Heavenly Master, I have a different world

Chapter 166 Ghost hits the wall

If a grave is dug and someone dies, this must be reported to the local police department.

Thanks to the Feng Shui bureau set up by the ancestors of the Jia family, there are many talented people among the descendants of the Jia family, one of whom is on duty at the Public Security Department.

After receiving the call, Jia Shiping hurriedly brought people over.

"Judging from the traces left at the scene, there were three people who robbed the tomb."

Wearing a security uniform, he squatted on the edge of the cemetery, gently tapped his notebook with a gel pen in his hand, and said:

"Except for Gao Laoer, the other two were a tall and thin man about 1.8 meters tall, and the other was a lame man about 1.6 meters tall."

"Gao Laoer should have two fingerprints on his body, but he needs to go back to the agency to collect and compare them."

He is a professional who can analyze the prisoner's height and weight from the footprints left at the scene to facilitate the capture of the prisoner.


Xiao Liu frowned:

"There's no such person nearby."

"There are so many cemeteries here, but the other party only dug the second grandfather's grave and left the others untouched. They obviously came prepared." Jia Shiping said:

"Just like Third Grandpa said, the other party should know Feng Shui and know that there are good things buried in Second Grandpa's tomb."

"If there are clues, you can always find them with some care."

Having said this, he shook his head slightly.

He entered the Public Security Bureau based on his ability. He learned criminal investigation techniques in modern society and did not believe in Feng Shui at all.

In his opinion,

The so-called Feng Shui method is useless except to facilitate tomb robbers to rob tombs.

The other party knew Feng Shui and found Gao Laoer who was familiar with Jiajia Village. Finally, he used the methods left by the Jia family in the tomb to get rid of Gao Laoer to avoid future troubles.

Such thoughtfulness may not be found.

"Xiao C."

Mr. Jia grabbed his hand and said solemnly:

"This man has ruined the feng shui of our Jia family and has harmed many future generations. He is the enemy of our Jia family. You must catch him and bring him to justice."

"Grandpa Third, don't worry."

Jia Shiping nodded. Although he did not recognize Feng Shui, he could understand Mr. Jia's feelings and said sternly:

"I will definitely catch him."



Small courtyard with room.

Mr. Jia held a yellowed package, knocked on the door and entered.

"Master Fang."

He came to the table, opened the package, revealing several books bound in ancient ways, reluctantly caressed the surface of the books and said:

"These books are the Feng Shui techniques passed down from generation to generation in my Jia family."

"The Jia family has been passed down from generation to generation for hundreds of years. There were even periods when they became rich and powerful because of these books."

"Please let a real person taste it."

As he spoke, he pushed the book closer to Fang Zheng.

"Thank you."

Fang Zheng cupped his hands and picked up the book on top.

"Jia's Boshan Method"

There are many schools within Feng Shui, such as the Luantou method, the situation method, the Xingfa school, etc. This book obviously belongs to the Xingfa school.

There are analysis and records on the impact of Feng Shui techniques such as dragon, sand, cave, water, and bright hall on people's fortune.

In the meantime,

It is also mixed with the arrangement of the altar and several spells.



This is the method that Jia Lao used during the day to invite gods to his body.

The Jia family also relied on this book to find the Four Spirit Lands and moved the family to the current Jiajia Village. They also relied on this book to avoid several genocide disasters.

Fang Zheng flipped through it casually, confirming it one by one with the inheritance left by Jiu Yuanzi, and confirmed that the information contained in the book was most likely feasible.

That is,

Modern society does have the inheritance of magic techniques, but the level is not high.

"Mr. Jia."

Fang Zheng asked curiously:

"Where did the Jia family get this Feng Shui inheritance?"

"This..." Mr. Jia pondered briefly and said slowly:

"It is said that my ancestor of the Jia family met an immortal teaching the Dharma in his sleep, and when he woke up, he had this Boshan Dharma. I don't know whether it is true or not."

