Heavenly Master, I have a different world

Chapter 158 People from a Foreign Land

Boss Qiu was leaping in the forest, leaping several feet away in a blink of an eye. Being born in the mountains, he had an inexplicable affinity for this kind of place.

Even though he was rated as having poor Qinggong, his speed was still astonishingly fast.

Snakes, insects, beasts, trees, and vines seemed to be aware of his arrival in advance, and took the lead to pave a broad road.

Let it pass.


His figure flashed and then suddenly stagnated.

However, he saw a figure appearing on the tree trunk in front of him. The figure was dressed in featureless long clothes and a strange mask on his head. He had his hands behind his back and looked down at himself with indifferent eyes.

There was no breath on the opponent's body, just like a dead branch or a corpse, but it made Boss Qiu feel alarmed and subconsciously tightened the iron rod in his hand.

"If you have to spare others, spare them."

Fang Zheng spoke slowly:

"Why do you need to pursue me so closely?"

"Huh!" Boss Qiu snorted coldly. The ground beneath his feet exploded. He rose into the air and swung the iron rod in mid-air to smash it down:

"Pretend to be pretentious, get down here!"

The stick hit the air, and the vigor visible to the naked eye was like ripples on the water, covering the area about 10 feet away.


The energy roared and the tree trunks shattered.

The figures on the trees also appeared on the trees on the side.

So fast!

Boss Qiu's eyes narrowed, but he did not hesitate in his actions. He stood on the tree trunk and rose into the air again. He fired his spear quickly and stabbed Fang Zheng's throat with a stick as thick as an goose egg.

His iron rod is not a magical weapon, but it is forged from solid iron. It is so heavy that even an adult man may not be able to lift it.

In his hands, it was as light as straw.

At this point, before the stick arrived, the scream came first. Fang Zheng even felt a sting in his throat, his breathing was stagnant, and even the movement of his true energy was not smooth.


With a low drink, he raised his hand.

This swing seems simple, but it is an interception method in the stick method. However, using your hands to make a stick to resist fine iron requires not only courage and carefulness, but also physical strength.


The arm collided with the stick, and a strong wind rose at the point of contact. A strange roar came from the scene, like a ghost crying, and the two of them fell to the ground together.

After landing on the ground, Fang Zheng stood up, swung one arm, thrust it out diagonally, and stabbed the opponent's head.

The stabbing he used was clearly a stick technique.

The body seems to have grown a lot as the arms are thrown out. The feet are propped up, the bones and muscles are pulled out, the spine is straightened, and the whole body is bent forward.

Leading the body with hands, the momentum is like a powerful arrow.

Boss Qiu's heart was beating wildly and he hurriedly intercepted with his stick.


The square fist hit the stick, and the huge force was like a giant hammer falling on his chest, making Boss Qiu breathless.

The next moment.

The shadows of heavy fists fell, as fast as a violent storm, and kept colliding with the stick. The contact between the fist and the stick caused sparks to burst out.


Boss Qiu's eyes were red, and he looked up to the sky and roared. However, he was defeated by the enemy's fierce strength and amazing speed. Even though he tried his best to resist, he was continuously pushed back.


The surging fist power suddenly condensed, Fangzheng clenched his fists and stood upright, while Boss Qiu stepped on the ground with both feet, plowing out two ravines several feet long on the ground.

After stopping, the hands holding the stick trembled crazily.

at the same time.

Yang Huai, who was holding a spear, was already fighting with Fang Zheng.

The spear in his hand turned into afterimages, with a strange roar that broke through the sky. The spear head shook back and forth, and the red tassels flew all over the sky. He stabbed and swung it with all possible means.


Like a poisonous snake flicking its tail, the tip of the spear that landed on the ground suddenly lifted up and stabbed Fangzheng's chin from bottom to top.


Fang Zheng hummed, standing upright like a green pine, and struck hard with a single fist from top to bottom.

Probing rifle!

His body was like the shaft of a gun, and his fists were like the tip of the gun. His fists and fists directly attacked the body of the incoming gun. His great strength collapsed the incoming attack, and he took the opportunity to press forward.

Back carbine!


Yin rune gun!

Many marksmanship skills learned in modern society were used repeatedly in his hands, but when he saw the shadow of his fist flickering, he suddenly moved inwards.


