"Know a thing or two."

Facing the other party's surprised look, Fang Zheng nodded gently:

"Hundreds of years ago, Lin Jingwu fought against Demon Dao Huotian with the astonishing power of the eighth heaven. At that time, Grandmaster Lin was only over fifty years old and had just attained martial arts, while Demon Dao Huotian had been a master who had been famous for hundreds of years. "

"That battle was earth-shattering. As a result, both of them fell. Being able to kill the evil spirit by oneself, Grandmaster Lin's death is an honor."

"Are you talking about the Battle of Yanshan?" Wang Can's eyes flashed:

"I have also heard from my father that our ancestor Jingwu was extremely talented. If we give him ten years, he will surely win."

"Not necessarily." Fang Zheng shook his head:

"The reason why Lin Jingwu was able to kill the demon Huotian was because the Jingshen Jin squeezed the body's potential and even consumed his lifespan to increase his strength."

"It takes several Jiazi's lifespan to get a shocking blow. Although it is impressive, it is not his true ability."

"Give him another ten years and it won't change the outcome."

"You..." 'Wang Can''s expression changed, and then he coldly snorted:

"who are you?"

"How do you know such secrets?"

He was very sure that today was the first time the two of them had met, but the other party could tell his true age and practice at a glance.


He even knows exactly which level he has cultivated to.

He also knew the allusions from hundreds of years ago, and speaking from the other person's mouth was as natural as seeing it with his own eyes.

It gives people an unfathomable feeling.

As everyone knows,

Although Fang Zheng didn't see what happened back then, Jiu Yuanzi was there in person. The scenes from that year came to mind and made him feel emotional.

What he says out loud is inevitably old-fashioned.


The other party's question brought Fang Zheng back to his senses and he smiled slightly:

"Below, Fang Ci's boss, as you can see, is just an insignificant businessman."

"Businessman?" 'Wang Can' glanced up and down at Fang Zheng and shook his head slowly:

"I don't see it."

"It doesn't matter if it looks like it or not." Fang Zheng waved his hand:

"Today Fang is going to deal with his traitorous businessmen, do you have to intervene?"


Seeing that 'Wang Can' had a different expression, Wang Qi on the side said hurriedly:

"Don't be frightened by his bluff. The man named Fang is a rich man from a rural county. You must make the decision for me today!"

Rich man?

‘Wang Can’ looked disdainful.

A rich country man, can he tell his true age at a glance? See through your true cultivation?

"Master Fang."

He took a deep breath, cupped his fists and raised his hands:

"Even if Wang Qi did something wrong when I was entrusted by others and loyal to others, I still hope that the young master will show his kindness and spare her for once?"


"shut up!"

‘Wang Can’’s face darkened:

"Say one more word and I'll leave immediately!"

Hearing this, Wang Qi's face turned pale, and her eyes showed panic. 'Wang Can' was the supporter she had worked so hard to recruit.

I originally planned to use the other party to completely solve Fang Zheng, but now looking at the situation, the other party actually wants to give up?

How can this be done!


Fangzheng Qinghe:

"What if I say no?"

'Wang Can''s eyes narrowed with a cold glow, a dangerous aura emerged from him, and the surrounding leaves rustled.


Fang Zheng sighed:

"Your surname shouldn't be Wang. I'm afraid you're not as old as Shopkeeper Wang. You're willing to risk your life just because of a few words of flattery from others."

"Are you sure this is the case?"

‘Wang Can’ was stunned, his eyes flickered, and his expression became a little hesitant.

"Let's go."

Fang Zheng waved his hand:

"Lin Wuzong sacrificed his life to fight against demons to protect the people. Since you are his descendant, I can let you leave."

"Uncle!" Wang Qi said anxiously:

"Don't be scared by him, he..."

"Sorry!" 'Wang Can' waved his hand to stop Wang Qi's voice and said in a deep voice:

"It is true that I am not called 'Wang Can' but 'Lin Can', but I can't ignore Lin for taking people's money and eliminating disasters today."

"Master Fang!"

He took a deep breath, cupped his fists and raised his hands:

"Can I ask for some advice?"

"..." Fang Zheng narrowed his eyes and then nodded slowly:

"That's fine!"

"Fang also wants to see the rumored shocking power, you can take action."

He sat on the bamboo chair, gently holding the tea cup with one hand, with a relaxed expression. He had no intention of getting up, but he motioned for the other party to do it.

