The sudden heavy fog isolated the three people who were riding mountains. Looking around, there was nothing but white fog.

at that moment,

Unprecedented fear came to Gu Qian's mind.

After all, she had never experienced anything like this before, so she was inevitably a little panicked for a while, and she couldn't even accept her friends' jokes.


Do not know why.

As Fang Zheng's singing sounded, the panic in her heart quietly dissipated, and she returned to her usual lively and cheerful temperament.

Then he rolled his eyes and said with a smile:

"The Taoist priest said this place is a ghost building a wall. There should be a way to break it, right?"

"Yes, yes, but there is no need to go to such trouble." Fang Zheng nodded:

"The requirements for the occurrence of such magnetic field anomalies are extremely stringent. It won't take more than a stick of will dissipate on its own within ten minutes."

"Wait a moment, the way forward will appear."

"Furthermore, visions are rare. Since you are destined to see them, why not take the opportunity to take a look at them. If you want to see them again in the future, you may not be able to see them."

"Humph!" Liu Wei felt a little resistant to him for some reason, and whispered:

"I'm nagging, but there's still nothing I can do."

"Stop saying a few words." Gu Qian nudged her companion with her elbow to stop her complaint. She was still full of curiosity about him and asked:

"The Taoist priest is a Taoist, so do you know how to tell people's fortunes?"

"I understand a little bit." Fang Zheng nodded:

"Don't know much."

Divination, fortune-telling, and divination all belong to the same category of magic, and most of Jiu Yuanzi's inheritance is related to it. Even if he is not interested, he still knows some about it.

"Can you do the math for me?" Gu Qian's eyes lit up when she heard this, and she couldn't help but step forward and said:

"I want to know how old I am to get married?"

"Qianqian." Liu Wei pulled her:

"Beware of scammers."

"Oops!" Gu Qian rolled her sleeves and looked unhappy:

"What can you lie to me about?"

"Girl." Fang Zheng said:

"As the saying goes: Fate is not calculated lightly, Taoism does not send hexagrams, easy things are not empty, and those who do not keep it will have consequences. Although poor Taoists do not make a living by fortune telling, they cannot tell fortunes in vain."

"Let's see!" Liu Wei shrugged, showing disdain.

"But..." Fang Zheng smiled again:

"Meeting each other means we are destined, let alone meeting in such a rare place. As long as the girl gives the divination of Jin Pindao, she is willing to count it."

"As for the amount of hexagram gold, it doesn't matter."

"Really?" Gu Qian's eyes were wary and she was obviously on guard. She rolled her eyes and asked:

"Ten dollars, okay?"

"Okay." Fang Zheng nodded:

"Sincerity leads to spiritual success, no matter how much, it doesn't matter."

"Then it's ten yuan." Seeing that he couldn't be dissuaded, Liu Wei took a step forward and took out his mobile phone:

"Scan code!"

"Wait a moment." Fang Zheng bent down and pretended to take out his mobile phone from his pocket, but in fact he was rummaging through the Qiankun bag, took it out and opened the payment code:

"You do it."

Liu Wei scanned the QR code to pay with an expressionless face and put away his phone.

Gu Qian stepped forward curiously and stretched out her palm:

"Taoist priest, help me read your palm."


Fang Zheng nodded, unfolded the opponent's palm and looked down. A flash of light flashed in his eyes, and the heavenly compass was slowly rotating in the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness.

"The girl's palmistry is good. The four poles are stable and the mountain lines are orderly. It shows that the family is harmonious and the father is kind and the daughter is filial. However, the family background should not be very good when she was young."

He spoke slowly:

"Were you born in the countryside?"

"Yes." Gu Qian looked surprised:

"The Taoist's calculations are really accurate."


Liu Wei from behind hummed.

Gu Qian did a lot of farm work when she was a child. Although her family became rich later, the calluses on her hands had not faded, and her skin was still a bit rough no matter how well-maintained it was.

Anyone with a little social experience can tell that her family background was not good when she was young.

All fortune tellers are human beings, so their guesses are normal.

However, he also knew that saying these words himself would only bring trouble to himself and would not make Gu Qian happy, so he simply kept silent.