Yang Huai's face turned pale, and he kept retreating with a spear in his hand. He even swung the spear and pierced the rocks behind him to barely stop his retreat.

After only a few breaths of fighting, he was already at a disadvantage.


The sound of Buddhist chanting sounded, and a monk wearing cassocks appeared on the scene. He raised one hand in front of him and struck forward with the other hand:

"The poor monk came to learn from the benefactor's clever tricks."

The person's palm power was restrained, and he was obviously a great Zhou Tianwu master.

can only say,

Zhaonan Mansion is worthy of being the number one in Jizhou. It is indeed full of hidden dragons and crouching tigers, and there are so many masters. The Great Zhou Tianwu Master is actually so common.

"That's fine."

After repelling two people one after another, Fang Zheng's aura seemed to have remained unchanged, his voice remained steady, and he followed the same example of striking out with his palm.

Big monument-breaker!


Their palms collided, and both of them had strange expressions on their faces at the same time.

Fang Zheng didn't expect that the other party's true energy was so vast, probably even stronger than Linghu An, who was in the Great Zhoutian Consummation.

Buddhist skills are the most important, and since the other party is quite old, it is normal for him to have this level of cultivation.

The monk didn't expect it either.

The opponent's true energy was so pure, and surged like a wave. He attacked six waves in a row, almost dispersing his energy.

The power was even more terrifying, shaking his old bones.


While reciting the Buddha's name in a low voice, the monk turned around, twirling his fingers to play, slapping with his palms, or beating with his fists. Sometimes his cassock danced, containing the strength that could break rocks.

In the blink of an eye.

The monk has already performed several martial arts.


Fang Zheng chuckled and fought back one by one.

His Xinyiquan emphasizes doing whatever you want, which is somewhat similar to the Xiao Wuxiang Kung in the novel, which can activate any method at will regardless of external objects.


Has the ability to turn decay into magic.

The seventy-two unique skills of Shaolin were originally just methods for strengthening the body, but when he was infused with true energy to perform them, they took on a different kind of mystery.


Doroye means!

Vajra Palm!

Arhat Fist!

Break the magic!

They both came from Buddhist martial arts, and both showed compassion in their eyes, but their strengths were different. After continuous collisions, the monk finally gave out.


He chanted the Buddha's name and flew back, his hands trembling slightly and fear in his eyes:

"The benefactor has a golden body and no wife, and the poor monk feels inferior to him."

"Go to hell!" Boss Qiu rushed forward with a stick:

"It's not a competition in the ring. There's no need to talk about the rules of fighting alone. Let's do it together!"

Yang Huai rushed forward with a gun without saying a word.


The monk recited the Buddha's name, and then his eyes froze, making a Vajra-like look with angry eyes, and his cassock shook rapidly and turned into a ball of yellow light.

The reason why it was yellow light was because he was too fast and could only vaguely see the yellow cassock, but not the figure inside.

Facing the three people who were attacking, Fang Zheng felt his heart tighten at first, and then he couldn't help shouting to the sky:


"Let me teach you three clever tricks!"

Since he came to the other world, he has always acted cautiously and never dared to be too arrogant, for fear of provoking an expert who was difficult to deal with.

Even when it comes to killing people, it's usually done with a sharp knife, killing people quickly and leaving no consequences.

Over time,

Caution has become instinctive.

Caution is a good thing. Excessive caution can make people feel intimidated. Think carefully before acting like thunder.

‘Now, I have become a Great Zhou Tianwu Master, and I have many methods that can be used as trump cards, so I can fight even if I encounter a flawless opponent. ’

‘Why should we cower any longer? ’

‘Since we want to fight! ’

‘Then let’s have a good fight! ’

His mind was clear and his breath was smooth. Facing the three people's offensive, Fang Zheng did not retreat but advanced, punching straight towards Boss Qiu who was rushing at the front.

punch out,

Bengjin is hidden inside.


The energy roared, the soil on the ground exploded, and dust flew up, covering all four of them, making their vision even more blurry.

However, several people present were martial arts masters, and they could clearly perceive the situation in the field without the naked eye, and struck out with fists, sticks, and guns.


Fang Zheng exhaled softly and struck hard with his fists.

