Heavenly Master, I have a different world

Chapter 186 Killing everyone! ! !


Opening the stopper of the gourd, a rich aroma of wine comes out.

Monkey wine!

This wine is brewed from many rare medicinal materials. It can nourish the body and replenish vitality, and the effect is amazing.


The cost is also extremely expensive!

This gourd can only take a few sips, but it is worth tens of millions.


This is also because the first imitation was successful and a lot of things were wasted. When the formula is improved in the later stage, the price will definitely come down.

But even if it comes down, it will still be in the millions.


Fang Zheng raised his head and took a sip. He felt comfortable all over his body, as if he had received a major health care treatment from the inside out.

A thin layer of sweat appears on the surface of the skin.


He narrowed his eyes slightly, his face was filled with contentment, and he shook the wine gourd with some regret and hung it casually on his waist.

"It's a pity that there are too few!"

The imitation monkey wine has amazing medicinal power. Even blood-changing warriors cannot withstand the strong medicinal power, only martial arts masters can.

Even the Great Zhou Tianwu Master can quickly increase his cultivation with the help of this wine.

It is also useful for Founder.

In other worlds, there are very few things that can assist Wuluo martial artists in their cultivation, which shows how rare Monkey Wine is.


This was a national highway with frequent vehicle traffic. The mute squatted on the ground, raised his head and called out twice.

"Don't worry about Wen Xue."

Fang Zheng spoke slowly:

"As long as I am fine, no one will dare to attack her. On the contrary, she will be provided with good food and drink."



Fang Zheng glanced at him and said:

"You go home first and tell your parents that they are safe. If you really want to become my teacher, go to Qu City to find me."

"Our sect is called Tianshi Dao, and it has the inheritance of techniques and martial arts..."

"never mind!"

He waved his hand:

"You'll know then."

"Aba...Aba..." The mute's face was filled with ecstasy, he nodded repeatedly, and then called out a few more times.

"I'm going to Tianzhou. You don't have to follow me. Don't worry, I'll be fine." Fang Zheng smiled lightly:

"It could be as fast as a few days, or as slow as a month, and I will go back."

"Let's go!"

He stretched out his hand to stop a car soliciting passengers and said:

"Be careful on the road. I'm not asking you to be careful, but I'm just trying to hold back if you encounter a violent situation."

"the you now……"

"A little force can kill someone."

The mute bathed in the blood of the giant snake and ate a lot of snake meat. After refining it with pile skills, his body was comparable to that of a blood-changing warrior.

After a short period of time, the strength has greatly increased, but without the ability to control the strength, it is inevitable that one will not know the importance.

If someone is killed, there will be trouble.

"Aba...Aba..." The mute scratched his head, looking embarrassed, and then stood up from the ground.

Watching the mute get into the car and leave, Fang Zheng pondered for a moment, then disappeared silently on the spot.

There were many vehicles on the road, but no one found anything wrong.

Even if someone sees it, a daze will flash in their eyes and they will subconsciously ignore his abnormality.





Xiaguo's population considers it an exclusive place for wealthy families and a retirement area for the wealthy.

Tianzhou is not big,

Not even as good as a city.

However, more than half of the wealthy people in the Xia Kingdom purchased properties and houses here, and heavy troops were stationed in the core area.

Not only the wealthy people from Xia Kingdom, but foreign wealthy people also gathered here.

Financial tycoons, political and business tycoons...

Get it all here!

Some people even say that even if there is a war and the capital is destroyed by artillery fire, Tianzhou will be fine.

No one dares to take action against Tianzhou, because dignitaries from various countries are also here, and no one can guarantee that they will not hurt their own people.

Xiao Mansion.

In modern society, there are very few people who are called government officials.

The main reason is that the place where everyone lives now is too small, and it is easy to be laughed at if you call it a house, especially in Tianzhou where every inch of land is precious.

And Xiao Mansion,

But it is a real mansion.

