Heavenly Master, I have a different world

Chapter 184 The Transformation of the Heavenly Snake

The bullet reaches one foot, and it is difficult to advance even an inch!

"Ha ha……"

Master Ji's face was flushed, the veins on his forehead were bulging, and his eyes were full of fanaticism. He stretched out his hands and looked up to the sky, laughing wildly:

"see it?"

"This is the power of the snake god. Ji is blessed by the snake god. How can it be hurt by you mortals?"

"You actually want to taint the great snake god?"

"court death!"

As soon as the sound fell, he waved his hand, and the surrounding snakes swarmed and rushed towards the crowd.


A large group of animals under the class Reptiles.

It is difficult for snakes of different species to survive together. Once they meet, they often have to fight to the death.


All kinds of poisonous and non-venomous snakes sprang out and ejected from the grass and branches, and pounced on the living people in the field, not killing each other at all.

All of a sudden.




There were screams.


"Bang bang!"

There are mercenaries shooting bullets wildly, but this method is useless against the endless snakes.

The bullets broke some of the snakes' bodies, and blood spattered, which made the snakes even more restless.


Scar leaned forward, holding a dagger and rushing toward the lame man.

He exploded very fast, like a shadow in the hazy night, and the dagger in his palm flashed a cold light in the air.


There was a crash.

Lame Ding staggered back, his face was pale, and a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

"how come?"

His face was filled with astonishment, and he looked at his right hand that couldn't stop shaking.

Just now, I still had the advantage of crushing him. Why did his opponent's speed and strength suddenly increase so much?


Gu Gu said solemnly:

"There's something wrong with him!"

Lame Ding also saw something was wrong.

At some point, the pupils of Scar's eyes turned into vertical pupils, and the hissing tongue in his mouth also grew strangely long.

It's just like……

A humanoid snake!

Those eyes were full of cruelty and animality, without any sense that a human should have.


Scar rushed over again, his feet on the ground, his body moving left and right, twisting like a snake's body.

The dazzling eyes are already approaching.

The dagger in his hand suddenly swung, and a cold light flashed across the field. Lame Ding groaned and was knocked away again.

His body hit the ground hard, and blood was choked from his mouth.

Scar took the opportunity to approach, and just as he was about to kill him, his snake eyes moved and his body suddenly retreated.


"Bang bang!"

Gu Gu didn't know when a pistol appeared in his hand, and he pulled the trigger toward Scar with a gloomy expression.

The bullet ejected from the barrel and hit Scar directly.

If the speed could be slowed down, it would be obvious that he fired five shots in a row, each shot aiming in a different direction.

The first shot forced Scar to retreat, the two shots in the middle measured the target's speed, and the last two shots completed the kill.


Scar leaned back and stumbled to the ground.


Lame Ding breathed a sigh of relief and struggled to get up from the ground:

"Ancient, thank you."

Gu Gu shook his head, his face still solemn. He was very confident in his shooting skills and was the first to notice something was wrong.

"He's not dead!"


Lame Ding was stunned.

The bullet hit the center of the mouth, how could he not be killed?


The scar on the ground slowly squirmed, and he raised his head with his hands on the ground. His scarlet eyes were just like Master Ji's.

And in his heart, where he was shot, blood soaked his clothes, and a bullet was squeezed out by the muscles.

not only that!

The muzzle of the gun recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.


Lame Ding's throat rolled, and he subconsciously took a step back, his eyes flinching.

The ancient method is exactly the opposite, step forward, pull the trigger again, and throw an object at the same time.


"Bang bang!"

The bullet actually landed on Scar, causing his body to tremble. He watched helplessly as something rolled down at his feet without being able to stop it.

That thing is...



A huge explosion sounded, shock waves swept across all directions, and countless venomous snakes were killed on the spot.

Even the chaos in the field was silenced.

When the gunpowder smoke cleared, there was a shallow man lying on the ground with bloody scars all over his body.

He's not dead yet!

With only half of his body left, Scar was squirming crazily on the ground, but it didn't help in the end.

"it works!"

Lame Ding was very observant and shouted hurriedly:

"His 'power' has its limits. If you break the limit, you will die. Let's attack Ji!"

To capture the thief, capture the king first.

