Heavenly Master, I have a different world

Chapter 187 Wedding (please vote!!!)

The helicopter landed smoothly on the top of the mountain, and several figures walked out of it one after another and came to the observation equipment.


A technician who was adjusting the instrument turned around and said loudly:

"The magnetic field in front is abnormal, drones cannot get close, and it is difficult for the equipment to see the specific situation clearly."

"Can you see anyone?" the head of the Zheng family shouted:

"Can you determine the location of Fang Zheng and Xiao Yun?"

The sound of the propeller turning gradually became fainter, causing several people's eardrums to vibrate, and it took them a while to recover.

"I can't tell you the specific location." The technician shook his head:

"We can only determine the approximate location. They should have already fought. There is an area where the weather is abnormal."

After saying that, he gave up his position and pointed at the screen:

"Master, please look!"

The screen shows the situation dozens of miles away in real time, where dark clouds are rolling and lightning and thunder are roaring.

A thick black smoke shuttled back and forth in the dark clouds, and the towering trees withered and withered.

Thunder and black smoke compete.

Just looking at it through the screen made everyone feel upset and their stomachs felt like they were in knots.



The deafening sound came from afar.

"This..." Someone looked shocked and asked in disbelief:

"Is this what they are doing?"


The technician stretched out his hand to block the screen and said solemnly:

"Master, the scene of their fight seems to have a strange power that affects the consciousness of others. You can't look at it too much."

"Now it is certain that the abnormal celestial phenomenon there was caused by the fight between Fang Zheng and Xiao Yun."

"How is that possible?" The head of the Zheng family looked shocked:

"How can people... do this?"

Everyone was silent.

What did they see?

Some people control thunder and lightning, while others turn into black smoke. The hard rocks are like bubbles in front of the two fighting people, and they break into large pieces with the slightest touch.

Thunder and lightning passed by, and mountain fire filled the air.

Wherever the black smoke reaches, there is no life left!

Where are the people here?

Basically, the immortals and devils from mythology came out of the book and performed many miracles.

"The head of the family."

The technician spoke slowly:

"We received news that both the Li family and the Wang family have arrived in Beiman Mountain."

"I'm afraid everyone is watching this battle."

"It's not surprising." The head of the Zheng family looked at the screen again, suppressing the discomfort and said:

"This battle is related to the future pattern. As long as you understand this, you will not miss today."

"If Fang Zheng wins, the Xiao family will inevitably be destroyed. From now on..."

"The Fangtian Group will replace the Xiao family and become the top power, and no one dares to offend Fang Zheng."

"If Fang Zheng loses..."

"With Xiao Yun's character, it's hard to guarantee what he will do."

Everyone nodded.

"The head of the family."

One person asked:

"Which one of them do you think will win?"

The head of the Zheng family looked complicated and shook his head slightly. After all, he was just a mortal. How could he tell who was strong and who was weak?


Another hilltop.

Wang Zhixi put her hands behind her back and looked towards the distant place with lightning, thunder and dark clouds, with a calm expression.


A man stood behind her and bowed:

"The tribe has unanimously agreed to remove Wang Xiao as the head of the family, and you will be responsible for everything in the Wang family."


"The resolution will take effect after this war is over."

"Hmph!" Wang Zhixi snorted coldly:

"Are they afraid that Taoist Fang will lose to the head of the Xiao family and be killed, and then they will be on the wrong team?"

"If Xiao Yun wins, not only will I not be able to become the head of the family, I'm afraid I will be thrown out to vent the Xiao family's anger."

The man behind him didn't make any sound, but just bowed his head silently.

"It doesn't matter!"

Wang Zhixi waved her hand:

"I believe that Mr. Fang will not lose. I have determined my position as the head of the Wang family. After all, someone has said that my life is precious!"


The man behind him nodded and said:

"Miss, according to the information from our investigation, someone has quietly taken control of other members of the Xiao family."

"I'm afraid he's also planning to beat up the drowned dog."