"Judging from the palm reading, the girl should have two sisters above and one brother below." Fang Zheng said:

"Although many young people today do not want children, if the family is harmonious, it has been the right principle since ancient times to have more children and more happiness."

The son here is not just a son, but a daughter is also included.


Gu Qian froze on the spot:

"Can this be calculated?"

This time, even the disdainful Liu Wei and the silent monkey looked surprised and could not help but step closer.

Anyone who is not an acquaintance would have no idea about the situation in Gu Qian's family.

This person actually knew it. Could it be possible that he could really tell it from his palm reading?

"Taoist Master."

Gu Qian's throat rolled and she asked excitedly:

"Then when will I get married? Where is my marriage partner...?"


Fang Zheng raised his head and said:

"I am not proficient in fortune telling. I can still tell a few things about the past. There are too many things to do in the future, so I can only make some references."

"Can't believe it!"

"I know." Gu Qian nodded repeatedly and said impatiently:

"Taoist Master, please speak."

"Then I'll say it." Fang Zheng shook his head, knowing that the other party didn't take his words to heart, but there was nothing he could do.

Now he said slowly:

"The girl should get married within five years. As for the marriage partner..."

"Right in front of you."


Gu Qian was stunned for a moment when she heard this, then her beautiful eyes flickered, and she subconsciously looked towards Liu Wei and Hou Hou, her expressions changing.

"Taoist Master."

Liu Wei was in agitated mood:

"You might as well tell me directly, who will Qianqian marry?"

"Ha..." Fang Zheng chuckled:

"This matter is not about Pindao, but about this girl. A person's destiny is never in the hands of fortune tellers, but in his own words and deeds."

"The girl is undecided, how can a poor man figure it out?"

"Taoist Priest!"

Gu Qian took a deep breath and bowed her head solemnly:

"Thank you very much!"

When she asked to tell fortunes before, she was actually mostly out of curiosity and fun. She didn't expect to get anything from Fang Zheng, and she never thought that he was really capable.

He revealed the situation of his family in one sentence, and even asserted that his future husband would come from two of them.


Both Monkey and Liu Wei are interesting to her, and she has a crush on both of them, but she has never made up her mind about which one to choose.

Outsiders may be aware of this, but they would never dare to assert it.

This is a man of real ability!

"Taoist Priest!"

Liu Wei took out his mobile phone and said seriously:

"I want to do the math too!"

"Chenghui." Fang Zheng smiled and nodded:

"One hundred dollars."

"One hundred..." Liu Wei raised his eyebrows and then nodded heavily:

"A hundred is a hundred."

Scan the QR code to pay and read your palm.

"Actually..." Fang Zheng said slowly:

"You can also read faces, not necessarily palms."


Liu Wei's eyes widened.

Then what did you mean by grabbing Qianqian's hand and turning it over and over just now? When it's my turn, can I read my face?

Taking a deep breath, he spoke in a low voice:

"Then look at the face."

"This friend has an extraordinary temperament. Like a tiger descending from a mountain, all beasts are frightened; like an eagle soaring, foxes and rabbits are trembling." Fang Zheng said slowly:

"The Five Mountains and Three Stops are all excellent, but the longevity is a little short. Your Excellency is too temperamental, and I'm afraid you will suffer a lot from this."

"A hot-tempered person?" Liu Wei pursed his lips:

"Then my wife..."

As if speaking, he subconsciously looked at Gu Qian, then sighed helplessly and asked:

"Taoist Priest, can I make a fortune?"

"There is a chance." Fang Zheng nodded:

"Before the age of forty, your Excellency has the potential to rise, but if you still have not achieved anything by the age of forty, you will have no chance in the future."

"Forty years old..." Liu Wei said thoughtfully:

"Thank you, Taoist Priest!"

"Taoist Master." Monkey took out his cell phone and said with a smile:

"Please do the math for me."


He still asked for money and looked at his face, this time Fangzheng’s eyes lit up slightly:

"This little brother has great aura and is born with intelligence. Although he is not a Wenqu star, he is already one of the best among thousands of people."


"Really?" Gu Qian said with joy on her face:

"Monkey has been smart since he was a child, and his college entrance examination results were almost the top scorer in science in our city."

Liu Wei grinned at first, happy for his friend, but when his eyes fell on Gu Qian's face, which looked delighted, his expression froze.