It occupies more than a hundred acres in the core area of ​​Tianzhou, and its courtyards, pavilions, and corridors are all built in accordance with the ancient system.

The interior decoration is extremely modern and fashionable.

Inner government.

One person hung up the phone and looked seriously:

"The Xizhou side has lost the clue of Fang's surname. With his vengeful character, he is likely to come here."

"He dares!"

There was a person in the field with tiger eyes and eagle eyes, and his face was stern:

"If the person named Fang dares to come to Tianzhou, I will let him never come back. Do you really think that the Xiao family is a fool?"

"Xiao Chen." The old man sitting upright said in a low voice:

"Don't underestimate this person. Since he dares to kill Jing Ming, it means he has no fear of our Xiao family."


"You have also seen the video sent by the military. This Founder's strength is beyond ordinary people's understanding."


A woman in her forties nodded, her eyes showing fear:

"That's a fully equipped battalion of soldiers, including tanks, small missiles, and hundreds of elite soldiers."

"There are also special forces to assist, and the result..."

"Facing Fang Zheng, there is no way to resist!"

"That's what Sixth Sister said." The person who put down the phone first nodded and said:

"But don't worry too much. Fang Zheng didn't kill the soldiers. Most of them were stunned."

"It shows that he is also wary and does not dare to go too far. If he really wants to attack us, no one will let him go."

"It's so long-winded and endless." Xiao Chen stood up from his seat, glanced at the audience and snorted coldly:

"Are you afraid?"

"Fang killed Jing Ming. How have we, the Xiao family, ever been humiliated like this? We must come back with revenge, otherwise others will think that our Xiao family is easy to bully."

"not to mention……"

He smiled coldly and said:

"You don't need to pretend. Who among the four major families doesn't want to find out where Fang Zheng got such strength?"

"A few years ago, the man named Fang was just an ordinary college student. Within a few years, he could fight an army with one person. His secrets are no worse than those of us and the Li family."

Several people in the field raised their eyebrows upon hearing this, and after looking at each other, they all fell silent.


Everyone is curious about how Fang Zheng did it?

If he can do it, can others do it too if they learn his secret?

If only...

No matter how much you pay, it’s worth it!


The old man said in a muffled voice:

"We must find out Fang Zheng's current location. Even if we launch a large army to encircle and suppress him, we must capture him!"

"This man actually killed hundreds of people in modern society. Such a lawless maniac must not be allowed to stay!"

"Haha..." Xiao Chen laughed:

"This is so true!"



While several people were discussing, there was a sudden loud noise outside.

The two solid wooden doors of the Xiao Mansion, which were one foot thick, escaped from the door frames and flew across the courtyard.

Passing through the gate, the courtyard wall collapsed, the stone pavilion was shattered, and the landscaping carefully designed by the craftsmen was smashed into a mess.

Two straight passages were plowed out of such a large courtyard.


The two doors were inserted diagonally into the pool, with their sharp corners rising and the surface also being bumped.


"what happened?"


There was a lot of noise in the courtyard.

"Where is Xiao Yun?"

The smoke and dust from the Xiao Mansion gate dispersed, and Fang Zheng stepped out and spoke slowly:

"Let him come to me!"

His voice was not loud, but it spread in all directions and could be clearly heard even from places miles away.

Xiao Yun!

The head of the Xiao family.

One of the most powerful people in Xia Kingdom today.

This person is very capable, he has emerged in his early twenties, and he has many honors and blessings.

Who dares to call him by his name?

People in the surrounding courtyards who heard the sound were all shocked. With one order, a lot of news gathered.

"Fang Zheng?"

"He came to Tianzhou?"

"So fast! So brave!"

Things related to Fang Zheng are still secret, but the nearby families are all very clever, and they already know some inside stories in just a few moments.

The murderer of Xiao Jingming did not hide, but directly knocked on the Xiao family's door.

What a speed!

What a courage!

While outsiders were surprised, the Xiao Mansion was already in chaos.

"The surname is Fang."