"Oh!" Wang Zhixi raised her eyebrows:

"It seems that the Xiao family has offended many people over the years. There are still some people who can't wait until there is no result yet."

"I know what you mean."

She glanced at the other party and said slowly:

"I didn't do it. Although I have confidence in Taoist Priest Fang, I don't want to provoke anyone from the Xiao family."


"After all, it has a complete inheritance."

A skinny camel is bigger than a horse. Xiao Yun is not the only one in the Xiao family, but there are other clan members who are proficient in magic.

Even if they are just low-level warlocks, the magicians' methods are so weird that they are almost incomprehensible to ordinary people.

She would never offend unless absolutely necessary.

Once offended,

You must cut through the mess quickly and not give your opponent the slightest chance to fight back.

The situation is still unclear and it is not yet time to take action.


Somewhere in the mountains.

A group of people gathered around a complex piece of equipment, looking nervously at the distant images transmitted through the equipment.

Compared to other forces, they are closest to the battlefield and can see it more clearly.

"Xiao Yun, is he so strong?"

The head of the Li family looked stunned, turned around and asked:

"Haier, you have been following him for so many years and you still don't understand?"

"I know he has hidden some tricks secretly, but... I didn't know he hid it so deeply." Li Hao's eyes were dull and he shook his head slowly:

"No wonder he dared to say that there will no longer be four major aristocratic families in the future, but the Xiao family will be the only one!"

"I see."

This woman is Xiao Yun's wife and the daughter of the Li family.

However, the marriage with Xiao Yun was due to family interests, and the relationship between the two was relatively not that deep.


Because Xiao Yun has a cold temperament, the relationship between the two is actually very weak, and Li Hao also identifies more with his identity as a member of the Li family.


The head of the Li family was thoughtful:

"The Xiao family has a complete inheritance of magic. It can control ghosts, kill people and be invisible."

"In the past few years, before the ruins were cracked, I knew that the rise of the Xiao family was unstoppable, so I formed an alliance with the Xiao family against all opinions."

"Over the years, as the ruins were gradually cracked, the Xiao family became stronger and stronger, until..."

"his appearance!"

Looking at the figure flashing on the screen, the head of the Li family had confusion, fear, and hesitation in his eyes.

He was not willing to become a vassal of the Xiao family, but he was also unwilling to waste so many years of hard work.

"The head of the family."

One person asked:

"what should we do?"

"It's still unclear who will win or lose." The head of the Li family calmed down and said slowly:

"If Xiao Yun wins, everything will remain as usual."

"If Fang Zheng wins..."

He looked back at Li Ha and said thoughtfully:

"Haier, you bring your things to visit Tianshi Dao. If you are not forgiven, don't come back."

Li Hao's expression changed, and then he lowered his head:



"Don't worry too much." The head of the Li family chuckled again:

"Although Fang Zheng's appearance is a variable, the chance of him defeating Xiao Yun is very slim in my opinion."


Li Hao should be.




The battle deep in Beimang Mountain touched the sensitive nerves of all parties.

Everyone with some ability is watching this battle, and everyone is waiting for how the battle will end.

This battle,

will affect future situations.

You have to be careful!

But the two people on the battlefield couldn't care less about anything else, and devoted all their energy to fighting.


Hunyuan Wuji!

Fang Zheng was wrapped in thunder, with yin and yang qi lingering around him, and the terrifying power of thunder gathered at the front of his fist.


The dazzling lightning burst out.


Xiao Yun looked ferocious and roared to the sky,

All ghosts will destroy you!

Endless fist shadows fell from the sky, blasting out punches, hurricanes roaring, and thunder tearing through the sky.


Two figures collided in the air.

Xiao Yun landed heavily, while Fang Zheng retreated wildly, his hands and arms hanging limply by his sides.

So strong!

His face was solemn and his eyes were gleaming.

Even if you have a compass to analyze the flaws in the opponent's moves, you can directly attack the opponent's vital points with a single word.

He also has the He Qi Seal, the Seven Killing Curse, and the Tiangang Technique to bless him, and he is also proficient in many martial arts and spells.


