The nine transformations of the Heavenly Snake, its emergence and ascension!

After cultivating to the state of perfection, one claims to be immortal. Of course, there is a big question mark as to whether it is true or not.

The first hundred words of this book are neither a martial arts outline nor a secret of practice, but an explanation of the greatness of the snake god.

This is not unreasonable.


Fang Zheng narrowed his eyes:

"To practice the Heavenly Snake Transformation, you must first believe in the snake god. Otherwise, you will get twice the result with half the effort, and even if you succeed, it will have little power."

"What's the point?"

He was a monk from Yeluzi, and he was exposed to a lot of martial arts and techniques, not to mention the inheritance of Jiuyuanzi.

Even so, I have never seen the Heavenly Snake transform into something like this.

Humans are different from snakes. Humans have hundreds of limbs and eight meridians, while snakes only have a body and one meridian.

The heavenly snake changes,

It means that people can cultivate a meridian similar to a snake in the body and abandon other meridians.

When the cultivation is completed, the mind of the snake god enters the body.

The more thoughts you receive, the deeper your skill will be, and you can go all the way to the realm of real people and martial arts masters.

Moreover, ordinary people often encounter obstacles in their spiritual practice and stop moving forward.

The Heavenly Serpent transformation is different.

To practice this skill, as long as you enter the door, then you only need to be pious to the snake god, and you will have no obstacles.


You can become a real person and a martial artist in twenty or thirty years.


"Even if you succeed in attracting the snake god's thoughts, you may end up making wedding clothes for others."


Fangzheng's eyes moved slightly:

"Jin Shugui is a saint from the Hehuan Sect, but the method she practices is not good at killing. Instead, she cultivates a certain kind of special physique. According to Qing Huan, she cultivates herself into a furnace. Could it be that she practices a similar method?"

Use human beings as a cauldron to bring the spirit into the body.

With the infusion of the great power of the gods, the path of cultivation is naturally smooth and can lead directly to the real state.


In the end, I am afraid that I will inevitably be taken over by the gods!

"No wonder!"

Fang Zheng touched his chin, thoughtfully:

"The physical body required by the gods is completely different from the human body, and the methods he practices cannot be practiced by humans."

"Only those who can practice magic that directly act on the soul can practice it."

"Divine magic is both the magic of gods and the art of the soul."

"I see!"

Many doubts were solved instantly.

There are also many magic methods behind the stone tablet, including the coiled snake formation used by the giant snake and the strange poisonous smoke.


These techniques all require cultivating the Heavenly Serpent Transformation before they can be used. Ordinary people with eight extraordinary meridians do not meet the requirements.

After looking through the stone tablets, there is only one art of raising and expelling snakes that ordinary people can practice.

Master Ji,

It must be that I learned a little bit from this method and received the blessing of the 'Snake God', so I gained the ability to control snakes.

The snake god's blessing is obviously only useful in this valley.

Although many methods are magical, they can only add some experience and insights to him and are of no other use.

Standing in front of the stone tablet, Fang Zheng held it in vain with one hand.

As he clasped his five fingers inward, a whirlwind suddenly emerged around him, and traces of arcs of electricity emerged from the edge of his fist.


punch out,

Thunder exploded in the field.


The stone tablet, which was several people tall, shattered into pieces, and countless scattered stones fell to the ground. The ghost writing on the surface was also wiped away by the force of the fist.

The Heavenly Snake has become so weird, it is better not to stay, in case someone cracks the ghost text and tries to practice...

Although judging from the current understanding of the situation, the snake god should have died at the hands of the heavenly master, and it is impossible to send down his mind to resurrect him, but what if there is still a remnant soul left?

There are some hidden dangers after all.

It's better to be completely destroyed.

Thanks to the refining of the giant snake's gallbladder, Fang Zheng has now entered the eighth level of the Vowel Thunder Method, his cultivation has further improved, and his fist strength has become more powerful.

The rocks several people high were smashed into pieces with one punch in front of him.


He planned to leave here, but something revealed after the stone tablet broke into pieces made Fang Zheng stop and take a closer look.

But I saw a fragment of a weapon stuck in the place where the stone tablet was erected.

