Heavenly Master, I have a different world

Chapter 202 Raising Bandits to Respect Oneself

"Have you heard? Not long ago, a fisherman in Changtu Prefecture peeled out a water-proof bead from the belly of the fish he caught."

"It is said that holding water-proof beads can open a dry path in the huge waves, walk in the water as if walking on flat ground, and even enter the East China Sea and enter the Dragon Palace."

"I heard about it. I also heard that a jujube tree planted by a family in Yongqing County blossomed and bore fruit overnight. The fruits were plump and juicy, and the patients immediately jumped up and down after eating them."


"There was also a blacksmith in Baodi County who forged an indestructible sword, but that man seemed to be crazy. He killed more than a dozen people with the knife, and was finally surrendered by a passing young hero."

"That knife must be a magic knife that confuses people!"

"What do you mean by this?" someone shouted loudly:

"Have you ever heard of Xiao Nan Wang? He is the most famous rebel leader in Yuzhou. He is only in his early twenties. His parents are poor. Now he is a martial arts master and can defeat the martial arts master without defeat. Our Qinglang here It’s incomparable, it’s said that he only became famous after picking up a jade tablet.”

"He has never been a disciple or practiced martial arts. In just over ten years, he has built such a large foundation. That jade tablet must have been given by an immortal and contains immortal magic. That's why he has become so powerful."

"Really or not?" Someone asked on the audio tape.

"pretty close."

"Not only King Xiaonan, but also the three kings of Jingzhou. They were all unknown people at first, but suddenly they show up. Where can I reason with them?"


"The waiter."

Founder waved:

"Bill, please."

"Here we come." The waiter, who was listening with great interest, heard the sound and ran over, nodded and bowed with a smile:

"I accept half a penny of silver."

Fang Zheng paused slightly, took out some silver and paid the bill, while silently calculating the prices here.

‘It has increased by 30% compared to last year. Listening to their conversation, wages have not increased but decreased by 10% compared to last year. ’

‘The days in Fucheng are also less than a year old! ’

Everyone in the restaurant was still talking loudly.

"I heard people say that whenever troubled times are coming, the world will change, and all kinds of strange things and evil spirits will appear."

"This is the reason why heroes emerge from troubled times."


"I think back then, Taizu Taizu of the Wei Dynasty was not from a wealthy family, but he was able to suppress the world due to fate. Could it be that there is going to be chaos again..."


"Don't say this nonsense!"

"Be careful!"

"Be careful!"

Fang Zheng stood up and walked into the bustling long street like an ordinary person, heading towards Fang Pingan's residence.

Great chaos is imminent. Not only will evil spirits emerge and cause trouble in the world, but some people will also get the opportunity to soar into the sky.

‘In the past five years, more martial arts masters have been born in Zhaonan Mansion than in the previous thirty years, and there will be more and more in the future. ’

'once Upon a time. ’

'The Great Zhou Tian Martial Master can become famous if he can remain undefeated against the Wu Luo Martial Master. Nowadays, all kinds of wizards emerge in endlessly. It is not uncommon to kill Wu Luo at the Great Zhou Tian realm. There are even Wu Luo Martial Masters who stand up to Wu Zong. . ’


Fang Zheng shook his head and sighed:

"In a time of great strife, when heroes are rising, I wonder if I will ever encounter that kind of opportunity that comes from heaven."


"Fang doesn't ask for a chance from heaven, he just wants not to become a stepping stone for others to become famous all over the world. That's enough."

As his thoughts turned, he flashed and disappeared in the crowd, and no one nearby was even aware of it.


Fangfu Courtyard.

Xiao Qian waved her sleeves and opened the door, then walked into the study swaggeringly.

"Miss Xiao."

Fang Pingan frowned:

"This is Fang's study. No intrusion is allowed without permission. And I don't think I heard someone in the front yard announcing that a guest is coming today?"

"Ha..." Xiao Qian heard this and sneered with disdain:

"Fang Ping'an, in this Zhaonan Mansion, except for the princess and the palace lord's mansion, who can stop me, Xiao Qian, wherever I want to go?"

