Heavenly Master, I have a different world

Chapter 159 Inheritance Gift Package

People from a foreign land!

Fang Zheng's heart was beating wildly.

There are many things about him of unknown origin, but the biggest secret is that he comes from another world.

Another different world!

to this end,

He acted with extreme caution, lest anyone see through.

Now that he was exposed by someone, he couldn't help but feel shocked, and even lost his mind for a short time.

"People from a foreign land?"

Fang Zheng shook his head and spoke slowly:

"I don't understand what senior means."

A moment ago, he was in a cave and stone chamber, facing a corpse. In an instant, the cave turned into a valley and the stone chamber into a peach forest.

It was even more so when someone revealed his secret.


Admission is impossible.

"It doesn't matter." Jiu Yuanzi gently stroked his beard:

"My little friend, you must have something to ask for when you come here, right?"

"It just so happens that when the old man left in a hurry, he also had an unfulfilled wish. If my friend is willing to help understand, he will definitely get what he wants."

"Oh!" Fang Zheng handed over his hand:

"Senior, what are your unfulfilled wishes?"

When he handed it over, he subconsciously moved his body, but found that he seemed to be only conscious and could not move at will.

Everything in front of me...

It shouldn’t be true either!



Didn’t the other party die hundreds of years ago?

Why do you call yourself Yan Jun?

Many questions in my mind have not been answered for the time being.

"I have two wishes, and also two ways." Although Jiu Yuanzi understood it, he didn't know what he was thinking. He stretched out two fingers and said slowly:

"One of the two methods is the Tianji Compass, which I have learned all my life. It is a combination of the innate magic numbers of the Su family and the Tianji of the Yuxian Sect."

"Be able to observe people's cause and effect and know their future."

"You can also check the direction of the dragon's veins and analyze the Feng Shui physiognomy. If you stick to it and walk in the rivers and lakes, you can climb to the temple and enter the Nine Rivers."

Having said this, I couldn't help but smile.

in those days.

By relying on this method, he excavated many ancient ruins one by one, learned many ancient rumors, and even became a real person.

No matter where he goes, he is always a welcome guest.

Fang Zheng's heart skipped a beat. He was originally not interested in divination methods, but the other party saw through his identity at a glance, which made him think about it.

Learning is not bad either.

Even if you can't predict others, you can still do it without others seeing through you.

"Senior is great, I admire you junior." After complimenting him, Fang Zheng asked:

"Where is the second one?"

"The second one..." Jiu Yuanzi shook his head and said:

"The second one is the Vowel Thunder Method, which is the supreme inheritance of the ancient Thunder Tribe. It can prove that the Thunder Tribe is a true god and can become a true immortal. Although it is wonderful, it is not to my liking."

"I just practiced casually and used it as a protective weapon."


If you don't like it and practice casually, can you still become a martial arts master?

Fang Fang looked strange.

If you say this, you might be beaten to death!


As if thinking of something, Jiu Yuanzi sighed again:

"If I had practiced this method carefully back then, the old man would not have ended up like this. Even if I see through my destiny, I still need the protection of the method."


"The body and soul will also disappear!"

"Senior, you are too modest. If you can become a real person with Dharma and a Grandmaster with martial arts, all future generations will respect you." Fang Zheng cupped his hands and asked:

"I wonder if you have any unfulfilled wishes?"

"If it does not violate morality and the junior can do it, I am willing to serve."

"Ha..." Jiu Yuanzi chuckled:

"You're asking for a lot."

"I have two wishes. The first is that the person who caused my death was sealed by me in the mountain behind Nanli Mountain. I hope that you will get rid of him after you have achieved success in cultivation."

"Senior." Fang Zheng reminded him:

"Hundreds of years have passed, that person should have died long ago."

"No!" Jiu Yuanzi shook his head:

"He is not a human, but a ghost. The Ghost King is comparable to a real person. With his ability to use the method of suspended animation, it is not a problem to survive for thousands of years."