Still below!

This is because the opponent does not know how to use the body of the Ghost King and can only exert a very small part of its power.

If he were the real ghost king...

Fang Zheng was afraid that he would have escaped long ago.


Since he did not escape, it means that there is still a chance of winning this battle.


Fangzheng shouted in a low voice, and the five ghost pockets around his waist trembled slightly, and a black smoke came out from it and turned into five fierce ghosts.


"You also know how to control ghosts?"

Xiao Yun was stunned for a moment, then his face turned disdainful:

"A few fierce ghosts were ignored by me a few years ago, and now they still want to make a comeback?"


Fang Zheng hummed:

"You are obviously a warlock, but you still use warrior methods. It would be a waste of money for the Ghost King to fall into your hands."

"You look down on me just because you don't know how to use it!"

"The sky is panicked and the earth is confused..."

Five ghosts enter the body! "

Fang Zheng quickly squeezed the seal with his hands, his face was solemn, and he chanted the mantra in a low voice. The ghost on his body screamed, turning into five wisps of ghost energy and rushing toward his body.

The next moment.



Fangzheng's fingers grew longer, his nails swelled, and his skin withered as if his essence and blood were melting away. In the blink of an eye, his whole body turned into a skinny skeleton.

A pair of eyes glowed green.

The aura on his body became even more sinister and cold.

Even the thunder around him, which symbolized the supreme strength and yang, turned into a blue-yin thunder knife that exuded coldness.

Five ghosts and demons transform!

"Pretend to be a ghost!"

Xiao Yun's eyes narrowed and he jumped forward:

"I want to see what you are capable of?"



The two people staggered past each other and exchanged more than ten moves with each other in the blink of an eye, all of which were fast and hard-hitting.



The square fingers traced across Xiao Yun's waist and abdomen, and the sharp nails were like five steel knives, cutting through the flesh.

The Biyin thunder knife found the gap and cut into the ghost's body.


The lightning exploded and Xiao Yun stumbled backwards.

Fang Zheng's eyes narrowed, and he took the opportunity to charge forward again, transforming into many afterimages, and launched a fierce attack on his opponent.

All of a sudden.

But seeing the ghost claws grabbing at him crazily, the Biyin Thunder Saber was like a wave, completely submerging Xiao Yun.



In the chaos, a dark ghost claw poked out, latched onto Fang Zheng's wrist, and grabbed it hard.


Blood splattered.


Fang Zheng groaned and backed away hastily.


Xiao Yun spoke slowly, and at the same time glanced at his ghost body riddled with holes, and smiled ferociously:

"You are indeed amazing for being able to hurt me to this extent, but the ghost body...can't be killed!"

"And you!"

"How many moves can you hold on to?"

Before the voice fell, he was already attacking again.

What he said was true, this was the realm of Lord Yama, and he had the body of a ghost king, making him almost immortal.

Even if it is temporarily injured, it will not be wiped out.

But Fang Zheng is different.

Although he possesses many secret skills, he is still mortal in body and is always suppressed by the ghost king's aura.

Every time you fight, you will be weakened to a certain extent.



In just a short moment, Fang Zheng's arms were covered with blood, and his bones were already visible, making him look in danger.

Both reached their limits.

Although Xiao Yun is protected by secret magic, his consciousness is constantly being corroded by the ghost body, and he is already showing signs of sinking.

Fang Zheng's resistance is getting weaker and weaker.


The two collided again.

Fang Zheng fell heavily to the ground, and Xiao Yun also swayed, his eyes showing confusion, but he was suppressed in an instant.

"The surname is Fang."

He looked at Fang Zheng and took the opportunity to calm down:

"I won after all!"


Fangzheng was lying on the ground and whispered after hearing the words:

"But not necessarily!"

"Look, what's under your feet?"

"What?" Xiao Yun was stunned for a moment, then lowered his head to look, and what he saw was a line of blood.

"This is……"


"Not bad." Fang Zheng crossed his legs and sat in a pool of blood with a serious look on his face:

"My spilled blood formed an altar!"