Immortal teaching the Dharma in a dream?

This is a very common saying.

Many legendary Taoist masters have such rumors about them. After all, being involved with immortals can also add gold to their inheritance.

As for authenticity...

No one knows except the person involved.

Fang Zheng nodded slowly.

"Master Fang."

Mr. Jia rubbed his hands:

"Have you ever thought of how to solve the Jia family's feng shui problem?"

During the day, he begged hard and agreed to let Fang Zheng watch his family's Feng Shui inheritance, and only then did the other party take action to solve the Jia family's problems.

"There is a way."

Fang Zheng really thought about it seriously and replied:

“Use Feng Shui to break Feng Shui.”

"The Feng Shui treasures nearby are the Four Spirit Lands. As long as the Feng Shui layout of the Four Spirit Lands is slightly modified, the evil spirits targeting the Jia family can be dispersed."

"Tomorrow Mr. Jia will take a few people to Si Ling Di to find several tree stumps that are over a hundred years old and nail them to the ground with the seven-star acupoints facing Jiajia Village."


He explained the methods one by one, and Jia Lao nodded repeatedly, fearing that he would forget some details, so he took a pen and paper and wrote them down one by one.

When it was over, Mr. Jia asked about the unclear points.

Fang Zheng answered them one by one.

Such questions and answers also solved many of Mr. Jia's doubts about "Boshan Law", and he felt excited after listening to it.

"Listening to your words is worth ten years of reading."

Until midnight, Mr. Jia was still reluctant to leave, clutching the "Boshan Method" with tears streaming down his face:

"If I had met Master Fang ten years earlier..."

"How wonderful it would be!"

"How wonderful it would be!"

He couldn't control his emotions for a while. He had been guarding the family tradition for decades, but he still couldn't get in, and he even had doubts in his heart.

Until today,

Only then can we see the true Dharma and understand the key points clearly.

How not to get excited?

I feel sad and happy at the same time. The sad thing is that I am old and there is not much time left before I can see the true Dharma. The happy thing is that the doubts in my heart are finally solved.

"Mr. Jia."

Fang Zheng waited for him to calm down before saying slowly:

"The magic is extensive and profound, and the Feng Shui technique is not foolproof. The Jia family has occupied the Four Spiritual Lands, but it is different and failed to accomplish anything?"

"As for the younger generation Yu Yin..."

"In addition to the cracking method mentioned by Fang, we still need to do a pre-marital physical examination and a pregnant woman's examination, so that we can be foolproof."

"Yes." Mr. Jia nodded repeatedly:

"That's what Master Fang said."


A few days later.

Somewhere on the top of a mountain.

A tall, thin old man in a suit, with his hands behind his back, looked at the location of Jiajia Village.

“Use Feng Shui to break Feng Shui.”

He sighed leisurely and sighed:

"If you can solve such a dangerous situation, there are experts in Jiajia Village!"

"Ancient." Behind him, a lame middle-aged man looked surprised and asked in shock:

"Your Feng Shui strategy was broken by the Jia family?"


The old man nodded:

"I originally planned to take advantage of the backlash of the Jia family to add fuel to the fire and steal the family's luck. But now it seems... the Jia family has experts who are not easy to offend."

"Yes!" The lame man nodded:

"I inquired about it. On the second day after we dug the grave, the third master of the Jia family summoned the souls of the deceased in full view of everyone."

"It's possible that it's true that it has a nose and eyes!"

In his mind, the ancient methods were unbelievable, and now he met such a person again, and he even dug his ancestral grave.

I couldn't help but feel a little uneasy.

"Please come to me?" The old man squinted his eyes, and a trace of fear flashed in his eyes:

"The third master of the Jia family can actually cast spells. It seems that he is a talented person. He can endure loneliness. He has never left the mountain at this age."

"Lame Ding!"


The lame man bowed his head.

