Heavenly Master, I have a different world

Chapter 176 Recognition of relatives

"When the world first opened, many powerful creatures were wreaking havoc between the heaven and the earth. It was difficult for humans to survive, and they could only survive by worshiping the gods."

"The gods enslaved the human race and were eventually killed by the powerful 'Heavenly Master' among the human race."


Bao Huisheng put his chin in his hand and said thoughtfully:

"The altar is dedicated to the heavenly master who wiped out everything for the human race?"


Professor Chen shook his head:

"The altar is not dedicated to the Heavenly Master, but to a god named Nine-Headed Dragon Elephant, who is also one of the five gods."

"Huh?" Bao Huiseng was stunned:

"how come?"

"Yes!" Xiaohong nodded at the side, looking puzzled:


One of them was driven by curiosity and followed Fang Zheng to have a look, and the other regarded Fang Zheng as his savior and followed him wherever he went.

I was not interested in archeology at all, but now I am immersed in the ancient legends described by Professor Chen.

"I do not know either."

Professor Chen shook his head and looked at the mural with emotion:

"Obviously it was the human race who was able to defeat the gods, but the statues of the gods were placed on the altar. The archaeologists are also puzzled."


"What happened again that we don't know about?"


He sighed and said:

"Ghost texts are rare, and there are no rules at all. Counting me, there are only six scholars studying ghost texts in the entire Xia Kingdom."

"They are all part-time students, so I'm afraid some questions will never be answered."

This situation is common in the archaeological community.

Oracle bone inscriptions are just a general term, and there are many similar records from the same period, which may be words or certain patterns.

The information hidden inside has no way for modern people to verify.

Just like ghost writing,

Because there are so few records left and most of them are incomplete, even the most advanced computers cannot restore the original intention.

Fang Zheng remained silent, but a turmoil arose in his heart.

Heavenly Master!

Master of heaven and earth!

This is a title given to people with the highest achievements in magic and martial arts in other worlds.

Looking through the past and present, there are only three people who can be worthy of the title of Heavenly Master, and each of them has the strength and ambition that shocked the past and the present.

The first Celestial Master is a legend, directly separated from the ancient times and the modern times, but in the end he did not even leave his name.

There are many legends about ancient times on the earth.

Even within a country, there are more than a dozen versions of the creation of the world, so Professor Chen regarded the mural as a similar story.


Fang Zheng knew very well that the stories on the murals were most likely true!

Jiu Yuanzi explored ancient ruins and found many clues to the fall of gods. The two-phase confirmation can distinguish the authenticity.

at first,

Heaven and earth first opened,

Innate creatures are wreaking havoc.

The human race is weak and struggling to survive.

Later, he was blessed by the gods and survived by chance.

Afterwards, the gods fought, and the gods fell one after another, and the human race rose. The first heavenly master was born, and the ancient gods were wiped out.

In order to avoid the Heavenly Master, five ancient gods used some unknown method to escape to the earth, but they were still killed by the Heavenly Master from a distance.

The God Swallowing Heaven is one, and the Nine-headed Dragon Elephant is also one of them. Lord Yan...

Be one of them!

Many clues connected together in his mind. Although there were still some puzzles, they were able to explain themselves.

"Professor Chen."

Fang Zheng took a deep breath and said slowly:

"I want to take a photo of the documents recording ghost writings. Is it possible?"

"No problem." Professor Chen nodded:

"Now that documents are stored in digital files, we are not afraid of exposure. Besides, it is also good for us to have one more person to study ancient ghost texts."

"Thank you!"

Fang Zheng handed over.

"Taoist priest, you're welcome." Professor Chen waved his hand and said:

"There are very few records of ghost writings, and there is actually nothing to photograph. If Taoist Master wants to see more ghost writings, you can go to Langya Wang's place."

"Although the Wang family's library is not well-known, it contains a lot of good things."

Langya Wang family?

Fangzheng raised his head, thoughtfully.




hotel room.

Fang Zheng stood in the middle with his hands behind his back.

The projection screen covered the entire wall, with many patterns, symbols, and murals flashing on it, mixed with some ghost writing.

That is,

Ancient divine texts!

Fang's expression remained unchanged, his eyes were leisurely, and many characters intertwined and gathered in his mind, finally turning into a prayer.

