Heavenly Master, I have a different world

Chapter 162 I wish there would be an afterlife (a 10,000-word chapter, please subscribe)


Master Zheng's figure appeared quietly outside the Zheng Mansion, avoiding the patrolling government officials and soldiers, and sneaked towards a certain manor.

Not long after.

"Dong dong..."

He knocked on the back door of the manor and silently recited the slogan to verify his identity:

"The spring breeze brings us great joy."

"I want to see Senior Sister Qin Keqing and report something important!"


The back door opened, and a pretty and lovely girl quietly poked her head out, looked at Mr. Zheng up and down, and smiled sweetly:

"You smell so good, come in!"

"Thank you."

Seeing the other party's appearance, Mr. Zheng's eyes lit up, he cupped his hands and said:

"What do you call this sister?"

"Sister?" the girl pouted:

"Am I that old?"

"That's my sister." Mr. Zheng immediately changed his words:

"What do you call your sister?"

"My name is Xiaoqian." The girl smiled and pointed behind her:

"The lady is in the side hall, please hurry over. As long as the lady agrees, you can come and play with me at any time in the future."

"Definitely!" Mr. Zheng grinned:

"Sister Xiaoqian, I'll go over first."

‘It’s better to go to a place like this, where everyone is full of sweet-smelling sisters and beauties. I don’t want to go to a military camp full of smelly men. ’

He muttered in his heart and quickly went to the side hall and knocked on the door to enter.

There were three people in the house.

Except Qin Keqing.

There were also two old men in the field who looked to be at least sixty or seventy years old. Although they were already old, these two people did not have the smell of decay that ordinary old people have.

The white hair and wrinkles are more like embellishments given by time, making the two of them more calm, free and easy, and they can also see the beauty and beauty of their youth.

"Sister Qin."

Mr. Zheng bowed his hands respectfully:

"I saw the person you were talking about."


Qin Keqing was making tea for the two old men, and her beautiful eyes lit up when she heard this:


"I dare not deceive senior sister." Mr. Zheng said:

"The little Hui I raised is very sensitive to smells. Today when the person came to Zheng Mansion, it reacted. It is undoubtedly the person that the senior sister mentioned."

And said:

"Sister, can I join the sect?"


Qin Keqing nodded:

"You did a good job. When the matter is over, I will take you to the nearby Hehuan Sect branch... By the way, where is your sister?"

"Sister..." Mr. Zheng's face changed slightly and he whispered:

"She was busy with something and didn't come over."

"Not here?" The woman, one of the two elders in the field, raised her eyebrows slightly, her eyes dark under her white hair, and her voice sounded disdainful:

"I'm afraid you haven't even thought about coming, right?"


She snorted coldly:

"If there hadn't been an accident in the sect back then, how could they have easily escaped from the sect's control? One by one, they ate from the bowl and looked at what was in the pot."

"If I hadn't seen that she was still of some use, how could I have allowed her to live to this day!"

The Hehuan Sect was in chaos back then, and many people took the opportunity to escape, including several people the sect had trained in key areas. Every time she thought about this, she would complain.

Miss Zheng's family was like this. She was supposed to be under the control of the Hehuan Sect, but she used the high branches she climbed to threaten them.

The maid who once scolded her at will is now like this. As a former 'master', how can I not be annoyed?

"Elder Mu." Qin Keqing saw Mr. Zheng's expression change, her beautiful eyes flashed, and she said slowly:

"Although Sister Zheng has left the sect, she has never lost contact with us. She has helped us a lot in these years."

"It's not that harsh."


Elder Mu snorted coldly, but did not continue to speak.

"That's all." One of the two elders waved his hand gently:

"She is General Lan's favorite now. She has a distinguished status and is of great use to us. Don't let trivial matters ruin your mood."

"That's what Elder Ye said." Qin Keqing nodded and said:

"Xiao Zheng."

"Here." Mr. Zheng bowed his head upon hearing this.

"Who is that person?"

"Fang Zheng, the boss of Fang Ci, is from Gu'an County and a famous porcelain merchant."


Qin Keqing squinted:

"No wonder I haven't found any news about my senior sister for so many years. It turns out that she can endure the loneliness even though she is hiding in this remote place."

"She has always had a good temperament." Elder Ye gently stroked his beard:

"I'm really curious, how did she develop the sexual interrogation method that emphasizes indulgence while her virginity was still intact?"

"If you want to know, just catch her." Elder Mu said coldly:

"Although the method of asking for love can confuse people, it cannot kill the enemy. As long as you know where she is, the next thing will be easy to handle."

