Heavenly Master, I have a different world

Chapter 165 The Ghost Possessed

Because he wanted to avoid the Wang family and be buried early, the deceased only remained inactive for three days, and there was still some time before the seven-day deadline for the soul to disperse.

Therefore, you can try the method of asking God to take over your body.

The noisy sound of suonas and gongs and drums stopped at some point.

The coffin made of fine wood fell in the middle of the road, and everyone onlookers stayed away to avoid being contaminated by the bad luck of the deceased soul.

The tomb has been moved.

Covering the coffin, Jia Lao and others.

It can also cover the sun's yang energy to prevent the soul's possession process from being interrupted.

The villagers and visitors looked at the memorial shed with mixed expressions, including awe, curiosity, and disbelief, but no one chose to leave.

"Jingle Bell……"

Mr. Jia changed into Taoist robes and set up a simple altar under the memorial shed. He waved a mahogany sword in one hand and swung a copper bell in the other.

The ringing sound was urgent, strange and cold.

It was like a ghost crying, which made people's hair stand on end.

This ringtone...

Fang Zheng narrowed his eyes.



Mr. Jia held the sword in his hand and pointed fiercely at the coffin. His eyes widened and he shouted:

"The Supreme Lord's decree transcends your lonely soul and all ghosts. I am blessed by all my life. Kneel down in front of my stage, and the Eight Diagrams will shine..."

He chanted the incantation and stepped on the steps. The two cooperated tacitly, and there seemed to be another mystery hidden in it.

"The sky is spirited, the earth is spirited, the Supreme Lord obeys my orders!"

"I'm here for some reason. The second husband's wife, Zheng Yurong, the daughter of the Zheng family, come and see me quickly...come and see me quickly...come and see me quickly..."

Jia Lao's figure suddenly froze, and he was chanting a spell quickly, his eyes were empty and lifeless, and the mahogany sword and copper bell in his hands were shaking rapidly.


With a low cry, he turned around suddenly, his eyes were blood red, foam came out of his mouth, and his body was swaying.

It was suspected that he might faint and fall to the ground at any time.

Just when others looked at each other.

"Two Tigers."

Mr. Jia suddenly spoke, his voice became softer and slower, like a man speaking in a female voice, and his eyes became softer.

He looked at Wang Hu and said slowly:

"You came."

"..." Wang Hu's eyes flickered and he tentatively spoke:


"It's me." Mr. Jia nodded, his voice hoarse:

"It's for my mother."

"Mother!" Wang Hu's eyes turned red and he fell to his knees, wailing loudly:

"Why don't you wait for your son? My son didn't even see you for the last time. My son is unfilial... My son is unfilial!"

He went from being the son of a farmer in a poor rural area to buying a car, a house, and settling down a family in a big city step by step. It can be said that he worked hard.

Half a lifetime of hard work,

Decades of intrigue.

Only by being around my mother can I feel relaxed.

I am not just my mother, but also his root and sustenance. This is so sad that I can't help but kneel on the ground and cry loudly.

"Hey!" Mr. Jia had a complicated expression. He put down the mahogany sword and copper bell in his hands, stretched out his hand and slowly helped Wang Hu up from the ground:

"Get up, get up quickly."

"You have something to do and don't have time to come back. Mom knows that and won't mind. But... now we are separated by yin and yang."

"It's better not to meet again."


Wang Hu's body was trembling, and he grabbed Jia Lao's arm with both hands to calm his fluctuating emotions. Fang sniffed and asked:

"You promised me back then that you would be buried in the Wang family's ancestral grave when you were old. You made it well at the time. Why do you regret it now?"

"Did the Jia family lie to me? You never said you wanted to be buried in the Jia family's ancestral grave?"

"Two tigers." Mr. Jia looked at Wang Hu and said slowly:

"You should know very well how your father treats me. If it weren't for your father, your brother would not have died. On the contrary, the Jia family treated me well."

"After I die, I don't want to go down there and continue to suffer beside your father."

"You should understand my mother's thoughts."

"But..." Wang Hu looked excited:

"You are my mother, the Jia family...the Jia family has no descendants of you!"

"I have made up my mind." Mr. Jia's face darkened:

"This matter is settled. Now we are separated by yin and yang. Staying here for a long time will damage your yang life. My mother will go now."

As he spoke, he was about to release the spell.


Wang Hu shouted suddenly, grabbed Jia Lao's arms with both hands, and said:

"Mom, do you still remember what happened when I was seven years old?"

"I was playing by the river with some friends from the village and almost drowned. You came over in time to save me, and you left a scar on my body in your haste."


He looked directly at Mr. Jia and asked:

"Do you still remember where that scar is?"


