Heavenly Master, I have a different world

Chapter 175 Heavenly Master! ! !

dark alley,

Xiaohong stretched out her hand, and the blind man fumbled over.

The blind man was old and his withered hands were trembling. He grabbed Xiaohong's hand and stroked the palm prints, his expression gradually became strange.

After a pause,

He showed sincerity and spoke slowly:

"Girl, can you let me touch your face?"

Xiao Hong raised her eyebrows, subconsciously glanced at Fang Zheng, who was calm beside her, then rolled her eyes speechlessly and took a step forward.

"Pretend to be a ghost and touch it!"

"Thank you."

The blind man cupped his hands and thanked him, then stretched out his hand to explore where Xiaohong's cheek was. Then he made a sudden movement and sighed with a voice:

"Dragon eyes, wind neck, strange appearance and crescent moon, the girl's face..."

"It's so expensive!"

"Huh?" Xiao Hong was startled and glanced sideways at Fang Zheng, her eyes twinkling:

"Blind man, if you think that you can make me ignore it by complimenting me a few times, then you are wrong. Besides, other people have also told me this."

"Nothing surprising!"

"Really?" The blind man looked surprised:

"It seems that before meeting the old blind man, the girl has already met an expert."

He thought for a while and continued:

"Although the girl's appearance is beyond words, there is a natural chasm in the middle. If you can't cross it, you will never be able to jump over the dragon gate."

"So there is a high chance that a girl will live in poverty and wander around for the rest of her life."

"Ha..." Xiaohong curled her lips:

"Next, are you going to say that you have a way to help me cross that chasm? As long as I let you go, you will tell me the way?"

"I've seen this kind of trick of yours a lot!"

She has been hanging out in beggars' dens since she was a child. When she grew up, she had contact with all kinds of religions and saw all kinds of insidious human nature.

In this regard, many adults are far behind her.


The blind man shook his head and sighed:

"The girl's fate is too precious, and the old blind man is incompetent. He can't figure out how to cross that natural chasm. I wonder if the expert has any solution?"

"Of course others have it, but you are not capable enough." Xiaohong laughed when she heard this:

“You can’t even lie to anyone!”

"Girl, the old blind man is not a charlatan." The blind man looked calm and even had a little anger in his voice as he continued:

"If the old blind man's calculations are correct, the girl should have grown up eating the food of hundreds of families. Now she is in trouble. Is she looking for someone?"

"Huh?" Xiaohong's expression changed:

"how do you know?"

"Ha..." The blind man smiled softly and continued:

"The old blind man also knows that your troubles are related to gambling and cheating, and the amount should be around 10 million. Did you defraud other people's money?"


He shook his head slightly and corrected:

"It should be that you and others defrauded others of their money. Now others have escaped and disappeared without a trace. Only the girl is in trouble."

"It even hurts the people around me!"

"How do you know?" Xiao Hong's complexion changed drastically, she stepped forward suddenly, slapped the blind man on the shoulder, and said angrily:

"Do you know Miaozi?"


The blind man looked indifferent, shook his head and said:

"The old blind man travels around, making a living by touching people's bones and reading their faces. He has never met the seedling you are talking about, but he can point the way."

"When given the chance to find the person you're looking for."


Xiao Hong narrowed her eyes and then looked at the frightened little boy behind her.

Although the other party didn't say it explicitly, she knew very well that in exchange for the other party's guidance, she must hand over the child.


The blind man understood the sound and said slowly:

"This child is destined to suffer a great disaster. He can only avoid it by worshiping under the old blind man's door. You will only harm him by taking him away."

"A girl is entangled in karma and cannot protect herself, so why bother looking for trouble?"

"That's not necessarily the case!" Xiaohong's beautiful eyes flashed, and she suddenly smiled, saying slowly:

"I can have both!"

"Taoist Master."

She looked at Fang Zheng and said softly:

"You should also have a way to find seedlings, right?"

"The person you are looking for is thousands of miles away. Even if you can find him, do you think there is enough time?" Fang Zheng shook his head gently.


Xiaohong's face turned pale.

The one whose expression changed more than her was the blind man.

"Is there another person here?" He tilted his head slightly, his ears trembled slightly, his face was full of disbelief, and he shook his head in surprise:



"How is it impossible?" Xiaohong sneered:

"You are a blind man and can't see anything. Don't you know that someone coming over is not a matter of course?"

The blind man said nothing.

He knew very well that things were not that simple. He couldn't see that it was true, but what he got from blindness was a special kind of perception.

As long as someone appears nearby, he will be aware of it.

this point,

Even clearer than what you can see with your eyes!

Even if he is hiding behind a tree, in a box, or somewhere invisible to the naked eye, he will be noticed as long as he is within one foot of him.

but now,

There was clearly a sound coming, but there was nothing in his perception. This uncontrollable feeling even made him feel fearful.

