Heavenly Master, I have a different world

Chapter 203 Head of Household

A few days later.

Fang Zheng, who "hurriedly" came from Gu'an County, was led into the Linghu family's mansion in Fucheng.

The courtyard is full of people and bustling with people.

Even among the crowd, he was wearing a purple robe and a strong figure, and attracted much attention.

The majestic spirit of Wuluo martial artist is like a pearl in the dark night, naturally attracting the attention of others.

A slight bloom of power can cause the crowd to separate on their own.

"Master Qiao!"

Fang Zheng cupped his fists and raised his hands, saluting someone from a distance:

"Long time no see, your old body and bones are getting better and better, making the younger generation feel ashamed."

"Master Fang, don't laugh at me." Master Qiao Xian shook his head:

"At this old age, half of my body has been buried in the ground, and I am satisfied that I can still move."

"Haha..." Fang Zheng laughed:

"Master Qiao is too modest."

The Immortal Master Qiao in front of him is just an ordinary mage. He is not very strong, but he is over ninety years old.

More than ninety years old is considered auspicious here.

In addition, he was senior enough and respected in the city, so he would be asked to mediate in many disputes between families.

"Brother Liu!"

"Brother Fang!"

Liu Sandao from the Broadsword Gang is also here today.

During the siege and killing of Master Black Wind, Liu Sandao managed to escape with his life, but he also paid the price of losing an arm.

Three swords,

It directly became a knife!

It was difficult to achieve success in spiritual practice, so he simply started to build relationships, and now he is also a famous person in Fucheng.

The two were familiar with each other and walked into the lobby of Linghu's house after seeing each other.

Today is the day when the Linghu family becomes the head of the family, and they are all invited to attend and bear witness.

In addition to them, many people arrived.

"Senior Fang."

A person came close to me and invited me in a low voice:

"Please take a seat."

"Master Qiao Xian, Gang Leader Liu, please come with this junior."

Above the lobby, people were coming and going, old and young, most of whom were famous figures in Zhaonan Mansion.

Fangzheng sat upright, very close to the main seat.

Master Qiao Xian and Liu Sandao were both below him.


He touched his chin, thoughtfully.

‘After decades of hard work, I am finally a figure now. My reputation as the No. 1 tyrant in Gu’an County and the master of Fang Porcelain is well known in the city. ’

‘Now that I’m asking questions, I can get a seat at the table, but this arrangement probably takes advantage of my relationship with the Linghu family. ’

‘Not really. ’

‘I am a martial arts master with no leakage, and I also practice magic. Although I cannot compare with the high-ranking nobles like the princess, I am already a great master in the eyes of ordinary people, and I will be a guest no matter where I am. ’

‘Looking at the entire Zhaonan Mansion, there are probably not many people who are stronger and more powerful than me in terms of status and are willing to come. ’

‘Why can’t I sit in this position? ’

"Senior Fang!"


Several young people stepped forward to salute, identifying themselves one by one, and their words were full of respect for the other party.

Ask for a moment.

These people are all influential figures among the younger generation in Fucheng. They are not bad at cultivation and have their own backgrounds.

Fang Zheng nodded, feeling ripples in his heart again.

'senior? ’

‘Unknowingly, Fang is already over fifty, and his activities are no longer on the same level as those of young people. ’

‘I don’t know whether I should be celebrating or pity? ’


‘No longer here! ’

Knocking on the armrest, Fang Zheng shook his head secretly:

‘Although Fang is already over fifty years old, martial arts master Wu Liu can live for more than a hundred years, and there are still decades of good life in the future. In total, he can only be said to be middle-aged. ’

‘However, even if one is free from leaks, there don’t seem to be many people who live over a hundred years old. Moreover, the realm of being free from leaks only slows down the depletion of physical essence. It does not mean that one will not grow old. After the age of sixty, one will also decline from the peak of the physical body. ’

‘Now that I am in my fifties, I am only a few years away from my peak age. The later I go, the later my breakthrough will be, so I cannot relax too much. ’

At this time, a shout from outside the door brought him back to his senses.

"Prince Chunyang Palace Qiu has arrived!"

As soon as the voice fell, there was a commotion around him, and many whispers of surprise and ecstasy reached his eardrums.

"Taoist Master Qiu?"

"This one is actually here?"

"The Linghu family is so proud!"