"Two elders."

Qin Keqing promptly reminded:

"And that squareness."

"It doesn't matter."

Although Elder Mu is a woman, she is extremely heroic. She waved her hand and said:

"As long as you are not a martial artist without leakage, it is not a problem. Even if you have become a martial artist without leakage, it is not like Old Man Ye and I have never killed each other."


Elder Ye nodded:

"Find first..."


His eyebrows moved slightly, his movements stopped, he slowly looked outside the room, and said in a faint voice:

"so quiet!"


Elder Mu nodded, his eyes filled with coldness:

"Quiet...it's a bit too much!"


Before she finished speaking, her whole person had disappeared on the spot. At the same time, the window sash on the side shattered and a figure flew out.

The speed was so fast, it was like there was a rope outside pulling her and pulling her suddenly.


A dull crashing sound came from outside.

Elder Mu flew out quickly and returned to the room at an even faster speed. After landing, he took several steps back before barely stopping his body.

"Good palm power!"

Her wrists were shaking, her palms were scorched black, and she was obviously slightly injured.

"Are you looking for me?"

As the sound rang out, the door of the house automatically opened without wind and opened to both sides. The strong wind blew in from outside the house, revealing the burly figure standing in front of the door.


At this time, he had his hands behind his back, his long hair flying, his clothes rustling, and his majestic momentum surged forward unbridled.

Just the suppressed momentum made Mr. Zheng short of breath, his eyes turned black, and he almost fainted on the spot.

Even Qin Keqing's expression changed drastically:

"How can it be?"

How long has it been since the two of you saw each other?

She had fully calculated that it would take no more than two months. Two months ago, the other party relied on that weird weapon to force her back.


Looking at Fang Zheng standing at the door, Qin Keqing didn't even think about taking action.

"Are you Fang Zheng?"

Elder Ye took a step forward with a solemn expression:

"No leaks?"


"Not yet."

"Be careful." Elder Mu shook his wrist, his true energy circulated, and the injuries on his body were suppressed instantly:

"Although this person is not a perfect martial artist, he is not bad at all. His palm power is amazing. He should be practicing an extremely good thunder method inheritance."



Fang Zheng tapped his palms with admiration on his face:

"good eyesight!"

"Your Excellency is not bad either. The Hehuan Sect's flower-turning skills are superb. It's a pity that he took a wrong path when he was young, otherwise he wouldn't have stopped here."

"Hmph!" Elder Ye snorted coldly:

"Junior is arrogant, take my trick!"

He stepped forward and tapped his fingers. The two of them were several feet apart. He just took one step, but his sharp fingertips reached the front door.


This is not the Buddhist way of holding flowers and smiling, but the unique method of Hehuan Sect. The way of holding flowers is like a picture, which makes people intoxicated and unable to extricate themselves.

Often by the time you notice it, you have already been tricked.

Fang Zheng looked at the incoming fingertips, and many thoughts quietly came to his mind.

In an instant, he seemed to have seen through this move.

All the changes in this finger power are known to the palm of your hand, and you can see them clearly. Every move of the opponent seems to be known in advance.


This was not his own perception, but the insight of Jiu Yuanzi induced by the stimulation in Tianji Compass, which caused him to have an illusion.

I also had this feeling when facing Lin Can.

But things are different now. When facing Lin Can, Fangzheng could handle it with ease, but now he has trouble keeping up with his reactions.

'Yes! ’

Fang Zheng suddenly felt:

'Jiu Yuanzi is a real person. In his eyes, the other party is not worthy of exposure, and he is not even flawless. Jiu Yuanzi's coping methods are not useful at all. ’

after all……

It’s better to be reckless!

His thoughts were turning, but his movements did not pause at all. With a wave of his hand, a ball of lightning appeared out of thin air and crashed into the opponent.


The thunder exploded.

Elder Ye fired a series of finger strikes, finally defeating the oncoming energy, but he also retreated to his original position, looking solemnly at Fang Zheng standing in front of the door.

"What a fierce and powerful thunder, your Excellency, you have such good tactics!"

Although he is not without leaks, his strength is no weaker than ordinary ones, but he can't even withstand a single blow from the opponent. You can imagine how powerful this person is.

To have such strength in Great Zhoutian, the inheritance must be extraordinary, and only a few core disciples of the Hehuan Sect can achieve this.

"Lao Ye!"

Elder Mu took a step forward:

"Go together!"

Elder Ye nodded and pounced again without saying a word. The other party had already come to the door. How could words be of any use now?