Unless Master Ji is killed, the snakes in the field will not retreat, and no one will be able to escape if they continue to entangle.

The words fell.

The few people who still had the energy to pay attention to the audience turned their guns and shot at Master Ji in the middle of the altar.

Not just bullets, but grenades.



The explosions continued.

The edge of the altar.

Fang Zheng put his hands behind his back, ignoring the snakes climbing and ejecting around him, and looked at the situation indifferently.

There seemed to be an invisible barrier where he was, and the snakes passed by him without even realizing it.

"Tao... Taoist Master..."

Wen Xue's body tensed up and she stammered:

"Should we leave?"

"Aba...Aba..." The mute nodded in agreement, sweat dripping from his forehead, and his eyes were filled with fear.

They are just ordinary people, have they ever seen such a scene?

A group of people wielding forbidden weapons such as pistols and bombs bombed wildly, and countless venomous snakes crawled by their feet.

There are also two strange beings who are not dead.


Compared with the others, the 'savior' beside him was obviously more magical. His face was calm from beginning to end. When the snakes appeared, he took the two of them to the outside of the altar with a wave of his sleeves, while the others were behind bars. Didn't even notice it.

It was also because of this that the two of them could barely remain calm in this situation.

"Not urgent."

Fang Zheng moved his eyes upward and looked deep into the valley. He seemed to have noticed something and spoke slowly:

"hold on."

After the explosion, the smoke cleared.

Although Master Ji is still intact, his body is shaky and his face is pale. It is obviously not without cost.


Gunfire rang out again.

This time.

The bullet stopped only an inch away from Master Ji's body, causing him to take a step back.


Two mercenaries rushed over with guns. First, they kept holding the trigger to fire bullets. When they got closer, they drew out their daggers and stabbed them out.



Shadows intertwined.

Master Ji gasped desperately, his hands trembling and dropped to his side, and two more corpses appeared at his feet.

"Good work!"

Lame Ding's eyes shrink:

"I forgot that you also know Qigong!"

The name of a qigong master is naturally fake, but to be able to scare so many people, he must be somewhat genuine.

At least it can't be someone who has nothing to do.

Coupled with the blessing of the snake god, he suddenly took action and killed two experienced mercenaries.

"Go together!"

Someone shouted, and the rest got rid of the entanglement of the snakes and rushed towards Master Ji with the sound of gunshots.



"Go to hell!"

Several figures were fighting crazily on the altar.

The mercenaries are proficient in killing techniques, and Lame Ding and Gu Gu are even more hidden. Even if Master Ji possesses special powers, he is still suppressed.

Especially Gu would take out a piece of talisman paper from his body from time to time, cut his palm, smear blood on it and throw it out.

At this time.

Master Ji's expression would change drastically, and he would try his best to prevent others from getting close to him. It was obvious that the supernatural power in his body was affected.


Accompanied by a muffled sound.

Lame Ding used a sliding shovel to lift Master Ji, and the mercenary leader knocked his knee into Master Ji's temple.

at this time,

The ‘different power’ finally disappeared.

Master Ji spurted blood from his mouth and fell heavily to the ground.


A mercenary's face was filled with ecstasy. He quickly stepped forward, waved the dagger in his hand, and slashed towards Master Ji's throat.


A shadow flashed.

The figure of the mercenary suddenly disappeared.


Everyone was stunned.

what happened?

"Click... click..."

A strange sound rang out from above everyone's heads, and then something fell and rained on them.

Lame Ding stretched out his hand and touched it, his face was blank:


He slowly raised his head, his eyes widened with pulsing pupils, and his mouth opened, letting out a silent roar of terror.

But I saw a huge python that was as thick as two people hugging each other and was of unknown length hovering high in the sky.

Not that it can fly!

But most of the giant snake's body is in the forest, and just the head and neck that stick out are already higher than the trees.

What it was chewing in its mouth was the corpse of the mercenary.


The roar from Lame Ding's mouth finally came out.


The giant snake lowered its head and breathed gently downward.


The lame man was like an iron nail attracted by a magnet or a straw caught in a hurricane, thrown into the mouth of the giant snake without any resistance.


Along with the sound of chewing, blood spilled all over the sky again.

No matter how perceptive your mind is and how full of wit you are, it will be completely useless when faced with such existences that cannot be understood by common sense.

