Heavenly Master, I have a different world

Chapter 143 Destruction of the Family


Zhang Yong's face was ashen, the blood vessels in his neck were beating wildly, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of fear in his heart.

If it hadn't been for the instinct from his years of martial arts practice that made him raise his arm in time, his neck would have been broken by the woman opposite him on the spot.

So cruel!

What a vicious method!

Who would have thought that a little girl who looked so delicate could be so skilled and could be so ruthless and decisive once she moved her hands.

First, he used force violently, smashing people and glass together.

Before Zhang Yong had time to recover, he rushed forward and used jujitsu, killing him with both legs without any hesitation.


"Good job!"

Zhang Yong gritted his teeth and rushed towards the opponent with a roar.

His body was slightly bent, and his hands were stretched forward, like a tiger descending from the mountain. The momentum was fierce, and there was even a low whistle coming from his throat.

In traditional martial arts, there is a saying that "the sound comes out at will".

Because the qi and blood in the body are shaken when the sound is made, the power of the action can be further increased. There are very few people who have reached such a state of enlightenment.

Many people who have practiced Bajiquan all their lives cannot do it.

In terms of martial arts training, Zhang Yong is indeed not bad.

Facing the fierce oncoming force, Mu Yu's pretty face turned cold, her delicate body suddenly twisted, and her whole body was like a white crane flying into the sky with its wings.

At the same time, the fingers of both hands are put together and pecked forward like a crane's beak.

The wind blows strongly.

Wing Chun White Crane!

She has also practiced martial arts surprisingly, and she is not weak.


The tiger shape collides with the crane shape.

As a male, Zhang Yong already had the upper hand in terms of strength, and coupled with his proficient martial arts skills, Mu Yu, although not weak, was still a little worse than him.


With a muffled groan, the two of them stepped back together.

Zhang Yong's wrists trembled. He drew back and took a closer look, only to see a sharp piece of glass stuck in the palm of his hand.

Glass penetrated into the bones and blood flowed freely.

But when the two people were rolling on the ground just now, Mu Yu secretly hid a piece of glass in his hand and took the opportunity to take action.


"What a vicious woman, you are looking for death!"

The stinging pain made Zhang Yong roar wildly, his eyes were bloodshot and red, and he stepped on the ground and rushed out again.

Damn it!

Mu Yu had just come to her senses at this time. Her body was numb due to the huge force. Seeing this, she bit her silver teeth, picked up the bench on the side and smashed it over.


The bench was not strong and was smashed into pieces by Zhang Yong. The two of them rolled on the ground again, kicking, biting and scratching from time to time.

All means are used.

The glass on the ground even drew blood marks on the two of them.

That’s it for Zhang Yong.

He had rough skin, neat clothes, and sturdy sneakers. As long as he paid attention to protecting his face, he would be fine.

Mu Yu is different.

As soon as she came out from washing, she was forced to fight. Her pajamas were thin and her slippers flew out at some point.

In this state, just a roll would cause his body to be covered in bruises and blood.

This woman was quite tough. Even so, she still gritted her teeth and kept silent. From time to time, she would use the glass to hit Zhang Yong hard.


There was a muffled sound.

Mu Yu curled up, slid a few meters away from the ground, and hit the wall hard. He spread his hands and almost fainted on the spot.


Zhang Yong stood up with a heavy breath, and touched his neck with fear. The warm blood covered his palms, which made his eyes jump wildly:

"I almost died at the hands of a woman today!"


"You're still a little worse after all!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he felt an invisible force coming from the side. He screamed and threw himself to the side.


Where he originally stood, a small pit suddenly appeared.


Zhang Yong's eyes shrank.

If that force hadn't pushed me away just now, I might have been shot!

Looking sideways, he saw Fang Zheng, who had been watching on the third floor at some point, appeared nearby, squinting his eyes slightly and looking up into the distance.

People who practice martial arts have very keen perceptions.

Especially after Fang Zhengwu reached the realm of martial arts will, even if he didn't take action, he could feel a malicious look.

And at this time.

Two needle-like sensations appeared on his body.

This is……

A warning sign of danger!