"In other words, the person can't be found?"

Xiao Hong didn't know that the storm was rising in the blind man's heart, but he was still immersed in his own emotions, but he turned his beautiful eyes and smiled again:

"It doesn't matter!"

"The Taoist priest is very wealthy, but it's only 10 million. If I serve you well, can you help me pay back the money?"

"I can do anything."

She emphasized the word "dry" even more.

Xiaohong is not an innocent girl, but a woman who has been around in the world since she was a child. She understands many things and has done many things.

He is very open-minded about matters between men and women.

"..." Fang Zheng shook his head slightly and said slowly:

"Haven't you ever thought that there is another way?"

"What can I do?" Xiaohong was stunned.

"Girl." The blind man promptly reminded:

"Don't forget, you are... indescribable. If you can cross that chasm, the entanglement of cause and effect will be broken with the wave of your hand."

"Dragon eyes, wind neck, and strange moon face. There are only three people in the ancients who have this look. One of them is named Wu Zhao, that is, Wu Zetian."


Xiao Hong's breath shortened, and she suddenly turned to look at Fang Zheng, her beautiful eyes flashing rapidly.

"Taoist Master."

The blind man took a step forward and said seriously:

"Can you let the old blind man have his palms checked?"

"Hmm..." Fang Zheng lowered his head and looked up. Seeing the serious expression on the other party's face, he couldn't help but sigh:

"Why bother?"

"Taoist Master." The blind man lowered his head, his voice was dull and pleading:

"Please let the old blind man touch your palm."

"..." Fang Zheng shook his head:

"That's fine!"

He said and slowly stretched out his hand.

"Thank you." The blind man thanked him with his hands, and fumbled his way up. The trembling of his wrist seemed to be more exciting than being old.

With a light touch of his fingers, the blind man suddenly grasped Fang Zheng's hand, as if he was afraid that the other party would shrink back.

The atmosphere in the field suddenly stagnated.

A breeze blew.


The blind man suddenly vomited blood and staggered back two steps. His expression was decadent and listless. Even his white hair seemed to have gained a few strands.


"Ha ha!"

He staggered, looked up to the sky and exhaled, then fell to his knees heavily:

"Shao the blind man, come and see the real person!"

"There's no need to be polite, old sir. Please get up quickly." Fang Zheng waved his sleeves lightly, and an invisible force appeared out of thin air, gently lifting the blind man up.

This power penetrated into the periosteum and internal organs along the skin and flesh, quietly healing the internal injuries in his body.

Such a miracle also made the blind man's heart ripple again.

He is worthy of being the legendary real person...

"Today I can see the real person, and blind Shao will die with peace of mind!" He stretched out his hand to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth, and lowered his head with a wry smile:

"Shao Shao's cultivation is so shallow that he actually tries to calculate the fate of the real person. He is really... just trying to do what he wants and makes the real person laugh."

"The old gentleman's method of reading bones by touching bones is quite interesting." Fang Zheng said:

"I don't know where to get the message?"


The method that he relied on for a living and was proud of turned out to be just interesting in the other party's mouth, but it was difficult for a blind man to refute.

The other party is the legendary Taoist Master!

Peng Zu and Lu Xian of the world!

He immediately raised his hand and said:

"The lineage of Xiao Lao'er was passed down from Xu Fu in the Han Dynasty. Due to the lack of inheritance, only blind people can get started, so there are only a few descendants."

"In my generation, there is only one young man!"

Founder is clear.

Physiognomy is also a type of magic. It requires talented people to practice it, but there are so few talented people in the world, let alone blind people.

As for Xu negative...

This person was the most famous female physiognomist in ancient times. She made great contributions to Liu Bang's founding of the Han Dynasty. When it comes to physiognomy, she ranks among the top three in ancient and modern times.

His achievements in physiognomy are even higher than those of extremely famous people such as Yuan Tiangang and Li Chunfeng.

"Xu Zu's master was Huang Shigong."

The blind man continued:

"It is said that Huang Shigong was taught by an immortal in his dream. He obtained three volumes of military books and a discipline of physiognomy, which he passed on to the famous generals Zhang Liang and Xu Zu respectively."

"Teaching in a dream?"

Fang Zheng frowned.

Another teaching in a dream!

If one or two of them are like this, it can be said to be a coincidence, just like the fairy tale, but if all of them are like this, it cannot be said to be a coincidence.


All he met were people with real abilities.

Without exception.

The origins of its inheritance are all transmitted in dreams.

"Taoist Master."

Xiaohong's voice interrupted his thoughts:

"What to do with this child?"

Of course she didn't report it to the Sheriff's Department, after all, she didn't even have a cell phone with her.

And the scenes in front of her seemed to be beyond her comprehension. Maybe... that old blind man was someone with real abilities.