With a few clicks of his finger, the golden rope and the downfall stake flew out one after another, one tied up Xiao Yun and the other crashed into the ghost body.

at the same time.

Fangzheng flexed his fingers to make secrets and silently performed the thunder method.

The Thirty-Six Thunder Methods of Shenxiao - The Great Clear Cave Thunder!

The top ten recognized methods in different worlds, each of which points directly to the supreme realm, including the Shenxiao Thunder Method.

Jiu Yuanzi only had three of the thirty-six thunders, and he was able to kill the enemy beyond the ranks and defeat the immortal head-on.

Thirty-six thunder,

Each thunder method is equivalent to a complete inheritance.

The Great Cave Thunder of the Shangqing Dynasty reflects the energy of the five directions, the sun, the moon and the twenty-four stars. There are thirty-nine changes in it.

Thunder comes out,

The land of Lixu was suddenly shrouded in brilliant thunder.

It was like the grand energy of the first opening of heaven and earth, sweeping across the place where the thunder was, and all evil thoughts and evil spirits were melted away.

Even if he is the Ghost King,

No exception!


The silent thunder vibrated, Xiao Yun opened his mouth wide and struggled desperately, but he could not stop the ghost body from falling apart.


Along with the unwilling scream, the ghost king's body disappeared.


Even the divine realm formed by the breath of Lord Yan before his death was violently turbulent and almost completely collapsed.

The power of the divine thunder is so terrifying!





Peninsula Hotel.

Qin Shuman found an excuse to go back to the room, rinsed his cheeks with cold water, curled up and sobbed softly.

Today was a great day for her to get married, but she encountered all kinds of troubles.


The attitude of the parents-in-law.

It has been clearly agreed that any conflicts will have to be resolved after the wedding, so why is it still like this?

Although they were all small things, one by one, they were like stones stuck in her heart.

for a time,

She even doubted whether her decision was the right one.

Housing prices in Haizhou are very high, often costing tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands per flat. Newlyweds cannot afford to buy a house without the support of their parents-in-law.

Depending on what her mother-in-law wants, she doesn't plan to live separately from Jin Jie. She will live with the two of them under the same roof in the future.

Just think about it,

Qin Shuman felt suffocated.

If she hadn't been reluctant to part with her relationship for many years, if her boyfriend hadn't begged her so hard, she might have given up.


There was a knock on the door.

"Sister Shuman, are you okay? Guests have started arriving. Where are Jin Jie and the others waiting?"


Qin Shuman stood up and adjusted his clothes a little:

"Come here."

Shen Xiuting is Jin Jie's cousin. The two girls are the same age and go to the same university and are good friends.

This time Qin Shuman and Jin Jie got married, and she was with them every step of the way.

"Have you washed your face?"

Holding Qin Shuman's hand, Shen Xiuting said in surprise:

"Is the makeup on your face okay?"


Qin Shuman shook his head:

"I wore waterproof light makeup. It was too hot, so I simply washed my face. It doesn't matter."

"Sister Shuman." Shen Xiuting pursed her lips:

"Today is a happy day. You should cheer up and don't frown. It's not good for others to see you."

She knew what her friend and sister-in-law was thinking, and she didn't want to see the two people in love break up, so she could only persuade her.


Qin Shuman nodded expressionlessly:

"I know."


Shen Xiuting changed the topic:

"How many guests have returned from your side today?"

"My cousin doesn't have many friends. You know most of them, but his colleagues and boss will come."

"The main reason is that my uncle has a lot of business connections and many bosses will come, and you will have to toast with me when the time comes."

"There are also many relatives..."

"Yeah." Qin Shuman nodded while listening, his eyes blank.

"Don't um."

Shen Xiuting was speechless:

"Sister Shuman, how many tables are there at Qushi?"

"My uncle has only prepared two tables. I think it's a bit short. Should I tell him to prepare a few more tables?"

"No need." Qin Shuman shook his head:

"Not many people are here, and I'm afraid there won't be room for two tables. You also know that my social circle is very small."