Fang Zheng said again:

"My little brother is too weak, which is not good. It can easily attract evil spirits."

After saying these words, the middle-aged man not far away turned pale and his eyes flashed.

"Taoist Master."

The monkey thought for a while and asked:

"What will happen to me in the future?"

"Although there are twists and turns, we will finally achieve perfection." Fang Zheng said:

"If little brothers can be more competitive, there may be fewer twists and turns in life. Otherwise, there will inevitably be troughs."

"That's all I have to say!"


The monkey nodded:

"Thank you, Taoist Master."

"Uncle." Gu Qian turned her beautiful eyes and looked at the middle-aged uncle beside her:

"You won't let the Taoist priest do the math for you?"

"No need." The middle-aged uncle looked stiff and said:

"I don't have any money."

"It doesn't matter."

Fang Zheng smiled and waved:

"Meeting each other means we are destined to meet each other. It's okay for me to do a fortune telling for my brother for free."

Liu Wei on the side curled his lips. It seemed that the Taoist Priest was also looking at people's orders. He had just made it clear that life should not be counted lightly and it would not be easy to spare.


The middle-aged uncle looked hesitant:

"No need."

Before he finished speaking, Fang Zheng came closer, stretched out his big hand to grab his arm, and lowered his head to look at the palm prints.

The middle-aged uncle was stunned for a moment, and then his face became astonished:

" can touch me..."

More than met.

His illusory palm actually became solid at the moment of contact with the other party.

The strangeness of these words also made Gu Qian and the other two people look surprised. Only Fang Zheng was unmoved, and the doubts in his eyes flashed away.

Is there such a thing?

"Brothers and sons are well-off, and the family is harmonious, but life is like straw, a sign of hard work."

Shaking his head, he said slowly:

"Fortunately, my children will live up to their expectations and have no worries about their future affairs."

"Really...really?" The middle-aged uncle looked excited:

“Is my child going to be okay?”


Fang Zheng nodded.

"The children are living a good life, and the uncle will definitely live a good life in the future." Gu Qian said with a smile:

"You can enjoy happiness when you are old."


Fang Zheng shook his head:

"This brother died young in middle age and was not blessed to enjoy the filial piety of his children."


Gu Qian's expression froze, and then she said dryly:

"Since the Taoist Master has calculated that he died in middle age, there must be a way to solve the problem. How can we avoid this disaster and enjoy the blessings of old age?"

"Heh..." Fang Zheng chuckled, stretched out his hand and pointed forward:

"The fog has cleared."

Gu Qian and the others looked up.

Sure enough, just as he was talking, the thick fog had quietly dissipated, and the mountain road ahead could be discerned.

"Then let's continue on our way."

Liu Wei nodded:

"Taoist Master, nice to see you."


"Goodbye, Taoist priest!"

Monkey and Gu Qian waved repeatedly and rode to keep up. To them, today's experience was just an interesting little thing in their lives.

After a little pause, you will start traveling again.


When the figures of the three people moved away and disappeared, Fang Zheng turned his head and looked over, and asked calmly:

"What do you call me, brother?"

The middle-aged uncle looked complicated and said in a low voice:

"Yu Mancang."

"Brother Yu."

Founder handed over:

"It's really rare. After death, the three souls and seven souls will naturally dissipate. Some people can survive in a ghost state for so long."

"Where is your body buried?"

The middle-aged man in front of him was not a human being, but a ghost.

This is not normal!

According to Fang Zheng's investigation, this place is slightly different from other worlds on a certain level, which means that there are almost no conditions for ghosts to reside in this world.

The same Feng Shui bureau,

Other worlds can harbor ghosts, but not here.

Coupled with the lack of complete spell inheritance, ghosts are even more difficult to see.

The stories about ghosts are mostly rumors.


I actually encountered a ghost that could reveal its appearance in front of people.

Such an abnormality is most likely related to the special environment of this place and the location where the bodies were buried when Mancang died.

Yu Mancang said nothing.

"That's it!"

Fang Zheng shook his head:

"I see that my brother is full of resentment and thinks he was harmed by others. This time he wants to possess the Hou Qiyu just now. Could it be that he wants to avenge himself?"


Yu Mancang's face looked ferocious, and wisps of black energy appeared on his body. He gritted his teeth and said angrily:

"I want revenge!"