Lin Can lowered his eyebrows slightly and did not hesitate:

"Please advise!"


He just took a step forward, and the extreme speed caused the clothes on his body to hit the air, making an explosive sound like a long whip hitting the void.

Sound like thunder!

At this moment, all the joints and muscles in Lin Can's body trembled, and a terrifying aura erupted from his body, all converging on the front of his fist.


This move is usually used in martial arts. When a junior attacks his senior, he uses this move first to show his respect for his senior.

This time it was sent by Lin Can, and the energy roared before the fist strike, making the entire pavilion tremble.

Fang's expression remained unchanged, and he gently raised his hand when the opponent's punch came closer. His movements were obviously very slow, but he stepped in front of the opponent's punch.


Fists and palms meet.

Lin Can's heart was beating wildly and his face was filled with concentration.

He only felt that he punched on a soft mountain of flesh, and the force of the fist was completely melted away by it.

this means……

The opponent's cultivation level is far stronger than his own, and his control over the true energy is even better.

How could the other party really be so strong at such a young age?

Or is this person the kind of monster with an ageless appearance who pretends to be a businessman and plays in the world?


No matter what it is, I don’t want to lose!


With an angry shout, Lin Can thrust his fists forward and bent his elbows to strike at an angle. He actually turned his body into a weapon and launched a fierce attack on Fang Zheng.

The fists, palms, elbows, and legs turned into countless afterimages, almost completely covering Fang Zheng's figure.

Fangzheng's eyes were dark and his consciousness was empty. He waved his hands freely, using all the essence of Xinyi Fist to block many attacks one by one.

Don’t just stop it!

Lin Can's every movement contained the unparalleled power of the Great Zhou Tianwu Master, but now it didn't leak out at all, all of it was dispersed.

It was as if there was an unimpeded aura in the field, which eliminated the incoming force one by one, leaving only a little bit of fist wind blowing up the clothes of the two men.

Mind - Hunyuan Wuji!


Lin Can stepped on the ground with both feet, and the ground under his feet suddenly turned into soft quicksand. The vibration of his energy alone caused the soil to deteriorate.

And the terrifying driving force also made him appear in front of Fang Zheng as if teleporting.


The extreme speed even broke through the sound barrier, and the sound was a beat slower than it, which also made Fang Zheng's expression solemn.


With a secret praise in his heart, he raised one hand slightly, clasping his fingers slightly inward, and the thunder light danced in his palm, instantly manifesting into a mysterious thunder-shaped seal talisman.

Hold the thunder in your palm and shoot it out suddenly.


Lin Can's body retreated wildly, and he felt a violent thunder force first tearing apart his fist strength, and then rushing into his body.


A mouthful of blood spurted out, his legs softened, and he fell to his knees directly. His breath was dying, and his whole figure seemed to be ten years older.

There was silence.


Steward Lu Wei screamed, turned around and fled out of the courtyard.

Fang Zheng frowned and waved lightly with one hand.

Thunder in the Palm!


The force of the fierce thunder fell on Lu Wei from a distance, and his forward body exploded, with flesh, blood, and internal organs flying everywhere.

Wang Qi's face turned pale, and she knelt down tremblingly:

"My boss..."

"Spare your life!"

Fang Zheng lowered his head, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

One word, clear heart!

Yi Zi Ming Xin Zhan has never been a sword technique.

Can kill people,

You can also kill gods!

The invisible blade slashed into Wang Qi's sea of ​​consciousness, instantly extinguishing her consciousness. Her delicate body trembled, and her orifices bleeded and she collapsed to the ground.

No life left!

In the blink of an eye, two of the three people were killed and one was seriously injured.

Sun Ping's heart was beating wildly as he watched what happened. His eyes were dull and his face was confused. He could hardly believe what he had just seen.

He knew that his boss had martial arts skills, but...

A wave of your hand in the air can cause people to burst into pieces, and a glare can kill people invisibly. Is this really martial arts?

Fang Zheng shook his head slightly, slightly dissatisfied.

The power of thunder in the palm of his hand was too dispersed, otherwise it would only shatter Lu Wei's heart, but not his whole body would be torn into pieces by the power of thunder.

Wang Qi also died silently and his orifices should not bleed, which shows that his thoughts turned into swords cannot instantly kill the opponent's consciousness.

