement.

The sharp car honking also made the people behind hold up their horns and shout:


"Stop and listen, don't you hear me?"

"Also, please turn off the horn, so you* don't cause trouble!"

"Ha..." Zhang Yong looked back and saw that Fang's expression did not change, so he couldn't help but grin:


"Go ahead and dream!"

"Aren't you allowed to honk your horn?"

"I just want to press it!"

As he drove, he honked the horn frantically. The extreme speed caused the car to throw away three luxury cars and rush towards several commercial vehicles in front.

They're right.

There was indeed a program being recorded in front of them. One of the commercial vehicles had searchlights on and a huge photo of a woman hung on it.


Zhang Yong whistled:

"It turns out to be the big star Sun Qianqian, no wonder."

Sun Qianqian is an upstart and top player in the entertainment industry. Although she does not have any influential works, her number of fans is among the top.


She is a top rich second generation.

She debuted in a variety show, and her personality was that of being arrogant, rich, and individual. Young people today seem to be following her style.


Fang Zheng frowned:

"Don't worry about the rest."


Zhang Yong came to his senses, nodded hurriedly in response, and drove past a group of commercial vehicles, ignoring each other's honking signals and quickly passing by.


The whistle kept sounding.

Two sports cars even passed by the program set and headed straight for the car. The momentum was so fierce that they seemed to want to teach Zhang Yong a lesson.

Sports cars are extremely fast.

Even if Zhang Yong stepped on the accelerator with all his strength, the distance between the two sides was still getting closer.

Fang Zheng narrowed his eyes slightly, then lowered the car window next to him, took out a coin he carried with him, and tossed it lightly out the window.


The coin flew out of the hand, stagnated for a moment, and then shot out like a discharged electromagnetic gun, heading straight for the tire of one of the sports cars.



The coin penetrated the tire, causing it to burst instantly.

The sports car lost control. The driver turned pale and subconsciously turned the steering wheel, involuntarily hitting the sports car beside him.


There was a crash.

Two sports cars crashed into a highway guardrail.

The business car of the program team behind, as well as the luxury car of Lu Mao and others, were also shocked. No one would be killed this time, right?



The vehicle stopped in front of an inconspicuous hotel.

The hotel only has three floors, the front desk is simple, and the signboard is casual, so I'm afraid there won't be many guests.

The driver got out of the car and opened the back door.

"Miss, let's rest here for the night. Our family has sent someone to help us. We can return to Xizhou tomorrow."

Then he looked at the listless Wen Lei:

"What should she do?"

After running around for a long time, from afternoon to late at night, her hands and feet were bound and her spirit was tense all the way, Wen Lei's consciousness was already a little blurry.

Mu Yu glanced at her coldly and waved her hand gently:

"Carry it up first."


The driver should be.

Although she was a woman, she was fat and strong. She easily picked up Wen Lei with one hand and walked towards the building. The people inside were not surprised by this.

Mu Yu rubbed his temples, went to the room on the second floor by familiar routes, took off his clothes and entered the shower room.


The warm water poured down from above and fell on her body, which also made her relaxed and allowed her to reflect on the experiences of the past two days.


She gently held back her long hair and narrowed her beautiful eyes:

"Where are you from?"

Mu Yuanchun has been arrogant since he was a child, has a flippant and arrogant personality, and has many shortcomings, but he is by no means an ignorant rich second generation.

This line.

The fact that the Mu family left the matter to him instead of Mu Yu explained everything.


Mu Yuanchun and more than a dozen elite mercenaries were cleared out in a short period of time, which was beyond everyone's expectation.

"It can't be done by Fang Zheng alone..."

Mu Yu pursed his lips, and his heart sank slightly:

"It's very possible that there is a force behind him just like our Mu family. This force is powerful enough to kill Mu Yuanchun easily."

After washing, she put on a pair of pajamas and walked out of the shower room. Her steps stopped as soon as she entered the living room.

A strange man appeared in her room at some unknown time.

The man was sitting on the sofa, his face a little haggard and his eyes bloodshot. It looked like he hadn't rested for a long time.

The opponent's sturdy figure made Mu Yu narrow her beautiful eyes and subconsciously licked the corners of her mouth, her eyes flashing with a cold light that foreshadowed danger.

At the same time, he spoke slowly:

"Who are you?"

"My surname is Zhang." The visitor said:

"My boss's surname is Fang."

"Fang?" Mu Yu raised an eyebrow:

"Fang Zheng?"

"Not bad." Zhang Yong nodded.

"Amazing!" Mu Yu looked surprised:

"How did you find this place?"

She was very sure that Wen Lei didn't have any technological elements that could be tracked, and this was also a hidden hiding place specially opened by the Mu family.

Since I realized something was wrong and came from Qushi, I didn't stop at all along the way.

other side……

But it can be locked here!

This shows that from the beginning, he has been under the other party's surveillance sight, and all action trajectories are under the control of the other party.

This method...

Mu Yu's thoughts turned rapidly, and he couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart.

"I do not know either."

Zhang Yong spread his hands:

"The boss asked me to come, so I came. I didn't expect that you are actually here. All I can say is... the boss really has great powers."

"Indeed." Mu Yu nodded:


"We found the person, what are you going to do?"

Zhang Yong pursed his lips, stood up from the sofa, and looked at Mu Yu with a look that was a bit unbearable, a bit fearful, and a bit dignified.

"The boss asked me to kill you."


Mu Yu's heart skipped a beat.

"Feel sorry."

Zhang Yong sighed:

"You were so beautiful and so young. It's a pity that you died. But since the boss asked me to do it, I can only..."


Before he finished speaking, a beautiful figure had already collided with him at an astonishing speed, and even more unexpected power suddenly erupted.

The two smashed the second-floor glass and fell heavily.


Zhang Yong's face looked solemn, and his body suddenly froze in mid-air. The Baji Zhuang Kung that had been refined into his bones allowed him to stabilize his body in an instant.

Both feet hit the ground first.

Mu Yu was wearing slippers and thin pajamas that were close to her body. Her legs suddenly froze, like two long snakes wrapping around Zhang Yong's neck and swung hard.



The two of them rolled on the ground covered with broken glass. When they got up, they were covered in blood.

at this time.


A fat corpse fell from the sky and crashed to the ground.

Mu Yu glanced away, feeling a chill in his heart.

It's his driver.

The opponent is not just a driver, he is also proficient in fighting skills and jujitsu. Even if he fights alone, he is no match for her.


He was actually thrown down like a dead pig, his brains burst open and blood flowed freely.

Look up.

A man stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window on the third floor with his hands behind his back. With a cold gaze, he was the boss of Fang Ci that Mu Yuanchun mentioned.





"get off!"

"Get out of the car quickly!"

A group of people jumped out of the car. Although they were all dressed differently, without exception, every accessory they wore was valuable.

"They should be right in front."

One person shouted angrily:


"How dare you ruin Sister Qianqian's good deeds? He is *looking for death!"

"Not bad." Lu Mao said with a gloomy expression.

"You scratched my car and you want to run away? You'd better not let me catch you this time, otherwise I'll make you regret coming to this world."


A young woman wearing a miniskirt and a permed hair waved her hand:

"The car is nearby, find the person!"


"Look at it..."

Everyone was gearing up for a fight, when they saw the glass on the second floor in front of them suddenly shattered, and two figures fell from it with glass fragments all over the sky.

at the same time.

A body was thrown from the third floor.

The atmosphere in the venue couldn't help but become silent. Everyone was stunned and didn't know what to do for a while.

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