With a flash of his body, Fang Zheng disappeared on the spot. Two gunshots rang out in the distance, and the bullets hit the open space.



One person looked cold and stood up suddenly to put away his gun.



Another person not far away looked surprised:

"Our mission is to bring the young lady from the Mu family back safely and kill the pursuers who may be coming. We haven't received them yet, let alone killed the pursuers. How are you going to report to the higher ups when you get back?"

"That person is too weird." The sniper's eyes jumped:


"I suspect that he is not a human being at all. Now I have to save my life first. Without my life, everything is in vain."

"How could it be?" His companion shook his head, raised his rifle and looked down:

"With such a long distance, it's common to miss."


The sniper shook his head.

The other party couldn't see the scene clearly, but he could see clearly through the scope. The man's moving speed...


That's not human speed at all.

His heart was beating wildly, but his face was expressionless. He reached out and pulled off his coat to reveal the take-out clothes underneath, and walked towards the elevator without saying a word.

Even the sniper rifle was still in place.

As for his companion, he has fulfilled his duty of persuasion.


The elevator reached the third floor and he stepped out.

At the same time, he raised his hand and looked at the watch on his wrist. A red dot lit up on it at some point, indicating the fate of his companion.


So fast?

Before he could even go downstairs in the elevator, the other party had already climbed to the top of the building and killed an elite mercenary armed with a gun.

The sniper's eyes shrank, he untied his watch and threw it into the trash can.


Go down to the first floor and open the back door.

A person came into view.

It's him!

When did he come down?

The sniper's heart was beating wildly, but his face remained as expressionless as ever. He nodded towards Fang Zheng, and the two passed by each other.


Fang Zheng chuckled and slowly turned his head:

"The disguise is good, but unfortunately, your heart beats too fast. I can hear it clearly even if you are several meters away."




He spoke slowly, neither quickly nor slowly, using his voice to simulate the sound of a heartbeat. The frequency was actually the same as the heartbeat of a sniper.


The sniper turned around suddenly, with a pistol in his hand, and his eyes were fierce:

"Go to hell!"

at the same time.

Figures flashed across the field.


The gunfire rang out, but it hit the air. The sniper's body went limp and he collapsed to the ground.


Sniper rifle!

The gun is 1.4 meters long, has a net weight of more than ten kilograms, has a caliber of about 10 millimeters, is loaded with seven bullets, and has a range of one thousand meters.

This kind of thing can easily break a person into two pieces.

Even if a warrior who has cultivated the body-protecting Gang Qi in the third level of martial arts comes, the possibility of being shot and surviving is very slim.

"How can something like this be held privately?"

Fang Zheng narrowed his eyes slightly, thoughtfully.

His nominal 'senior brother' Cao Wu, nicknamed Titan, was a mercenary, and his status among the mercenaries seemed to be high.


Even Cao Wu's organization does not have the ability to send sniper rifles to Xia Kingdom.


But at least you can't dress casually.

But the Mu family can!


It seems that there is no military background.

With such means, it is no wonder that he can become the first tyrant in Xizhou, and even one sentence makes the Chen family dare not do their own jade business.

Really amazing!

Fang Zheng has been in China and is used to a stable and peaceful life. He knows very little about the international and domestic situations in Myanmar.


In fact, he has always been active on the world stage.

After active duty soldiers in some countries retire, their first priority is to be mercenaries. Some mercenaries even have national backgrounds behind them.

They are mercenaries in name but actually a national team.

Doing things that are inconvenient for some countries to do.

Burma is also different from Xia.

The Myanmar government does not control every district in the country.

For example, in areas run by pastoralists, they are loyal to the Burmese government on the surface, but in fact they have long since established themselves as kings, and their internal governance is also in chaos.

Burma borders Xia.

The Mu family has been operating channels for many years, so it is not difficult to quietly send in some mercenaries and weapons.

It's just that the Mu family doesn't dare to go too far. After all, some people can turn a blind eye to things abroad, but not at home.

Once it goes too far...

Inciting the wrath of thunder, the Mu family will be crushed into powder in an instant.



Zhang Yong picked up the dying Mu Yu and threw him in front of Fang Zheng.