He died on the spot!


The mercenaries screamed.

The scene in front of them made them tremble with fear. Some raised their guns and shot wildly, and some ran wildly outside.

The same old legs were shaking, sweat was pouring from his forehead, and his teeth were chattering.


Something's wrong!

I am not even afraid of death. Why do I feel uncontrollable fear in my heart when facing this thing?

This fear...

Where did it come from?



The giant snake didn't pay attention to the confusion in Gu Gu's heart. It opened its mouth and sucked down suddenly, and then swept its body.

A huge and terrifying snake body rushed out of the mountain forest, sweeping forward like a wave rising from the water.

Wherever you go,

A group of mercenaries were crushed into pulp one after another.

As for the bullets…

This snake is not only huge in body, but also has incredibly stiff skin. Bullets cannot even penetrate the snake's skin.

"Ha ha……"

Master Ji, who was already in despair, laughed wildly when he saw this, propped up his body and knelt down on the altar, shouting with a fanaticism on his face:

"This is the power of God!"

"You stupid mortals who are trying to pry into the power of gods, do you now know the power of the snake god?"

"Anyone who blasphemes against God deserves to die!"

"They're all going to die!"

He looked crazy and roared again and again, but he never noticed that the giant snake's movements suddenly stopped and its eyes looked blank.

"Is this the snake god?"

A doubtful voice sounded:

"It's a little different from what I thought."


Master Ji suddenly turned around and looked in the direction from which the sound came.

They saw Fang Zheng, with his Taoist robes flying, walking towards Shi Shi with his hands behind his back, no sign of surprise on his face.


There was a strong wind in the field, and the giant snake opened its mouth wide and sucked down desperately. Countless rocks and trees rose up from the ground and threw them into its mouth.

No matter what,

Founder is like having roots under his feet. Even if the ground around him rises into the sky, his figure remains unmoved.


A dark shadow flashed.

The huge head of the giant snake was carried by the strong wind and smashed towards Fang Zheng.

The terrifying force pushed the air to the left and right, creating hurricanes out of thin air and blowing down big trees.


Fang Zheng raised his hand, stretched out his fingers, and collided with the giant snake's head.


The wind blew violently at the contact point, and the ground beneath his feet suddenly shook, and cracks spread like spider webs.


Fang Zheng groaned and his face darkened:

"What a beast, he has quite a lot of strength!"

The vowel thunder method he practiced was the best at tempering the physical body, with amazing explosive power, and he also possessed many secret skills.

Even so, he almost couldn't bear it.


Before he finished speaking, thunder suddenly erupted in his palm, and countless rays of lightning appeared out of thin air, enveloping the giant snake.

Five Thunder Hands!


The giant snake roared into the sky with a strange sound.

However, although the power of thunder is strong, it only touches the surface of the snake's skin, and it cannot kill it even if it wants to.

It can only sting giant snakes.

This snake had lived for who knows how many years and had never experienced such pain before, and it suddenly became extremely ferocious.


There was a strong wind in the field, and the giant snake's body hidden in the forest was finally revealed.

This snake,

It is impressively more than twenty feet long!

Even though Fang Zheng was well-informed, his heart could not help but beat wildly.

Such a terrifying giant snake is rarely seen even in monster movies. What's even more terrifying is that its snake skin can withstand bullets, making it comparable to a flawless martial artist. If you want to kill this kind of monster, you may have to use bombs to wash the ground. possible.


The giant snake is circling, in circles and layers, like some kind of mosquito coils, wrapping the Founder in the core.

Then his body shrank.

The snake's body tightened.


Fang Zheng stood up from the ground to avoid it, and in mid-air he saw the huge snake head hitting him at an alarming speed.

"Zi la..."

He stretched out his hands, and groups of thunderballs appeared out of thin air. The lightning flashed and turned into thunder blades.


Thunder-killing sword technique!


The thunder knife collided with the snake's head, and the thunder collapsed. The giant snake couldn't help roaring into the sky, and the top of its head was scorched black.

at the same time.

The snake's tail took the opportunity to attack, and the coiled snake's body twisted and twisted in an orderly manner, forcing Fang Zheng back to the ground again.


Fang Zheng shouted softly after landing, waving his hands, and eighteen thunder blades flew out of his palms.