He said shaking his phone.

"I sent a group message, and only a few responded."


Shen Xiuting opened her mouth, shook her head helplessly, thought for a while and then said:

"Is your brother-in-law coming?"


Qin Shuman nodded:

"He came here with my parents."


Shen Xiuting curled her lips.

She had met Fang Zheng, who seemed to be a figure on the road. Her experience in Qu City was a shock to her.

But now that I think about it, it's actually quite interesting. After all, there is no such person in their social circle.

It would be fun to see each other again.

"Book comics."

Seeing the two of them, Jin Jie came over, pulled Shuman aside, and whispered:

"Dad promised to buy another house after the Chinese New Year, and then we can live separately."


Qin Shuman's eyes lit up.

There are only two months until the Chinese New Year, which is good news, but he pursed his lips and whispered:

"My parents can't afford much."

House prices in Haizhou are too expensive, easily costing tens of millions, plus decorations and home appliances.

Qin's father and Qin's mother were just from the countryside in Qu City. They only had tens of thousands of dollars left at the end of the year, which was hard to make ends meet.


She was too embarrassed to ask her parents for money.

"It doesn't matter."

Jin Jie smiled and said:

"My dad has money, so he can actually buy it now if he wants. It's just that my mom doesn't want me to go out to live."

"Don't worry about money."


Qin Shuman nodded slowly.

The Peninsula Hotel is also one of the top hotels in Haizhou. Even if the Jin family is well off, they just took advantage of the promotion to book a venue.

Kim's father and mother, dressed in suits and cheongsam, stood at the entrance of the venue, greeting the guests with smiles.

"Lao Jin, congratulations!"

"Haha... we are all happy together. Boss Huang, please come inside and I will arrange a private room for you."

"You're welcome."

The visitor took out the red envelope he had prepared and was ushered into the venue.

The red envelopes were bulging, and they were all filled with hundred-yuan bills. There seemed to be thousands of them, and they were registered.

Then he saw the golden mother step forward and put the red envelope into her bag.

Seeing her husband shaking his head, he hurriedly explained:

"Lao Jin, this is your relationship. The gifts you receive now are all obtained in the past, and you will have to pay them back in the future."

"Of course we need subordinates, we can't take advantage of outsiders."

He said this loudly, not caring about the eyes of the people nearby, and Qin Shuman could hear it clearly.

Her delicate body tensed and her eyes turned red.

Although the mother-in-law's words are reasonable, she has already got married and received a certificate, so why is she still an outsider in the eyes of the other party?

Money doesn't matter;

The words hurt.


Jin Jie whispered comfort:

"Our mother has this kind of personality. Don't worry about it. It'll be fine once you get familiar with her. She's straightforward and straightforward, but she doesn't have any bad intentions."

"Huh..." Qin Shuman took a deep breath, suppressed the tears that were about to burst out of his eyes, and said nothing.

"Book comics!"


Two young men appeared at the entrance and greeted them with smiles:

"You are so awesome. You even held your wedding at the Peninsula Hotel. We were reluctant to do so at the beginning."

"It doesn't matter where the wedding is held, it won't be any different after getting married." Jin Jie said with a smile, looking at the woman's slightly bulging belly:

"Xiaoyu is pregnant?"


Xiaoyu nodded, her face filled with joy:

"I just showed my pregnancy."

"Congratulations, congratulations." Qin Shuman also smiled when he saw that his good friend was pregnant and the couple was loving.

"Actually, we don't want to hold the wedding at the Peninsula Hotel. A wedding can cost hundreds of thousands." Golden Mother came over and said:

"However, young people are so proud of themselves that they can't settle for just one wedding. It's only a few hundred thousand."

"Just one extravagance!"

She was smiling and her voice was proud.

After all, a banquet worth hundreds of thousands is indeed beyond the reach of ordinary families, and it also makes her face concerned.

However, her words immediately offended two couples.

The visitor looked embarrassed.

What's the meaning?

Is our wedding just a makeshift thing?