Elder Ye pressed his fingers together, and shot out arrows with sharp golden power, which were more powerful than ordinary pistols.

Mountains, rocks and trees can be easily penetrated.

Golden finger!

Techniques and martial arts are combined into one, and the fingering technique contains extraordinary strength and the sharp golden energy of refinement. When the two are combined into one, it is naturally extremely sharp.

Elder Mu raised his palm and struck out. The force of the palm was cold and cold, and it landed in the air. A layer of ice suddenly appeared on the ground. It was the secret skill of the Ice Soul Xuanxin Palm.

The two of them made mistakes in their early years of practice, resulting in physical illness and being unable to attain Wu Liu, but their strength was no weaker than ordinary Wu Liu.

The top inheritance and the dual cultivation method allow them to connect with each other and join forces to fight against the enemy. No matter what, they are no match for them.

Facing the oncoming attack, Fang Zheng subconsciously took a step back, then his eyes flashed slightly and he charged forward.

Mind - Hunyuan Wuji!

This move is the best for defense. The energy turns into a Tai Chi-like aura. No matter where the attack comes from, he can detect and stop it.

As for the attack, it is slightly lacking.



The shapes of the three people are intertwined, and their energy is vertical and horizontal.

The lightning, palm power, and finger strength collided crazily. Just the aftermath of the energy caused the solid house to be riddled with holes in just a moment.

Looking shaky.


The three of them collided again, and Fang Zheng took several steps back before Fang steadied himself.

As the elders of the Hehuan Sect, Mu and Ye are naturally not weak in strength. Even if they fight alone, they are still slightly better than Qian Fusong.

Together, the two of them can indeed easily kill ordinary people.


Clearly at a disadvantage.

But when he faced this scene, instead of being shocked and angry, he actually smiled, his eyes filled with fighting spirit, and he took the initiative to attack again.


That's it!

Only when stimulated by external pressure will the stagnant cultivation level loosen, and the true energy becomes more active than ever before.

"Come again!"

With a low growl, Fang Zheng stretched out his big hand, clasped his fingers inwards, and a thunder seal rune appeared in his palm, and he continuously bombarded his opponent.

Thunder in the Palm!

Five Thunder Hands!



In an instant, thunder roared in the field, and tables, tables, and beams were shattered one after another. Qin Keqing used her skills to shine desperately.


A moment later, the three collided again.


Elder Ye flicked his fingers vigorously, his face ashen:

"This kid is using us as a whetstone to help him achieve his perfect true form!"

"Whetstone?" Elder Mu clenched his silver teeth tightly, leaving a trail of afterimages in the field like a madman, screaming and throwing out again:

"It depends on whether his sword is stronger or whether our two old guys are stronger!"


Magic hand!

Elder Ye also took a deep breath, his body suddenly lifted up, his eyes were filled with cold light, his fingers flicked together, and the sword energy fell down like a heavy rain.



Elder Mu's hands finally broke through Hunyuan Wuji's defense and landed on Junior Fangzheng. His palms burst out but were stopped an inch away from his body.


"Protective Gang Jin?"

Her eyes twitched and her expression changed drastically.


Fang Zheng growled and clapped his hands behind his back:

"It's still a little bit worse, it's still a little bit worse..."



"Good boy." Elder Mu flew back and looked at each other with Elder Ye. The two of them had the same mind, and their faces flushed at the same time.

Secret skill - burn your body!


A far stronger aura emerged in the field than before. If the two people before were just comparable to each other, now they are undoubtedly flawless.

The two great men joined forces to kill.


Fangzheng waved his arms, energy swept in all directions, and his body, nourished by countless precious medicines and stimulated by daily electric currents, burst out with unprecedented potential.

Mind - the universe is uncertain!

The true power of thunder covered the entire field, and time seemed to freeze. The air was also distorted to the naked eye due to the collision of energies.

The three of them collided in the air and all retreated.


Fang Zheng roared.

Heart--the confluence of hundreds of rivers!


His energy exploded and he rushed towards the two of them.

Urgent lightning strike!

A series of thunderous blades appeared out of thin air, slashing towards the figure in front of them. The blades were so heavy that they formed a surging wave for a while.


Elder Mu's eyes widened and he screamed.

The next moment.


The thunder exploded completely, and half of the courtyard was directly reduced to rubble. The two people who bore the brunt were even blown into blood foam all over the sky.

There was silence.

When the breeze blew and the smoke and dust cleared, only a figure stood on the spot.


Fang Zheng exhaled softly, raised his hand and slowly clasped his fingers, a strange yet familiar feeling came to his mind:

"Is this the perfect thing?"