The snake bodies that crowded in from all directions were repulsed by them.


After the blow, Fang Zheng stopped and patted his hands:

"What a coiling snake formation, but you are the poor one in the poor community. You must be a bit smart, you beast, right?"

The giant snake seemed to be simply lying down, but in fact it evolved a formation with its body, trapping him in it.

The snake's head, tail, and body can be used to launch attacks. It can be said to be both offensive and defensive.

Being able to transform one's body into an array is definitely not something that a beast without intelligence can do.


This snake has another mystery.

Its huge snake body releases a terrifying coercion outward all the time, creating mental pressure on people.

Ordinary people,

Even the ancient and determined people would involuntarily feel panic in their hearts when the giant snake approached.

This pressure will become greater and greater as time goes by and the force is pulled closer, eventually distorting the person's consciousness.


Either he collapses and dies, or he becomes a puppet like Master Ji and Scar who believe in the snake god.


The giant snake spit out the message and hissed.

It does have a certain amount of wisdom, so it manipulates Master Ji and others to send sacrifices.

He was the first to notice Fang Zheng's presence and instinctively knew that 'this man' was dangerous.


Fang Zheng nodded and said:

"Since you are smart, we don't need to fight to the death. We might as well sit down and talk."

The giant snake's eyes flashed, its head lowered slightly, and hissed in its mouth, as if it was saying something.

"I don't want gold, silver or jewelry."

Fang Zheng shook his head. He could actually understand the meaning of the giant snake and said slowly:

"I have no intention of being your enemy when I come here. I just want to take a look at the records left by the original snake god."

"..." The giant snake shook its body and spit out snake messages.

"I believe in you, so I can go over and take a look?" Fang Zheng frowned when he heard this:

"I'm sorry, I don't believe in God, and..., you are just bigger, and you are not a true god."


Before he finished speaking, the giant snake's head had already pushed away the air and crashed in again, while its body was circling and squeezing from all directions.

Coiling snake formation, go all out.

Although the giant snake has intelligence, it is more animalistic after all. Once rejected, it immediately takes action without even thinking of bargaining.

Watch it from a distance.

The giant snake's huge body is like a wildly rotating compass. The snake's body bounces from time to time and turns to the figure inside.

When the speed reaches a certain level, you can only see shadows hovering in the field, and cannot see the details inside.

Only hurricanes shot out from it.

"What a beast!"

Fang Zheng clenched his teeth, and the true energy in his body surged, and countless thunder and sword lights burst out from his palms.

at the same time,

One pat on the waist and five ghost pockets.



Five streaks of black smoke emerged from the five ghost pockets, and turned into five fierce ghosts in the air. They let out ghost screams and pounced on the giant snake.

In the past few years, the five ghosts have been nourished by the Yin Soul Pearl and have reached the stage where Yuan Yin has taken shape, and they are not afraid of sunlight to a certain extent.

The next step is to allow the evil spirit to enter the body. At that time, even the protective force of the Wuluo martial artist will be difficult to block.

Now the five ghosts are circling, their claws are clasping towards the giant snake, and they are swallowing the essence and blood directly, ignoring the barrier of the snake skin.

The skin and flesh of the giant snake melted as the ghost claws probed.

at the same time.

Fang Zheng waved his sleeves, and a piece of spiritual talisman flew out of the Qiankun bag. The talisman paper triggered a sudden surge of wind, rain, thunder and lightning.

The coiled snake formation that was compressed in front of him was also forcefully pushed away.


Seeing this scene, the giant snake vomited snake information in its mouth, its eyes turned scarlet, and a layer of colorful smoke appeared on its body.

The five ghosts were still devouring the essence and blood. When the ghost claws touched the haze, the ghost energy was melted away like burning.

The talisman inspired by Fang Zheng was also destroyed by the haze.


Even the protective energy around him was easily corroded, and the true energy in his body was consumed at an alarming rate.


Moreover, it is a strange poison that can corrode even gang energy and ghost mist!

Fang's expression changed, and he couldn't help but feel cruel. He made a hand gesture with his five fingers and pointed at the retreating Five Ghosts.



The five ghosts looked up to the sky and roared. Although they were unwilling to do so, they were restrained by others and had to pounce on the giant snake again.