"That day when I was out delivering goods, I was knocked to the ground by a young man driving a sports car. I was still alive at that time, and I clearly remember what happened next."

He clenched his hands into fists and roared loudly:

"I was lying on the ground calling for help, but the man clearly heard me, but didn't call an ambulance. Instead, he dragged me to the mountains and dumped my body..."


"Do you know what that feels like?"

"My daughter has just passed the college entrance examination, and my wife is still waiting for me to come home. I obviously can be saved, but I am left in the mountains to die!"

"In the hours before my death, do you know what kind of suffering I suffered?"


Yu Mancang looked up to the sky and roared, the ghost body was ferocious:

"I want revenge!"

"I also want to...see my wife and children."

Having said this, his expression softened slightly, and there was a softness in his eyes.

"Brother Yu."

Fang Zheng sighed and said:

"The soul has no support, and without the support of the body, even if you can survive by chance, sooner or later you will be swallowed up by your own resentment."

"When the time comes, it will turn into a resentful soul without consciousness."

"So what about the resentful soul?" Yu Mancang stared at him:

"Even if I turn into a resentful spirit, I still want to make the person who killed me suffer a bad death!"

"Where is your family?"

Fang Zheng explained:

"Once you turn into a resentful soul, you will completely lose your mind and only know how to devour the vitality of living people, and the target will first choose people you knew before your death."

"That is to say..."

"You will kill your wife and children first."

When Yu Mancang heard this, his ghost body shook, and his expression showed panic.

"People and ghosts have different paths."

Fang Zheng opened his mouth:

"Brother Yu, it's better to let go of your obsessions!"

"..." Yu Mancang looked at it blankly and asked:

"Are we going to let the person who killed me go unpunished? I...I really want to see my wife and children. I don't know my daughter's college entrance examination results yet, and I haven't seen her admission notice yet..."

"I still have a lot of things to do, I'm sorry for them..."


He was a big man with a dark soul. He couldn't control himself and burst into tears, and the yin energy in his body rolled like boiling water.

Fang Zheng looked at this scene, his heart couldn't help but ripples, he thought about it and said:

"We are destined to meet each other. I have a method that can temporarily preserve your soul. After I solve the matter at hand, I can take you back to see your family."

"But when the matter is over, Brother Yu should disperse on his own, are you willing?"


Yu Mancang raised his head, his face filled with ecstasy, and said hurriedly:

"Yes, I do!"

"Okay." Fang Zheng didn't hesitate, took out the Yinhun Wood he had obtained before from the Qiankun Bag, kneaded it with his fingers, and pointed lightly towards Yu Mancang:

"Soul, come quickly!"


Following the pull of Fa Li, Yu Mancang's ghost body trembled slightly, and then turned into a wisp of green smoke and disappeared into the Yin Hun Wood.

Yinhunmu has the ability to nourish the soul, so even if you leave here, your soul will be safe and will not dissipate in a short period of time.


If Fang Zheng is willing, he can refine the ghost wood into a magic weapon and use it as a place to house ghosts, but he has no such interest.

Raising ghosts requires a lot of effort and effort, and can easily cause backlash. Even a rare magic weapon like the Five Ghost Kabuto must be sacrificed and refined from time to time.

As an ordinary magic weapon, raising ghosts will only harm yourself.

Don't talk about this...

Even in other worlds, the sorcerers and mages who are good at raising ghosts are all human and ghosts, and cannot be tolerated by the right way.

"Taoist Master."

on the road,

Yu Mancang said curiously:

"Of those three people just now, who will get married?"

"Gu Qian, Liu Wei."


"Gu Qian may prefer Monkey in her heart, but Monkey is introverted and shy. If she doesn't take the initiative to pursue him, he will definitely be eliminated."

Fang Zheng said:

"Character determines destiny, and magic is only a deduction. I can't deceive you sincerely."




The ghost market is a tradition from the previous dynasty.

In the middle of the night, all kinds of shady items are sold, but nowadays tax evasion is strictly enforced, and they are gradually being banned.


It is still the rule of the antique shop to open the market in the early morning.

Wuliu Street, Haizhou.

The largest local antique trading market.

Around four in the morning.