Xiao Chen walked out of the backyard and roared loudly:

"There is a way to heaven, but if you don't take it, there is no way to hell. You have to throw yourself into it. You dare to force your way into Xiao's house. You are asking for death!"

"Where is Xiao Yun?" Fang Zheng glanced around:

"Let him come to me."

"I want to see big brother." Xiao Chen snorted coldly:

"You deserve it too!"

"Not coming out?" Fang Zheng lowered his eyebrows:

"It doesn't matter. After you are dealt with, where can he hide?"


Xiao Chen opened his eyes and roared loudly:

"Kill him for me!"

Before he finished speaking, gunfire broke out in the courtyard, and the secret guards hiding in the dark pulled the triggers one by one.

As the top wealthy family in the Xia Kingdom, the Xiao family not only has secret guards, but also has the best firearms.

Those bullets can easily penetrate the steel plate.

Not just secret guards.

On the walls, under the stone slabs, and in every hidden corner, mechanisms popped up, revealing gun barrels.

The gun barrel spit out tongues of fire, covering everything where Fangzheng was.

"Da da……"


The rocks shattered.

The stone steps at the entrance to the mansion were instantly riddled with holes due to bullet bombardment, and the gate tower also collapsed.



Fangzheng's movement was like a winding and twisting lightning, moving through the rain of bullets gathered by many bullets.

The attack was so fast and fierce that even he felt great pressure.

It was like walking forward against the stormy waves, the body's protective strength was crumbling, and the true energy in the body was leaking out wildly.



Fang's expression remained unchanged, and he waved his hands, activating the spiritual talismans one after another, and streams of water swept around him and formed a water ball.

Water Dragon Talisman!


The most kind and gentle.

But with only one foot of water flow, even a powerful bullet will have very little kinetic energy left after it penetrates.

Especially the flowing water transformed by the talisman is like a thick sandbag.

Three feet of water can block a sniper rifle!

Even if a cannonball explodes next to you, as long as the power of the talisman is still there, the people inside will remain intact.

"The seven elements of the Big Dipper dominate the sky; the great sage Tiangang has countless majesty."

Beidou Talisman!

This talisman is one of the more powerful talismans practiced by Jiu Yuanzi and can induce the evil energy of the Big Dipper.

The talisman burned, and seven killing auras swept out.

When the energy passed by, the vegetation withered and withered, and the dark guards' skin and flesh shriveled, their minds were dizzy, and they fell to the ground one after another.


Fangzheng stepped forward and slashed with one hand.

A burst of unparalleled true energy suddenly surged in the dantian, and a ball of thunder suddenly appeared, followed by a sharp roar that ripped apart the sky and the earth. It turned into a dazzling sword light and slashed forward, slashing dozens of meters away.


This knife,

It cracked the ground, smashed the courtyard wall, and even fell into Xiao Chen's body. The violent force instantly tore his body into pieces.

Fang's expression remained unchanged, his hands danced back and forth, and thunderous sword lights appeared one after another, flying all over the courtyard.

The thunder knife is vertical and horizontal, invincible.

All of a sudden.

The houses in the Xiao Mansion collapsed, the ground cracked, the secret guards died one after another, and many firearms were cut into pieces.

Different from fighting with soldiers in the army, this time Fang Zheng was cruel and showed no mercy.


A roar came from the backyard:

"Death to the evil thief!"

An old man, wrapped in black smoke, leaped high into the air, leaping towards Fangzheng with a step of several feet. He stretched out his five fingers in mid-air, and there was a force of claws grabbing the heaven and earth.


Fang Zheng raised his eyebrows, and then his face suddenly dawned:

"Possessed by a evil spirit?"

"It seems that the inheritance of your Xiao family is the method of controlling ghosts. No wonder it took several generations to build such a family fortune."

"Not bad!" The old man waved his ghost claws and roared:

"Fang, go to hell!"

"Heh..." Fang Zheng shook his head:

"It's just a ghost that barely managed to become a powerful ghost. Fang knows how to control ghosts."