If you are successful in martial arts, you can cast your energy into a sword and hurt people from a distance.

Although he is not a flawless martial artist, he has been able to exhale his breath into thunder, forge his breath into a sword, and resist the sword with a pair of fleshy palms without any damage.

With a slight clasp of five fingers, the hard rock and steel became as soft as tofu in front of it.

Xinyi Fist - Hunyuan Wuji!

Terrifying energy exploded from the center, and the smoke and dust in the field were instantly swept away.

Heart--the confluence of hundreds of rivers!


There was a crash and the four people retreated at the same time.

Fang Zheng's arms trembled slightly. Even though he had unleashed all his strength, he still couldn't gain the upper hand. He subconsciously pressed one hand on the handle of the knife.


At this moment, shouts sounded from behind, and the sound of breaking through the air got closer and closer.

Fang Zheng frowned slightly and glanced at the three people in the field. Boss Qiu and the others' hearts jumped, and they subconsciously took a step back and approached each other.


With a slight snort, Fang Zheng suppressed the murderous intention in his heart and jumped back.


Watching his figure go away until he completely disappeared, Yang Huai couldn't help but let out a long breath and slightly let go of the spear in his hand.

"Where can such a master come from?"

"If it weren't for the body-protecting Gangjin, I would have thought I had met a Wuluo martial artist."

"Amitabha." The monk clasped his hands together, with fear still in his eyes:

"This person's methods are very good. Although this poor monk has limited knowledge and cannot tell who his sect is, his inheritance must be extremely extraordinary."

"Not bad." Boss Qiu touched his chin:

"The stick skills, spear skills, and even fist skills are all good, but Qiu has never seen it before, or even heard about it."

"Could it be that you are hiding your identity on purpose?"

"What should we do now?" Yang Huai said:

"Continue to chase?"

Boss Qiu froze.

The monk lowered his head and quietly took a step back.

The situation of the three of them is far from as easy as they appear. If it had been another moment and a half, they would have been completely at a disadvantage.

"That's it!"

Seeing this, Boss Qiu could only wave his hand:

"The Qian family just asked us to help, and the price they gave us is not enough to kill us. Besides, even if we catch up, we may not be able to win."

"Go back!"

"That's fine." Yang Huai nodded.

the other side.

Fang Zheng rushed to the agreed place and pitched his boat to Xiuzheng. When he saw his figure, he hurriedly saluted without asking what the outcome was.

On the contrary, Chen Jiuniang looked surprised.

Is the other party really back?

It looks easy!

"Miss Chen."

Fang Zheng jumped onto the boat and looked at the other party:

"Fang lived up to his trust and rescued you. It's time for a reward, right?"

"Well..." Chen Jiuniang's beautiful eyes flashed:

"Young Master Fang is very capable, I admire you, but if you want to go there, you have to get the key. The key is not with me now."

"Master, don't be anxious."

Seeing that Fang Zheng's expression was different, she said hurriedly:

"The key is in a very safe place and has never fallen into the hands of Qian's family. It only takes a little time to get it."

"Yes." Fang Zheng's face softened slightly and he nodded:

"As soon as possible, I don't want any trouble to happen in the middle."


Chen Jiuniang subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief.




"Wanbao Pavilion not only sells various things, but also buys various rare treasures from the private sector. Sometimes you will encounter some surprises."

"Years ago..."

Chen Jiuniang's eyes were filled with thought and she said slowly:

"I don't remember how long ago it was, but we got a Lei Yuan Stone."

"Lei Yuan Stone is a strange stone that contains the power of thunder. It is said to be a product of the ancient Tianlei Mountain and is loved by many mages."


"This Lei Yuan Stone is different."

She glanced at Fang Zheng and said:

"Someone left a message inside this Lei Yuan Stone, which can only be deciphered through the cooperation of experts in the pavilion."

"It's an address!"

"Address." Fang Zheng said:

"You went?"

"Of course I went." Chen Jiuniang shrugged:

"Not only did I go, I also gained a lot. Of course, I also encountered some troubles, but these are irrelevant."

"The Vowel Thunder Technique practiced by Young Master Fang came from there. At the same time, a token and another address were found there, which is where the complete Vowel Thunder Technique inheritance lies."


"This time we failed."