"Also, you can still study?"

"Why can't I read?" Fang Pingan put down the book, lowered his eyebrows, and suppressed the anger in his heart.

"Don't you know?" Xiao Qian raised her eyebrows:

"Did something happen to your adoptive father?"

"Oh!" Fang Ping'an looked up, his expression unchanged:

"What could happen to my adoptive father?"

"It seems you really don't know anything." Xiao Qian raised the corner of her mouth slightly, pulled up a chair, and sat down with Da Ma Jin Dao:

"The new magistrate of Gu'an County died in the county government office. The person who killed him was Fang Zheng. The city has sent people to investigate."

"In a few days, it will be time to take him back to Fucheng for trial."

"Nonsense." Fang Ping'an shook his head:

"My foster father wouldn't do such a thing."

"Whether you do it or not, it doesn't matter what you say." Xiao Qian sneered:

"To tell you the truth, the person who went to Gu'an County to investigate this time is Du Xiu, a member of the Criminal Department. He has always disliked your adoptive father's behavior."


"My uncle Shi Bumi is accompanying me on this trip."

"Really?" Fang Ping'an said calmly:

"so what?"

"You still don't understand!" Xiao Qian felt sorry for his slow response and shook her head:

"The only person in Gu'an County who can kill the county magistrate in the county government office is your foster father. Du Xiu will definitely question him."

"In order to prevent your foster father from having evil intentions, my uncle is here to take charge. This time, he will be able to catch him without any help."

"You didn't respond at all. Could it be that you don't know the seriousness of the matter?"

"What Miss Xiao means... is something going to happen to my adoptive father?" Fang Ping'an looked at her with disdain on his face.


Xiao Qian raised her head:

"Fang Pingan, there are very few people who can save your adoptive father now, and I am one of them. If you are willing to kneel down and beg me, and I can plead for your adoptive father, I may be able to save his life."

"Haha..." Fang Ping'an suddenly laughed.

"Why are you laughing?" Xiao Qian's face turned cold.

"I laugh at your arrogance!" Fang Ping'an's smile faded, his eyes looked cold and he didn't bother to speak:

"I laugh at you for being so self-righteous!"

"Don't say that the county magistrate was not killed by my father. Even if he was, do you think Du Xiu and Shi Bumi would dare to touch my father?"


"In Gu'an County, there are no martial arts masters. Even if you are a martial arts master, my father will not be afraid!"

"Peng!" Xiao Qian's beautiful eyes were full of anger, and she stood up slapping the table. The tables and chairs were directly shattered by the aftermath of the energy:

"Fang Ping'an, you have such a loud voice!"

"What I said is the truth." Fang Ping'an said calmly:

"You should be worried about your uncle now. He really thinks that the Luofu Immortal Sect's background can be used anywhere."

"You..." Xiao Qian's delicate body trembled:

"Fang Pingan, let's wait and see!"


Fang Pingan's eyes flashed:

"Don't even think about leaving today!"

"Huh?" After Xiao Qian heard this, she took a step back and looked at Fang Ping'an, who had always been gentle and gentle but now had a ferocious face, and asked with an incredulous look on her face:

"What are you going to do?"

"I've tolerated you for a long time." Fang Ping'an gritted his steel teeth and said:


"Go to hell!"

This place is his study, and there is also a seven-star altar, where Fang Ping'an's magic power can be doubled.

The power of spells will skyrocket.


A flash of sword light flashed out of thin air and stabbed Xiao Qian in the heart.

Flying sword!

Xiao Qian was startled and subconsciously stepped back. She raised her hand to sacrifice her magical weapon and stopped in front of the sword light.


There was a crash.

The sword light dissipated in an instant, and Xiao Qian also took a step back, and the magical weapon guarding her in front of her also showed its true appearance.

It was a jade ring that was completely white.


Seeing that the other party blocked his blow, Fang Ping'an just hummed, and then fired with his fingers.