As he spoke, he took a step back and patted Gouki Kabuto on his waist.


Thick and substantial black smoke emerged from Wugui's pocket and turned into a huge black cloud, occupying an area of ​​about an acre.

Five fierce ghosts roared and hissed among them, and their claws and heads were poked out from time to time.

"How...how could it be?"

The old man froze in place, with a look of shock on his face:

"It's daytime now!"

It is a rule that ghosts cannot appear during the day. Even ghosts cannot stand up to the scorching sun.

He didn't dare to release the evil ghost, so he used a secret method to let the evil ghost possess him, but what is the situation now?


The fierce ghost roared and pounced downward.

The old man's eyes were wide open and he was still about to struggle. In the next moment, his body was torn apart by five fierce ghosts.

The ghost claw scooped up the splattered flesh and blood, and all the flesh and blood essence was swallowed up.

not only that.

Even the evil ghost possessing the old man's body was devoured by the five ghosts and then rushed towards the courtyard.




Although the Xiao family has inheritance, it only cultivates ghosts, and only a few older generations can barely use the power of ghosts.

Facing the five fierce ghosts formed by Yin Yuan, they had almost no resistance and were devoured to death one after another.

However, a few secret guards carried rocket launchers on their shoulders and carried bombs around their bodies to launch suicide attacks and buy some time.

No matter what,

It doesn’t help after all!

Thunder and fierce ghosts roared and raged, and the huge Xiao Mansion was reduced to ruins in just a stick of incense.

"Da da……"

The expressionless Fang Zheng stepped on the dead bones and came to a woman who was kneeling on the ground, and said slowly:

"Where is Xiao Yun?"

"He won't let you go." The woman raised her head, knowing that she was about to die, but she was not afraid:

"Fang, you slaughtered so many Xiao family members, no matter where you escape, you will never escape!"

"Brother, you will avenge us!"

"Oh?" Fang Zheng raised his eyebrows:

"It seems that you trust him very much. How about telling me where he is and I can go find him?"

"I tell you, do you dare to go?" the woman sneered.

"You might as well talk and listen."


The woman nodded and said:

"He is in Beimang Mountain!"

"Beimang Mountain?" Fang Zheng frowned:

"What is he doing there?"

"If you go there, you'll know." The woman grinned:

"I'm afraid you don't dare to go!"

"Interesting." Fang Zheng nodded:

"I've seen a lot of people who are not afraid of death, but I think it's rare to find someone like you. Just be a good person in your next life."

A wave of his hand.

Five ghosts passed over the woman's body.

The woman's well-maintained cheeks instantly became shriveled and sunken, and her entire body turned into a withered skeleton in the blink of an eye.

And at this time.

There is no one alive in the big Xiao Mansion.

Fang Zheng turned around and headed towards the palace not far away.


The palace.

This place has already been heavily armed and heavily guarded. There are even two tanks parked outside the door and helicopters hovering above.


There are even missiles locked remotely.

Even so, facing the approaching figure, everyone felt as if they were facing a formidable enemy, with sweat on their foreheads.

The Xiao family has a complete inheritance, but it is also in ruins. Can the Wang family escape?

No one dares to make a guarantee!

"Master Fang."

An old man separated the crowd, stepped forward and bowed deeply:

"The Wang family doesn't want to offend the Taoist priest. The grudge between us is just a misunderstanding. I wonder if we can talk about it?"


Fang Zheng stopped, glanced at everyone present, and nodded slowly:


"Hand over Wang E, Wang Busi, Wang Su, Wang Feng... and the matter between me and the Wang family will be wiped out."

"?" The old man looked gloomy. These people were the core figures of the Wang family. He couldn't help but grit his teeth and said angrily:

"Director Fang, must we do this?"

"Otherwise?" Fang Zheng said calmly:

"If they want to kill me, they must be prepared to be killed, whether it is the Wang family or the Xiao family."

"If you want to protect them, then die with them."