Jia Lao was stunned, and a trace of trance flashed in his eyes. Although the strange color flashed past, he was noticed by Wang Hu, who was staring at him.


Wang Hu squinted his eyes and looked cold:

"Don't tell me you don't remember, you will never forget that scar for the rest of your life!"


"You are not my mother at all!"

Mr. Jia's expression changed, and he subconsciously avoided the other party's eyes. He was indeed not Mrs. Wang Hu, and he didn't know where the scar was.

Invite God to come up,

It's just a deceptive trick.

However, thanks to his superb acting skills and familiarity with the people in the nearby countryside, no one has exposed him for so many years.

However, Mrs. Wang Hu moved here from outside. She only heard about what happened when she was young, so it was impossible to know everything clearly.

Damn it!

Mr. Jia secretly cried out.

'Otherwise, just pretend to be fainted and say that the spell's support time is too short. I'm afraid that boy Wang Hu will come up and punch and kick me. I'm an old man and I can't resist his three punches and two kicks. ’

not far away.

Fang Zheng looked at the scene and shook his head slightly, then he held the secret with one hand in front of his body, exhaled a breath of true energy from his mouth, and the secret emerged from his heart.

‘Your Majesty ordered me to observe your lonely soul! ’

‘Since you are here, why don’t you show up quickly? ’



The dark wind was blowing wildly in the field.

All of a sudden.

Overcast clouds were gathering above the funeral shed, strong winds swept across the place, flying sand and stones made your eyes squint, the awnings rattled, and the sky suddenly changed.

"what happened?"

"Why did the wind suddenly pick up?"


Everyone's expressions changed drastically, and they covered their eyes to avoid the wind and sand.

In chaos.

A wisp of evil wind followed the fingerprints of mana in the field and quietly entered Jia Lao's body. His body stiffened and his eyes instantly turned black.

By the time he returned to normal, his expression had changed.

His facial features are still the same and his appearance is still the same, but he gives the impression that he is a different person.

The slightly drooped eyelids, the loose corners of the lips, the stretched eyebrows, and the familiar and kind eyes all made Wang Hu stunned.


He opened his mouth and suddenly burst into tears:


"My son!"

‘Mr. Jia’’s body trembled, he stepped forward and hugged Wang Hu fiercely, and whispered with tears in his eyes:

"My son is here!"


Wang Hu's body was shaken, and tears and mucus flowed from his nose:


"I'm late!"

"I'm late!"

There was no need to ask or answer, just seeing that familiar expression, he knew that the person in front of him was his mother.

He knelt on the ground and kowtowed desperately:


"My son is unfilial! My son is unfilial!"

"I don't blame you, I don't blame you." 'Mr. Jia' also burst into tears. He bent down and held Wang Hu's head while crying, his body shaking.

The two hugged each other and cried, forgetting everything else for a while.

"Brother Tiger."

Someone whispered:

"Time to ask about the cemetery."

"..." Wang Hu raised his head, looked at 'Mr. Jia' with red eyes, and spoke with a trembling voice:


"It's up to you." 'Mr. Jia' had tears in his eyes. He stretched out his hand to help Wang Hu arrange his hair. His eyes were full of reluctance:

"I will listen to you for my mother's sake."


Wang Hu's body stiffened and he allowed the other party to help him smooth his hair and arrange his clothes until 'Mr. Jia' reluctantly waved to him.



Wang Hu stretched out his hand, but what he got was a confused look on Mr. Jia's face.

Mr. Jia touched his face and felt that it was wet. He had no idea what had just happened. He only knew that his consciousness sank.

When he regained consciousness again, he saw Wang Hu with a sad expression on his face.

Subconsciously asked:

"What happened just now?"

"Third Master." Xiao Liu came closer and said with a surprised look on his face:

"You were just possessed by a ghost...Grandma Six?"


Mr. Jia's body was shaken, and a complex emotion came to his mind. His eyes were filled with sadness, joy, and fear, and he lost his mind for a moment.

"Brother Tiger!"

A man stepped forward and whispered:

"We heard what the old lady said just now, and she said she was listening to you. If that's the case, we can take her back and bury her."


"That's true."

Several people watching nearby nodded repeatedly. Those were the words of the 'ghost'. If they were false, they would probably be punished by God.

For a while.

Even the Jia family looked at each other.

Jia Qiang's face was even more gloomy, and he clenched his hands but did not dare to say anything.

"never mind."

Wang Hu knelt on the ground, stared blankly at the coffin in front of him, and said with a wry smile:

"My mother also suffered when she returned to my father's side. She has lived very comfortably in the Jia family these past few years, so I can relax and stay outside."


"I don't want to go back."

As he said that, he slowly lowered his head and cried again.

"My mother said she listened to me because she felt sorry for me. How could I let her go back and suffer? It was just a matter of walking a little longer and coming here to burn an extra stick of incense."