He has been on the road for many years and has seen many murders, but he has never actually killed anyone. He will inevitably be afraid when things happen.


If Fang Zheng insists on killing someone, he will do it.

"Kill me and the Mu family will not let you go."

Mu Yu struggled to raise his head and glared at Fang Zheng with bloodshot eyes:


"He will die too!"

"Really?" Fang Zheng was noncommittal, with a thoughtful look on his face:

"The strength of your Mu family is indeed beyond Fang's expectation. It seems that it is not just a somewhat overbearing business family."

"That's fine!"

He stretched out his fingers and reached forward with his big hand.

The five ghost pockets around the waist trembled slightly.


A dark wind suddenly rose in the field, and five streams of black smoke emerged from the five ghost pockets, turning into five ferocious resentful souls, and rushed towards Mu Yu with their teeth and claws bared.

The five ghosts did not hide themselves deliberately, so anyone watching could see them clearly.

Zhang Yong looked horrified at first and took a step back subconsciously. Then his expression became fanatical as if he had thought of something.

No wonder!

No wonder Tian Liang said that the boss is a fairy.

It turns out to be true!

The boss is not only good at martial arts, he also knows such incredible tricks.

The group of young people not far away had never seen such a scene before. They all screamed and ran away into the distance while peeing.

But in the blink of an eye, with a series of car roars, they all ran away.

They had the guts to watch fights and even murders, and even thought about taking out their mobile phones to record them, but ghosts appeared...

The mobile phone was also thrown on the spot, and I just wanted to leave as soon as possible. As for the revenge I had in mind at the beginning, it was long ago thrown out of the sky.


Mu Yu raised his neck and screamed in agony.

The ghost entered her body and wreaked havoc inside her body, constantly impacting her soul consciousness, making her feel like her whole body was being torn into pieces.

Fang's facial expression remains unchanged and he gently presses the seal.


Even without the aid of an altar, reciting incantations, or using talismans, with his current level of cultivation, he can still successfully cast spells.

The mana moves.

Mu Yu's eyes in front of him froze, and he looked up like a puppet.

Fangzheng made a seal with his hand and asked:

"Let me ask you, why does the Mu family like Fang's porcelain?"

"The Mu family intends to build a luxury goods group, and square porcelain is an important part of it. Moreover, the formula of Lei Zhonghong porcelain can improve the physical properties of porcelain, which is very important to the people in the Japanese country." Mu Yu said dullly:

"So we must take it by any means possible."

"Japanese country?" Fang Zheng's eyes moved slightly:

"Does your Mu family have any relationship with the Japanese people?"

Mu Yu was silent for a moment, and there seemed to be a struggle in his eyes, but he was still suppressed by the spell, and said with a dazed look on his face:

"When our ancestors started their business, they had the secret support of the Japanese people. Everything left behind by the Japanese when they retreated from the Xia Kingdom was given to our Mu family."

"Now, part of the Mu family's shares are also in the hands of Japanese people."


Zhang Yong spat:


Although he is not a good person, he can still distinguish right from wrong. People like the Mu family are doing business in their own country but secretly collude with foreign countries.

All deserve to die!

"How many people are there in your shepherd family? How much property? Where are they located?" Fang Zheng continued to speak, his voice without any emotion:

"If I want to find you herdsmen, where should I go?"

Zhang Yong's eyes moved slightly, and he subconsciously glanced at Fang Zheng. Suddenly, for some reason, he felt a chill in his heart, and he lowered his head subconsciously, not daring to look further.

"The Mu family has an old man, a second man, an uncle..."

Mu Yu said honestly:

"In addition to domestic business, there are also two bases in Myanmar. On the surface, our Mu family has the final say, but in fact, it is controlled by Japan."

"The firearms obtained were also used by the Japanese."


a long time.


Fang Zheng nodded lightly:

"That's quite clear. You can go."

After saying that he dispersed his hand seals, the five ghosts who had lost their control immediately let out an excited roar and rolled around Mu Yu's body, and his body instantly turned into withered bones.

Beauty turns into bones.

This scene is equally horrifying.


Fang Zheng waved his hand and signaled to Zhang Yong:

"Go to Xizhou."