She pursed her lips and said:

"It can't be said that there is no gain at all. At least I know how to open the inheritance place and who left the inheritance."

"Who?" Fang Zheng asked.

"A legendary figure hundreds of years ago, the real person Jiu Yuanzi who was born in the Li family and worshiped the Yuxian Sect." Chen Jiuniang introduced:

"The Li family was one of the eight great families in the Wei Dynasty. Although it is in decline now, it was at its peak back then. The Yuxian Sect was one of the core branches of Tianshi Dao."

"Jiu Yuanzi is not only a master of martial arts, but also a master of martial arts. He is a legendary figure who has achieved both martial arts and martial arts."

Fang Zheng narrowed his eyes.

Real person!

Martial arts master!

Don't say that it is both, even if he has never met the person who has become one, he can know the difference from a few words of others.

Zhenren and Wuzong were said to have the ability to fly into the sky and escape from the earth.

In ancient times...

Can be called an immortal!


Today's famous overseas loose immortals are talking about real people.

If it is really Jiu Yuanzi, even if he fails to acquire the vowel thunder method, his other inheritances are equally impressive.

"The Yuxian Sect is called Yuxian because its inherited methods are mostly related to Feng Shui, physiognomy, and numerology." Chen Jiuniang said:

"For example, plum blossoms are easy to count, Ziwei Dou is counted, Liuyao, etc. are mostly related to the Yuxian sect."

"However, this type of inheritance requires extremely high talent in practitioners. If you don't meet the requirements, you will have to study hard for a lifetime and it will be difficult to gain anything."

"If you are gifted, you can become a real person at a young age!"


Fang's expression was slightly stiff.

He never felt that he had any special talents in certain areas, especially magic and Feng Shui, and he had no interest at all.

Let’s continue practicing the vowel thunder method...

"Master Fang."

Chen Jiuniang continued:

"Senior Jiu Yuanzi is proficient in magic. My biggest hobby is traveling around and exploring ancient ruins. He got this vowel thunder method from a ruin somewhere."


"I also got half a volume of Shenxiao Thunder Technique!"

"Shenxiao thunder method?" Fang Zheng raised his eyebrows:

"So, the reward that Miss Chen promised me is all in that inheritance place. You don't have it in your hands. You have to get it yourself?"

"What an empty-handed white wolf!"

"This..." Chen Jiuniang looked embarrassed:

"I have a five-thunder hand in my hand, which is consistent with the vowel thunder method."

Five Thunder Hands?

I've already bought it!

You were reluctant to give me back then, but now I am no longer interested in it.

"That's all."

Fang Zheng shook his head speechlessly:

"How to get to that inheritance place?"

"The token is the key." Chen Jiuniang said:

"If you want to open the place of inheritance, you must practice the vowel thunder method to the realm of three thunders. However, how to practice this method has long been lost."

"Because I haven't had any income for many years, the token gradually became covered with dust and was not taken seriously. Just get it. I know the address."

"Master Fang, wait a moment, I'll get it."

Fang Zheng raised his eyebrows.

At this time, the four of them had entered the city and were hiding in an inconspicuous alley. To be honest, Fang Zheng was not at ease and allowed the other party to leave.


Xiang Xiu spoke at the right time:

"You might as well let me follow you so that if you encounter any ambush, I'll have someone to take care of you."

At the same time, he turned around and said:

"Ms. Chen, do you think so?"

"Heh..." Chen Jiuniang shook her head gently:

"That's fine!"

"That's it." Fang Zheng nodded:

"Go and come back quickly."

Xiang Xiu has always kept a low profile, but his strength is not bad at all. He can even briefly fight against the true disciple of the Hehuan Sect.

He is also an experienced veteran.

Chen Jiuniang is currently injured and cannot use half of her strength. If she really wants to take action, she may not be Xiang Xiu's opponent.

Good thing.

There were no setbacks.


The two returned with the token.


Fang Zheng stood up:

"Go to the place of inheritance."

"Go now?" Chen Jiuniang looked at her and Uncle Zheng who were all injured:

"How many days won't it be repaired?"

"It won't be too late." Fang Zheng said with a cold expression:

"It also avoids long nights and many dreams."

You are injured, we are not injured, it is better to go now.


The four of them disguised themselves and left the city.