The fragments shone with a cold light and exuded a fierce aura. Even Fang Zheng did not dare to approach easily.


The heavenly compass in the depths of the sea of ​​​​consciousness rotates crazily, and there is a warning sign.

What's this?

After thinking about it, Fang Zheng took a step back, waved his sleeves lightly, and controlled a stone not far away to throw towards the fragments.


The stone skimmed over the fragments and split into two, the crack as smooth as a mirror.

"Array eye?"

Fang Zheng touched his chin, thoughtfully.

The valley here is different from the outside world, and its root actually comes from the fragments of this weapon. Just now when the stone came into contact with the fragments, he could detect a slight change in the aura of the earth veins here.

As expected,

This fragment should be something left behind by the first-generation Heavenly Master who crossed the line to kill the snake god. It can kill gods, so it is dangerous for him.

"That's it!"

Shaking his head, Fang Zheng did not forcefully collect the fragments, but chose to leave temporarily.

After all, it is the object of the first-generation Celestial Master. Even if it is just a fragment, you must be cautious. It is not too late to wait until it becomes a real person.

There is no need to rush.


After leaving the cave full of treasures, they called Wen Xue and Dumb, and the three of them walked out of the valley along the way they came.

The search for the ruins has come to an end.

Although I still don't understand.


Where did the giant snake come from?

Who erected the stone tablet in the cave?

Why have the snakes here never gone out for thousands of years?

But these don't matter to Fang Zheng, as long as he knows the clues to the snake god here, it is enough.

This trip is dangerous.

Except for the three people, no one in the group was spared. Even the hidden ancient was crushed to death by the giant snake's body.

Master Ji's body was shattered by the aftermath of the Thunder Blade Gang.


Wen Xue followed Fang Zheng step by step and asked in a low voice:

"Where is our Taoist temple?"

"If someone asks me and Tang Yin, how would we introduce ourselves? Do we have a sect?"

The mute nodded repeatedly.

The two of them have decided to become disciples.

The person in front of me is a real land god, a legendary figure. If you miss it, you will regret it.

While we still have some friendship now, we must first settle on our names.

"Tianshi Dao." Fang Zheng sighed and said:

"Currently, I am the only one in Tianshi Dao. You can go to Qushi to find me. There is a Tianshi Temple there..."


In the middle of his words, he paused and looked up at the sky:

"do not move!"

When the two of them obeyed and stopped, they saw several black shadows flying from high in the sky and plunging into the vicinity of the three of them.

The next moment.


The shell of the thing that fell on the ground exploded, and thick smoke poured out from it, filling the surrounding area in an instant.


Wen Xue waved her hands desperately:

"so spicy!"


The mute nodded repeatedly, and even if he closed his eyes, tears flowed from his eyes because of the pungent smell.

Just when the two of them could no longer hold on, their feet suddenly became empty, and by the time they were on the ground again, they had already changed places.

Fang Zheng used his body skills to jump more than ten feet, dashed out of the thick smoke, and landed on a rock.

Look back.

The several acres of land behind were almost completely covered by thick smoke, making it impossible to see even one's fingers.


Wen Xue raised her head, and when she was about to say something, she suddenly felt dizzy and fell to the ground.

So is the mute.


Fang's expression changed, and he immediately realized something was wrong.

It was obviously not an ordinary poisonous smoke that could make people faint in just a few breaths, but he didn't react.

Vowel thunder method does not have strong poison resistance.


Not without reaction.

The moment the poisonous smoke entered his body, he also noticed something strange, but it disappeared in an instant.

It's snake gall!

Fang Zheng's eyes lit up.

No wonder I felt that my body had undergone some changes when I was refining snake gallbladder. It turned out that I had increased poison resistance.


At this time, I am invulnerable to all poisons.

Otherwise, the giant snake is so huge, and its essence is more terrifying than a martial arts master. After refining the inner tank, it is only enough to use the vowel thunder method to break through the eighth level. It is really unreasonable.

"Put your hands up!"

While he was pondering, a shout came from the forest.

A dozen soldiers wearing gas masks and holding guns rushed out of the forest and surrounded him.