Zhang Yong's face changed slightly and he couldn't help but whispered:

"Boss, Xizhou is the territory of the Mu family. The woman made it very clear that the Mu family is heavily guarded. Do you...want to think about it."

"Stop talking." Fang Zheng walked forward with his hands behind his back:

"Just do things honestly."


Zhang Yong should be.





The mountains and rivers here are criss-crossed, and there are many important places that are easy to defend but difficult to attack. Throughout the dynasties, this place has been a must-win place for military strategists.

Nowadays, with advanced technology, high-rise buildings can be built on hillsides. The prosperity of cities gradually overshadows the dense mountains and forests. Although the roads are rough, they are smooth.

Fengyu Group.

Headquarters controlled by herders.

Mu San sat in his office and hung up the phone with a livid face.

The death of his son made his wife, who was already mentally ill, lose control and clamored to be discharged from the hospital, almost jumping off the building.

"Crazy and crazy..."

"It's better to die!"

Gritting his teeth, he stood up and went to the floor-to-ceiling window to look out.

This is the tallest office building in Xizhou. From where he is now, he can overlook the entire city and have a panoramic view of all the prosperity.

"The white-haired man gives the black-haired man a gift..."

"rest assured!"

He murmured:

"Yuan Chun, I will ask Fang Zheng to go down and accompany you."

"Really?" At this moment, a cold voice came from behind:

"But compared to Fang, I think it's better for you to go down. With the relatives of the Mu family accompanying you, Young Master Mu won't feel lonely."

"Huh?" Mu San suddenly turned around and looked at the figure that suddenly appeared in the room:

"Who are you?"

"Why ask when you know it?" Fang Zheng shook his head and asked:

"Where is Mu Shichong?"

"Fang Zheng!" Mu San's eyes widened:

"After killing Yuan Chun and Mu Yu, you still dare to come to Xizhou?"

"I'm already here. Isn't it a little late to say this?" Fang Zheng said, suddenly raising his eyebrows slightly and looking at the other party with a surprised expression:

"How did you notify security?"

"never mind!"

Shaking his head, he waved forward with one hand:

"It's too late. I'll send you to accompany Mr. Mu."


Mu San's body shook, and his whole body hit the ground like a cannonball, falling into the dense forest below along with the glass in the sky.

The howling wind poured into the room through the open floor-to-ceiling windows, making Fang Zang's hair fly.



Nursing home.

The second master of the Mu family was sitting in a wheelchair. He turned the switch and let the wheelchair push him forward, raising his hands to greet other elderly people along the way.

Entered the house.

Close the door.

Someone in the room has been waiting for a long time.

"...Fang Zheng from Qu City?"

Looking at the person coming, the second master narrowed his eyes and sighed with emotion:

"Unexpectedly, you actually came to Xizhou."


Fang Zheng nodded with a calm expression:

"Cutting the grass without eradicating the root will lead to endless troubles. Since we have offended the Mu family, we should simply offend the family to the end and save ourselves trouble in the future."

"Good nature!" Erye sighed softly:

"Killing the entire family. I never imagined that in today's society, people like you would appear in such unscrupulous ways?"

"Senior, I was also surprised." Fang Zheng picked up an object on the table and played with it in his hands, his eyes showing thinking:

"Back then, the boss of the Mu family worked hard outside, and you, the second master, took charge of the situation inside. You made the Mu family grow and develop step by step, both internally and externally."


"Second Master, how come you end up in a place like this to retire?"

With the wealth and status of the Mu family, there are many good places to live in if you want to retire.

"Although this place is not too high-end, it is not bad." The second master said with a grin:

"The key is that they are all acquaintances when we were young. I feel comfortable staying here. For the rest of my life... it's enough to feel comfortable."

"well said."

Fang Zheng tapped his palms and asked:

"I wonder where the second master's brother is? I went to the Mu family's old house, the group headquarters, and the villa outside the city, but I couldn't find anyone."

"And Mu Shichong..."

"Leave a little bit of a sec in your life so that we can meet each other easily in the future." The second master said thoughtfully:

"Why do you have to be so awesome?"

"Ha..." Fang Zheng chuckled:

"Senior, do you think they will let me go if I let them go?"