The physical body has no leakage and is perfect and self-sufficient.

After the advancement, there was no leakage, and the true energy seemed to have a foundation. It was condensed and formed in an instant, turning into a protective force to protect the physical body and withstand the final explosion of the two people. Otherwise, the result would be hard to say.


Qin Keqing, who was knocked away by the aftermath of the energy, opened her eyes in confusion and shrank when she saw Fang Zheng appearing in front of her.

"It's you?"

"Where are the two elders?"

"Elder?" Fang Zheng chuckled:

"Wait a moment and I will send you to meet them."


He reached out and grabbed Qin Keqing and Mr. Zheng who was still unconscious:

"Let's get out of here first!"

The noise just made was so loud that it had already alerted the government office, and the auras were approaching this place rapidly.

Not long after.

Three figures fell from the sky.

"No leaks!"

One of them gently stroked his beard:

"When did there become so many Wuluo martial artists in the city?"

"One of them is from the Hehuan Sect." The other person walked a few steps in the field, his eyes swept over the remaining traces, and his voice was solemn:

"The other side is good at using thunder, I have never seen it before."

"Somewhat like the Five Thunders Zhengfa of Tianshi Tao." The last person was wearing Taoist robes, his eyes glowed with ghostly light, and he spoke slowly:

"If one party dies, the other party may not feel well. Let's observe for now."


The other two people nodded in unison, obviously respecting this person very much.


They are the most respected among real people, and even the status of some great mages is higher than that of martial arts masters.


in the room.

Qin Keqing was weak and paralyzed on the ground. She had a graceful figure. She moved her body slightly, which made her lying posture become extremely attractive.

The turning of his eyebrows is even more fascinating.

"Master Fang."

Her voice was charming and she said:

"You have proven to be flawless at a young age, and you are about to advance to martial arts. With such great ability, can't you still let me, a weak woman, go?"

"Let me go and enjoy my life as long as you want."

Her beautiful eyes were flowing, and the look in her eyes was like looking at a great hero who had been admired for a long time, making people feel pity subconsciously.

"Don't waste your time." Facing her charm, Fang didn't show any emotion on his face. He arranged the altar with his hands and said slowly:

"I just want to get some information from you."

"Ask." Qin Keqing said hurriedly:

"I know everything I know, so I won't tell you."

As she spoke, she twisted her body, her beautiful body was as flattering as a beautiful snake, and every movement was extremely charming.

The disciples of the Hehuan Sect are extremely beautiful, and she is the leader among them.

"No need."

Fang Zheng turned around, as if he hadn't seen him before, and pressed the seal to drive the altar:

"Just in case you're being dishonest, I'd better ask myself."

"Young Master Fang wants to use ecstasy on me?" Qin Keqing raised her eyebrows and then sneered:

"So that the young master will know that although the ecstasy technique cannot be said to be completely useless to the disciples of Hehuan Sect, it is indeed of little use..."

"The method I practice is the best at confusing others. How can I be defenseless?"

"Really?" Fang Zheng said calmly:

"Do you know the seven-star soul seduction technique?"

"What?" Qin Ke looked confused.

"It seems you don't know." Fang Zheng shook his head, took out some injections and placed them on the altar:

"Come to think of it, you definitely don't know this either."

"The Seven-Star Soul-Seducing Technique is a secret technique that confuses people's minds. Even a martial artist can hardly resist it, and this sedative is enough for several people."

"I don't know..."

"Can you block these?"

Qin Keqing's face turned pale. Although she didn't know what Fang Zheng was talking about, she instinctively felt afraid.

"The demons and monsters, the seven stars illuminate the soul..."


In front of the altar, Fang Zheng stood on the Seven Stars, making seals with his hands and reciting mantras. With a low drink, Qin Keqing threw his head back as if he had been hit hard, and his eyes instantly became dull.


A sedative is injected into the neck.

"I ask you."

Fangzheng controlled the altar and spoke leisurely:

"Is there anything on Fang that you keep tracing?"

"..." Qin Keqing's eyes were dull, her mouth slightly opened, she struggled briefly and then said slowly:

"Senior sister's smell."

Senior sister?

Fang Zheng raised his eyebrows.


Two days later.

In the team leaving the city.

"Master Fang."

Miss Zheng's face was livid. She looked at Fang Zheng who was boarding the carriage and gritted her silver teeth:

"Where is my brother?"

"When Fang leaves the city and leaves the boundaries of the city, Miss Zheng will know where Mr. Zheng is." Fang Zheng said calmly:


"The premise is that Fang leaves safely and nothing goes wrong along the way. Otherwise, Miss Zheng may not be able to see Mr. Zheng."