Regardless of the poisonous smoke corroding the ghost's body, he crazily devoured the giant snake's essence.

"Golden rope!"


Fang Zheng curled his fingers to seal the secret, and several golden threads appeared out of thin air, quickly wrapping around the upper body of the giant snake, and then pulled it inwards.

The gold-binding rope was originally a high-quality magic weapon, and it could easily bind the five ghosts before he could achieve the perfection of leakage.


His cultivation was much stronger than that of Qian Fusong, and he was able to temporarily trap the giant snake in front of him.

Then another black light flew out and took the opportunity to turn towards the giant snake's head.

Down and out pile!


The fallen pile was not big, and even more inconspicuous compared to the huge snake head, but this turn made the giant snake's body stiff as if it had lost its soul.


Fang Zheng's eyes lit up, and his hair roared into the air. Thunder light crisscrossed his body, turning into a thunder knife and slashing straight into the neck of the giant snake.



"hold head high!"

The giant snake roared in pain. In an instant, the snake's body rolled, the earth cracked, trees fell, and boulders rolled.

Smoke and dust filled the air.

I do not know how long it has been.

A breeze blew by, and the smoke and dust in the field gradually dissipated, revealing a giant headless snake lying softly on the ground.

Fangzheng was sitting cross-legged, looking slightly pale, closing his eyes and regulating his breath. There were five ghosts hovering around him to protect him.

Wen Xue and Dumb, who were hiding in the forest, looked at each other and saw the confusion and fear in each other's eyes.

What just happened?

Taoists who control thunder, terrifying man-eating monsters, ghosts, poisonous smoke, golden threads, flying sky...

these things……

Is it really what modern society should have?


The mute's throat turned, and he walked out of the forest first, cautiously approaching Fang Zheng, who was adjusting his breath with his eyes closed.


"I'm fine."

Fang Zheng closed his eyes tightly and did not open his mouth, but his voice came clearly:

"The flesh and blood of this snake is a great tonic for you. Eat some while it's hot. It's good for you."

"The later it is, the worse the effect will be."


The mute's eyes lit up, and the many martial arts novels he had read came to mind one by one, and he immediately rushed towards the snake corpse.

He dove into the pool of blood, picked up a piece of snake meat and swallowed it in his mouth, not caring that his body was soaked in snake blood.


The corner of Wen Xue's mouth twitched, and there was some struggle in his eyes, but he still walked over and squatted down to taste it.


"This snake meat is quite delicious and melts in your mouth."

"Aba...Aba..." The mute nodded repeatedly, and his whole body got under the snake's skin.

Fang Zheng opened his eyes, glanced at the two of them, and then with a swipe of his finger, a ray of sword light cut open a part of the snake corpse.

At the same time, with one move with one hand, something the size of a fist fell from the snake corpse into his hand.

Snake gall!

This product contains the essence of the giant snake, which is a great tonic.

And unlike the common snake gallbladder, this snake gallbladder is crystal clear and looks like a piece of jelly.

After weighing the snake gall, Fang Zheng opened his mouth and sucked it in, and all the snake gall fell into his mouth like liquid.

Immediately afterwards.

A warm air flowed from his abdomen and emerged from his limbs.


Fang Zheng silently performed the exercises and began to refine the snake gallbladder essence, and the true energy in his body increased at a speed visible to the naked eye.


The barrier of the eighth level of the Vowel Thunder Law has quietly loosened.




The body of the giant snake is dozens of meters long, and the accumulation of essence in its body is terrifying, far exceeding that of Fang Zheng.


Even a martial arts master may not be able to compare.


It doesn't know how to use it, and even the Coiled Snake Formation mostly relies on instinct, unable to exert even 10% of its strength.

on the contrary.

Fang Zheng has magical weapons and vowel thunder techniques, and he also knows the five thunder hands and thunder-killing sword techniques, which can double his strength.

One waxes and wanes, and finally the giant snake is killed.

The only trouble is the poisonous smoke secreted by the giant snake. That poisonous smoke is simply the nemesis of everything.

Even ghosts can be corrupted.

Upon contact, the true energy in the body was depleted at an alarming rate.

Without a quick battle, the outcome is still uncertain.

"Hold your breath and concentrate, feel the flow of qi and blood in your body, don't panic, don't be hasty, take this step slowly."