His voice was calm and calm, as if he was telling a trivial matter, but the content was heart-stopping.

Destroy the whole family!

Moreover, they are the top wealthy families in Xia Kingdom!

"You..." The old man's eyes widened, and he felt anger rising in his heart, and he wanted to order a fight to the death.

"We promise!"

At this moment, a person separated from the crowd, stepped out, and bowed to Fang Zheng:

"Zhixi has met Taoist Fang."

"Wang Zhixi!"

The old man turned sideways and said angrily:

"Do you have a say here?"

"Why not?" Wang Zhixi looked coldly:

"It was Wang E and the others who offended Taoist Fang, not us. Do we need all of us to die with them just because they made a mistake?"

"Old patriarch!"

"You are willing, but I am not willing!"

He said and waved to the crowd:

"In addition to my sect, there are also Seventh Fang and Ninth Fang who are also unwilling. Qi Bo and Ninth Uncle might as well come out."

The crowd shook.

Two middle-aged men with somewhat embarrassed expressions walked out of the crowd and came behind Wang Zhixi without saying a word.



The old patriarch was so angry that he trembled all over:

"Did Wang Qi put a restraint on you? I knew I shouldn't have saved his life back then."

The reason why Wang Zhixi was able to establish a foothold in the Wang family in just a few months was because Wang Qi had a back-up in the Wang family.

He used talismans to secretly control several core figures of the Wang family.

I used this method to save my life.


He gave all his accumulation to Wang Zhixi.

"Old patriarch."

Wang Zhixi's expression was indifferent:

"Over the years, most of the benefits of the Wang family have been taken up by Wang E and others. What have we gained from this?"

"Now that they have caused trouble, why have they dragged everyone down? We just don't want to die in vain!"


She looked at where everyone in the Wang family was and said:

"Are you willing to die because of someone else's fault?"

Everyone in the Wang family looked at each other, their eyes flickered, and they all murmured in low voices.



"It shouldn't be like this."


"Everyone." Wang Zhixi smiled calmly:

"It seems there are different opinions, so why not."

She took a step back, distanced herself from the old patriarch, and said:

"Those who don't want to be implicated because of Wang E come to me, and those who are willing to die together go to the old patriarch."


"Wang Zhixi!" the old patriarch said angrily:

"What do you want to do?"

"What do I want to do?" Wang Zhixi raised her voice and said loudly:

"I'm trying to protect the Wang family. I can't drag everyone to pay with their lives just because you're an old fool!"

"Look at the Xiao family..."


"Do you think our Wang family will become like that? Two thousand years of foundation will be completely destroyed because of the wrong things done by a few people?"

"Not bad." A person from the crowd walked out and came to Wang Zhixi's side, saying in a muffled voice:

"Clan leader, I am on Zhixi's side this time."

"Me too!"

"Wang E doesn't treat us well on weekdays. Now that he's in trouble, why should he involve us?"

"Yes, yes!"

The crowd was restless, and gradually, more and more people came out and stood beside Wang Zhixi.

On the contrary, the number of people around the old patriarch became increasingly rare.


Wang Zhixi chuckled upon seeing this:

"Patriarch, you are already old. Do you really plan to take the remaining people to die with Wang E and the others?"

"..." The old patriarch looked gloomy.

a long time.

Fang slowly lowered his head, cupped his hands towards Fang Zheng and said:

"Taoist Fang, please give the Wang family three days. After three days, I will bring the heads of Wang E and others to visit us."


Fang Zheng nodded:

"Those who know the current affairs are heroes, such as Mr. Fang and other old gentlemen."

"in addition."

"I want to know the situation of the Xiao family in Beiman Mountain."

"..." The old patriarch froze:

"no problem."




Beimang Mountain.

Fangzheng's figure slowly fell from the tree crown dozens of meters away.

The moment he landed, he seemed to notice something, and a hint of understanding flashed in his eyes.

Holy area!

Like the Snake Cave deep in Huangshan Mountain, there is also a strange barrier here.