"You..." Miss Zheng stepped forward and said angrily:

"I sent you out of the city with good intentions, but you actually threatened me with my brother, Mr. Fang. Don't you feel guilty for repaying a favor with a grudge?"


Fang Zheng snorted coldly:

"Miss Zheng, if it weren't for your sake, Fang would never have spared Mr. Zheng's life. You should have guessed what he did."

"No need for me to say more, right?"

Miss Zheng's face turned pale and her eyes flickered.


Fang Zheng hummed softly and then signaled to the driver:







Rutted wheel.

Fangzheng was leaning against the carriage, waving the reins boredly.

Different from when we arrived, there were almost no pedestrians on the official road at this time, and the victims on both sides of the road had become sparse, but there were more withered bones.

Things are different and people are different!

The floods have not gone away and the cold winter has arrived. These victims are afraid that they will not survive the next few months. Their faces are full of despair.

As the time goes.

Gu'an County is already in sight.


Fang Zheng sat up slightly, frowned and looked forward.

Gu'an County is located in the middle of the plain. The city is deserted around the city. On the city wall, flags and banners are fluttering and soldiers are patrolling.

what happened?

When did we get so many soldiers?

Is it possible that the governor hasn't left yet?


Just as he was inspecting the city wall, a pair of patrol cavalry rushed from the side. The leader waved a spear and led the team to surround the carriage.

"Come down!"

"Who are you?"

"Sir." Behind the rider, a person looked Fang Zheng up and down. His eyes suddenly moved, and he drove the horse forward and whispered:

"He is Fang Ci's boss Fang Zheng."


The rider raised his eyebrows:

"It turns out to be Boss Fang Ci, follow me into the city!"

Fang Zheng touched his chin, thoughtfully. After the other party knew his origin, his tone did not relax, but became even more hostile.


After not coming back for a while, Gu'an County seemed to have changed. Every household stayed behind closed doors, and officers and soldiers patrolled the streets constantly.

The security is tight,

Even worse than Zhaonan Mansion.

what happened?

Fang Zheng looked confused and was taken to a dark room.

The windows at the front and back of the room were sealed with wooden sticks. There were two armored soldiers guarding the door. There was only a small bench inside.

This is……


Fang Zheng raised his eyebrows, looked around and sat down on the small bench.

"Master Fang."

There was a screen placed in the room, and a voice came from behind the screen:

"It's just a matter of routine for me to ask you a few words. I hope you won't be offended."

"Don't dare."

Founder handed over:

"My lord, feel free to ask, Fang will tell you everything he knows."


The man behind the screen spoke:

"Master Fang has not been in the county recently. Where has he been?"

Fang Zheng was about to speak when his eyes suddenly flashed and he paused and said:

"Due to business matters, Fang went to Zhaonan Mansion. Several people including the shopkeeper and manager of Fang Ci from Fucheng testified about this matter."

"Fucheng?" the other party asked:

"At this time, the bandits are besieging the city and the city gates are tightly closed. How did Mr. Fang get out of the city?"

"Fang had already left the city before the rebels besieged the city. It was just to avoid the rebels, so he didn't return to Gu'an County until this time." Fang Zheng said:

"Running all the way, even the guards around me were killed."

He sighed softly with a look of regret on his face.

"That's it." The figure behind the screen nodded when he heard this, and his voice slowed down, even with a slight smile:

"I heard that Mr. Fang is very fond of food, wine, and beauties, especially beauties. Having two beauties in his house is truly stunning."

"Especially the girl named Jin Shu. Not only is she beautiful, but her musical skills are also outstanding."

"I want to know a little about music. I wonder if there is a chance to meet him?"

"This..." Fang Zheng hesitated and said:

"I'm really sorry. Jin Shu has been sick since he was a child. He fell ill and passed away two months ago. That girl Liu Qinghuan also said goodbye and left."

"Today's world..."

"I'm afraid it's going to be bad."

The origins of Liu Qinghuan and Jin Shu were unknown, and they were reminded when they left, so Fang Zheng also left an explanation for everyone in the Fang Mansion.

When asked this time, the answer came naturally.

"Really?" The voice deepened:

"But I asked the servants of Fang Mansion and the answer I got was different. Moreover, no one saw Miss Jinshu die."

"Jinshu is in the backyard. It's normal for no one to know." Fang Zheng shook his head, his expression unchanged:

"After all, she is someone close to Fang, and there is no need for anyone else to dispose of the body."