These are all shortcomings.

"Young master... he is very capable."

Lin Can struggled to raise his head and glanced at the corpses in the field, with bitterness on his face:

"Please do it!"

Fang Zheng chuckled and shook his head, and slowly stood up from the bamboo chair. It was only then that Sun Ping realized that from the beginning to the end, the host was sitting down and facing the enemy with one hand.

"How much does Wang Qi give you a year?"


Lin Can raised his head and his eyes flashed:

"Eight hundred taels of silver, there are other benefits during the holidays."

"Follow me." Fang Zheng said:

"One thousand taels of silver a year, everything else is as usual, help me look after the business of Zhaonan Mansion, and don't let a shopkeeper like Wang Qi appear again."


Lin Can lowered his head and his voice was dull. Although he was upright, he was not stupid, and he was not willing to lose his life for someone like Wang Qi:

"I've met my boss."

Fang Zheng nodded with satisfaction.

During this period of time, he was immersed in the inheritance left by Jiu Yuanzi, and his practice did not slow down, but actually gained from it.

The mind is empty, and when you wake up, it's like jumping from extreme darkness into light.

It's like being reborn.

Strength surges!

If he were to deal with Qian Fusong with his current strength, Fang Zheng was confident that he would be able to defeat him within a hundred moves even without the help of magic weapons or secret techniques.


After this battle, the energy and blood in his body surged, as if a certain barrier had been touched, and the limit of the Six Thunder Realm was actually loosened.

Advancement without leakage is just around the corner.

"Sun Ping."

"The little one is here."

Sun Ping was stunned for a moment, then hurriedly came closer, his head lowered to show respect.

"I want to go out of town."

Fang Zheng spoke slowly:

"How can it be done?"

"This..." Sun Ping opened his mouth, his face filled with bitterness:

"My boss, only Shopkeeper Wang can send someone out of the city at this time."


Fang Zhong's smile froze, he turned back to look at Wang Qi on the ground, and couldn't help but look speechless:

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"..." Sun Ping looked bitter:

"You didn't say anything about it either!"

"That's all!" Fang Zheng shook his head helplessly and asked with a glimmer of hope:

"Lin Can, do you have any connections?"

"My boss, I just came to Zhaonan Mansion not long ago. I'm not even familiar with the roads in the city, let alone going out of the city?" Lin Can shook his head first and then said:


"I know some people who are also from other places, and we get together occasionally. Many of them want to go out of town. Maybe there is a way."

"Oh!" Fang Zheng's eyes brightened slightly:

"Inquire about it."


Lin Can should be.





Swallow the Ginsengjinghubao Decoction into your belly.

Fang Zheng silently performed the vowel thunder method, and the plasma-like true energy circulated in the meridians in an orderly manner, tempering the skin, flesh, muscles, bones and five internal organs.

sea ​​of ​​knowledge,

The compass of heaven moves slowly, and many thoughts rise and fall.

Yan Jun, outlined by his spiritual thoughts, stands in the void with his feet on the compass. As his cultivation level increases, his image becomes more solid.

facial features,

It actually gradually became more and more similar to Fang Zheng.


Exhaling softly, Fang Zheng slowly opened his eyes, a light flashing in his eyes.

"Not even close!"

"That day when I started working with Lin Can, I clearly felt that a breakthrough was imminent. Why did that feeling become weaker and weaker after a few days?"

"Is it possible to attack him again?"

Shaking his head, Fang Zheng looked back.

"The elixir brewed by the Golden Thread Carp has been used up, and there are three portions of the Ginseng Jinghu Bao Decoction left. There is no generator here, so the cultivation cannot continue to advance by leaps and bounds."

"We still have to leave the city!"

Just a few days.

The situation in the city has changed drastically.

The rebels had already approached the city, and several small-scale fights had occurred nearby. The four gates of Zhaonan Mansion were closed and no further passage was allowed.

The army is coming!

It seems that the battle to defend the city is inevitable.

The Linghu family has agreed to the call from the prefect's Yamen and is ready to send anyone out.

The same goes for Qianji Pavilion.

When asked about his access, he just said that he would go back and wait for the news. He would let him know once he could send people out, but he did not say the specific time.


Fang Zheng sighed:

"If you can't leave anymore, why don't you just go back to modern society for a while and wait a few months before coming back to see the situation?"