In ancient times, the residence of the gods was called the God's Domain, and the rules in the God's Domain were different from those in the outside world.

The gods are multiplied in power within their own domain, while others are suppressed.

Generally speaking,

Gods rarely leave their realm.

Just like the Huangshan Snake Cave, there are many snakes inside, including a giant snake, but it has never left the snake cave.

It should be the same here.


Whether it is the Huangshan Snake Cave or here, the Lord of the God Realm must have fallen, with only a little breath remaining.

That's why it's so weak.

Fang Zheng pondered for a moment and walked towards the inside.


The dead branches under my feet made a crisp crackling sound, and the heavenly compass in the depths of the sea of ​​​​consciousness rotated rapidly, but there was no answer.


He had thought that there would be many ambushes here, and that he would even be faced with artillery shells, but it turned out to be a divine realm.

The divine realm barrier is weak, but it can also affect the magnetic field. It is unlikely that there will be modern weapons here.

So what is waiting for you?

After walking along the inconspicuous path for a while, after turning a corner, the scene ahead suddenly became clear.

An empty square, a huge altar, and a figure sitting cross-legged.

The man was about forty or fifty years old, with white hair on his temples, his hands flat on his chest, and a pair of tiger eyes looking at him.


"Xiao Yun!"

Xiao Yun is also a legend.

The reason why the Xiao family can become the top aristocratic family and wealthy family in Xia Kingdom, and even become the head of the four major families, is due to this person.

Now it seems that Xiao Yun, with his tiger eyes and eagle nose, his face as sharp as a knife, and his extraordinary demeanor, is worthy of being a dragon among men.

"It has grown to this point in just a few years."

Looking at Fangzheng, Xiao Yun said lightly:

"The thing that breaks the world should be on you, right?"

"Breaking the boundary!" Fang Zheng's heart moved slightly:

"What do you know?"

"Haha..." Xiao Yunlang laughed:

"Not much, I just happen to know a few things. If you are not in a hurry to take action, you can say a few words."

"Come and listen." Fang Zheng stretched out his hand to signal.

"This place is the divine domain of Lord Yan." Xiao Yun glanced around and said:

"I heard that you have been investigating ghost texts recently. After thinking about it, it is already clear that the five gods including Yama Jun and Snake God came from another world."


"I forgot, you are carrying a world-breaking thing, you must have visited that other world, right?"

Speaking of this, Xiao Yun couldn't help but look envious in his eyes.

Different world!

Ever since he learned the secret behind the Xiao family, he had been particularly curious about the other world, but he could never find the legendary world-breaking object.


After taking a long breath, Xiao Yun continued:

"In ancient times, Lord Yama was also one of the gods. He was in charge of the underworld and ghosts and had extraordinary powers."

"But He is not the most powerful god. He wants to go one step further and become the legendary Lord of the Gods."


"Yen Jun slaughtered and suppressed more than a hundred gods, and used their divine power to forge a mysterious object."

"The thing that breaks the boundary?" Fang Zheng's eyes moved slightly.

"Not bad!" Xiao Yun nodded:

"Before this thing was refined, the ancient gods suffered the disaster of slaying the gods, and the gods were killed one after another at the hands of the heavenly master."

"Even several top gods, whose strength far surpassed that of Lord Yan, were all killed by that heavenly master."

At this point, he sighed:

"Yan Jun had no choice but to speed up the refining of the world-breaking thing, but he no longer wanted to be the master of the gods. He just wanted to escape the pursuit of the heavenly master, and he even did not hesitate to reveal the secret to win over other gods to refine it together."

"No way!"

"He couldn't escape after all. Even though he had used world-breaking objects to escape from the other world, he was still beheaded by the heavenly master."

"While we are still dying, we will leave a legacy here."

"I understand." Fang Zheng nodded:

"The Xiao family has been inherited!"

"The Xiao family and the Li family received the inheritance together, but the Xiao family received relatively more." Xiao Yun said:

"Each generation of heads of the Xiao family will go to the Li family's daughter, and one person from the Li family will be given the inheritance."