Nowadays, the internal fighting in Wanbao Pavilion is very fierce. Fortunately, the land of Yifu is still relatively stable on the surface, and the soldiers guarding the city gate did not investigate carefully.

Never found anything wrong.

Xiang Xiu drove the car at high speed. In the carriage, Chen Jiuniang sat down cross-legged in a corner, silently adjusting her breath, while Uncle Zheng stared at Fang Zheng with a cautious look on his face.

time flies.

Sunset and stars move.


Waving the reins to Xiu:

"Sir, the Sword Making Villa is just ahead."

"In the back mountain." Chen Jiuniang opened her eyes, her eyes slightly tired. The carriage was inevitably bumpy and the effect of adjusting her breath was very poor.

Back mountain.

Fang Zheng jumped down from a high place and looked at the mountain covered with vines in front of him:

"right here?"

"Yes." Chen Jiuniang followed closely behind:

"Right in the back."

Fang Zheng took a step forward, waving his long sleeves lightly, and his strong energy turned into a breeze and blew through the vines in front of him, and the vines immediately fell down.

The rough stone wall behind is exposed.

Controlling the Qi with such ease also shows that his control over the vowel thunder method is getting better and better.

"Xiang Xiu."


"Check if there is anyone nearby, and be careful not to disturb the Sword Forging Villa in front of you."


Xiang Xiu responded and jumped up.

"Young Master Fang doesn't need to be so cautious." Chen Jiuniang said:

"The name of the Sword-Forging Villa is forging weapons, not for winning by killing others. The only owner of the Villa is the Great Zhou Tianwu Master."

"Even if they come, they are no match for us."

"It's better to do less than to do more." Fang Zheng shook his head:

"You never go too far wrong."

Who knows if there are any hidden masters in Sword Making Villa? What if there is a flawless martial artist hidden in the Villa, and an expert happens to come to ask for the sword?

He has read too much martial arts and online articles. Mistakes are most likely to occur at critical moments like this. He doesn't want to follow in the footsteps of his 'predecessors'.

"All right!"

Chen Jiuniang shrugged:

"Place the token in the depression of the stone wall to activate the formation here."

"Well..." Fang Zheng took out the token and threw it to Chen Jiuniang:

"you go!"


Chen Jiuniang was stunned.

So careful?

Uncle Zheng next to him snorted coldly, stepped forward to take the token, strode towards the stone wall, and put the token into it casually.


The stone wall trembled slightly.

The scene in front of me seemed to have been stuck for a moment, and then returned to normal, and there was a layer of hazy light on the stone wall.

"Hundreds of years have passed, and the formation is still functioning."

Chen Jiuniang stepped forward, her eyes showing wonder:

"The real person's methods are really amazing!"

"Array?" Fang Zheng nodded:

"What's next?"

"The next step is for Mr. Fang to take action himself." Chen Jiuniang tilted her head and said:

"After our investigation, we found that the formation here must be opened by someone who practices the Thunder Method. Forcibly opening it will only destroy the things inside."


"With our strength, we can't break it by force."

"I see." Fang Zheng understood clearly and did not rush to do it himself, but stretched out his hand to signal:

"Ms. Chen, could you please demonstrate it again."

Chen Jiuniang shook her head and raised her hand to strike.

The palm force fell on the hazy clear light, causing only a few ripples and then disappearing. The clear light seemed to become brighter and brighter.

"Don't use brute force to attack, otherwise it will cause the formation to backlash. Two martial arts masters died before this formation."

Fang Zheng nodded, then moved closer, stretched out his hands and slowly approached Qingguang, while silently using the vowel thunder method.


Along with the slight trembling of thunder in the body, the clear light in front of him seemed to react, with ripples spreading from his hands.

There is a door!

Fang Zheng's heart moved, and the energy in his body suddenly surged.


In the blink of an eye, the rocks ahead shattered and collapsed, and the clear light dispersed, revealing a passage leading directly into the mountain.

The dark passage looks like a huge mouth that swallows everything.


Chen Jiuniang's face was filled with ecstasy:

"Sure enough, only those who practice the vowel thunder method can break through the formation. Inside is the place where senior Jiu Yuanzi left his inheritance."

"Wait a minute." Fang Zheng shook his head:

"Maybe there will be a trap?"