The sword light emerged from the fingertips and turned into a violent storm in an instant, covering Xiao Qian.


Xiao Qian screamed and tried her best to control Yuhuan to resist while retreating continuously. For a moment, she was in a state of embarrassment:

"What kind of swordsmanship is this?"

The Luofu Immortal Sect is famous for its sword-controlling techniques. She also practiced the Feixiao Sword-controlling Technique, but she felt it was not as good as Fang Ping'an.


How can this be?

Although the Feixiao Sword Control Technique is not the top inheritance of the Luofu Immortal Sect, it is still one of the best. Can it really be inferior to the skills practiced by a country bumpkin?

"Kukai Glazed Sword."

Fang Pingan's voice was cold:

"I'm sorry you haven't heard of it either."

This sword art was passed down to him by Fang Zheng. Unlike ordinary sword art, it can stimulate sword light and sword energy without refining the flying sword.

As long as one sword element is cultivated in the body, the sword element will not be destroyed, the sword energy will not stop, and life will continue.

The power is not weaker than that of a flying sword!

"Kukai Glazed Sword?" Xiao Qian took a step back, her beautiful eyes were confused at first, and then her eyes changed drastically:


"This is the inherited sword art of the Li family. The Li family was ruined decades ago. How can you practice it..."


"Fang Zheng, is he a disciple who escaped from the Li family?"

The Li family she refers to is not the royal Li family, but the Li family, one of the eight aristocratic families that has been passed down for thousands of years.


It was one of the eight great aristocratic families.

As early as decades ago, the Li family was in ruins. It was besieged by countless forces and its inheritance was cut off.

‘It is rumored that Fang Zheng was originally from a noble family and fled here. Could it be that he is actually from the Li family? ’


'Otherwise, how could Fang Zheng build such a foundation and improve his cultivation so rapidly in just over twenty years. ’

'Otherwise, how could Fang Ping'an master the lost Kukai Glazed Sword? ’

Her guess was not wrong.

Although Fang Zheng is not a descendant of the Li family, he has accepted the inheritance of Jiu Yuanzi, who is a real person of the Li family.

Most of the inheritance from the Li family is known to Founder.

From this point of view, he can also be regarded as a survivor of the Li family.

‘Suffer! ’

Xiao Qian's heart was beating wildly:

‘This matter is secret. If word gets out, the Li family’s enemies will definitely come looking for it, and Fang Ping’an will kill him! ’


With a scream, her spiritual light flickered, her relaxation talismans were activated one after another, and her body turned into several afterimages and flew backwards.


Fang Ping'an snorted coldly and slapped the bookcase with one hand. The surrounding area was instantly filled with mist, and golden light appeared on the spot.

Eight Golden Light Arrays!

The golden light was like a knife, strangling madly at the figures inside.

The sword energy was like a rainbow, completely engulfing Xiao Qian.

Two more jade leaf magic weapons flew out, seemingly light but able to suppress Xiao Qian's counterattacks one by one.

After a while.


The sword energy came out of her body. Xiao Qian's face was filled with unwillingness and surprise. She staggered back a few steps and fell to the ground.

She never imagined that Fang Pingan would really dare to kill her and have the strength to kill her.

In the courtyard.

Several female corpses also fell to the ground, one person stood with a stick, his eyes were cold, scanning the whole place one by one.

This person is clearly Duan Qiongqi, the director of Fang Mansion's nursing home. His cultivation level is only one step away from being a Wuluo martial artist.

As early as two years ago, he was assigned to Fang Ping'an as a guard.

"Uncle Duan."

Fang Ping'an hurried out of the house, holding a package in his hand:

"Pack up, let's go."


Duan Qiongqi nodded:

"Young Master, the Luofu Immortal Sect has many masters in Fucheng, and Xiao Qian's master, Fairy Luhua, is a great mage."

"If she discovers it, Duan will try his best to delay it. The young master will just rush to Gu'an County."