"Take your eyes out, so as not to be stared at." The old man said:

"It's better to do less than to do more. Anyway, the Jia family's Boshan method has been obtained, so there is no need to cause any more trouble."


Lame Ding Ying was secretly relieved.

In addition to the third master of the Jia family, there is also a copy of "Jia's Boshan Method" in the cemetery they excavated. The ancient goal is this method.

"How's the antique shop business?"


Lame Ding replied:

"With you here, Gu Gu, we have no shortage of good antiques. Mr. Cui will come to Haizhou in a while, and I have made an appointment to meet him."


"I heard that Mr. Cui has recently accepted an apprentice. He is not very young and will definitely become a leader in the antiques industry in the future."

"Oh!" Gu Gu raised his eyebrows:

"To be noticed by Mr. Cui, it seems that he has extraordinary talent. I would like to see it if I have the opportunity."

"Go back!"


Lame Ding should be.




There are eighteen mountain roads, which are difficult to climb by riding.


There are some people who are willing to challenge such mountain roads and enjoy it endlessly.

"Liu Wei!"

Gu Qian pedaled as hard as she could to catch up with the man riding the bike in front of her, panting:

"Don't leave in a hurry, the monkey hasn't caught up."

"You haven't caught up yet?" Liu Wei frowned and looked back:

"We have slowed down. This guy's physique is really bad. Otherwise, don't call him next time you ride."

"What did you say?" Gu Qian glared at him:

"It's because my physical condition is so poor that I have to exercise more. It's rare for a monkey to be interested in riding, so of course I have to call him."

Liu Wei pouted.

He knew very well that Monkey was not interested in any sport. The reason why he was willing to ride was because Gu Qian liked it.

"Then let's wait." Liu Wei sighed helplessly, pulled over, took out the water bottle and poured a few sips into his mouth:

"Qianqian, do you want to participate in the cycling competition in a while?"

"Of course."

Gu Qian wiped the sweat from her face, stopped aside, and gasped:

"But I just went over to make up the numbers and see if you can get the ranking. The top ten all have a beauty phone."

"If I enter the top ten, I will give you my mobile phone." Liu Wei smiled heartily.

"Let's wait until you get into the top ten." Gu Qian rolled her eyes at him, and when she saw a figure appearing on the road up the mountain, her eyes couldn't help but light up:

"The monkey is coming."

"Qianqian, Dawei." The monkey lived up to his name. He was skinny and skinny, making his originally pretty appearance look a bit wretched.

He waved to the two of them, panted heavily and stopped the car, his whole body shaking like he was shaking:

"No...I can't..."

"Have a rest!"

"Have a rest before leaving!"

"Big man, how can you say no?" Liu Wei curled his lips:

"Drink some water and take it easy. Let's continue on the road. We've only ridden less than half the distance. At your speed, when will we reach the top of the mountain?"

"Ah!" The monkey looked surprised:

"Not half yet?"

"Yes." Gu Qian advised:

"Don't worry, there is a section of the road that is relatively stable. Besides, you are a novice. It will definitely be difficult to challenge this kind of mountain road for the first time."

"As long as you persist, it will be okay!"

"Thank you." Monkey smiled bitterly:

"I will try my best!"

"Let's go." Seeing Gu Qian and Monkey getting closer and closer, showing a faint intimacy, Liu Wei looked calm and raised his legs to step on the frame:

"There is a place to rest on the mountain."

"Okay!" Monkey stood up helplessly and drank a few sips of water. When he was about to get in the car and ride, a look of surprise appeared on his face:

"It's getting foggy?"

"Yes." Gu Qian pushed the cart and frowned:

"Why is it still foggy at this time?"


In her mind, it only happened in the morning.

Nowadays, not only is there fog on the mountain road, but the fog is thickening at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the road ahead has become blurry in the blink of an eye.

"It's normal." Liu Wei said calmly:

"The mountainous terrain near Shibapan is special. It is famous for being foggy all year round. Not only is it foggy, it is said that even the magnetic field is abnormal."