As he spoke, he took out a magic talisman and activated his true energy.


"Come quickly!"

Beast repelling charm!

The invisible power spread, and the surrounding snakes, insects, rats, and ants were summoned and emerged from their hiding places one after another, crawling towards the cave ahead.


Snakes, insects, rats and ants crawled out of the hole without any damage.

"There's no problem now, right?" Chen Jiuniang said, already impatient.

"Xiang Xiu." Fang Zheng pondered for a moment and said to Xiang Xiu who returned:

"You go in and take a look first."


Xiang Xiuying is.

He entered the cave and left shortly after.

"Sir, there is no problem."

"Mr. Fang." Chen Jiuniang sighed and asked again:

"There's no problem now, right?"

"Why are you in such a hurry, Miss Chen?" Fang Zheng looked sideways and said:

"The inheritance of the vowel thunder method is only useful to the other party. I am not worried about what you are worried about. If you are so excited, I doubt you have other intentions."

"..." Chen Jiuniang looked dumbfounded, then shook her head speechlessly:


"Master Fang said, I won't rush you anymore."

"Yeah." Fang Zheng turned around and said:

"Go in."

The cave is dark, but it doesn't have the smell after not seeing sunlight for many years. Instead, it feels fresh and transparent, presumably due to the effect of the formation.

After walking a few feet, a stone chamber came into view.

A luminous pearl the size of a child's fist hangs high on the top of the stone chamber. The luminous pearl blooms with a faint halo, illuminating the stone chamber thoroughly.

There was a corpse sitting cross-legged against the wall.

The corpse stretched forward with one hand, and the index finger drooped slightly, pinching a special seal. Even after hundreds of years, the skin was still as rosy as a living person.

"The remains of Wuzong!"

It is true that people who practice martial arts have a strong physical body, but after death, their essence will be gone, and their skin and flesh will melt away and turn into withered bones in a short time.

The same goes for martial arts masters.

When alive, the skin and flesh are infused with true energy and can withstand swords and bullets. After death, they are at best stronger than ordinary people, but they will also decay.

Only martial arts masters are physically indestructible and undefeated.

this point,

Even the master of magic can't compare.


Uncle Zheng, who had been silent along the way, suddenly stood up and rushed towards the corpse in the field, reaching out to grab the jade slip in front of the corpse.

"what are you doing?"

Xiang Xiu's eyes widened and he stepped forward:


Although he reacted quickly, he was a step too late after all. He watched helplessly as Uncle Zheng rushed to the corpse and his fingertips came into contact with the jade slip.

The next moment.


Dazzling lightning emerged from the field. Everyone's vision, including Fang Zheng's, was completely white, and their perception seemed to be distorted.


Screams sounded.


Something hit the ground hard.

When their vision returned, they could clearly see Uncle Zheng lying on the ground.

Uncle Zheng's body was extremely strong, far superior to his peers, but now his whole body was scorched black, his breath was vague, and he was breathing hard.


Things around the corpse cannot be moved easily.

"That's right!" Xiang Xiu snorted coldly:

"I don't know what's wrong!"

Fang Zheng shook his head slightly and stepped towards the corpse.

As the distance got closer, the vowel thunder method he practiced actually started to operate on its own, and seemed to be in harmony with a certain existence.

The inexplicable touch made him slowly reach out his hand and lightly touch the outstretched fingers of the corpse.


The sea of ​​consciousness trembled.

In front of my eyes,

The world suddenly changed.

The dark cave is gone, and the valley with the singing of birds and the fragrance of flowers comes into view. A white-haired Taoist priest in linen is standing under the plum tree, lightly picking up the plum branches and looking sideways.

"After hundreds of years, I finally waited for you."

"Yan Jun!"

"I'm so polite now."

"Yan Jun?" Fang Zheng narrowed his eyes:

"Are you Jiu Yuanzi?"

"Exactly." Jiu Yuanzi nodded:

"I am Jiu Yuanzi, my common name is Li Xuanbin."

"Do you know me?" Fang Zheng frowned.

"No." Jiu Yuanzi shook his head gently:

"It's just that I had a divination before I died, and I got lucky from heaven. The divination showed that someone from a foreign land would be destined to meet me hundreds of years later, so I left a thought to wait."

"Today, I finally get to see you!"

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