"Buried in..."

"Let's go to Jia's house!"




Wang Hu, wearing sackcloth and mourning, went on the road with the Jia family.

The suona sounded again.

Everyone followed the team carrying the coffin, looking at Mr. Jia from time to time, muttering something in a low voice, with different expressions.

Mr. Jia lowered his head, frowning, and kept replaying the previous scene when the ghost possessed him in his mind.

Is there really a ghost?

But for so many years, I have been following the steps left by my ancestors, but I have never been truly possessed by a 'ghost'.

What's going on today?

As a 'magic stick', although he has the inheritance left by his ancestors and does the things of gods and ghosts, he still remains doubtful about whether there are ghosts in the world.

after all,

If there is, why have I never seen it?


His eyebrows moved slightly, and he quietly raised his head to look at where Fang Zheng was, a trace of suspicion flashing in his eyes.

'Just now when I lost consciousness and was possessed by a ghost, I seemed to see Master Fang making seals with his hands and muttering something in his mouth. ’

'Could it be...'

Mr. Jia's heart moved, he walked over, walked side by side with Fang Zheng, and whispered at the same time:

"Taoist Priest, what happened today..."

"Sure enough, Mr. Jia is very capable. He was able to invite a god to take over. Today, this poor Taoist has really opened his eyes." Fang Zheng smiled lightly and handed over his hand:

"I admire you!"

"Taoist priest is joking." Mr. Jia shook his head and smiled bitterly, then gritted his teeth and said:

"To be honest, I have been studying the Dharma all my life, but I have never really asked God to come up to me. Is it the Taoist Master's fault today?"

"Da..." Fang Zheng paused, turned his head and saw Mr. Jia with bright eyes and a serious look on his face, he couldn't help but sigh:

"The matter is over, why does Mr. Jia need to dig deeper?"

"Go deeper?" Jia Lao shook his head and said in a complicated voice:

"The Taoist priest doesn't know something. I have spent my whole life on this, but I have never been able to get the chance. I can only pretend to be a 'magic stick' and cheat."

"Others say that I am profound, but in fact only I understand that I am just a liar who knows how to appease others!"

"Today I can see the true Dharma..."

"Even if I die, I will have no regrets!"

Fangzheng was silent.

He could hear the people in the village praising Mr. Jia. The reason why he was so popular was not only the 'deception', but also his sincerity.

That responsibility that has lasted for decades.

Mr. Jia did not rely on "cheating" to make money. This can be seen from his barren courtyard, which is why Fang Zheng was willing to help.

The other party no longer asks for formations, but only seeks an answer.

"The old gentleman has a kind heart, and I admire him very much."

Fang Zheng cupped his hands and spoke slowly:


"You have no talent for this."

Even in another world, there are only a few people who practice the law. It is unclear whether there is a complete inheritance in modern society, and naturally there are even fewer.


Mr. Jia’s heart trembled:

"What talent?"

"If you want to practice magic, you must have an outstanding soul. There is no one in this class..." Fang Zheng looked at the other person and sighed softly:

"Not just one in ten thousand, but probably not one in one hundred thousand or one million."


Mr. Jia's hands were trembling and his expression was complicated.

Today's experience was like a mysterious door appearing in front of him, but Fang Zheng's words meant that the door was closed to him.


There is still no way.

There is unavoidable regret in my heart.

a long time.

"That's it!"

Mr. Jia shook his head:

"That's it!"

"I have no regrets about meeting a real person today. Besides, at this age, what can I do if I have talent?"

"That makes sense." Fang Zheng nodded:

"Mr. Jia, there is no need to worry. Practicing magic is not necessarily a good thing. The magic often damages people's essence and life span, and it is almost impossible to end well."

"Just like today, if you ask God to take care of you, even if you have Fang to protect you, you will probably get sick."

"If it were anyone else, even if they had the talent for cultivation, it would take a lot of life to pray to the gods at one time, and they would die prematurely if they tried too many times."

"It's better not to learn if you learn!"

"That's it." Mr. Jia touched his heart:

"I said why I feel cold here and feel uncomfortable all over my body. It feels like I have been working as a coolie for a few days. It's actually because I am possessed by a ghost."

"This...is exactly the same as what has been passed down from our ancestors."

Fang Zheng's words were consistent with what was written in the book, which made him feel much calmer, but when he thought about it again, doubts appeared in his eyes.

Practicing the law will hurt people, so why is Taoist Fang not afraid?


It is difficult for others to cast spells themselves without losing their lifespan. Taoist Master Fang was on the side to protect him, but it only made him sick.

not to mention.

According to what is written in the book, practicing the method requires reciting incantations and using a magic altar. The steps are cumbersome and complicated, but Taoist Master Fang can cast the method easily.

other side……

Who is it?