Dong Lin, wearing slim business attire and high heels, sat down at the breakfast stall.

She knows how to match clothes very well. The professional clothes she wears are not expensive, but the shape, shoulder line, fabric, design and workmanship are all very good.

The color and style also match her very well.

It doesn't look cheap at all when worn.

"Mr. Fang."


She extended her hand to signal, and once again looked at the man dressed as a Taoist priest in front of her.

Not too handsome, but very attractive.

Especially those eyes, which are transparent and deep, as if there are countless secrets hidden inside, making people want to look more.

"My salary is not high."

Dong Lin broke open the disposable chopsticks and said with a smile:

"Don't dislike it."


Fang Zheng sat down opposite.

This is a breakfast stall set up in front of a shop along the street. The tables and stools are shiny and have been used for many years.

Two bowls of porridge, two tea eggs, and a few steamed buns were breakfast for two people.

I just rinsed the bowl with water randomly, but luckily there was a layer of plastic bag on the outside, and the porridge was poured into the bag, which was relatively cleaner.

Just drinking porridge from the bag is always a little inconvenient.

Dong Lin stirred the porridge with chopsticks, picked up the bun with one hand and carefully tore off a bite. Although the food was poor, her movements were quite graceful.


She smiled:

“The tea eggs here are delicious, I will ask for one every time I come here.”

"Really?" Fang Zheng picked up the tea egg and peeled it:

"Then have a taste."

"Mr. Fang is really a Taoist priest?" Dong Lin asked curiously:

"How do Taoist priests make a living?"

"Hmm..." Fang Zheng took a bite of the tea egg, swallowed it with the gruel, and said:

"Registered Taoist priests generally live in Taoist temples, with local funding and income from believers offering incense and traveling."

"Coupled with low consumption, survival is not a problem."

"I'm different."

He smiled:

"I opened several businesses."


Dong Lin had a strange expression.

A Taoist who runs a company?


"Mr. Fang should be very rich?"

"That's right." Fang Zheng nodded:

"Friends are in charge of the company's affairs, and I get some dividends, so I can have time to mess around."

"I see!"

Dong Lin nodded.

Her mother is from Jiajia Village and works as a salesperson at the Wuliu Street antique market.

Mr. Jia heard that Fang Zheng was coming to Wuliu Street to find someone. After asking around, he finally found her who worked here, and even called her to ask her to treat him well.


Master Fang is a strange man with real abilities!

Dong Lin sneered at this, but she couldn't help but respect her family members, and Fang Zheng had a good impression on her.

"Who is Mr. Fang looking for?"

"A man named Lu Qigong." Fang Zheng said.

"Lu Qigong?" Dong Lin narrowed her eyes:

"Mr. Lu from the Secular Hall!"

"This is not someone you can just meet if you want to. He has retired from the antique business a long time ago. Now he is far away from home and I don't know where to retire."

"It doesn't matter." Fang Zheng said:

"As long as you can find the contact information, I'm not in a hurry."

"That's no problem." Dong Lin nodded:

"I'll ask the boss..."


She remembered something and said:

"Juqizhai is holding a big trade fair these days. Mr. Lu may be present, but we are not qualified to enter."


Fang Zheng raised his head:

"How can I get in?"

"Know how to identify treasures." Dong Lin pursed her lips:

"Mr. Song from Juqizhai has placed more than a hundred antiques at the door. Seven of them are real. As long as you can choose one of them, you can go in."


"We still have to pay three hundred thousand to buy that collection."

"If you really buy it, you can still get some advantages. But if you buy a fake one, 300,000 yuan is just the entry fee."

"Interesting." Fang Zheng smiled and said:

"In other words, you can go in even if you choose the fake one?"


Dong Lin nodded and her expression changed slightly:

"Not everyone can afford the entry fee of 300,000 yuan. Fang...Boss Fang had better think carefully before making any decision."

"There are many ways to contact Mr. Lu."

"That's it."

Fang Zheng opened his mouth:

"Just in time to meet a connoisseur of antiques."

"rest assured!"

Seeing Dong Lin's worried face, he smiled calmly:

"Fang also knows a thing or two about antique appraisal. He may not be good at other things. He is still somewhat confident in identifying the age of antiques."

This technique can be called cheating in antique appraisal.

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