"grown ups."

He raised his head slightly and looked directly at the screen:

"She's just a maid and a singer. Life or death doesn't matter."

The man behind the screen remained silent for a long time before saying:

"I have finished asking, but the matter is not over yet. I would like Mr. Fang to stay here for a while in the next few days."

Without waiting for an answer, he left from behind the screen.

Fang Zheng pursed his lips and crossed his arms in front of him, thoughtfully.


Just now, when the other party was asking questions, a majestic spiritual thought silently enveloped the entire audience, even submerging into his sea of ​​consciousness.

Such terrifying thoughts...

Only belongs to the Archmage!

Not a real person.

If it were a real person, he wouldn't have been discovered so easily.

The other party didn't seem to have any malicious intent, he just used his spiritual sense to sense whether Fang Zheng was lying. Unfortunately, this method was useless to him.

Whether it is a one-word clear mind or a vision of the Lord of Hell, it can block external perceptions and make people mistakenly think that all the answers are true.

not to mention.

The Tianji Compass can also distort the perception of other people's spiritual thoughts.


After the advanced level, Fang Zheng's own aura did not leak out at all, and even his thoughts were as clear as crystal diamonds.

It would be extremely difficult for outsiders to discover that he was lying.

But a small place like Gu'an County doesn't even have a mage. Where can a great mage come from?

In the next few days, several more people came into the room, and the questions seemed to be commonplace, but in the end the questions would be brought back to the backyard of Fang Mansion.

Jin Shu and Liu Qinghuan.

As for leaving...

Not a word about it!

Fang Zheng was not in a hurry. He would answer a few questions when asked, but would leave when no one asked. He sat down cross-legged on a futon and practiced silently.

He had just achieved perfection and needed to be consolidated.

There are many gifts left by Jiu Yuanzi in my mind, so I won't feel bored.

This day.

"Brother Fang!"

Xu Xiu, whom he hadn't seen for a long time, opened the door and waved to him with a smile on his face:

"Let's go, you can go out."

"Thank you." Fang Zheng smiled lightly and cupped his hands, walked to the other party's side, and asked in a low voice:

"Why is Brother Xu still in Gu'an County?"

The other party is a general beside General Yang. Logically, he should go to Zhaonan Mansion to put down the rebellion, but now he is still staying in Gu'an County.

It seems that

Something big did happen in Gu'an County.

It's just that before he arrived at the county seat, he was detained here. He had no other communication except asking questions every day, and he had no knowledge of the outside world.


Xu Xiu's eyes flickered, he glanced around and whispered:

"The governor is dead!"

"What?" Fang was surprised:

"how come?"

"Yes!" Xu Xiu looked up, with a strange look on his face:

"how come?"

"Your Excellency is a high-ranking official of the current dynasty, a minister of the imperial court. He is accompanied by a great mage, and we are always guarding you."


"He's just dead!"

He said and stamped his feet bitterly.

As one of the security personnel responsible for the governor, even if Xu Xiu does not have the main responsibility, he is afraid that he will inevitably be criticized by some people.

Within a few years,

Don't even think about getting promoted.

It was obviously a good thing that he could climb a high branch, but this incident had laid the foundation for his own future. How could he not be annoyed when he thought about this?

"Who did it?" Fang Zheng's eyes flashed:

"He must be a top expert, right?"

"..." Xu Xiu pursed his lips and said slowly after a long time:

"Your Excellency died at the hands of two women. Those two women were very strange. They were obviously low in martial arts, but they had incredible methods."

"They even escaped after killing people, but one of the women will definitely not survive."

"Brother Fang..."

"Some people say it was done by the two women you kept in your backyard."

"Impossible!" Fang Zheng shook his head:

"One of the two women around me has passed away, and the other is far away and her life or death is uncertain. How can I take the life of an adult?"

"Ha..." Xu Xiu chuckled:

"Brother Fang, why should you hide it from me? Those two people are not dead at all."

"He is indeed dead." Fang's expression remained unchanged:

"I can take you to see her bones."

Xu Xiu raised his eyebrows.

"That's it!"

He waved his hand:

"It seems that Brother Fang doesn't even believe me, but it doesn't matter. Today's Gu'an County is full of Brother Fang's people."

"You insist it's not the case, but no one can provide evidence."

"Brother Xu." Fang Zheng stopped and said with a solemn expression:

"If you insist on thinking this way, there is nothing you can do about Fang. However, there are many wealthy households with singers in the city. Why do you have to target Fang?"

"We have known each other for so many years, but you can't even trust me?"