"Ghost King..." Fang Zheng rubbed his forehead:

"Senior, if you can't even kill someone, I'm afraid I can't do anything for this junior. I can only say that I will do my best, but there is no guarantee of success."

"My little friend is too modest." Jiu Yuanzi smiled:

"You are a person with great luck. As long as you don't squander your luck carelessly, sooner or later, your achievements will surpass those of old age. It won't be too late to kill the evil demon at that time."

"That's okay." Fang Zheng nodded:

"If there's no time limit, no problem."

"Thank you." Jiu Yuanzi cupped his hands and continued:

"The second wish is that when I was young, I used to deduce the fate of each other's families with a close friend of the Su family. She concluded that the Li family would not be able to escape the situation of annihilation."

"I calculated that although the Li family would be ruined, there would be a chance of improvement. At that time, the two of us refused to give in to each other and were very unhappy."


He sighed and said:

"No matter what, it is a foregone conclusion that the Li family will be in ruins. I hope that you can help me when you meet the descendants of the Li family."

"If that person's talent is acceptable..."

"But passing him the Compass of Heaven's Secret is not in vain because I am an old man born in the Li family."

"Well..." Fang Zheng hesitated and asked:

"Senior is proficient in divination, but he can't see through his own family's fate?"

"You can't heal yourself." Jiu Yuanzi shook his head:

"Actually, the results I calculated back then were the same as that of my close friend, but I just didn't want to admit it, so I said there was a slight improvement."

"It wasn't until my fate was approaching that I finally understood..."

"This glimmer of hope happened here and now. Unexpectedly, my stubborn words turned out to be a prophecy."

"With me?" Fang Zheng's eyes flashed:

"The method of divination is really amazing!"

"But this junior has never left Zhaonan Mansion and doesn't know the Li family. I can only say that if I encounter him in the future, I will help him if I can."


Jiu Yuanzi nodded and looked up at the sky:

"My little friend, do you know what cultivation is?"

"This..." Fang Zheng shook his head:

"Appreciate further details."

"Look at this day." Jiu Yuanzi stretched out his hand and said:

"How many stars are there in the sky?"

"The stars shifted and stopped moving all the time. Only Ziwei Polaris remained unmoved from beginning to end, yet allowed the stars to surround him."

"What we cultivators are looking for are the purple stars that are obscured by the stars. Only in this way can we touch the immortal true spirit."

"Let's see!"

"Old acting!"


Fang Zheng only felt the sea of ​​consciousness tremble slightly, and a compass covering the four extremes and eight wastelands and endless stars appeared out of thin air. As the compass rotated, many Dharma methods came to his mind one by one.

Tianji compass!

The heavenly compass mentioned by Jiu Yuanzi turned out to be an idea, not a physical object!

Although it is an illusory object, it has the characteristics of a magical weapon. It is more like a super-large compressed package of exercises, stuffing all Jiu Yuanzi's lifelong knowledge into Fang Zheng's sea of ​​consciousness.

Just wait for him to decompress a little bit.

Such miraculous methods are unimaginable and unheard of. I am afraid that only the top real people in the world can do it.


outside world.

The moment Fang Zheng's fingers came into contact with the corpse, he himself froze in place, his eyes dull, and he seemed to have lost consciousness.


Xiang Xiu took a step forward and said anxiously:

"How is this going?"

"Don't be anxious." Chen Jiuniang's beautiful eyes flashed and she said slowly:

"If I guess correctly, this should be the rumored initiation method. Mr. Fang is receiving the teachings from Senior Jiu Yuanzi."

"Initiation? Transferring skills?" Xiang Xiu was stunned:

"Hasn't Jiu Yuanzi been dead for hundreds of years?"

"Yes." Chen Jiuniang looked suspicious:

"Theoretically, it's impossible, but this situation is indeed the same as what I read in the classics. Is it possible that there are other reasons?"