"Move over and watch out for cars."

With that said, he stopped riding in a hurry and pushed the car slowly up the mountain.

Riding in this weather can be dangerous.

Moreover, there are cars going up and down the mountain from time to time on this road. In foggy conditions, the visibility ahead is too low. It may be too late to avoid the car by the time you see it.

"Will this happen again?"

The monkey's eyes light up:

"Geology students will definitely be interested in this place."

"do not talk."

Gu Qian shrank and saw that the fog around her was getting thicker and thicker. She could hardly see her fingers and couldn't hear the sounds in the distance. She couldn't help but murmur in a low voice:

"I am a little scared."

"What are you afraid of?" Liu Wei opened his eyes and said loudly:

"As long as I'm here, Qianqian, you don't have to be afraid of anything. Is it possible that a ghost could pop out in broad daylight?"

"What did you say?" It was okay if he didn't say anything, but when he said it, Gu Qian became even more frightened and couldn't help but push the cart closer to him:

"Freeze said."

In terms of giving people a sense of security, Liu Wei, who is full of tendons, is obviously stronger.

"How can there be ghosts in this world?" Monkey shook his head.

"You still say it!"

Gu Qian stamped her feet.

"Don't say it, don't say it anymore." The monkey glanced around and said:

"This fog came up so fast. It's only been a while and it's already so thick. I don't feel like we're going up the mountain now."

"Like going down a mountain?"

"It's true." Liu Wei lowered his head and kicked the ground with his feet:


Although the place where the three stopped was gentle, the slope was still discernible. Now that the direction of the three of them remained unchanged, the slope seemed to have changed.

I couldn't help but mutter:

"Isn't it because you met a ghost and hit the wall?"

"Stop talking." Gu Qianyin cried:

"I am afraid."

"Don't be afraid." Liu Wei took the opportunity to get closer and took her hand:

"Wherever I am."

"There is also a problem with the compass." Monkey checked the compass that came with the mountain bike, and his eyes gradually brightened:

"The magnetic field is indeed affected. This place is quite interesting."

"Don't study at this time." Gu Qian shook her head:

"Hurry out and talk later."

"Don't worry." Liu Wei's voice slowed down:

"I've heard people say that the fog here comes and dissipates quickly. Even if we stay here, it won't take long for it to dissipate."


"Otherwise, don't leave yet."

"Okay!" Gu Qian nodded repeatedly, and when she was about to say something, she suddenly screamed:


"What's wrong?"

"Qianqian, are you okay?"

Monkey and Liu Wei hurriedly gathered around.

"Sorry, sorry."

The figure who appeared on the scene at some unknown time waved his hands repeatedly:

"I saw someone here, so I came over to take a look. I didn't expect to scare the little girl. It's my fault."

"Uncle!" Gu Qian's face turned pale and she patted her heart:

"You walk silently?"

"Yes." The person who came was wearing the uniform of a warehouse worker. He looked to be in his forties and was a middle-aged man with a somewhat honest appearance.

"It's my fault."

The middle-aged uncle nodded, looking apologetic:

"Is the little girl okay?"

"It's okay." Gu Qian shook her head. She was just frightened for a moment, but now she has recovered:

"My reaction was too sensitive. Uncle, don't mind. You just appeared out of nowhere and really shocked me."

"No, it's my fault." The middle-aged uncle scratched the back of his head and asked with a silly smile:

"Are you college students?"

"Yes." Liu Wei nodded:

"Uncle, are you going up the mountain or down the mountain? Why did you choose to walk?"

This is halfway up the mountain. Whether you are going up or down the mountain, there is still a long way to go. Walking is not a good option.

"The car broke down. Let's go down the mountain and find someone to look at it." The middle-aged uncle sighed and said:

"Little brother, are you a student of Hainan University?"

"My daughter is a freshman at Hainan University this year!"