Before he finished speaking, groups of armored and elite soldiers suddenly appeared around him. The soldiers were holding guns and drawing bows, ready to move.


Fangzheng squinted his eyes and glanced around:

"Brother Xu originally wanted to defraud me?"

"You didn't mean to let me leave at all, did you?"

"Fangzheng." Xu Xiu's expression changed drastically. He changed from his previous friendly look to a sinister look on his face:

"You know very well whether your people did it. Do you think no one can hear the sound of the piano in your backyard?"

"If you want to incriminate yourself, why bother?" Fang Zheng shook his head:

"Xu, I treat you as a friend in vain. You actually planned to harm me. After today, you and I don't have to be friends anymore!"


Xu Xiu's face was filled with disdain, and he hissed angrily:

"Back then, when you saw us in distress, did you ever help me?"

"You only care about your own life and death, and you even lie on top of our dilapidated family and drink to gain weight. You also have a share of the family property in your hands, including the martial arts school!"

"What qualifications do you have to have friendship with me?"


A man dressed as a fourth-grade military general came from the sidelines. Hearing this, he frowned:

"Take him back."

"General!" Xu Xiu turned his head and widened his eyes:

"This person is the most suspect, I recommend torture."

"General!" Fangzheng Shiran turned around and held his hands toward the opponent:

"I have heard about the general's name for a long time, and he has always admired him for his efforts to suppress the rebellion in the east and west. In the next year, Fang Ci is willing to support your army with 20,000 taels of silver."

"For the generals to quell the rebellion."

damn it,

Force me to use my ultimate move!



"Twenty thousand taels!"

"So rich!"

There was a sudden noise in the field, many soldiers' eyes changed, and the hands that drew their bows and guns also retracted their hands, for fear of hurting the rich man in front of them.

"General!" Xu Xiu's expression changed and he said hurriedly:

"After copying the square porcelain, the silver is still ours. It must be more than 20,000 taels!"

Fang Zheng sneered.

Search your home?

If you can copy one thousand taels of cash from Fang Porcelain, Fang will take your surname!


The other party may have turned Fang Porcelain upside down long ago.

"That's enough." The general glanced at Xu Xiu and said slowly:

"I know you have a lot of resentment in your heart, but there is no evidence for this."

"Let him go!"

"Master Fang."

Looking at Fang Zheng, he forced a smile on his face:

"The matter of silver..."

"Don't worry." Fang Zheng handed over his hand:

"When the general leaves, I will give him five thousand taels of silver as a gift!"

"Okay!" The general laughed:

"I'll take the young master out!"


not far away.

A Taoist priest stood in the pavilion, with the water rippling in front of him like a mirror. In the mirror, there was a scene of Fang Zheng and several people.


The Taoist gently stroked his beard and said slowly:

"Everyone in the world says that gods are good, but gold and silver cannot be forgotten."

"Silver is indeed a good thing!"

"Taoist Master." General Yang stood aside with his hands behind his hands and said slowly:

"There is no evidence to prove that Fang Zheng is related to this matter. If you want to find someone to back you up, you just have to choose someone else. He is not suitable."

"Yes!" The Taoist priest chuckled:

"Twenty thousand taels of silver is enough to buy my own life."

"Taoist Master."

General Yang sighed:

"Fang Ci's porcelain kiln has more than 600 people, Yunzhi textile factory has more than a thousand female workers, and his land has hundreds of households working for him."

"Everyone in Gu'an County is sharing Fang Ci's dividends. There is no one in the yamen who will not take advantage of Fang Ci. If something happens to him..."

"You think it's a good thing?"

"Huh?" The Taoist paused for a moment, then nodded slowly:

"This person is quite capable!"




One month later.

Founder's figure appeared in a canyon.

Winter has arrived.

Due to the topography of the canyon, it still feels like spring in the canyon, with fragrant flowers, green grass, and even birds jumping in it.

If it wasn't too remote, this place would be a good place to enjoy the scenery.

"Master Fang."

Liu Qinghuan's hair on the temples had all turned white, and he looked as if he had aged dozens of years. His eyes were lifeless, and he was sitting cross-legged under a big tree.

She looked up, a touch of life appeared in her eyes, and she grinned:

"You finally came."


Fang Zheng nodded:

"Where's the brocade book?"

"She has been poisoned by the Seven Jue Gu and has...never woken up again." Liu Qinghuan stood up and led him towards the thatched house not far away:

"I knew you were coming back, so I've been waiting for you."

"Don't you have anything to ask?"

Open the door.