The second master was silent.

"Say it."

Fang Zheng opened his mouth:

"After that, I'll send senior on his way."

The second master opened his mouth, a trace of struggle flashed in his eyes, and then he sighed helplessly:

"If they were not in their old home, they would most likely have gone to Myanmar. My eldest brother had already settled in Myanmar for retirement a few years ago."

"He is old and no longer a threat to you."

"Maybe." Fang Zheng nodded, confirming that the other party was not lying. He waved his arm lightly, and the five ghosts roared and enveloped the other party in black smoke.

The black smoke cleared, leaving only a pair of dead bones.

"the second!"


Somewhere in a nightclub.

Several young people were gathering together for a carnival.

Loud music, colorful lights, and graceful women stimulate people's hormone levels to keep rising.

"Brother Six."

One person yelled at the top of his lungs:

"The Mu family no longer has Mu Yuanchun and Mu Yu. It's not you who have the final say in this generation. It seems that our brothers are with the right person."

"Don't say that." Someone shook his head:

"Those are Sixth Brother's brothers and sisters."

"Cut!" The other party gestured with his middle finger:

"Who among us doesn't have brothers and sisters? If you want to die, I don't like how they show off their power."

"Ha ha……"

Everyone laughed, including the man who was called Sixth Brother, who also had a cheerful look on his face, without the slightest hint of grief over the death of a loved one.


At this moment, the mobile phone on the table vibrated wildly.

After Brother Six saw the caller ID, he stretched out his hand to signal. Others stopped shouting, and Brother Six picked it up and put it away to answer the call.



"I see."

After just a few words, Brother Six's face turned extremely ugly. After hanging up the phone, he stood up straight away:

"Everyone, I'm sorry for today. I have something to do and I can't stay here anymore. Brothers, eat and have fun. Please put it in my account first."

Without explaining anything, he separated everyone and headed for the back door.



The personal bodyguard hurriedly came closer.

"Let's go." Brother Six lowered his voice and said solemnly:

"Go to my villa in Xishan... No, let's go to the small house near the university town. There are many people there and few people know about it."


The bodyguard's expression changed:

"What happened?"


Brother Six nodded, his eyes filled with panic:

"Third uncle, second grandpa, and several others are all dead. Just today, my sister-in-law called me and asked me to hide away, and told me not to show off recently."

"What?" The bodyguard's expression changed drastically:

"Who dares to attack the herdsmen?"

Not only do you dare to take action, but you have already succeeded. This is the truly terrifying part.

"Don't ask." Brother Six waved his hand:

"Let's go quickly."


The bodyguard responded hurriedly and led the way. The two got in the car and headed straight to the university town. There was no one at the traffic light in front of them.

The vehicle stopped.


A ball of fire exploded, covering the entire car.

not far away.

Fangzheng pulled the brim of his hat.

"the seventh!"

The Lihuo Talisman in the Twelve True Chapters of Xuanhuo is unexpectedly powerful. The key is that it can be used in stacks and is not easily noticed by others.

Just put a few of them under the car. Once detonated, it will be as powerful as a bomb.

The people inside the car had almost no chance of surviving.



"The car exploded!"

"I would say that gasoline cars are unsafe. Once they catch fire, they will explode immediately and the people immediately have no chance to escape. They are not as safe as trams."

"Fuck you, stop talking nonsense!"

In the street, there was a lot of noise.


Mountainous areas.

A villa somewhere hidden in the mountains and forests.

Mu Yandi put down her phone, her facial muscles twitching wildly, and the anger in her eyes seemed substantial.


Another herdsman died!


One person whispered:

"Let's go, go abroad first. As long as the person is there, everything else doesn't matter. It's better to go out and avoid the limelight than to not know the current situation."


Mu Yandi turned around suddenly and glared at the other party:

"Where to go?"

"My family is being slaughtered, but you let me fly away. Today I want to see who the murderer is?"

"Fang Zheng?"

"If it were him, I would cut him into pieces!"

She stepped forward, looked out the window, and gritted her teeth:

"The Mu family has been setting up here for many years. I don't believe... that a mere man can break in and kill me!"

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