"Whatever it is." Uncle Zheng, who was struggling to get up, said in a muffled voice:

"Just separate them!"

"No." Chen Jiuniang shook her head:

"If my prediction is correct, the auras of the two of them have been connected to this formation. The consequences of forcefully separating them are unpredictable."


"What if it's really a matter of teaching martial arts and if we separate them, wouldn't it be a big deal for Mr. Fang?"

"Then..." Xiang Xiu reached out and said:

"Just watch it like this?"

"If it is really a transfer of skills, the time will not be very fast. Many masters will need several hours." Chen Jiuniang said slowly:

"Let's wait."


Before she finished her words, Jiu Yuanzi's corpse in the field suddenly trembled, as if hundreds of years of time were suddenly released at this moment.

The previously indestructible corpses decayed and decomposed at a speed visible to the naked eye. They were blown away by the wind and turned into smoke and dust.


Chen Jiuniang was stunned:

"It doesn't look like I'm passing on the power."

"Huh..." Fang Zheng exhaled softly, and his empty eyes returned to his senses. For a moment, countless thoughts were rising and falling in his mind, and then they were suppressed.

He moved his hands and feet, his expression complex.

Jiu Yuanzi not only compressed what he had learned throughout his life into the Tianji Compass and stuffed it into his mind, he also transferred the remaining essence of his body.

Not much though.

There is even greater loss.

But it also allowed his vowel thunder method to go directly to the realm of the six thunders from its initial entry into the realm of six thunders.

Only one step away,

You will be able to prove your true body without leakage!

He bent down, picked up the jade slips on the ground, and spoke slowly:

"Let's go!"




Jiu Yuanzi was a real person and a martial artist, with a lifespan of six years.

That is to say

More than three hundred years old!

Although he did not live that long and died midway, he still lived for three decades, and because of his status, he was exposed to many techniques.

I also explored the deep and mysterious places and learned many ancient secrets.

This time, so many methods and experiences were thrown at him, even if they were placed in the Tianji Compass, Fang Zheng's head felt swollen for a while.

His consciousness was as hazy as if he hadn't woken up from sleep.

However, the harvest this time is very rich. When all the things in the Tianji Compass are unlocked, wouldn't it be equivalent to having one's own accumulation comparable to that of a real person?


No more shortage!

The four of them walked out of the cave. Fangzheng looked up to the sky and took a deep breath. He suppressed the restless thoughts in his heart and held his hands towards Chen Jiuniang and the other two:

"A journey through mountains and rivers will eventually lead to a difference."


With his ears trembling, he stopped what he was doing and looked sideways at the dense forest:



A voice in the forest sounded surprised:

"What a keen sense. No wonder he was able to escape from the clutches of several great Zhou Tian martial artists with Jiuniang of the Chen family. It's really amazing."

While talking, the three of them walked slowly out of the dense forest.

The person at the head was dressed in white clothes, unstained by dust, with long hair blowing in the wind, strong and strong features, and a sword hanging on his waist like a knight in the rivers and lakes.

Behind him, a man stood with a gun and looked very powerful. Another man was eight feet tall and wrapped in black cloth.

The man holding the gun was Yang Huai, who had fought with Fang Zheng. Although the other man's name was unknown, judging from his aura, he must also be a great Zhou Tianwu master.

These two people are not ordinary people.

Every one of them, in a place like Gu'an County, would be a big shot with his feet trembling in all directions, but in front of the young man in white, he subconsciously bent his spine.

"Qian Fusong!"

Looking at the incoming person, Fangzheng's eyes twitched:

"It's you!"

"That's right." Qian Fusong cupped his hands and said:

"I don't even know what your nickname is. I haven't asked you how to address me. You can advance and retreat with one enemy against three. I think you are definitely not an ordinary person."

"Qian Fusong." Before Fang Zheng could speak, Chen Jiuniang bit her silver teeth and said:


"How did you find this place?"