This is undoubtedly a bad idea.

If you leave without knowing the situation, who will know what will happen when you come back?


Zhaonan Mansion has been occupied by rebels.

This place may also have become a rebel garrison, with a group of masters present, who will appear in the rebel lair when the time comes.

It’s so frustrating to die!

black market.

The whole city is under martial law, and even this place has been affected. The bustling crowds in the past have become sparse, and nine out of ten shops have their doors closed.

"Master Fang!"

"Brother Qi."

"Brother Mu is here too."


Fang Zheng walked into a venue, bowed his hands to several familiar faces, and greeted each other.

"Have you heard that Ghost Taoist has been unlucky recently? He may have died." The voice of the speaker was filled with schadenfreude:

"This guy has a sinister aura. I've already guessed that he's unlikely to die a good death."

"what happened?"

"The ghost Taoist is not bad at all, and he is even better at controlling ghosts. Even a Wuluo martial artist may not be able to defeat him. What could happen?"

"You don't know?" the person who spoke said:

"The death of Qian Fusong, the Qilin son of the Qian family, is said to be related to the ghost Taoist. In order to capture him, the Qian family dispatched two Wu Liu."

"There is also a mage accompanying him, just in case. He may not be able to escape."

"What?" someone in the audience exclaimed:

"The ghost Taoist killed Qian Fusong?"

"not necessarily!"

"But it must be related to it. Otherwise, why would the Qian family bite him and not let him go? The same goes for the ghost Taoist people. How dare they provoke the Qian family?"



Fang Zheng tilted his head and his eyes flashed slightly.

Qian Fusong's death was actually related to a ghost Taoist?

With the help of the heavenly compass to cover it up, unless he is a real person who is good at magic, it is impossible to deduce it to him.

So Fangzheng is not worried, but...

Ghost Taoist?

It's your misfortune!

‘The innate divine calculation has something to say: cause and effect can be reversed but not eliminated. ’

‘Once something happens, it’s called a cause, and it will definitely lead to a follow-up, called an effect. Once cause and effect occurs, even immortals and Buddhas can’t do anything about it. ’

‘There is a certain number in it! ’

‘Ordinary people are afraid of consequences, and Bodhisattvas are afraid of causes. This is the reason. ’

‘Even the heavenly compass left by Jiu Yuanzi can only deflect cause and effect, but it cannot eliminate the impact of this matter. ’

'Because the Ghost Taoist is contaminated with karma, his karma may fall on him in the future...'

Fang Zheng turned his head and then shook his head.

"Soldiers will block you, water will block you, and water will cover you. You don't believe in fate, and you don't need to care too much about cause and effect. If you think too much, you are just asking for trouble." ’

"Brother Chu!"

A figure flashed in his sight, causing Fang Zheng's eyes to flash, and he approached and held his hand:

"I haven't seen you for a few days, how are you?"

"Master Fang." Chu Nansheng saw the person coming clearly and smiled:

"Chu is still the same."

"Brother Chu?" Fang Zheng stretched out his hand to signal:

"Sit down and talk?"


Chu Nansheng raised his eyebrows:

"That's fine."

The two came to a deserted place, and Fang Zheng said directly:

"I heard that Tenglong Martial Arts School recently took on a big business, and they have to escort someone out of the city. I wonder if you would like to add another person?"

“The price is good!”

"Master Fang is leaving the city?" Chu Nansheng frowned.

He is the deputy director of Tenglong Martial Arts School. In addition to teaching martial arts for a fee, the martial arts school also does escort business such as escorting goods.

A few days ago, I did take on such a task.

"Not bad." Fang Zheng nodded:

"It shouldn't be troublesome to add one more person, right?"


Pushing over a heavy money bag.


Chu Nansheng's eyes flickered, and he immediately pushed the money bag back. Seeing Fang Zheng frowning, he hurriedly explained:

"Brother Fang, don't blame me. Unless Chu doesn't want to, it's really not up to me to decide this matter. With Brother Fang's strength, it would be better for us if he could join."

"However, that guest has a distinguished status. The martial arts school claims that he is an escort but is actually just a stooge. It is really not up to him to increase the manpower."


He thought for a while and said:

"Brother Fang wants to leave the city. You can go to the Zheng family and ask. Although the Zheng family has declined in recent years, it has always had control of the south gate."