"Third Master!"

Just as he was doubting, a person hurriedly ran in front of him:

"Oh no!"

"Our ancestral grave has been dug up!"

"What?" Mr. Jia's expression changed drastically.

Not only him, but everyone in the Jia family heard this, and they all showed anger and cursed.

"Fuck me!"

"Who the hell did this!"

"Go and have a look."


Si Ling Di is located deep in the mountains, where the ancestors of the Jia family are buried two hundred years ago. It takes a day and a night at the fastest to start from Jia Jia Village. Only a few of the older generation will trek to offer incense during the New Year. Most of the Jia family don't even know about this place.

The 'ancestral grave' that everyone calls it is at the foot of the mountain not far from Jiajia Village.

The Feng Shui here is also good, but it is far from comparable to the Four Spirits Land.


In a forest not far from the ancestral grave, there is a deep pit. The mound is covered with fallen leaves. You will not notice it unless you look closely.

"Are the Jia family members buried here too?" Someone wondered:

"Why don't you bury it over there in the ancestral grave?"

"What do you know?" Someone shook his head:

"This is a branch from my great-great-grandfather's generation. It is said that after reading Feng Shui, the burial here can be related to the ancestral graves."

"Not bad." Jia Lao looked gloomy:

"The people buried here belong to the second uncle's family. The second uncle's fate is different, so being buried here can form a feng shui match with the ancestral grave."


He clasped his hands:

"The feng shui is broken!"

Others in the field didn't know what it meant, but he knew it very well because the elder who taught him the technique had specifically explained it.


"A very vicious method."

Fang Zheng looked at the open coffin in front of him and whispered:

"The person who did it not only broke the feng shui of this place, but also opened the blocked earth veins. The conflict between the earth veins will backfire on the Jia family who banned it."

"The benefits that the Jia family has gained through Feng Shui will be repaid by the next generation."


Mr. Jia's body shook and he staggered back.

For a moment, it seemed before his eyes that the next generation of the Jia family would either die young or be stupid, and the Jia family would also suffer a lot.

"who is it?"

His body trembled and he roared angrily:

"Who did it?"

"My Jia family is hiding in this remote place in the countryside. I ask myself that I have never offended any master. Why are some people so vicious and ruining the feng shui of my Jia family?"

"Third Master." Xiao Liu stamped his feet:

"Call the police!"

"Mr. Jia." Fang Zheng touched his chin and said slowly:

"The person who robbed the grave and dug up the grave is probably dead."



Several people around him were stunned when they heard this.


Mr. Jia slapped his thigh fiercely, his eyes lit up:

"I remembered that in order to arrange the Feng Shui bureau, the second uncle's coffin was smeared with medicine, and the Feng Shui instruments inside were also smeared with poison."

"That thing will die if you touch it, and it will definitely not live long!"


He turned around and shouted loudly:

"Search the area to see if there are any bodies!"

Everyone responded and scattered in all directions.

Judging from the freshness of the soil in the field, the tomb robbers should have come last night and had no time to escape after being poisoned.

Not long after.

"found it!"

"There's a body here!"

Someone yelled from the direction near the mountain forest, and everyone gathered around.

In just one night, the body had begun to rot, and the pungent stench hit his nostrils, which was why it was found so quickly.

"Don't get too close, so as not to be contaminated with residual poison."

Mr. Jia separated from the crowd and squinted at the corpse:

"This person..."

"It's Gao Laoer from Gaozhuang!" someone exclaimed. Although the corpse's face was blurry, it was still recognized by an acquaintance:

"This guy has been idle all day long. It's fine if he doesn't learn well. How dare he steal our Jia family's tomb?"

"A worthy death!"

"It should be more than just him." Mr. Jia's eyes flashed:

"It's not on him either."


Fang Zheng shook his head slightly.

Nowadays, when people are buried, there are no valuable burial objects. Excavation of graves will only bring bad luck and will never make a fortune.

This person was obviously instructed by someone to dig up the Jia family's tomb.

The man dug up the Jia family's grave with the help of Gao Lao'er, and then used the Jia family's methods to silence Gao Lao'er, and then retired with his things.

I don’t know…

Is the other party trying to break his feng shui to harm the descendants of the Jia family because he has a grudge against the Jia family, or is he simply coveting the burial artifacts in the tomb?

If it's the former, this person can be said to be vicious.

If it's the latter...

Just to get the magic weapon, you can ignore the fate of the descendants of the Jia family. This kind of character is chilling, and you have entered the evil path.

"Master Fang."

While pondering, Mr. Jia had already stepped forward, bowed deeply and said:

"I have something to ask of you, and I hope Master Fang will agree to it."

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