Fang's expression remained unchanged, he raised one hand in front of him and gave a gentle salute:


Seeing these people, he put down his worries. The poisonous smoke acted quickly but should not be fatal.

These people want to catch them alive.

"Fang Zheng!" someone shouted:

"We have received news that you committed a heinous crime of killing people and selling goods, and now we are ordered to arrest you and bring you to justice."

"If you dare to resist, we can kill you on the spot!"

"Oh." Fang Zheng raised his eyebrows:

"Who gave the order?"

"You don't have to worry about this." The other party shouted:

"Hold your head with your hands and squat down, don't move."

"Ha..." Fang Zheng chuckled and shook his head:

"Pindao will not follow you."


His answer drew a bullet.

The shooter did not aim at the vital point, but went straight to Fang Zheng's thigh, also using a pistol.

Intended to be a warning.

The next moment.

The scene in front of them made all the soldiers freeze on the spot.

Fang Zheng lowered his head, looked at the bullet that stopped two feet in front of him, stretched out his hand and pinched it gently.

Then slowly let go.


The bullet landed on the rocks and made a crisp collision sound.


Under the gas mask, the soldier captain’s eyes widened and he shouted at the top of his lungs:


"Leave no one alive!"

Before he finished speaking, someone had already pulled the trigger, and the barrels of more than a dozen firearms were spitting out flames.

Many bullets scraped the air and shot towards Fang Zheng's location.



A layer of invisible force that is difficult to discern with the naked eye covers all of Fangzheng, and a two-foot area is a restricted area.

No matter how hard they fired, it was useless.

When the Vowel Thunder Technique reaches the seventh level, it can ignore most firearms, and now its defense power has almost doubled.

Unless you have a sniper rifle...


Fang Zheng's heart moved, and he suddenly turned his head, and then the trunk of a big tree behind him broke into pieces.

There are actually snipers!


With a slight snort, he disappeared in a flash and appeared again among the crowd.

Five Thunder Hands!



Stretching his hands, arcs of electricity danced in his palms, and then turned into a giant thunder net that enveloped everyone.



A group of people's bodies were shaken by the electricity, and they fell to the ground shivering, foaming at the mouth inside their gas masks.

With such an injury, there is no hope of recovery in a short time.


Fang Zheng dodged again, heading towards the sniper.

His movement was fast, his figure shuttled through the forest like a bolt of lightning, and he had jumped to the top of the mountain in a matter of seconds.

There are no snipers here, just a remote-controlled bomb at the ready.


Fangzheng was speechless and held his forehead.


The loud noise resounded in all directions, the fire shot straight for more than ten meters, rocks flew, and the core of the explosion was in chaos.

It wasn't until a mountain wind blew that we could see clearly what was going on in the field.


Fang Zheng covered his mouth and coughed lightly, waving his sleeves to disperse the smoke and dust, revealing a slightly embarrassed figure standing in the middle of the rubble.


Inside a tent at a campsite.

Several soldiers stared at the real-time footage transmitted back by the drone, their expressions blank, and it took a long time for them to come to their senses.

"How can this be?"

Someone muttered:

"The bomb can't kill him, so he's still not a human being?"

"No wonder the higher-ups are so cautious. Even the battalion headquarters was mobilized to deal with one person. I thought it was a joke, but I didn't expect that we were dealing with such a monster." Another person looked solemn, picked up the pager and shouted solemnly:

"008, proceed as planned, don't show mercy just because the target is one person."

"008 Got it!"

A helicopter hovering in the sky lowered its height, two machine guns appeared from below, and fired towards the target.

at the same time.

Several shells were fired from the camp.

The speed of this kind of projectile exceeds the speed of sound, and it often hits the target before the sound is heard.

And cannonballs,

More than one batch!


As the flames burst out, the cannonballs were fired one after another.

Mountain ruins.

Fang Zheng stood in the middle, looking up at the helicopter approaching this way, his face calm.

"Modern weapons..."

"If you meet a martial artist from another world and come into contact with him under unknown circumstances, you will definitely suffer a big loss."


He sighed softly and slowly raised his hand.

Five Thunder Hands!


A dazzling lightning burst from his palm, turning into a ball of thunder and flying forward, and then the thunder ball expanded.