"Currently, it is estimated that only the Zheng family can spend money to leave the city and send people out of Zhaonan Mansion."

"Zheng family?" Fang Zheng understood and pushed the money bag over again:

"Thank you!"

"Brother Fang?" Chu Nansheng touched the money bag with a look of surprise on his face. He didn't expect that he would be so generous just by introducing the other party.

Gritting his teeth, he took out a bronze medal from his body:

"The Zheng family once owed Chu a certain favor. If you go there with this thing, you can always give me some face."

"Thank you!"

Fangzheng cupped his fists and raised his hands.



It was dark.

The cold wind swept across the earth quietly.

Dead branches and fallen leaves rustled in the cold wind, blowing across the huge courtyard. The empty courtyard also looked desolate.

You can tell.

The Zheng family was in decline.

Every detail in the courtyard is carefully designed. It must have been prosperous in the past, but now there are not many maids and servants, and even the fallen leaves on the ground are missing.


Not bad.

How many families once declined, like the Chen family, lost both their lives and wealth. The Zheng family was very lucky to be able to keep their courtyard and maintain their status.

"Master Fang."

An old servant came closer:

"My lady invites you."


Fang Zheng, who was dressed in formal attire, came to his senses and nodded, then followed the old servant into the side hall where guests were entertained. There was already a man and a woman waiting in the hall.

The man is young, about fifteen or sixteen years old, with delicate features and lively eyes. He is holding a pet that looks like a mink in his arms and playing with it.

The woman is older, probably in her thirties. She wears light makeup, does not look old, and has the charm of a mature woman.

The man and woman in front of them should be the Zheng family siblings.

As expected of siblings.

The man is handsome and the woman is charming. These looks are top-notch no matter where they are placed. No wonder there are so many rumors about Miss Zheng's family.

"Miss Zheng, Young Master Zheng."

Founder handed over:

"Fang Zheng has met you two."

"Young Master Fang, you're welcome." Miss Zheng said with bare hands:

"Please take a seat."


Mr. Zheng did snort slightly, as if he was not satisfied with the title.

"Master Fang wants to go out of town?"

Seeing Fangzheng sit down, Miss Zheng spoke slowly, her voice was clear, sweet, and endless, and it actually had a bit of Liu Qinghuan's charm:

"The city is under martial law at this time, and it's not easy to get out."

this point.

Founder is naturally clear.

The city walls on all four sides are heavily guarded, with martial arts masters and mages patrolling the city walls. There are also Wuluo and Archmage sitting there, so not even a fly can get in or out.

Even if you leave the city, it doesn't mean you are safe.

The rebels are raging outside the city. If you don't know the safe route, you will most likely be surrounded by the rebels, and a perfect martial artist may not be safe.


Nodding, he cupped his hands and said:

"That's why I begged you at the door of your mansion. Now in Zhaonan Mansion, I am afraid that only two of them can send people out of Zhaonan Mansion."

The Zheng family controls the city gate, and Miss Zheng is the lover of a certain general. She can not only send people out of the city, but also send them away safely.

Just as he said.

There is no one more suitable than the Zheng family.

"Young Master Fang is overly praised."

Miss Zheng smiled softly, caressing the bronze medal on the table next to her, her beautiful eyes twinkling:

"To be honest, I don't want to do such a thing."

"But Master Chu was kind to our sister and brother back then. Now that Mr. Fang has come to visit with his sign, the Zheng family can't shirk it."

"that is……"

"This matter needs to be dealt with from top to bottom. I hope Mr. Fang understands."

"Of course." Fang Zheng nodded:

"Miss Zheng, you might as well make a price."

"Three hundred taels." Miss Zheng said:

"Master Fang, please don't think it's too much. This money won't fall into the hands of our sister and brother. It doesn't mean much to share it with the Yamen, the garrison, and the generals."

"It's really not much." Fang Zheng felt slightly relieved. He didn't care about a mere three hundred taels of silver. Being able to leave the city was the most important thing.

Then he raised his hand and handed over three 100-tael silver notes and asked:

"When can I leave the city?"

The banknote was pushed by the true energy and fluttered lightly on the table next to the two of them. Mr. Zheng immediately grabbed it and put it in front of him for a closer look.

Miss Zheng shook her head towards her brother, sighed helplessly, and then said:

"I will reply within three days."


Founder handed over:

"Fang is waiting for good news."