"Tsk tsk..." Qian Fusong tilted his head and smiled:

"Ever since I saw Jiuniang's beauty, I can't forget it. Now that I know you are here, how can I not come?"

"You looking for her have nothing to do with us." Xiang Xiu suddenly said:

"Let's go to each other's side. We don't want to get involved in your grudges. How about we just say goodbye today?"

"Don't bully others too much. If you really want to take action, the four of us will fight the three of you. Who will win? It's still a matter of two."

Fang Zheng's eyes flashed slightly and he said nothing.

"In this way..." Qian Fu let go and rested his chin, seeming to be thinking seriously.


Uncle Zheng snorted coldly:

"The man's name is Fang Zheng, he is the boss of Fang Ci in Gu'an County. He came here to get the inheritance from a real martial artist."


"The inheritance is in his arms!"

After saying this, several people in the venue changed their expressions.



"Uncle Zheng!"

Chen Jiuniang looked surprised. Before she could speak, she was suddenly hit hard in the back. She couldn't help spitting out blood and rushed forward.

"Jiu Niang."

Behind her, Uncle Zheng clenched his fists with five fingers, his eyes complex:

"do not blame me."

"Haha..." Qian Fusong laughed when he saw this and walked over:

"Didn't Jiuniang just ask me how I knew you were here? Now, thinking about it, you already know the answer, right?"

"Uncle Zheng!" Chen Jiuniang choked with blood and looked back in disbelief:



"Haha..." Qian Fusong laughed:

"No reason, just because Senior Zheng is an infatuated person like me. As long as I hand you over, I will hand over your mother to him."

"When the time comes, I will get Jiuniang, and Senior Zheng will get your mother. Isn't it the best of both worlds?"


Chen Jiuniang's eyes were wide open, her pupils were full of bloodshot eyes, she glared at Uncle Zheng angrily, and shouted in a hoarse voice:


"Is what he said true?"

"Not bad." Uncle Zheng looked stiff and clenched his fingers:

"I will never let the young lady die!"

He is loyal to the lady, not to the Chen family. Even if he betrays the lady's daughter for the sake of the lady, it is still worth it in his opinion.


Chen Jiuniang roared and stood up, drawing her sword to kill Uncle Zheng.

However, because she was seriously injured, her swinging sword style was ineffective and was easily avoided by Uncle Zheng.

"Brother Fang."

Qian Fusong looked sideways and stretched out his big hand:

"Hand over your inheritance and become a member of the Qian family, and I will spare your life."

"..." Fang Zheng looked at the other party, and then laughed dumbly:

"Feel sorry."

"Fang is not interested."

"Seeking death!" As soon as his voice fell, the masked man in black took the lead in roaring, stretched out his big hand, and several streaks of black smoke rushed towards him.

The black smoke is as thick as an arm, exudes a strong stench, and comes quickly. Trees, grass and vines wither and wither in an instant when they come into contact with it.


Fangzheng raised his eyes slightly and dodged to avoid the incoming black smoke.

"Want to leave?"

The masked man in black snorted coldly when he saw this:

"Leave me alone!"

He stepped on his feet and was shot like a sharp arrow. He waved his arms in mid-air, and more than ten strands of black smoke that were more than ten feet long were thrown out with his teeth and claws.

one person,

It's like more than ten people took action together.

Even if he is also a great Zhou Tianwu Master, he will probably be in a hurry when facing such an attack. No wonder he is so arrogant.


The sound of the knife groaned softly.

A smooth, leisurely sword light suddenly appeared out of thin air.

The light of the knife tore through the air and streaked through the black smoke. It only flashed, leaving an afterimage in others' perception, and then disappeared.

One word, clear heart!

The cultivation level at the peak of the Six Thunder Realm was all integrated into this sword, and with unparalleled sharpness, it cut through everything in front of it.

Along with it, a severed arm flew high into the sky, causing strange black blood to splash everywhere.