A shield opened more than twenty feet in front of him.

Groups of thunderballs kept flying out, and the thunder shield opened up layer by layer until he was firmly protected.


The machine gun bullets penetrated layers of shields, but their kinetic energy was destroyed and they flew around in disorder. Even if some bullets luckily landed on Fang Zheng, they would not be able to break through the protective force outside his body.


The cannonball followed closely behind and plunged into the thunder shield.

The ammunition was activated and exploded in the air.



The incoming artillery shells exploded one after another, the flames gathered into a mushroom cloud, and wisps of white smoke hung down all around.

tens of meters,

Still within the explosion range.


Fang Zheng was surrounded by the flames, his expression calm, and his protective aura firmly protecting his body.

With his current level of cultivation, as long as he is not in the core of the explosion, even missiles will not kill him.

For a while.

But seeing the fire on the top of the mountain soaring into the sky, and the explosions happening one after another, it was like fireworks blooming one after another.

There were even helicopters hovering in the sky, firing bullets downwards wildly.


Fang Zheng stepped lightly and lifted up a piece of gravel with his toes. The gravel shot toward the helicopter like a shell.


The glass in front of the helicopter shattered, the propellers swayed, and it lost control and fell toward the mountains and forests below.

at the same time.

Fang Zheng's figure also appeared in the mountain forest, following the perception in his mind, he went straight to the camp.

"He's not dead!"

"Coming this way!"


"Everyone prepare!"


There was a lot of noise in the camp, and the soldiers were busy and unhurriedly taking their positions, turning the barrels and aiming their guns into the distance.

murderous intent,

Let the surroundings be quiet, even the chirping of insects and birds will be silent for a while.


The trees swayed in the distance, getting closer and closer.



The tank reacted first, the barrel trembled suddenly, and the shell went straight to the target with a stream of white smoke.


The shell exploded, and a figure rushed out.

Come on,

It seems to be able to withstand shells without getting hurt!



A roar sounded.

All of a sudden.

Various artillery shells and bullets swarmed out, forming a wave and sweeping towards the direction of the visitor.

Many offensives cover one side and strike in all directions.

Mind - the universe is uncertain!

Fangzheng's body rushed forward, his hands danced in disorder, and his violent energy tore a passage in the forward attack.

His figure flashed into the camp.

Mind - Five Thunders!

The electric light was like a spider web with Fang Zheng's body as the core, expanding in all directions, blocking all attacks.

All of a sudden.

Shells exploded and bullets flew.

In the chaos, a figure rushed through the heavy smoke, jumped high and landed heavily with thunder in hand.


Electric light spread across the surface, rushing towards several nearby soldiers at a speed that was difficult to discern with the naked eye.


The soldier's body twitched and he stumbled to the ground.

Fang Zheng transformed into a bolt of lightning, moving back and forth in the camp, swaying the lightning in his hands.

Everywhere they passed, soldiers fell to the ground.

Even though he was inside the tank, he was still unable to resist the penetration of electric light, which caused him to foam at the mouth when he was hit by the electric current.

His speed is too fast for others to keep up, and they are often hit before they can turn their guns.

Even if there were occasional hits from the frenzied shooting, they would not be able to break through the protective force and they would be rushed forward.

Although there were many soldiers in the camp, the situation was one-sided.


"Everyone spread out!"

The battalion commander held a pager in his hand and roared loudly. Before he could finish his words, his location was covered by the power grid.

This situation was beyond the soldiers' imagination.

The remaining people had no intention of fighting anymore and drove backwards one after another. Those who could still move even ran wildly.

This kind of monster...

how to spell?

A battalion of soldiers, fully equipped with firearms, was actually being chased and beaten by one man.


Fang Zheng's feet suddenly froze, he stopped his pursuit, and looked back at the top of the mountain from where he came.



"Let's go!"

Before the poisonous smoke cleared, another group of soldiers appeared on the scene.

They have a clear division of labor. Some are responsible for rescuing people, while others are responsible for controlling Wen Xue who wants to resist.

The helicopter hovered in the sky, lowered the ladder frame, and quickly sent people up. Everything was going on in an orderly manner.