After bidding farewell to the two siblings and leaving the Zheng Mansion, Fang Zheng's eyes narrowed.

Those who practice martial arts achieve a leak-free true body, with a perfect aura that no longer leaks out and is self-sufficient. Furthermore, they will nourish the true spirit and give birth to incredible perceptions.

Can see tiny particles of dust, can smell the sounds of nature, can smell nine flavors...

What's more, you can predict without seeing or hearing.

The same goes for the Archmage,


Ability to predict certain scenarios in one's future under certain special circumstances.

The method of divination is based on this.

Fang Zheng has not attained the perfection of leakage, nor is he a great mage, but the celestial compass deep in the ocean of his consciousness is stronger than that of ordinary real people.

Just now, a sense of crisis emerged in my heart.

"Someone is trying to hurt me!"

"Sisters and sisters of the Zheng family?"


Fang Zheng turned around and looked at the Zheng Mansion with squinted eyes. He had never seen these siblings before. Could it be that he wanted to kill a great Zhou Tianwu Master for just a few hundred taels of silver?

After a moment's thought, his figure disappeared on the spot.





After sending Fang Zheng away, Mr. Zheng comforted the marten in his arms and asked:

"Are you really going to send him out of the city?"

"Otherwise?" Miss Zheng picked up the bronze medal in front of her and said:

"Chu Nansheng has to give him some face. After all, he is kind to us."

"Humph!" Mr. Zheng said with disdain on his face.

"Even without him, we would have been fine back then."

"If you ask me, since you want to send people out of the city, you might as well send a few more people. This only costs four people. If you have more people, you can make a lot of money."

"Stop talking nonsense." Miss Zheng's eyes turned cold:

"These four people came to my door because of my connections and I had to give them away. Otherwise, I would rather not have any of them and get into trouble for nothing. You have to remember that money can never be earned."

"Have our Zheng family ever been short of money before?"

"Power is truly useful. Having money but no power is just a piece of meat on the chopping block. Dad didn't understand this until he died."

"I know." Mr. Zheng curled his lips and said suddenly:

"Xiao Hui just reacted."


Miss Zheng was stunned for a moment before she came to her senses. She looked at the ferret in her brother's arms, her beautiful eyes flashing:

"It's him?"

"Yes." Mr. Zheng pursed his lips:

"The person that Senior Sister Qin is looking for is that Fang Zheng just now. You also know Xiao Hui's sense of smell. You can smell even the slightest smell."

"..." Miss Zheng looked thoughtful and shook her head slowly after a long time:

"never mind!"

"The less trouble, the better."

"Why?" Mr. Zheng opened his eyes and said:

"Sister, this is a major matter related to my future. Senior sister promised that as long as we find that person, we can introduce him to the True Inheritance."

"That is the true inheritance of Hehuan Sect!"

"Hehuan Sect?" Miss Zheng snorted coldly:

"What do you think joining the Hehuan Sect is a good thing? If the Hehuan Sect was really great, they wouldn't have been hiding for so many years."

"As for your future..."

"Your brother-in-law has already made plans for you. When your cultivation reaches a higher level, you can go to the military camp with him to practice. Then you can go directly to the Lieutenant's Mansion."

"The greatest power in this world is never the three sects and four sects, let alone evil heretics like the Hehuan Sect, but the imperial court!"

"Army?" Mr. Zheng frowned:

"I don't want to be a soldier. What's the point of staying with a bunch of stinky men every day? I want to learn the mental skills and martial arts of the Hehuan Sect."


"You are also a disciple of the Hehuan Sect, why don't you let me join the Hehuan Sect?"

"It's because I am, that's why I know what the Hehuan Sect is like." Miss Zheng glared at him and yelled angrily in a low voice:

"If it weren't for the turmoil in the capital a few years ago, I wouldn't be able to leave the Hehuan Sect. Once I'm tainted by such evil ways, it's extremely difficult to get rid of them."

"You don't have to say any more."

She waved her hand and shouted:

"There is no need to mention this matter again. You will join the army in a while. It just so happens that we have to deal with the rebels now, so your brother-in-law can also arrange some credit."

"When the time comes, reach the sky in one step!"

Mr. Zheng curled his lips, but did not say a word. He just lowered his head and his eyes flickered back and forth, as if he had made up his mind.

You don’t let me learn, but I insist on learning!

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