Qin Shuman said anxiously:

"Didn't you say you wanted to do it here?"

"You kid..." Mother Jin frowned, showing displeasure.

"Okay, okay." Jin Jie hurriedly stepped forward and said with a smile:

"I think it's appropriate to hold it here. After all, you only have one wedding in your life, so it doesn't matter if it's extravagant."

"Xiaoyu, go inside quickly."

"Don't worry." Xiaoyu took her husband to the registration office:

"I haven't paid the gift money yet!"

There are more and more guests, and gradually they can't care about anything else. Even the newlyweds have to be busy entertaining.



The familiar face made Qin Shuman's eyes turn red. Many grievances welled up in his eyes, and he cried and threw himself into his mother's arms.

"You kid."

Qin's mother also wiped away her tears and cried:

"Why are you crying on your big day? I can't bear it anymore."

"Mom..." Qin Shuman lowered his head, feeling very excited. He took his mother's hands and asked in a low voice:

"How did you get here?"

"Why didn't you answer my call this morning?"

"Did you call?" Qin's mother took out her mobile phone and said with a sudden look on her face:

"It really is!"

"Fangzheng took us to choose clothes and put on makeup in the morning. Maybe we didn't see it at the time."


Only then did Qin Shuman realize that his parents today were different from usual.

Today they were wearing close-fitting formal suits. Although they didn't know the brand, they knew they were worth a lot of money.

Father Qin lost his messy hair and got a fashionable haircut. He looked ten years younger.

Qin's mother even wore a retro hairstyle. She knew that this kind of hairstyle would take several hours to take care of.

I don’t even know who designed them.

Both of them exuded a completely different nobility from the inside out.

"Book comics."

Qin's mother took Qin Shuman to a deserted place, took out a bankbook from her bag and stuffed it into it.

"You just got married, so life must be difficult. This is the money your dad and I have saved over the past few years."

"Take it first."

"Mom!" Qin Shuman felt hot and tears welled up again.

"Don't cry, don't cry." Qin's mother also had tears in her eyes when she saw this. She wiped away her tears and comforted her daughter:

"Your father and I now only have your daughter. As long as you live a good life, we will be content."


Qin Shuman burst into tears.

The two hugged each other for a long time before regaining their mood a little.

Qin Shuman sniffed and opened the account. He was stunned when he saw the deposit number inside.

Even the sadness was suppressed.

"three million!"

She looked surprised:

"Mom, when did you and my dad save so much money?"

"Hehe..." Qin's mother said in a low voice with a cunning look on her face:

"You didn't expect that, did you?"

"Fangzheng found us a new job. The salary is high even if we are not busy. Your father and I can earn 60,000 to 70,000 yuan a month, and there will be hundreds of thousands of dividends at the end of the year."

"Ah!" Qin Shuman was stunned, and then said:

"Then you haven't and can't save so much?"

"We sold the house in our hometown." Qin's mother said indifferently:

"Actually, I planned to sell the house in the city as well, but Fang Zheng didn't agree. After all, your sister's room is there."

"..." Qin Shuman lowered his head:

"So, this is the money you raised from selling your house?"

"Take it!"

Mother Qin glared at her and said:

"I don't know how good my life is with your father now, but it's only three million, and I can earn it back in a few years."

"Don't even think about giving it back to us!"

"Yes." Qin Shuman bit his lip tightly, nodded heavily, and tried not to shed tears.


Mother Qin wiped her tears and pulled her back:

"Meet your brother-in-law, he has a gift for you too."

Fang Zheng has been following Qin's father and Qin's mother, but today he is very low-key and inconspicuous.

Only Shen Xiuting, who was helping, noticed him. She wanted to say hello but was afraid.


Qin Shuman walked over with red eyes:

"Thank you."

"Thank you for what?" Fang Zheng shook his head:

"It's just what I should have brought my uncle and aunt here."

And said:

"I heard that you didn't prepare a wedding room for your wedding?"


Qin Shuman looked ashamed and said:

"After the new year, my father-in-law will pay for it. Now my parents have given money, so I can choose a better one."