"Real person."

Shao Xiazi's body trembled, and then his expression relaxed:

"If this child can follow the real person, it is his destiny."

To know.

Not to mention the Xu Zu he mentioned, even Xu Zu's master Huang Shigong and the rumored Gui Guzi were far inferior to the man in front of him.

Real person!

If he hadn't touched it with his own hands and calculated his palm prints, he wouldn't have believed that such existence existed in the world?

Fang Zheng shook his head gently:

"I don't like having people around me."

After thinking for a while, he pointed his finger towards the boy's eyebrows and channeled a trace of magic power. The boy rolled his eyes and fainted to the ground.

"I locked his eyes with magical power, and they will unlock on their own after seven years. I think he has mastered the fortune-telling technique taught by the old gentleman in the past seven years."

"Thank you, Masato!"

Blind Shao was overjoyed when he heard this and knelt down again and kowtowed:

"This child is lucky to have you cast a spell to save his eyes."

"Skills are hard to come by. For him to be able to take the old gentleman as his teacher is something that ordinary people can't ask for." Fang Zheng looked at Xiao Hong, who had an angry look on his face:

"And this child is indeed in danger of death. If you take him away, you may not be able to escape death. Taking him away is equivalent to harming him."

"Let's go!"

His magical power not only temporarily sealed the little boy's eyes so that he could not see for several years, it also nourished his physical body.

When the magic power dissipates after seven years, the little boy will regain his eyesight and gain a body that is far stronger than ordinary people.

What's more, he can pass on Shao Xiazi's physiognomy.

It can be said that it accomplishes multiple things with one stone!

"..." Xiaohong pursed her lips, hesitated for a moment, and nodded slowly.


Seeing that the two were about to leave, Shao Xiazi stood up quickly and said:

"A girl's appearance is beyond words. With the help of a real person, she can leap over the dragon's gate and fly like a phoenix into the sky. However, such appearance is often accompanied by bloody storms."

"I hope you take it seriously!"

This was obviously said for Fang Zheng's sake.

Bloody storm?

Xiao Hong raised her eyebrows, and then glanced at the little boy who had fainted on the ground:

"Blind man, take good care of him. I will come over often in the future. If I find you abusing children, it will be easy for you."

As he spoke, he gestured with his fist.




"Miss Dong."

Fang Zheng answered the phone, but the audio tape was helpless:

"For the last time, don't call me again."

"I already know what you are talking about. If the Zheng family wants me to see a doctor, they can come to me. I will stay in Qingzhou for a while."

He doesn't often take his mobile phone. Most of the time, he keeps it in his storage bag and only takes it out to look through it when needed.

In the past two months, Dong Lin has made three calls a day without any interruption. Every time she takes out her phone, she can see her missed calls.

Things are simple.

The daughter of the Zheng family is sick and wants to ask Fang Zheng for diagnosis and treatment.

Cui Lao also sent a text message to mention this matter, and Fang Zheng also agreed, but he was not interested in going to Beijing or Haizhou, and asked the other party to come to Qingzhou to find him.

"I am sorry."

Dong Lin sounded apologetic and whispered:

"Taoist Priest, how many days will you stay in Qingzhou?"

"As short as three to five days, as long as one week." Fang Zheng sighed:

"Is that enough?"

"This..." Dong Lin hesitated and then said:

"The Zheng family took their daughter to a research institution abroad. They want to use the latest research results there to treat diseases, and they are not in the country for the time being."

"Can you stay in Qingzhou for a few more days?"

"Everyone has his own destiny, don't force it." Fang Zheng shook his head:


After saying that, without waiting for the other party to speak, he hung up the phone, blocked the call and shook his head before putting the phone away.


Bao Huiseng's figure appeared in front, waving from a distance:

"The person has been found!"


Fang Zheng raised his eyebrows and walked away.

This is Qingzhou State University, which is also the most famous university for the study of ancient Chinese literature in the Xia Dynasty. There are many experts and scholars in this field.

Chen Lifu,

It's one of them.

Moreover, his research is relatively partial and rarely known.

"Master Fang!"

"Professor Chen."

The two shook hands and introduced each other.

"Master Fang."

Chen Lifu has a standard scholar appearance, elegant temperament, his half-worn suit is still very neat, and his long gray and white hair has been carefully arranged.

His whole body was clean, and even his eyes were as clear as those of young people.

He asked curiously:

"You want to know about ghost writing?"

"Ghost text?" Fang Zheng's eyes moved slightly.

"Heh..." Chen Lifu chuckled upon seeing this and explained:

"The writings mentioned by the Taoist Master do not yet have a unified name in the archaeological community. After all, there are too few surviving ones. I call them ghost writings."

"Why?" Bao Huiseng was also present and asked curiously after hearing this:

"That's a scary name."