"my hand!"

The masked man in black screamed loudly, staggering backwards while holding his broken arm. His eyes were full of fear, and he looked at Fang Zheng in disbelief.

One knife!

With just one strike, one of his arms was cut off!

Fang Zheng was also a little surprised. He was so surprised that instead of cutting off one arm of the opponent, he only cut off one arm. After all, his target just now was the neck.

No matter what.

His cultivation level skyrocketed in a short period of time, and some of him failed to control his strength well, and his opponents were not weak either, causing his position to shift due to excessive force.


Yang Huai came up with a gun and shouted:

"The idea is great, let's do it together!"

The spear in his hand shook, making a buzzing sound in the trembling air, and the glinting tip of the spear pierced Fang Zheng's eyes.


Uncle Zheng waved Chen Jiuniang away and rushed over in stride.

He was strong and strong, and his forward momentum was even more astonishing. He was like a speeding tank, leaping up with his head in his hands and smashing down towards Fang Zheng.

Even the masked man in black with a broken arm jumped out again.

The three people this time were different from the three people last night. Last night, the three people had concerns and did not go all out. This time, none of the three people spared any effort.

As soon as he takes action,

Just give it your all.


The tip of the spear collided with the long knife, sparks bursting out.


Fang Zheng and Uncle Zheng bumped into each other.

Uncle Zheng, who had practiced the magic power of the giant spirit and transformed himself into a body of steel, looked up to the sky and roared, but he was only on a par with Fang Zheng.

The black smoke tentacles of the masked man in black were also chopped into pieces by the sword.

However, when the three of them joined forces, they were not far behind.

Qian Fusong touched his chin, turned to look at Xiang Xiu and Chen Jiuniang who looked nervous, smiled lightly, and approached slowly.


"Take thunder from my palm!"

Fang Zheng shouted and jumped up, shooting continuously with one hand. The palm of his hand was concave, lightning flashed, and he struck out with palm power containing the true meaning of thunder.

This method he just learned from Jiu Yuanzi, it is a method of practicing both magic and martial arts. It can destroy evil spirits and can also kill people.

The key is……

The attack range is wide enough!

As soon as the palm force was released, the ground ten meters away exploded with a bang. The power was comparable to a small landmine, and the mortal body could not stop it.



Yang Huai and the masked man in black flashed in succession, but Uncle Zheng was the only one who made sure after testing carefully and rushed forward with the thunder in his palm.

His physical body is extremely powerful, comparable to that of a flawless martial artist. After being infused with true energy, he becomes a killing machine, which is the way to protect the path of Xuantian Dao.

Many of the guards around real people practice this method.

This shows its power.


Uncle Zheng's body trembled, his face was filled with astonishment, and he lowered his head and looked at his waist.

A hole the size of a fist appeared on his body at some point. Through the hole, one could see the squirming internal organs in his body.


It came to mind only a moment later.



A No. 9 pistol appeared in Fang Zheng's hand, the barrel spurted out tongues of fire, and large bullets spun rapidly and shot out, tearing apart the flesh and blood in front of him.

gun number nine,

It is a powerful and destructive weapon that he specially prepared for Wuliu martial artists.

Three shots!

Directly blasting Uncle Zheng's body into two pieces.

Then he threw the gun and held the knife.


The sword's light surged.

Heart--the confluence of hundreds of rivers!

Xinyi Quan has never been limited to fist and palm skills, and it can also be used with swords. However, when the light of the swords emerged, Yang Huai and the two of them were drowned in an instant.

Without the tank at the front, the expressions of the remaining two people couldn't help but change drastically.


Qian Fusong paused, his eyes flickering over him, with a hint of surprise, and then he turned and rushed towards Fang Zheng.

This time the opponent was unexpected.

He wants to leave,

But some people refused.

Xiang Xiu gritted his teeth, took three steps in succession and rushed out. He threw Qianyuan's Qiankun palm and hit Qian Fusong directly on the back.