"It's always inconvenient to live with your parents." Fang Zheng waved to Tian Liang behind him and took out a real estate certificate from his briefcase.

"I have a house in Haizhou. I have never lived in it since I bought it. I will give it to you as a gift this time."

"I've never been there. Although it's well-decorated, I don't know the details. You may have to put some effort into renovating it."


Qin Shuman was stunned when he heard this, and then waved his hands repeatedly:


"This is too expensive!"

"Nothing is wrong." Fang Zheng's voice deepened:

"I promised your sister to take good care of you, and a house is nothing to me."

"Take it!"

As he spoke, he put the house book into her hand.

Qin Shuman looked dumbfounded and looked down at the house book in his hand, not knowing how to react for a moment.

Opening the house book, there was a key stuck inside, and the name on the house book had been changed to hers.

No. 39, Longxi Street...

Isn't this the most luxurious villa area located in the center of Haizhou, close to the natural oxygen bar?

Every house there is worth hundreds of millions or even billions!

Qin Shuman looked confused:


"Take it." Fang Zheng said:

"This is pre-marital property. If you run into trouble in the future, you can call me."


He glanced at the audience and asked:

"Is there a quieter private room?"

"I'm sorry." Mother Jin has been paying attention to the situation here, especially looking at her in-laws.

The way Father Qin and Mother Qin dressed up today made the two of them look like country people, and they felt secretly unhappy.

Hearing this, he spoke:

"This is the Peninsula Hotel. The cost is too high and single rooms are very tight. We only prepared one room for a few of Lao Jin's business friends."

"It doesn't matter." Father Qin waved his hand politely:

"We can just sit outside."


Qin Shuman suddenly said:

"My parents and brother-in-law want to stay in a single room. If the room is not enough, we will book another one. I will go find the hotel manager."

She has always been weak in the Jin family and has never been tough. This firm attitude surprised Jin's mother.

Now that your mother's family is here, do you feel that you have someone to rely on?

"Forget it."

Qin's mother hurriedly took her hand and whispered:

"It's nice to be outside, and... aren't you going to hold a wedding here? I want to see it."


Qin Shuman turned around, thought for a while and said:

"You can watch the wedding ceremony outside, but you must sit in a private room when eating, otherwise the wedding will not be completed!"

"You kid." Mother Jin's face changed drastically when she heard this:

"How do you talk?"

"Shuman." Qin's mother also said:

"Don't be so stubborn."

"That's what I mean." Qin Shuman lowered his eyebrows:

"I'm getting married. Why do my parents sit outside? Do they want to tell others that I'm being bullied?"


Qin's mother paused for a moment, then looked at Jin's mother with an obviously unkind expression.

This woman wouldn't bully her precious daughter, would she?

That won't work!


Father Jin shook his head and called his son:

"You go find the hotel manager and we'll add a private room."


Jin Jie nodded and hurriedly came over:

"Dad, Mom, let's go in first."


He looked at Fang Zheng and scratched his head:

"Sit inside and I'll get a private room."


Fang Zheng nodded.

The matter finally calmed down, and Qin Shuman stopped greeting other guests, holding Qin's mother's arm and walked inside.

"Excuse me."

At this time, a middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes came to the entrance and asked Shen Xiuting, who was watching the excitement:

"Is this the wedding venue of Miss Qin Shuman Qin?"

"Miss Qin?"

Shen Xiuting's expression was distorted:

"Uncle, where did you come from? But this is indeed the place where my sister Shuman got married."

"That's right."

The middle-aged man nodded, took out two things from his bag and placed them on the registration table:

"Please note that the Xizhou Chen family received a gift of 600,000 yuan, plus a sports car worth 1.8 million yuan and obvious company shares."




The nearby conversations suddenly disappeared.

When everyone turned around, they couldn't see the sports car or shares, but the 600,000 yuan in cash was actually right in front of them.


Shen Xiuting stammered:

"Are you in the wrong place?"