"Your power is immeasurable, you hold up the heaven and the earth, you suppress evil spirits, you give birth to the soul..."

"Great nine-headed dragon elephant, believers prostrate at your feet and listen to your teachings. After our death, our souls will enter the divine court and continue to serve..."

"Your voice is the first note between heaven and earth, your hands tear apart the chaos to reveal light, and your head symbolizes immortality..."

"The Lord of Hell surrenders at your feet, and the snake god hovers around your waist..."


Seeing this, Fang Zheng couldn't help but shook his head lightly.

There are similar records in the prayers of the God of Swallowing Heaven, but gods such as Yama Jun and Nine-headed Dragon Elephant became vassals of the God of Swallowing Heaven.

It seems that

Regardless of whether they are humans or gods, they all like to pull each other down.

Yama Jun, on the other hand, never seemed to pay attention to other gods, and was more interested in describing its own interpretation of power and authority.

In comparison, Yan Jun's belly is larger.

The gods are different, and their strengths and methods are also different.

Lord Yan can control yin and yang, and enter and exit the two realms; the God Swallowing Heaven can devour the heaven and earth, and has an infinite figure; the nine-headed dragon elephant is infinitely powerful and controls the soul...

The information in Professor Chen's hand did not contain any method similar to Tiangang Shu, but it did mention two other gods among the five.

One is a snake god who can enter the universe, chase lightning, and is obviously good at speed.

The last one is the Nightmare God, who can weave dreams and turn the imaginary into reality.

"According to Jiu Yuanzi, even the weakest part of the gods in ancient times were stronger than ordinary real people."

"The most powerful god is even more terrifying."

"Such a being was actually killed by a heavenly master?"

Fang Zheng shook his head:

"How can it be?"

"Dong dong..."

There was a knock on the door.


Xiaohong pushed open the door and walked in, her eyes flickering, and she whispered:

"Taoist Master, it's the last day. If you don't take me out of here, Chengda will take me somewhere else."


Fang Zheng raised his head:

"Is it the last day already?"

He didn't deliberately delay the time. Firstly, he needed to decipher the ancient sacred texts, and secondly, he was waiting for Mr. Cui and Dong Lin to mention the Zheng family.

No matter what,

There is no one coming from the Zheng family.

It seems that it is caused by cause and effect, and they are not destined to each other.

"That's it!"

Fang Zheng sighed softly:

"Let's go!"


Near Aoshan.

This place has a sea view in front and mountains in the back. The scenery is so beautiful that it can be called a unique place.

There is a courtyard in a place like this, covering an area of ​​dozens of acres. Without great wealth and power, it would definitely not be possible.

"The Celestial Master is upright, and I would like to see Mr. Wang Qiwang."

Fang Zheng held a sachet and handed it to the gatekeeper.

This place is like a high-class house in ancient times. The lintel is high and deep, so that ordinary people cannot get close to it. The gatekeepers are also dressed in ancient costumes and are polite.

After taking the sachet, the gatekeeper's eyes changed slightly as if he thought of something.

Then he nodded:

"Master Taoist, wait a moment."

He said and hurried away with the sachet in hand.

Not long after.

A middle-aged man in a suit came over and extended his hand:

"You two, please come in!"


Fang Zheng nodded and walked into the courtyard with his hands behind his back.

"Taoist Master." Xiaohong's beautiful eyes flashed, she came closer and whispered:

"There are so many rules here."

She already had some guesses about this trip. Seeing that this place was heavily guarded, with people standing guard every step of the way, her face became even more flushed.

Fang Zheng said nothing and followed the middle-aged man to a room.

In the space of more than 100 square meters, there is only one large bed. The person lying on the bed is wearing a breathing machine, and the physiological health equipment is ticking next to it.

A beautiful woman in cheongsam leaned forward, lying in front of the patient, listening to something, then nodded and stood up to look.

"The Taoist Master is Mr. Cui's friend?"


Fang Zheng nodded:

"That sachet was a gift from Mr. Cui."


The woman understood, looked at Xiao Hong, walked to Xiao Hong, walked around her a few times, her expression gradually became very complicated:

"It really looks like her!"

As he spoke, he reached out and stroked lightly.


A flash of cold light.


Xiaohong was startled and took a step back subconsciously.

She saw a lock of her hair being cut off by the other party and handed to a man dressed as a doctor. The woman waved her hand towards the doctor:



The doctor should be holding his hair and bowing away.