"That's it." Fang Zheng said clearly:


"You think that the inheritance you have received allows you to keep me here and deliberately lure Fang here."

"Not bad!" Xiao Yun said with a smile on his lips.

"I have investigated you carefully and watched the video of you doing it. I have to admit that you are very powerful."

"If we were outside, even a hundred of me would not be your opponent!"


"It's different here."

"Oh!" Fang Zheng raised his eyebrows:

"How different?"

"This is the Divine Realm of Lord Yan." Xiao Yun raised his hand, and a puff of black smoke slowly came out from behind, and the black smoke condensed into the void behind him:

"For thousands of years, the ghosts of the Divine Realm have relied on the Yin Qi of Beimang Mountain, and in recent decades, my Xiao family has deliberately guided them."


"This ghost king was born!"

Ghost King!

An existence comparable to real people and martial arts!

When the black smoke appeared, Fang Zheng's expression changed, and he felt the overwhelming terrifying power.

Really the King of Ghosts!


Xiao Yun spoke solemnly:

"Hand over the boundary-breaking object on your body, and I will spare your life and even marry the Xiao family's daughter to you."


"Pah...pah..." Fang Zheng tapped his palms lightly with admiration on his face:


"I never imagined that I could meet a being like the Ghost King in this world. No wonder you are so confident."

Ghost King!

Even in another world, he has never seen it.

The only real person and Wu Zong that Fang Zheng came into contact with was Jiu Yuanzi, who had only a trace of his soul left. He didn't expect to meet them here first.


He spoke slowly:

"You are just a mortal. Even if you can control the Ghost King, how long can you hold on?"

The ghost king in front of him has no spiritual fluctuations. It is more like a pure gathering of ghost energy, which means that it cannot actively kill the enemy.

Someone needs to control it.

How can ordinary people control the Ghost King so easily?

"Soon." Xiao Yun lowered his eyebrows:

"But killing you is enough!"


Before he finished speaking, the ghost king's body behind him flickered and appeared in front of Fang Zheng as if he was teleporting.

The dark ghost claws poked out.

The speed is so unbelievable that even a martial artist with no leakage has no time to dodge and can only block and resist.


There was a loud noise.

Fang Zheng retreated violently, his feet plowing two deep ravines on the hard rock ground.

His hands were trembling and his face was solemn:

"What a strength!"

The Vowel Thunder Technique of the Eighth Layer Heaven was blocked by the Convergence of Hundred Rivers of Mind Fist, but it was no match for the opponent's brute force.

Worthy of being the King of Ghosts!

You must know that the ghost king is similar to a warlock or a mage. He follows the path of a real person, and his power is not what he is good at.

The Corpse King, who is similar to him, is stronger than the one with strength.

But even so, it's still scary.


Compared to Fang Zheng's surprise, Xiao Yun's heart shrank.

He specifically tested the Ghost King's strength. Even an armored vehicle was like paper in front of the Ghost King.

One punch,

Can easily break even the strongest security doors.


Unable to hurt Fang Zheng!


As soon as the thought came to his mind, he drank again.


The ghost king's figure disappeared again, leaving only a shadow rushing toward Fang Zheng's heart.


Illusive and unreal.

The same is true for the Ghost King.

If the Immortal Wind and Cloud Body Technique requires turning the body into wind and cloud to avoid physical attacks, ghosts are born with such abilities.

The ghost claw probed, ignoring the heavy defenses, and grabbed directly for the beating heart.

Fang Zheng felt a chill in his heart, and the body-protecting energy immediately surged. He condensed his thoughts and pointed forward a little.

One word, clear heart!

This slash directly attacks the ghost king's mind.


Xiao Yun groaned, and blood came out of his mouth and nose. Even though his spiritual thoughts were hidden in the ghost king's body, he still suffered heavy injuries.

can only say,

He himself is too weak.

Losing control, the Ghost King also froze in place.