"No." The middle-aged man glanced at the crowd cautiously, seemed to pause for a moment on someone, and then quickly looked away:

"right here!"

"The sports car has been handed over to the hotel service staff, and the share transfer agreement is also on the car. Miss Qin just needs to sign it for confirmation."

The recording clerk looked blank, carefully counted the cash of 600,000 on one side, and recorded it in the book honestly.

"Next is me."

A young man came to the stage and put down two golden miniature trees:

"The He family in Jiucheng will give Miss Qin a pair of pure gold trees and a gift of one million. Please give me a message."

"My name is He Yunfei."

Shen Xiuting pursed her lips.

It turned out to be not dyed gold, but a work of art made of pure gold.

Isn’t this more than ten kilograms?

According to the current price of gold, it must be several million, right?

"Give it!"

At this time, the crowd parted, and a noble and stunning-looking woman walked over surrounded by people.

"My name is Wang Zhixi."

The visitor chuckled, glanced at the whole place, and then walked toward the venue. Someone immediately sent a congratulatory gift behind him.

"Wang family of Langya, to congratulate Miss Qin on her wedding, I would like to give you a pair of top-quality white jade, a statue of Guanyin, and colored glaze beads..."

There are so many congratulatory gifts that it takes nearly a minute to recite them all.

Shen Xiuting's eyes widened when she heard this.

She didn't know the value of the other things, but 10 million in cash and a house were just two of them.


Her throat rolled, and a turbulent wave arose in her mind.

for a time,

Various book titles come to mind.

‘My best friend who can’t afford to eat is actually the lost daughter of the world’s richest man. Now she recognizes her ancestors and is blessed with a windfall! ’

‘My bestie’s mysterious identity is revealed, shocking everyone! ’

‘Until the day of my wedding, I didn’t realize that my best friend actually had an unknown identity. ’

'The Dragon King returns...'


Something messy got in.

"The Li family congratulates Miss Qin Shuman on her wedding..."

"The Zheng family..."


In a single room.

Wang Zhixi smiled brightly and gave Qin's father and mother a salute. After asking for instructions, she sat down aside.


Zheng Yi pushed open the door and entered, bowing to salute.

After receiving the teachings from Fang Zheng, she has recovered her health, and due to her extraordinary talent, she has become a true sorcerer.

A young man from the Li family came side by side with Zheng Yi, cupped his fists and raised his hands towards Fang Zheng, and spoke seriously:

"Li Zhaoyuan of the Li family has met Mr. Fang."


Fang Zheng nodded, looked at Qin's father and Qin's mother who were obviously a little restrained, and said slowly:

"Just stay and don't let anyone else in."

"..." Li Zhaoyuan opened his mouth, then lowered his head:


He was secretly glad that he had come with Zheng Yi, otherwise he might not have been able to see anyone. When he thought about the rumors about the other party, he felt excited and excited.

The person in front of me is a true immortal in this world!

the other side.

The original host of the wedding banquet.

Father Jin and Mother Jin of the Jin family were stunned as if they were outsiders, watching more and more guests arriving.

But they don't have to worry about being underprepared.

As early as when Wang Zhixi arrived, the eighty-year-old director of the Peninsula Hotel had already come to the venue in person to preside over order, and the manager became a waiter.


The entire hotel refused to receive other guests today and vacated all the remaining venues just to prepare space for the wedding.

"How is this going?"

Jin Jie looked at his fiancée in astonishment:

"Shuman, you're not some hidden boss, are you?"

"I'm not!" Qin Shuman was also stunned and said with some uncertainty:

"I do not know either!"

"Come on!"

This is what Shen Xiuting said anxiously:

"The number one person in Haizhou is also here. Sister Shuman, what is your identity?"

"Heh..." Qin Shu smiled softly:

"You asked the wrong person. You should ask my brother-in-law. These people are not here to attend my wedding, but to meet my brother-in-law."

She has come to her senses now. It's not that she is proud of herself, but that there is someone else.

Several people looked at each other.

The Golden Mother was trembling and began to regret whether she had gone too far before.

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