As he said that, he took the opportunity to take a step closer to Liu Wei, moved his wrist, and suddenly shrank his arm for some reason, and then took a step back to get further away from him, as if he was a little afraid.

The look in his eyes showed regret and struggle, but it passed quickly and was not noticed by the three of them.

"Uh..." Liu Wei looked at the label on his sleeve, smiled and shook his head:

"I am from the University of Science and Technology. The school logo is similar to that of Shanghai University. If my uncle's daughter can get admitted to Shanghai University, her academic performance will definitely be very good."

Hainan University and Polytechnic University are not far apart. Even the school emblems are similar. However, there is a big gap between the two. Hainan University's score line is much higher than that of Polytechnic University.

"Little girl..." The middle-aged uncle changed his goal, approached Gu Qian, and asked:

"Are you also from the Polytechnic University?"


Gu Qian nodded and pointed at the monkey:

"Among the three of us, he is the only one who got admitted to Hainan University."


Hearing this, the middle-aged uncle's eyes lit up, and his gaze moved from Gu Qian to the monkey. A trace of ecstasy immediately flashed in his eyes, and he stepped closer:

"What a coincidence!"

"Yes." Monkey scratched his head, showing the introverted boy's discomfort when facing other people's warm greetings, and said with a dry smile:

"Maybe I know which hospital my uncle's daughter is assigned to."

"This..." The middle-aged uncle's expression was stunned, and his eyes were complicated:

"I have no idea."

"I only know that my daughter will definitely be admitted to Shanghai University."

"Don't know?" Monkey was surprised:

"Wherever your daughter is assigned, you will..."

"Yes." The middle-aged uncle scratched his head:

"I don't even know where my daughter is assigned. I'm really derelict in my duty. This time I came down the mountain just to see how she was doing."

"What do you call your little brother?"

Saying that, he reached out his hand.

"My name is Hou Qiyu."

The monkey laughed and said:

"My friends all call me monkey."

As he said that, he also stretched out his hand to hold it with the other party.

at this time.

A burst of singing came from below.

"Yin and Yang divide into two paths, and humans and ghosts end up in different paths!"

The song is vast, desolate, and turns over thousands of times. It seems that there are countless stories lingering in people's hearts, making people forget the others for a while.

"People know that ghosts are scary, and ghosts know that people's hearts are poisonous; people are afraid of ghosts three points, and ghosts make people seven inches; the deep sea thousands of miles away will have a bottom, and people's hearts cannot be touched five inches..."

As the sound got closer and closer, the mist dispersed quietly, and a Taoist priest Shi Shiran came closer and saluted several people:

"The Heavenly Master is upright and has met several donors."

"Tianshi Dao?"



The three monkeys looked at each other, not knowing how to continue.

On the other hand, the middle-aged uncle's face darkened when Fang Zheng appeared, his eyes were struggling, but his body was motionless for some reason.


He wanted to move, but couldn't.

"Are you a Taoist priest?"

Gu Qian's beautiful eyes turned, looking up and down at the person coming.

have to say,

Although the appearance of the person in front of me is not too outstanding, his temperament is excellent, and his elegant and otherworldly appearance can definitely give him full marks.

A few more glances will make your heart beat faster.


Fang Zheng smiled lightly and looked around:

"Unexpectedly, I would encounter such a natural formation here. The energy of the five Yins of the earth converged to form a ghost wall in a short period of time."

"What the hell are you trying to do?" Liu Wei snorted coldly:

"It's just an abnormality in the magnetic field. It's all nonsense, pretending to be a ghost!"

"Abnormal magnetic field?" Fang Zheng nodded:

"It can also be understood this way. You don't need to worry about things like this because you don't have to worry about monsters and gods. After all, it's hard to see ghosts and gods harming people."

As he spoke, he waved his sleeves gently.

The middle-aged hand, which had been sluggish all this time, suddenly trembled and resumed activity.

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