"Uncle Duan..." Fang Ping'an's expression changed:

"I was too impulsive and dragged you down."

"Young master is joking." Duan Qiongqi waved his hand:

"This witch often comes to pester the young master, but Duan is unable to do anything. I am really ashamed of my lord."

"Let's go!"


Fang Pingan nodded and was about to take a step when his expression suddenly changed. He was shocked at first and then overjoyed.


"My lord."

Duan Qiongqi knelt down on one knee and saluted with his hands in hand.


Fang Zheng, who suddenly appeared in the yard, nodded towards the two of them, waved his hand and said:

"Go back to the house."

"But..." Fang Pingan hesitated:

"If I kill Xiao Qian, I'm afraid the Luofu Immortal Sect won't let it go."

"It doesn't matter."

Fang Zheng flexed his fingers to seal the secret, and black smoke came out from his fingertips, disappearing from the bodies of the female corpse and Xiao Qian in the arena.

The next moment.

The girls twisted their bodies and stood up slowly, and came to the courtyard with expressionless faces.

Corpse control!

Different from the ordinary corpse control technique, the corpse control technique performed by Fang Zheng made the girls have rosy faces and bright eyes.

If it weren't for the hideous wounds on his body, he would almost be alive.

Fangzheng squeezed the seal with his hand and said slowly:

"You go back, reduce your interactions with people for the past two days, and after three days, go and bury yourself in an uninhabited place outside the city."

The corpses bowed, adjusted their clothes a little, covered their wounds, and headed towards the back door in order.


Fang Ping'an showed hesitation:

"is this okay?"

Although Fang Zheng's methods are amazing, he can only hide them from ordinary people, certainly not from a great mage.


Fang Zheng opened his mouth:

"Lvhua is dead."


Fang Ping'an opened his mouth wide with a dull look on his face.


Fairy Green Flower is a great mage!

He is very aware of the terror of a great mage, especially the great mage of the Luofu Immortal Sect, and even if several people join forces, they may not be able to defeat him.


But he heard the news of Fairy Luhua's death from Fang Zheng.

Who killed him?

There is no doubt about this!

"Before you do this kind of thing in the future, remember to tell me so that I can be prepared." Fang Zheng said:

"If I hadn't come today, I'm afraid you would have been in a lot of trouble."

"Hehe..." Fang Ping'an scratched his head and said with a smile:

"I was acting on impulse. I have tolerated that woman for a long time. This time I can't bear it anymore and I just do it."

"However, I am not blindly reckless. I have a certain degree of confidence in escaping."


Fang Zheng raised his eyebrows:

"What confidence?"

"Father, please look!" Fang Pingan turned his hand, and a round mirror appeared in his palm. He held the round mirror and looked at himself. His aura instantly began to fade until it completely disappeared under Fang Zheng's perception.


Fang Zheng's eyes moved slightly, and his compass of consciousness trembled slightly. Only then could he discover Fang Ping'an's method of covering up.

"nice one."

"Where did you come from?"

Being able to hide it from his perception means that it is difficult for most archmages to detect it. This thing is truly extraordinary.

"I bought it from a street stall." Fang Pingan said with a smile:

"The man said it was his wife's dressing mirror. He must have lied. I'm afraid it was dug out of some grave."

"This object is mysterious. It can cover the aura and reflect certain spells. It is considered a rare treasure."

"Not bad." Fang Zheng nodded:

"You have some opportunities. No wonder you dare to turn your back and take action. It turns out that you are certain of saving your life."

"Hehe..." Fang Ping'an smiled shyly.

"Put your things away." Fang Zheng stood with his hands behind his back:

"I will stay in Fucheng for a few days, but I won't be able to show up in a short time. If you need anything, you can go to Linghu's house to find me."


Fang Ping'an nodded in agreement, but when he raised his head, Fang Zheng's figure had disappeared.




The communication talisman is a relatively common standard magic weapon. There are two copies at most, which can exchange messages with each other.


Most of these magical weapons have strict distance restrictions. Generally speaking, they have no effect if they exceed a few miles.