A woman was lying on the bed. Her face was pale, her skin had many strange black lines, and her breath was vague.

It's Jinshu.

"When I went to Fucheng, I met a few people from the Hehuan Sect." Fang Zheng said:

"So I know a little bit about you."

"Hehuan Sect?"

Liu Qinghuan paused slightly, then shook his head:

"Unexpectedly, Mr. Fang already knew it without us having to tell him."

"That's right."

"Jinshu is the saint of Hehuan Sect."

"Saint." Fang Zheng frowned:

"Hehuan Sect is one of the Six Paths of Demonic Heaven, and the status of the Saint in it is second only to the leader and the two holy envoys. How can Jin Shu's martial arts be so weak?"

this point,

He never understood.

"Saint girls do not necessarily have high martial arts skills." Liu Qinghuan shook his head:

“The saint is the vessel.”

"The purpose of practicing Kung Fu is to improve your physique, not to increase your cultivation level. This matter involves ancient secrets and is also the fundamental reason why the Six Paths of Demonic Heaven have never been tolerated by the right path."

"I don't know exactly what a container is."


She sighed and said:

"A huge chaos caused almost all the top masters of Hehuan Sect to be killed and injured. The key is that several female Gus were killed."

"As disciples of the Hehuan Sect, we have all been poisoned by a poison. We must take medicine to suppress it at intervals, otherwise we will die miserably."

"The mother Gu was killed, and the poison in our bodies also disappeared, and we escaped."

Founder is clear.

Not only the two girls, but also many others escaped from the control of the Hehuan Sect, such as Miss Zheng from Zhaonan Mansion, one of them.

"After escaping, Jin Shudong and I hid in XZ, and then..."

"We've arrived in Gu'an County."

She looked at Fang Zheng and smiled:

"Actually, the magistrate of Gu'an County is also our enemy. When Jin Shu's parents were officials in the court, they were framed by him."

"We paid someone to intercept him halfway, but we failed."


Fang Zheng's heart moved.

When Mr. Yan took office, he was intercepted and killed on the road. It turned out that it was the work of two women.

"Later we figured it out. Although Yan was the instigator, he was not the culprit. Even killing him would not help."

Liu Qinghuan helped Jin Shu adjust his clothes and continued:

"We gave up and planned to spend the rest of our lives here peacefully. We were lucky enough to meet Mr. Fang. We had no regrets in this life until we met the real culprit who really destroyed our family."


She turned around and pointed to the corner:

"The twin vines are blooming."

Fangzheng tilted his head, his eyes slightly bright.

The twin vines are a specialty of the area. The vines are mostly double-stranded and covered with spikes that prevent outsiders from touching them. They are entangled with each other and are difficult to separate.

It is said that

Watering by a loving person can make it bloom.


White flowers bloom on the vines, swaying in the wind, beautiful.

"Faith will move mountains to open."

Fang Zheng nodded and sighed with emotion:

"The two of them share a deep love for each other, which is enviable."

"Jin Shu and I are both women, and our union with each other is not tolerated by the world." Liu Qinghuan picked up Jin Shu and walked toward the door with some difficulty, saying:


"There is a strange person like Mr. Fang in the world who can accept us. Fortunately, the twin vines do not dislike him and are willing to blossom for us."

"Master Fang."

She came to the tree with Jin Shu in her arms, looked up with a smile on her face:

"We left some things for you and put them in the cupboard. Could you please help us bury them together later? We'll bury them under this tree."

"..." Fang Zheng opened his mouth and his voice was dry:

"Why is this so?"

"In life, there is always death." Liu Qinghuan smiled, the smile was brighter than ever before, even the sunlight seemed dim in front of it:

"I hope Jinshu and I can meet again in the next life."

As he spoke, he lowered his head gently and kissed Jinshu's cheek.

The poisonous gas spreads,

It penetrated into Liu Qinghuan's flesh and blood vessels in an instant, and strange black lines appeared on her cheeks, and the aura on her body weakened.


Liu Qinghuan's beautiful eyes were lowered, and she struggled to take out a magic talisman from her body. She rubbed it gently with one hand, and a ball of flame enveloped the two women.

Jin Shu, who was lying in her arms, moved his fingers, his eyes seemed to open a gap, their eyes met, and then they hugged each other tightly.


The fire was booming.

Fangzheng stood aside, his long hair flying in the wind, and he did not move for a long time.

for a long time.

A tomb appeared under the tree, protected by vines full of twin flowers.


Fang Zheng sighed:

"May there be an afterlife..."

The fourth volume is over, please vote for me!

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