The team leader waved his hand:

"Helicopter team one, rescue team one, the rest follow me, take...this mute with me."

"Let's go!"

They could clearly see the situation just now through the binoculars, and the unwilling roar from the camp came through the pager.

The goal this time cannot be explained by common sense at all. Everyone tightened their heart strings and accelerated the movements of their hands, not daring to relax at all.


The mute was still about to struggle, when he saw a gun barrel pointed at him.


"Don't force us to take action. They just say to try to keep people alive. It's no problem if they are really dead."

The captain snorted coldly:

"So, be honest with me!"

The mute shut up when he heard this, and squatted down with his head in his hands, letting the other party put on the shackles and pull him away.

A good man does not suffer immediate losses.

As long as the master is fine, he will definitely come back to save people, so it doesn't matter if he suffers a little temporary grievance.


At this time, a voice came from the pager:

"The target is retreating. The target is retreating. The direction is area one. The Langya team is careful. The target may have gone back."

The mute's eyes lit up.


The captain's expression changed drastically, he quickly stepped forward and held the mute behind him, who had lost all resistance, and ran wildly.

"Let's go!"

The group of people didn't care about anything else and rushed out of the dense forest at high speed. There were off-road vehicles waiting on the mountain road outside.



"hurry up!"


The driver stepped on the accelerator, the four wheels of the off-road vehicle turned wildly, and it suddenly drove away from the place and rushed towards the road.

The mountain road is rugged, but the driver's driving skills are impressive enough, and such a heavy vehicle can feel graceful from time to time.


Within a moment, the vehicle rushed onto a relatively wide road, and the expressions of the people in the vehicle relaxed slightly.

As long as he can get on the highway and join the traffic flow, even if the person comes back, he probably won't be found...


The driver's face turned pale:

"he came."

Ahead, a figure crossed dozens of meters of mountains and landed lightly in the middle of the road, blocking the way.

Very strange.

The human body method is extremely light, like the breeze blowing on the face, but the speed is astonishingly fast, like thunder and lightning.

Between fast and slow, it's very natural.

"Crash into it!"

The captain gritted his teeth and roared loudly:

"Speed ​​up, don't stop."


The driver stepped on the accelerator, the speed of the off-road vehicle was increased to the extreme, and it slammed into the figure in the middle of the road.

Seeing this, Fang Zheng shook his head slightly and stretched out one hand towards the vehicle.


Several people in the car suddenly trembled, and then they felt like the world was spinning.

However, the entire off-road vehicle was lifted up and then fell heavily to the ground. The wheels spun and hit the road guardrail.

Fang Zheng walked to the car and reached out to open the door.

A gun barrel protruded from it.


"Bang bang!"

The bullets were flying, the flames from the barrel were so close, and the bullets were coming like a torrential rain.

No matter what.

The invisible strength firmly guarded Fang Zheng's physical body, and the bullet could only come within three inches of his body before falling.

"Why bother..."

Fang Zheng shook his head, waved his hand, and an invisible force wrapped up several firearms in front of him and threw them behind him.

Then he stepped into the car under the astonished eyes of others.

"Let's go!"

Fang Zheng patted the seat:

"Where are you going?"

There was silence in the car.

The off-road vehicle compartment has been modified without second or third rows, and is somewhat similar to the seats on the subway.

In addition to the mute, the driver, and three soldiers in camouflage uniforms.

The captain's face tightened and he said in a muffled voice:

"Fang Zheng, I know you are very powerful, but you can't fight against the country, so you should just let it go!"

"Captured without mercy?" Fang Zheng asked slowly:

"Do you know what crime Pindao committed?"

The captain opened his mouth. He only knew how to obey orders, but he really didn't know why.

"I don't know?"

Fang Zheng shook his head and looked at the young soldier opposite:

"Little brother, who asked you to catch me?"

"Captain Huang." The young soldier spoke subconsciously.

"Shut up." The captain was furious.

"Where are you going?" Fang Zheng continued to ask.

"Second Artillery Military Region." The young man spoke, and then lost control and shouted:

"Captain, it's not my place to answer. I...I can't control myself. This man knows magic!"

"It's not a magic method." Fang Zheng said:

"It's Taoism."