"Leave me alone!"




As soon as the sword light was withdrawn, the screams stopped abruptly.

Fang Zheng held the knife in his hand and looked at Qian Fusong across from him with cold eyes.

He defeated his opponent, and Xiang Xiu, who was trying to buy him time, also fell in a pool of blood, motionless and uncertain about his life or death.


"It's really interesting!"

Qian Fusong glanced at the audience, looked strange, and murmured:

"Since I was born, I have longed for a life of swords and swords. However, my family has protected me so well that I have never had the chance to see him."

"Even if you meet some masters, it's just a matter of going through the motions."

"It's true..."

"Too boring!"

He stuck out his tongue and licked his dry lips, his expression gradually became excited and ferocious, and his body even trembled uncontrollably.

"That's what it feels like!"

"What I want...is this feeling!"

Qian Fusong looked at Fangzheng with a ferocious smile on his face:

"This dangerous feeling that can kill me is the real martial arts career. It is the martial arts career I have always wanted!"

"Ha ha……"

He looked up to the sky and screamed, with a crazy look on his face, and suddenly drew his sword and stabbed directly.

Wind Sword!

This is the sword technique inherited from the Qian family, and it is also the top technique for practicing both magic and martial arts. With one finger of the sword technique, a strong wind rises from the plains.

Qian Fusong shook the sword lightly, and more than ten wind blades that were difficult to distinguish with the naked eye but were extremely sharp emerged and sliced ​​towards Fang Zheng.


Fang Zheng snorted coldly when he heard this, and with a slight twist of the long knife, the unparalleled zhenqi swept in all directions, and the incoming wind blade was instantly crushed into pieces.

He said:

"In the past, Lord Ye of Chu was fond of dragons, and he was under the control of divine dragons. He was fond of hypocrisy, let alone truth."


Qian Fusong had never heard of the allusion about Ye Gong's love for dragons, but he could hear the disdain in the other party's mouth. His eyes couldn't help but flicker, and his sword power became stronger.

The Qian family's status in Xuan Tiandao is not low, and they have the opportunity to come into contact with many top techniques, such as Xian Fengyun Taishu...


The wind-winding sword is still regarded as an inherited sword technique, which shows its power.

At this moment, Qian Fusong went all out, dozens of sword energy and more than a hundred wind blades burst out simultaneously, and the screams that broke through the air were endless.

A few feet of land was swept across by sword energy and wind blades. In an instant, trees were broken, rocks collapsed, and everything was in a mess.

Chen Jiuniang's breath shortened as she watched this scene, and she was stunned. It was a big joke that she could be as famous as the other party.


The long knife in Fang Zheng's hand trembled slightly, and Mo Yun cut with a clear mind. The turbulent thoughts disappeared in an instant, and only the empty and clear meaning remained.

and even.

Even everything in perception seemed to slow down.


Heart--the confluence of hundreds of rivers!

The sword light bloomed, although it was not as powerful as the opponent's slashing and closing, but it was as condensed as one. Countless sword shadows gathered forward and opened a passage in one fell swoop.


The sound of collisions was constant.


Extremely fast!

The two of them were fighting so fast that even Chen Jiuniang, who had a great Zhoutian cultivation level, was so dazzled that it was difficult to distinguish the figures.


The melodious collision sounded again, and the long knife in Fang Zheng's hand broke with a snap. His expression changed, and he took a step back to release the five ghosts.


The five ghosts roared loudly and tried to pounce on the intruder as soon as they were in the air.

The next moment.

Several golden threads appeared out of thin air and entangled all the five ghosts. When the golden threads were pulled in, the illusory ghost bodies were also tied to the ground.

Binding gold rope!

"Ghost?" Qian Fusong said with disdain on his face.

"Don't you know that Xuantian Dao is the number one sect today? Using this kind of thing to deal with Xuantian Dao disciples is nothing but self-humiliation."