There are exceptions.

The jade tablet in Fang Zheng's hand is one of them.

This thing was given by Princess Qingyuan. It can communicate with each other hundreds of miles apart, but the response is slow.

It may be that if you write a message here, it will take several hours for the other party to receive it.

"Fangzheng, let's not mention that Shi Bumei died due to evil, Lu Hua was also killed not long ago."

"what do you want to say?"


Li Yingxuan suspected that it was him.

"It's a pity that Fang also just heard about this tragic news. Did he hear that Fairy Luhua died not far from the city?"

Fang Fang wrote expressionlessly:

"Fairy Luhua is a great mage and a true descendant of the Luofu Immortal Sect. There are very few people who can kill her."

"In Zhaonan Mansion, the most likely person is Ananda, the leader of Xuanhuo Hall who is still resisting the imperial court."

"Fang is going to Fucheng in the near future, and I will definitely meet him then."

Putting down the jade token, Fang Zheng raised his head and looked to the opposite side.

This is a property secretly purchased by the Linghu family in Zhaonan Mansion. The old man sitting opposite is named Linghu Mingquan.

The elder brother of Linghu Qiuchan.

That is, Fang Zheng's uncle.

"Busy working?"

Facing Fang Zheng, Linghu Mingquan looked flattering and raised his wine glass to signal:


"Let's drink. We won't come home until we get drunk today."

"Don't be in a hurry to drink." Fang Zheng waved his hand gently:

"Brother called me here this time, why?"

"This..." Linghu Mingquan's expression changed, and then he lowered his voice and said:

"Fangzheng, as you know, my father has been away from home for more than two years. As the saying goes, a country cannot be without a king for a day, and a family cannot be without a master for a day. It is not an option for the Linghu family to not have a person in charge."

"Well..." Fang Zheng frowned:

"Brother, do you want to be the master of the house?"

Although Linghu Mingquan is Linghu An's son, he has no talent for martial arts and has never practiced law.

He's a lot of age, but he's just a second-blood warrior.

In any larger family, he would be regarded as a playboy, not the head of the family.


Linghu Mingquan seems to be almost sixty years old, his energy and blood have already shown signs of decline, and his lifespan is running out.

Be the head of the family?

Might as well take good care of yourself in old age.


Linghu Mingquan nodded:

"Last month, Linghu Changping from the Second Fang family married Fairy Luoxian from Chunyang Palace, and his arrogance became even more arrogant."

"The Linghu family's property cannot fall into the hands of the second wife, so I must fight for the position of the head of the family."

"If we don't fight now, we will have no chance in the future."

"Brother." Fang Zheng sighed:

"I've heard about Changping and Fairy Luoxian. To be honest... Changping is lucky to be able to marry Luoxian."

"Building a good relationship with the second roommate is the most important thing."

If there are top forces in Zhaonan Mansion, Chunyang Palace, which has a Wuzong and a real person, will take the lead.


The younger generation of Taoist geniuses in Chunyang Palace, barely a few years older than Fang Ping'an, has already reached the threshold of a great mage.

He is known as the person who is most likely to break through the real world in Chunyang Palace within a hundred years.

Linghu Changping married Luoxian, which was a major event in Zhaonan Mansion, and the Linghu family also benefited from it.

Even the Fang Mansion in Gu'an County received generous gifts.


Linghu Mingquan's complexion changes:

"You don't know something. Changping was not well received at home when he was a child. I'm afraid... that he will take revenge."


Fang Zheng raised his eyebrows.

Thinking about it, this is another story about a concubine's counterattack, but Linghu Changping's counterattack relied on marrying a good wife.

"You can't compare two Linghus." He said slowly:

"What happened in the past is in the past. Changping is a member of the Linghu family after all. How can he deny it?"



Fang Zheng opened his mouth to persuade:

"Chang Ping may not take Linghu's family seriously now. It would be good for Linghu's family to have a good relationship with him."