"never mind!"

He could see that the people in front of him were just soldiers carrying out orders, and it was impossible to ask anything.

When he turned his hand over, a mobile phone appeared out of thin air.

Several people in the car were already familiar with his magic. Only the driver looked nervous and asked:

"Then I..."

"Are you leaving yet?"

"Let's go." Fangzheng swiped the screen of his phone and said slowly:

"Go to the nearest city."


The driver nodded, glanced at the silent captain, sighed helplessly, and turned the steering wheel.

Now that we are controlled by others, there is no point in resisting. Anyway, the car has the coordinates and the camp can monitor it at any time.

Just do what the other person says first.

inside the carriage.

Fang Zheng dialed the cell phone.

This phone number has been called countless times in the past few days. As the leader, I have indeed neglected my duty.


Wen Lei's voice was serious. She was used to being unable to contact Fang Zheng, so she said directly after getting through:

"Someone is investigating Fangtian Group."

"Oh!" Fang Zheng nodded:

"who is it?"

"The Xiao family in Beijing." Wen Lei said:

"Don't underestimate the Xiao family. I asked around and found out that the Xiao family's power extends throughout the three realms of Xia State's military, politics and business."

"If we hadn't run Qu City like an iron barrel, I might have been locked up in the public security department."

"Congressman Zhao said that we should find a way out. He can't keep carrying it all the time."

Now Fangtian Group is the largest taxpayer in Qu City, and the two directors of the Public Security Department are friends of Fang Zheng.

Various other departments also rely on Fangtian Group.


Fang Zheng still has something to do with Councilor Zhao.

A strong dragon cannot defeat a local snake. Even if the Xiao family is the top wealthy family in Xia Kingdom, they cannot do whatever they want in Qu City.

not to mention,

Fangtian Group can withstand investigation!

"The Xiao family?"

Fang Zheng raised his head with doubts in his eyes:

"When did I offend the Xiao family?"

If it was the Wang family, it would be easier to understand. After all, he had offended two young masters of the Wang family by killing him.

But the Xiao family...

He didn't remember any disputes between him and the Xiao family.

"And one more thing."

Wen Lei continued:

"Your monkey wine has been successfully brewed, but the pharmaceutical company has also been taken over by the Xiao family."


Fang Zheng raised his eyebrows:

"The Xiao family...are so courageous!"

Wen Lei was speechless.

Based on her understanding of the Xiao family, the Fangtian Group with tens of billions of assets cannot even be on the stage in the Xiao family.

Is the Xiao family brave?

Perhaps in the other party's opinion, they were the ones who looked at Fangtian Group's pharmaceutical companies and gave him face.

"I see."

Fang Zheng opened his mouth:

"I'll handle this matter. Don't worry. Everything in the company will continue as usual. Don't worry about anything else."

"All right."

Wen Lei sighed:

"I know I can't be of much help, careful."


Fang Zheng nodded and hung up the phone.

Then it was dialed out.

"Master Fang."

Wang Zhixi's voice came, full of respect:

"haven't seen you for a long time."

"I was surrounded by the army." Fang Zheng said:

"Everything should be used except missiles. I want to know who did it?"

The opponent was obviously well prepared. Special forces, sniper rifles, tanks... these were all used to greet him.

If you don't have a certain understanding of his strength, you will never be able to use these things against the opponent alone.

I know something about him...

Only the Wang family!

"Master Fang, are you okay?" Wang Zhixi's voice was surprised, and then she said:

"If you can call me, you must be fine. I didn't expect that Wang E would do such a wonderful job."

"Wang E?" Fang Zheng narrowed his eyes:

"Who is she? Where is she now?"

"She..." Wang Zhixi pondered for a moment, then Fang spoke slowly:

"Dao Zhang Fang, I hope this matter will not involve other members of the Wang family. Do you think so?"

"If they had not participated, they would be fine." Fang Zheng replied.


Wang Zhixi breathed a sigh of relief:

"Wang E is..."




King Ming Building.

This is the tallest office building in Xizhou.

Standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows on the top floor, the clouds are under your feet, and you can have a panoramic view of the huge city.