At this time, the patient on the bed suddenly coughed dryly. The woman had no time to greet the two of them, so she hurriedly called the medical staff to help deal with the problem.

Patients are vulnerable.

It seems that two coughs can be fatal.

Fang Zheng shook his head:

"Let's wait outside."

Xiaohong had no objection and followed to the hall outside. The luxury and low-key decoration made her eyes roll.

She has never been to a place like this!

It is located in Aoshan Scenic Area and occupies dozens of acres of gardens.

The courtyard was heavily guarded, and pedestrians encountered dozens of cleaners, gardeners, and security personnel, but miraculously, no one said a word.

Everyone is doing their work with their heads down. Even if someone passes by, they won't look up for a second glance. It's like everyone is wearing invisible shackles.

Such rules...


"No wonder the ancients said that once you enter the palace gate, it is as deep as the sea. This place is obviously so spacious, but it makes me feel breathless."

"It's like following the palace."

Xiao Hong spoke in a low voice:

"Taoist Priest, does that person inside have something to do with my life experience?"

She's not stupid.

Blind Shao and the Taoist priest in front of him both said that he was extremely valuable, so how could there be no reason for them to come to such a heavily guarded place?


Fang Zheng nodded.

"Taoist Master."

The beautiful little red eyes flashed and said:

"Don't worry, if I were really a rich lady and inherited tens of millions...billions of dollars, I would definitely not forget you!"


Speaking of this, she couldn't help scratching her head:

"The Taoist priest seems not to be short of money."

Even with a fortune worth hundreds of millions, it doesn't seem to be as much as the other party.

"The strange phase of the moon is beyond words!"

Fang Zheng glanced at her. This girl was probably already planning in her mind how to squander the family property after inheriting it. He couldn't help but warn:

"People with this kind of appearance are often involved in killings and trampling on corpses. If they die in the middle, that's it. Otherwise, they will definitely kill every step of the way."

"It may not be a good thing for you."


Xiaohong raised her eyebrows:

"I am a weak woman, what trouble can I get into?"

She felt that Fang Zheng's words were a bit exaggerated. In this era, how could there be any killing? Not to mention stepping on corpses.

Fang Zheng shook his head.

A centipede with hundreds of legs cannot move as fast as a snake; a rooster with two wings cannot fly as fast as a crow; if a man has the ambition to reach the sky, he cannot achieve it without luck.

And luck,

Extremely magical.

Some people never find their destiny in life, but some people are destined to skyrocket one day in the future.

Even without him, Xiaohong would still know Shao Xiazi, find this place with Shao Xiazi's help, and still set foot on this road.

can only say……

Everything is fate, nothing is up to you.


His eyes narrowed.

If you have a perfect body, you can change your destiny. If you can become a real person or a martial artist, you may not be able to control your destiny.


While the two were silent, someone came over and bowed to Xiao Hong:

"My lord invites you."


Xiaohong stood up and shook hands nervously, her palms already covered with sweat.


open the door.

In the room, apart from the patient on the bed, only the beautiful woman was standing by, and all other nannies and doctors were missing.

Xiaohong's heartbeat quickened and she adjusted her clothes subconsciously, even regretting why she didn't dress up properly before coming.

If I dress so casually now, will it be looked down upon?


"?" Xiaohong was stunned for a moment, and then she realized that the other party was calling her, and nodded hurriedly:

"it's me."

"Where is your sister?" The man on the hospital bed took off his oxygen mask, revealing his pale cheeks full of wrinkles, looking at her with complicated eyes.

"My sister..." The corners of Xiao Hong's eyes twitched and she slowly lowered her head:


There was silence.

The patient closed his eyes, and two tears fell silently from the corners of his eyes. After a long time, he took a deep breath and said:

"I'll give you two options."

He struggled and raised a finger and said:

"I will give you 100 million today, plus a part of the shares of a certain company, and you can get tens of millions of dividends every year. You can live a very comfortable life in the future."


"You can never come here again, and don't tell anyone that it has anything to do with me. In the future, you must completely forget what happened today."

"I can guarantee that no one will give you any trouble!"

"Why?" Xiao Hong raised her head and looked surprised:

"What on earth do you have to do with me?"

Nowadays, with 100 million yuan and tens of millions of shares distributed every year, this is a big temptation for anyone.