"Take a move from me too!"

He made a hand seal with his fingers, and a streak of red light flew out from his waist. It flew towards him in succession, and it turned out to be a magic sword the size of a palm.

The magic sword is powerful. The key is that it does not need to be held by human hands. It can change its position at will and launch attacks from various weird angles.


Qian Fusong obviously practiced a sword-controlling method, and the sword was extremely agile.


An object flew out from Fang Zheng's waist and collided with the magic sword.

Down and out pile!


Qian Fu sighed and couldn't help but look surprised:

"What magic weapon?"

The opponent's method of controlling the magic weapon was extremely poor, and it could even be said that there was no skill at all, but the grade of the magic weapon was high enough.

When his magic sword collided with it, his spiritual energy escaped and he almost fell to the ground.

This magical weapon...

What a baby!


There was a strange noise.

Fang Zheng held the magic talisman in his hand and waved it in the air.

Red flame sword light talisman!

The crimson sword energy appeared out of thin air, stretching for ten feet, as agile as a living creature, and suddenly cut Qian Fusong straight away.

As the special skill of Chunyang Palace, the power of this talisman is extremely powerful. Even the body-protecting strength of Wuluo martial artist may not be incapable of being broken.


Qian Fusong took a step back and also took out two spiritual talismans.


Xuanshui Canglong Talisman!

The water flow rolled up and turned into two water dragons in the air. The water dragons looked up to the sky and roared. One head rushed towards the red flame sword energy, and the other head straight towards Fangzheng.

The sword energy collided with the water dragon, and a roar broke out in an instant. Water vapor filled the air in an instant, and the two spiritual talismans dissipated.

the other side.

Fang Zheng shouted in his mouth, clasping his fingers inward, and just as he smashed the incoming water dragon with his Five Thunder Hands, he was enveloped by endless sword energy.



Xinyi Fist - Hunyuan Wuji!

The extremely fierce punches swept in all directions, forcing Qian Fusong to retreat when he took the opportunity to approach.

He moved his body and landed on a rock. He lowered his head and looked at his chest. There were two more cracks in his clothes.

"Good swordsmanship!"

"What a celestial body technique!"

When the two of them fought, his speed and strength were no slower than the other's, and he was even faster. However, the other's movement skills were amazing.

Your own attacks can only hit empty spaces.

other side,

But it can actually threaten his own life.

The Immortal Wind and Cloud Body Technique can be called cheating. Once it is used, the body will turn into illusory clouds. Slashing and boxing are of no use at all.


It cannot be said that it is useless.

Martial arts will also have an impact on Xian Fengyun's physical skills, but it is far from fatal.

He was now using all his methods, including swordsmanship, boxing skills, magical weapons, talismans, and even firearms at the bottom of the box, but all to no avail.

"You're not bad either."

Qian Fusong narrowed his eyes:

"It's not that there are no leaks, but it's better than being without leaks. It seems I can't keep you!"

He has always been proud of himself. Except for the few truly proud people among his peers, he never looks down on anyone else.


He actually felt a threat from the person in front of him.

This threat...

Let him get rid of him quickly!


Fang Zheng exhaled softly and spoke in a leisurely voice:

"If it had been half a day ago, Fang would have felt ashamed and fled."


"It's different now!"

He extended his hand, and a fist-sized thunderball appeared on the spot. As he waved his arm, the thunderball extended and lengthened.

In an instant,

Turned into a thunder knife.

He kept moving, and thunder knives appeared around him one after another. He didn't stop until six thunder knives were spinning and flying around him.

Urgent Thunder Sword Technique!

Lei Bu’s inherited sword skills!

Deep in the sea of ​​​​consciousness, the heavenly compass rotates in an orderly manner, and the methods belonging to the Urgent Thunder Sword Technique emerge one by one and merge into Fang Zheng's consciousness.

In just a short moment, I can't fully grasp the subtleties.