Fang Zheng put his hands behind his back and lowered his head to examine.

Today's weather is good. There is no cloud or fog. The prosperity of Xizhou is fully visible, and the vast sea area is even more visible.

Watching this scene often can also make people feel comfortable.


The door opened and someone walked in.

The visitor obviously didn't expect that there would be an outsider in his office, and he couldn't help but be stunned.

"How did you get in?"

Jingming Building is heavily guarded and it is a military industry. It is already difficult for outsiders to enter, let alone enter his exclusive office on the top floor.

"Jamel Xiao."

Fang Zheng turned around and looked at the other party:

"The founder of Jingming Group, the most favored son of Xiao Yun, the head of the Xiao family, and a rising star in the pharmaceutical industry."

"Even this building is named after you."

"am I right?"

"It's me." Xiao Jamming nodded. He was not at all alarmed by this outsider who broke in rashly.

"Your Excellency inquired very clearly, but you don't know what to call me?"


Fang Zheng said slowly:

"Young Master Xiao should have heard of my name, right?"

"Fang Zheng?" Xiao Jamming touched his chin, with a look of surprise on his face:

"I remembered, the boss behind Fangtian Group, I didn't expect that Boss Fang is also a Taoist priest."

"Not bad." Fang Zheng nodded:

"I heard that Mr. Xiao is interested in my pharmaceutical company?"

"Ha..." Xiao Jamming pulled up a soft chair and sat down, crossed his legs, and picked up a cigar:

"I'm very interested in what your pharmaceutical company is researching, especially the wine. I'm very optimistic about its prospects."

"thirty million,"

“Well worth the money spent!”

"Thirty million?" Fang Zheng shook his head:

"I wish I didn't remember that I agreed to sell the pharmaceutical company?"

"Thirty million is already not low." Xiao Jamming lowered his eyebrows and said slowly:

"It is said that a big tree attracts wind. Fangtian Group already has Fang Ci, Yunzhi, and pharmaceuticals. It is easy for people to miss it."

"Leave it to me and you'll save yourself a lot of trouble."

"Being remembered?" Fang Zheng said with a smile:

"Mr. Xiao, could it be you who you are talking about?"

"Huh..." Jamel Xiao shrugged:

"Just say so. If I were you I would be more honest and not come here secretly."

"Do you know that you are in trouble now?"

"Thanks for the reminder." Fang Zheng said:

"I won't give it to you from the pharmaceutical company. If you take out the contract, I can treat it as if it didn't happen."

"You're still young."

He looked at Jamel Xiao and said:

"The matter between me and the Xiao family will be settled with your father, and you don't have to die."


Jamel Xiao's face darkened:

"What a loud tone!"

"What I hate most is when someone lectures me in a condescending manner. Do you know that it's very annoying when you're like this!"

"I want the pharmaceutical company, you..."

"Don't even think about leaving!"

As he spoke, he patted the jade pendant on his waist, and a puff of black smoke emerged from it, covering the entire office in an instant.

"You can sneak in here silently. I guess you are also a warlock with some skills, but so what?"

Jamel Xiao snorted coldly:

"Fang, I'm afraid you don't know why my Xiao family has come to this point. I'll let you see it today!"

"Five ghosts!"


As his voice fell, five ghosts emerged from the black smoke, baring their teeth and claws, and roared repeatedly.

"How to transport five ghosts?"

Fang was surprised:

"The Xiao family actually has a complete inheritance of spells!"

"Not bad." Xiao Jamming laughed while lying on the soft chair:

"There are some people in the world who know some magic and some talents, but only our Xiao family has a complete inheritance."

"There are five ghosts here. No matter what your methods, you can't escape."

"Really?" Fang Zheng shook his head:

"It's just five ghosts."


He let out a soft chuckle, waved his sleeves lightly, and an invisible force swept across the entire place instantly, compressing the black mist in the field into a black line in the blink of an eye.

A light move with one hand.

The black line disappeared into the five ghost pockets.

how come?

Jamel Xiao's face was filled with astonishment. In the next moment, his consciousness sank into endless darkness, and his breath was gone.

Fang Zheng walked to the window and looked into the distance.


There is the core of the four major families.

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