What's more, she has been on the move for many years.

But Xiaohong's heart only moved for a moment, and she couldn't help but frown, and there were many doubts and depression in her heart.

"Second option."

The patient did not answer and continued:

"If you inherit everything from me, you will become extremely rich and have power that ordinary people cannot imagine. Your words and deeds can affect many people."


"There will be a lot of trouble for you too."

"You will become the focus of many people's eyes, and you will also attract many evil people. They will try their best to kill you!"

"You are just a little girl, your chances of survival are very slim."

There was silence.

a long time.

Xiaohong then spoke in a low voice:

"who are you?"

"You should be able to guess it." The patient looked at him with complicated eyes:

"I am your father!"

"Wang Qi from the Wang family!"

"Father?" Xiaohong's lips twitched slightly and she continued to ask:

"The Wang family must be very capable. Why are you like this? Why did you throw my sister and me out of the house back then?"

"It's a long story!"

Wang Qi lay on the bed, looking at the roof with dull eyes, and said slowly for a long time:

"When I was young, I did a lot of wrong things..."

His voice was slow and his expression was dazed, and time seemed to go back decades, back to when he was a child and in his prime.


"I have offended someone the Wang family cannot afford to offend!"

"In order to prevent you three from being attacked by him, I asked your mother to take you sisters and leave secretly and hide."

"As for me……"

He shook his head slightly and said:

"It turned into this!"

"So that's it." Xiaohong tensed up, lowered her head and smiled:

"Do you want to know what happened next?"

"What?" Wang Qi said.


Xiaohong's laughter was weird, even with a cry in her voice:

"My mother put us in an orphanage to keep us alive. Then she lured the pursuers away and died in a ditch."

"I was still young at that time and don't remember it, but my sister remembers it."

She shrugged and said:

"My sister watched my mother's body being dragged away with her own eyes, but she didn't dare to say a word or even go over to recognize her. She was only six years old at the time."

"And then……"

"My sister went crazy and committed suicide when I was six years old."


The equipment beside the hospital bed made a piercing scream. Wang Qi on the hospital bed was trembling and breathing heavily. The woman beside him hurriedly put on an oxygen mask.

"I will never forget the look on my sister's face when she died!"

Xiaohong raised her head, her eyes red:

"For her, death is liberation. Only in this way can she return to her mother's side, but she leaves me alone in this world."

"It's you!"

She looked at Wang Qi and said slowly:

"It was you who killed my mother!"

"You killed my sister!"


The instrument emitted a shrill chirp.


The woman looked gloomy and said angrily in a low voice:

"Stop talking!"

"Why can't I say it?" Xiao Hong raised her eyebrows and sneered:

"What he did, can't I say anything about it?"


The woman's voice became solemn:

"Do you know where this place is? You are not allowed to act wild!"

"Of course I know." Xiao Hong took a step forward and said slowly:

"This is my home!"

"I am the only daughter of the man on the hospital bed. Everything here after his death belongs to me, and you... are the outsider."

The woman's expression froze.

She looked at Xiaohong in disbelief.

In just a few moments, the little girl who was shy, fearful, and didn't know where to put her hands and feet suddenly turned into a crazy female leopard.

Not only his appearance, but also his body had a kind of unbridled vigor, and the sharpness in his eyes made the woman's heart tremble.

"As expected of my daughter."

Wang Qi’s voice was hoarse and he laughed strangely:

"If you want to be the master of this place, you have to take on my karma."

"I'm not interested in the cause and effect on you." Xiaohong said coldly:

"I just want to know, who killed my mother? Who killed my sister!"


"Damn it!"

As the sound fell, Xiaohong felt a sudden trance in her heart.

The strange appearance of the moon is indescribable. People with this kind of appearance are often involved in killings and trampling on corpses. If they die in the middle, that's it. Otherwise, they will definitely kill every step of the way.

turn out to be……

it is true!

so what?

Xiaohong's face condensed:

As long as I can avenge them, I'm willing to do anything!

"You are still young and cannot deal with him." Wang Qi shook his head:

"You are even more inexperienced. I'm afraid you haven't really seen blood yet, but it doesn't matter. I can still live for a while and I can teach you."


“Start with the simplest place.”

"Do you have an enemy?"

Xiaohong's heart moved.




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