“Only by doing this step well can we lay a solid foundation.”

Fang Zheng walked around the ruins with his hands behind his back, looking at Wen Xue and Dumb who were doing the three-body pose from time to time.

"You have taken the flesh and blood of the giant snake. It is not an exaggeration to say that you are a treasure of heaven and earth. As long as you get started, you will be a first-blood warrior."

"In a short period of time, you can become a second-blood or even a third-blood..."

“This is an opportunity that many people can’t ask for.”


Wen Xue opened her eyes, her eyes twitching:

"Can we also become masters like you?"

"Don't call me master." Fang Zheng said slowly:

"We are destined, and I can't bear to see you wasting this opportunity, so I taught you some techniques."

"As for becoming a poor Taoist..."

"Maybe the mute can, but you can't."

They both came from bad backgrounds, but they have completely different personalities. The mute is tough-minded and will not admit defeat even if his tongue is cut out.

Maybe because Wen Xue was a girl, she was a little pampered at home and couldn't bear the hardship when practicing martial arts.

Until now, I have never started learning the three-body pose.


Hearing this, Wen Xue was not annoyed and said with a smile:

"You also said that we are destined to be masters and apprentices. You saved both of us and taught us martial arts. You are our master."


The mute nodded heavily, knelt down and kowtowed repeatedly.

"Get up."

Fang Zheng waved his hand, and an invisible force lifted him up and said slowly:

"If you really want to worship me as your teacher, just practice hard. It's hard to achieve anything if you have a distracted mind. It will be embarrassing if you go out."

As he spoke, he stepped to the side of the snake corpse with a thoughtful look on his face.

Very strange!

After the giant snake died, the snake's body fell to the ground. For some reason, the essence and blood in its body were lost at an alarming rate.

It has only been two days, and the flesh and blood are almost useless. It can only fill the stomach but cannot provide essence.

Even the snake skin has become soft.

But that snake tendon...

Relatively intact.


Fang Zheng used one move with one hand to pull out the snake tendons from the snake corpse and put it into the Qiankun bag.

No matter how thin the snake tendons are, which are dozens of meters long, they are still a big ball. The Qiankun Bag is so small but it can fit them all in.

This scene also made Wen Xue and Dumb look surprised.

Storage bags?

The master is indeed a living god, otherwise, how could he have such a legendary thing on his body?

Fang Zheng didn't know what they were thinking, so he turned around and said:

"You guys practice well, I'll go inside and take a look."


Go deeper into the valley.

There was a snake corpse, and the remaining aura on its body frightened the snakes in the valley. No snake, insect, rat, or ant dared to approach the two of them.

There is no need to worry about their safety.


Deep in the valley.

Fangzheng landed lightly on the ground.

His eyes turned and then he looked towards a cave covered by vines.

A wave of his hand.

The vines shattered, revealing the hole.

There was even more turbid air coming out of the cave.

He waited for a moment to confirm that all the atmosphere in the cave had changed before he stepped inside.

The passage is full of iron tools.

Sometimes it is mixed with some jade, silverware, and even gold.

These things were obviously left by people who broke into the valley, or were sacrifices offered by believers.

The further you go, the more valuable things you find.

Iron tools are now rare.

There are more and more jade, gold and silver.

There's even china!

Fang Zheng rubbed his eyes and used his qi-gazing technique to sweep away the objects. Many of the things in the field were hundreds of years old.


Porcelain also needs to be maintained, even if it was the best at the time, it has become decayed after so many years of weathering.

The ironware is covered with rust.

Only gold and silver remain valuable.


At the end of the passage, there is a huge platform with an area of ​​more than 200 square meters. All kinds of valuable things are piled on the platform.

Some of them are still very new and appear to be from the past few years.

Watches and mobile phones are also included.


After wading through the "objects" on the ground, he walked out of a passage among the gold and jade worth countless billions.

Fang Zheng finally came to a huge stone tablet.

In the center of the stele,

Carved with a giant snake.

The shape of the giant snake is very similar to the giant snake outside, but it has a little more complicated lines on the surface.

Snake god!

In addition to the giant snake, there are many ghost inscriptions on the stone tablet, and the ghost inscriptions record a skill.

"Sky Serpent Transformation!"

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