It can be activated with Xinyi Fist.


With a low shout, Fang Zheng pushed forward with one hand, and with the sound of thunder breaking, six thunder knives rushed towards Qian Fusong.

Come near.


Thunder exploded.

Countless rays of lightning spread across the field, causing Qian Fusong to roar in terror.


Fang Zheng stepped forward and pounced on him, with lightning flashes and thunder knives flying, and his unbridled, brilliant and domineering energy impacted all directions.



Qian Fusong's figure flickered, and he had already activated the immortal wind and cloud physical skills to the extreme, but he was inevitably affected by the power of thunder after all.


With an angry roar, the sword in his right hand burst out with infinite sword energy and burst into attack. At the same time, his body turned into nothingness, forcing Fang Zheng in.

The left hand turned the void into reality and struck out suddenly.

Tiangang Palm!

If the sky has an outline, the universe can be determined.

Fang Zheng held his breath and concentrated, and struck out with the same palm. The physical body tempered by the vowel thunder method and the perfect cultivation of the Six Thunder Realm were poured into the palm.

Five Thunder Hands!


Vigorous and vigorous.


Qian Fu spat out blood and fell back, his eyes wide with shock.

"Sure enough." Fang Zheng sneered:

"Your cultivation level is not high, at least not as good as Fang's. The reason why you can fight to a draw with Wuluo Martial Master is just through Xian Fengyun's physical skills."

"Now, what else do you have?"

As he spoke, he stepped closer, waving his thunder knife vertically and horizontally, slashing at the opponent wildly.


Qian Fusong roared loudly, but had to back up continuously, his face was embarrassed, and he was no longer as graceful as when he first came.

"Fang, so what if you can beat me?"

He turned into a phantom and flew back, his eyes red and glaring:

"You can't kill me after all. When I go back, I will take people to Gu'an County to destroy your family. Aren't you the boss of Fang Ci?"

"I'll show you what will happen to Fang Ci!"

"Ha ha……"

He looked up to the sky and screamed, flying back non-stop, relying on his body skills to dodge in the lightning flying in the sky. Although he was no match, he felt much more relaxed for a while.

His eyes flickered, looking for an opportunity to escape.

Fang's face turned cold, and murderous intent surged in his heart.

Deep in the sea of ​​consciousness.

The heavenly compass is turning crazily, countless methods are ups and downs, and finally a method emerges and merges into the sea of ​​consciousness.

"Can't I kill you?"

Fang Zheng sneered:

"That's not necessarily the case!"

He flashed and appeared in front of the five ghosts who were trapped by the golden rope. The five thunder hands blasted out, and the golden rope instantly shrank into a ball with dim golden light.

The five ghosts then escaped from their trap and flew out.

"The sky is panicked and the earth is vast..."

"Five ghosts entered the body!"

Fang Zheng quickly squeezed the seal with his hands, his face was solemn, and he chanted the spell in a low voice. The five ghosts screamed and turned into five wisps of ghost energy and rushed towards Fang Zheng's body.

The next moment.



Fangzheng's fingers grew longer, his nails swelled, and his skin withered as if his essence and blood were melting away. In the blink of an eye, his whole body turned into a skinny skeleton.

A pair of eyes glowed green.

The aura on his body became even more sinister and cold.

Even the lightning that hit the sun around him turned into a blue-yin thunder knife that exuded chill.

Five ghosts and demons transform!


With a flash of his body, Fang Zheng appeared in front of Qian Fusong almost twice as fast as before. He stretched out his withered claws and grabbed the opponent's throat directly, ignoring the effect of Xian Fengyun's physical skills.


"You can't kill me."

Qian Fusong was horrified and said anxiously:

"I am……"


Fangzheng turned his hand, and a huge force exploded. Qian Fusong's head turned 360 degrees, and there was endless fear in his eyes.

"Fighting in rivers and lakes is not a child's play. Since you like this feeling, then experience it!"

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