"Because ghost writings often appear in tombs and tombs." Chen Lifu gently stroked his beard and said:

"And most of them are related to ghosts and gods."


"It can also be called divine writing. After all, according to existing research, the writing is mostly related to worshiping gods. It doesn't matter what it is called."

"That's it." Fang Zheng nodded:

"Professor Chen, can you let me see the existing ghost records?"

"Well..." Chen Lifu muttered with a look on his face:

"This information has not yet been made public."

"Professor Chen." Fang Zheng handed over a piece of paper:

"Pindao is a registered Taoist priest of Tianshi Taoism. He has a letter of acceptance from the Taoist Association. I came here this time to study the relationship between ghost writing and Taoist scholarship."

“It’s association proof.”

"So that's it!" Chen Lifu understood:

"There are indeed some fascinating... Taoist things in the ghost writings."

He is a scholar and has a certain understanding of Taoism and Taoism, but not much, and he is deeply opposed to such unscientific things.


The Taoist Association still needs to give face.

As for the letter of acceptance, it is naturally true. With Fang Zheng's status and wealth, it is not difficult to obtain such a thing. He even actually registered a Tianshi Taoist sect.

"You three please!"

Fang Zheng, Bao Huiseng, and Xiao Hong, who was pestering Xiao Hong to come, followed each other to the top floor of the library.

"Ghost writing is quite special."

Chen Lifu said as he walked:

"The first ghost inscriptions discovered were mixed with some oracle bone inscriptions, so we speculate that the ghost inscriptions are a branch of the oracle bone inscriptions period."

"Just like now there are Sanskrit, Xiawen, International Lingua and so on."

"The ghost writing is different from the existing oracle bone inscriptions. It may have been a writing evolved by the ancients in a certain area at that time for communication."

He opened a door and asked the three of them to put on protective clothing before continuing on:

"But later we discovered that ghost writings are also divided into different branches. There are currently five kinds of ghost writings, and they were unearthed in different years."

While talking.

The four people put on protective clothing similar to white coats and came to a place similar to a museum, where various unearthed cultural relics came into view.

"You three, be careful." Chen Lifu said with a smile:

"Although the things here may not be valuable, they are all of great research significance. If they are damaged, it will be difficult to find them again."

In addition to them, there are many researchers here. Some of them are holding tablets, taking pictures and recording things from time to time.

"This way!"

Following the footsteps, the front suddenly became empty.

"The first complete ghost inscriptions unearthed came from an altar in the Xiling Mountains. At that time, the altar had long been covered with vines and was accidentally discovered by a few travel enthusiasts."

"Everyone, please take a look."

Chen Lifu took out a laser pointer and illuminated the pattern on the wall.

The first picture,

There are countless strange aliens living on the earth, and most of them are existences that a few people have never seen before, such as the three-headed giant, the nine-tailed wolf, and the ghost-faced fish.

All kinds of weird stuff like that.

"The records in ghost writings are completely different from the myths we are familiar with."

Chen Lifu said:

"They describe the situation at the beginning of the world as having countless demons and monsters, and humans were enslaved by these existences."

Saying that, tap the second picture.

In this picture, countless people are digging and working in the mountains, driven by several monsters with wings on their backs. Some people were even bitten and devoured by the monsters.


At this time, people are food and slaves kept in captivity by monsters.

"Later, some 'gods' appeared, protected the people and killed the evil spirits. The people lived a stable life under the blessing of the 'gods'."

The third and fourth pictures are badly broken and difficult to identify, while the fifth picture is barely distinguishable.

In this painting, a luminous giant sits on a huge stone throne, and countless little people kneel at the giant's feet and worship.


Fang Zheng stopped, thoughtful.

These records are completely different from the myths of the Xia Kingdom, and even different from the myths of various countries. No wonder they have never been heard of.


It is quite similar to some legends from another world.

It seemed that as he thought, there were indeed 'people' from another world coming to the earth, but it was a little different from what he imagined. The ones who came were not people but gods!

The ancient divine texts left behind are proof.

"at last."

Chen Lifu came to the last picture and said:

"I don't know why, but five 'gods' left their original place and came to a hidden place, but even so they were killed by others."

There should be many pictures in the middle, but they are either missing or incomplete.

The last painting.

Five luminous giants appeared on a closed sphere. A villain wielded a sword outside and the bodies of the five giants fell apart inside.

The glowing giant should be the ‘god’, the ancient god mentioned by Jiu Yuanzi.

Did they escape to Earth?

In the end, he was still killed?

Who killed them?

Who can kill them?


Xiaohong asked curiously:

"The ones who killed these gods seemed to be humans. Who killed them?"

"According to the image analysis, it is indeed the case." Professor Chen nodded:

"As for those who kill them..."

"Call Heavenly Master!"

Heavenly Master?

Fang Zheng was shocked and turned his head suddenly.

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