Fang Zheng waved his hands, and groups of thunder balls flew in the air, forming a dazzling thunder knife that directly slashed the Ghost King.


Thunder exploded.

After the Ghost Dynasty retreated violently, Xiao Yun, who was sitting cross-legged, was trembling and bleeding from all his orifices.


He pinched his fingers with a stern look on his face:

"The blazing holy fire burned my remains. Today, I, Xiao Yun, even if I use my body as a cauldron, I will kill you, the evil thief who slaughtered dozens of members of my Xiao family."


With the movement of the magic door, the Ghost King's ghost body snapped in the air and swallowed Xiao Yun whole.


The Ghost King's eyes condensed, and he seemed to have reason.

Scarlet eyes stared straight at Fang Zheng, and if the strong murderous intent had substance, it also made Fang Zheng feel alarmed.



Unlike the encounter with the giant snake, the extreme danger warning made Fang Zheng's hair stand on end and his face looked solemn.

A mortal, with no more than a blood exchange at most, was able to control the Ghost King, making him feel dangerous.


With Xiao Yun's control, the Ghost King moved more flexibly, and a flash appeared behind Fang Zheng.

Netherworld Ghost Claw!

The ghost claws stretched out, soundlessly, with the power of the claws taking over the world, keeping Fang Zheng's figure firmly fixed in place.


Fang Zheng groaned, and the Seven Killing Curse emerged on its own.


His life soul trembled slightly, his skin and flesh tightened, his energy speed doubled, and the power of his punches also skyrocketed.


The fists and claws intersected, and Fang Zhengfei collapsed, with blood dripping from his fists.

"Ha ha……"

Xiao Yun shouted:

"Go to hell!"

He transformed into a ghost and swooped in. He was so fast that it was beyond reaction, and it was even difficult to tell where he was with the naked eye.

"He Qi Seal!"

Fang Zheng took a step back to avoid the oncoming ghost claws and shouted:

"Tiangang Technique!"

All of a sudden.

The aura on his body surged.

This is the effect of the Combined Qi Seal, which can stimulate the potential of Qi and blood in a short period of time without causing too many sequelae.


There are no sequelae.

This method directly refers to the spirit. Once it is used, the human body's energy will boil like boiling water, thus doubling the strength.

And Tiangang Shu.

It directly points to the essence, and the essence in the body becomes extremely active, and the body's recovery and defense power increase accordingly.



There was a series of crashes.

One person and one ghost collided crazily on the altar in the square. The hard rocks were as soft as tofu under their feet.

With just a little effort, he was blown away into a huge fan.

One word, clear heart!

This method is aimed directly at the spiritual soul, ignoring the ghost claws in front of him, and making a knife with one hand to directly hit the opponent's weakness.


The thunder exploded and both of them collapsed.


Fang Zheng gasped for air, his chest rose and fell rapidly, and he looked directly at his opponent with a solemn expression.

So strong!

Controlling the body of the Ghost King, he can perform very common martial arts, and even force him to perform all the major magic techniques at once.


Unexpectedly, in modern society, besides missiles, there are other things that can threaten us.


Xiao Yun roared to the sky, his time was limited, if he could not quickly deal with Fang Zheng, he would also be devoured by the Ghost King.

"The ghosts eclipse the sun!"

The billowing black smoke shot straight into the sky and merged into black clouds. In an instant, it actually covered the sky and the sun, making the world feel like it was winter.

"Hell of Hell!"

Ghosts roared one after another, and endless ghost claws poked out from the black clouds. In an instant, all the vitality of all things withered.


Fang Zheng groaned, unable to suppress the aura in his body.

Mind - Five Thunders!

The fierce true energy bursts out from the body, soaring straight into the sky through the blessing of the Combined Qi Seal, the Seven Killing Curse, and the One-Word Clear Heart Slash.

There were five thunderbolts from the sky!



All of a sudden.

The sky was cloudy, windy and rainy, and thunder struck down.

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