"No!" Linghu Mingquan shook his head:

"That kid from Changping is different from other people. He will retaliate for his anger. The family is all worried now."


"Let me beg you, Changping is not a popular place now. With you in charge, the position of the head of the family will not fall to outsiders."

"Why bother!" Fang Zheng sighed:

"Brother, you are already this old. Even if you can get the position of the head of the family, what can you do?"


Linghu Mingquan's beard trembled, he slapped the table and stood up, saying angrily:

"Fang Zheng, since my sister married you, have you ever really helped the Linghu family in all these years?"

"You don't want to help with this little thing?"

"..." Fang Zheng was speechless:

"Sit down first and don't get excited."

"Fang is also telling the truth. Which of the eldest brother's three sons can take over the position of head of the family?"

“When doing things, always think carefully.”


Linghu Mingquan snorted coldly:

"If I insist on taking the position of the head of the family, and if that little beast Chang Ping insists on going against me, which one will you help?"

Little beast?

It seems that my elder brother-in-law hates his cousin.

We are all a family, why bother?

Fang Zheng frowned subconsciously.


He sighed and said:

"You are Qiu Chan's brother after all, so Fang will help you, but that shouldn't be the case, right?"


Linghu Mingquan snorted coldly:

"As long as you have this sentence, it will be fine. As a brother, you must be the head of the family."

"rest assured!"

His eyes flashed and he said:

"I won't treat you badly. When I become the head of the family, I will give you the Thousand-Year Pure Blood Lotus that my father left behind."


Fangzheng's eyes narrowed:

"Thousand-year-old Blood Purifying Lotus, a treasure that is rumored to help people open their spiritual apertures?"

"Not bad." Linghu Mingquan said with a smile on his lips.

"My father got this medicine by chance. If he can get the other two packages of medicine, he has a great chance of becoming a martial arts master."


"Now that my father is away, I have the final say on what to do with things."

He has his own plans.

The precious medicine was rare, but he couldn't use it. Not only Linghu Mingquan couldn't use it, but there were no prodigies in the following generations.

The only one who has a chance is Linghu Changping.

That being the case,

Might as well give it to Fang Zheng.

In his opinion, Linghu Changping was worse than an outsider.

Besides, just a Thousand-Year Pure Blood Lotus is not enough for someone to become a martial artist. Others are needed.

Fang Zheng was thoughtful.

It seems that Linghu Mingquan is determined to win the position of head of the Linghu family, but unfortunately his talents are not enough to be the head of the family.

Linghu’s family,

The situation of ruin has been decided!


When the time comes, I can just help out as much as I can, and it won't be in vain for the Linghu family to raise Qiu Chan.


Princess's Mansion.

Qingyuan Princess Li Yingxuan played with the jade token in his hand, with a strange look on his face, and shook his head slightly.

"Ananda, he said you killed Luhua?"


One person snorted coldly:

"For no reason, why should I kill her?"

"Yes!" Li Yingxuan's lips curled up slightly and he said with a smile:

"You are mine. Although Lu Hua is arrogant and not very lovable, you are also mine."

"How can they kill each other?"

"Princess." Ananda cupped his hands and said:

"If it is really Fang Zheng who did it, his strength must be extraordinary. The person who took action based on the situation at the scene must be a great mage."

"Fangzheng is a master of both magic and martial arts. His martial arts is flawless, and his magic skills are not worth mentioning. Now it seems that his achievements in magic and magic are even greater than those of martial arts. He has hidden them deeply enough."


"It's possible it wasn't him."

Li Yingxuan was thoughtful.

Very few people knew that Xuanhuo Tang, who was operating in Zhaonan Mansion and operating under the banner of opposing the imperial court, was actually one of her people.

Respect yourself!

If there are no big thieves or gangsters in Zhaonan Mansion, then what excuse does Prince Kang's Mansion have to stay?

Many people know that after annihilating the Green Wolf Gang, they have no interest in suppressing the remaining bandit princesses.

Little did I know.

Xuanhuotang originally belonged to the princess.

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