"You don't know something about this. Linghu Changping of the Linghu family is married to Fairy Luoxian, the darling daughter of heaven in Chunyang Palace. Linghu Changping is not popular in the Linghu family. This time Qiu The Taoist priest is here, I'm afraid there will be some excitement."

"Taoist Master Qiu!" Linghu Mingquan stood up from the main seat, a trace of panic flashed on his face, and then hurriedly greeted him:

"I didn't expect you to come here today. The famous spring is far away, and the mansion is really full of glory!"

"You're welcome." Taoist priest Qiu, whose real name is Qiu Lingju, is the elder of Chunyang Palace, and his status is second only to the palace master.


There are two Supreme Elders above the Palace Master of Chunyang Palace, but they are special cases and have not been involved in palace affairs for a long time.


Linghu Mingquan stretched out his hand to signal:

"Master Qiu, please take a seat."

Fang Zheng and others had also stood up and saluted Taoist Master Qiu from a distance, as if they had met each other.

Behind Daochang Qiu, closely followed were two young men, a man and a woman. The man was handsome and the woman was beautiful, they could be described as a couple.

Linghu Changping took Luo Xian and came to Fangzheng to salute:

"Chang Ping has met my uncle!"

"Luoxian has met Senior Fang."

"Okay, okay, get up quickly." Fang smiled kindly and stretched out his hand:

"A talented man and a beautiful woman are a match made in heaven. Qiu Chan has been very happy for a long time after hearing about your marriage."

"Changping hasn't seen my aunt for a long time. I'll go see her when I have time." Linghu Changping nodded and said:

"Uncle is here, can you go and sit at my nephew's residence?"

"This..." Fang Zheng hesitated:

"I'm afraid I don't have time."

"I understand." Linghu Changping said clearly:

"When I have time, my nephew will take Luo Xian to visit my uncle and aunt in Gu'an County."


Fang Zheng nodded:


Fang Zheng sighed silently as he sent the young couple away.

This Linghu Changping seemed to have a humble attitude, but in fact he was very sharp. When he heard that he was not planning to go to his residence and knew that he would not be able to win over him, his attitude instantly became cold.


My uncle is not good at things, but he doesn't look down on people. This young man may not have a good temper.

I'm afraid it will be difficult for Linghu's family to be stable in the future.

Fortunately, Linghu Qiuchan had taken care of him and finally gave his uncle some face.

I don’t see you.

Linghu Changping and his wife Luoxian had almost no good feelings toward the rest of the Linghu family.


"As the saying goes, a country cannot be without a king, and a family cannot be without a master. My father has been away in the East China Sea for more than two years. I expect that my father will return home with a full load, but after all, someone needs to take charge of the affairs of the family."

Linghu Mingquan cupped his fists and cupped his hands, saluting everyone:

"Mingquan is not talented. I have been recommended by the elders and stewards in the family to discuss and take the position of acting head of the family."


As soon as he finished speaking, someone in the audience spoke:

"You are not young anymore, and you have been making soup and medicine every day recently to keep yourself healthy. I'm afraid it's not appropriate for you to be the head of the house."

"I'm not questioning brother's ability, but I'm worried about your health."

The person speaking was Linghu Changping's second uncle. Although he was also Linghu Mingquan's younger brother, he did not share the same mother.

"Although Mingquan is ill, he has to do it for the sake of the Linghu family." Linghu Mingquan's face darkened and he said:


"Fifth brother wants this position?"

"Uncle!" someone said:

"You are not in good health and your cultivation level is not high. If you are allowed to sit in the position of the head of the family, wouldn't it make others laugh and say that our Linghu family can't even choose a decent talent?"


"Be bold!"

This person's words were so rude that they immediately caused a series of angry rebuke. Some people even jumped out and shouted:

"Xiao Qizi, you dare to say that about my father. Do you really think that we are easy to bully and you have the ability to challenge me?"

"Aren't you afraid?"

The person who spoke also jumped out and was about to fight.


Linghu Mingquan trembled with anger and shouted loudly:

"Stop it, how can I behave like this?"

"How dignified!"

Today was the day when he was elected as the head of the family. He hosted a banquet for many famous people in the city, but the result was like a farce.

"Lao Wu!"

He turned around and said:

"The decision to choose me as the head of the family was made by everyone in the family. Why, you don't want to recognize me now?"


Lao Wu’s complexion changes:

"I didn't know that your health suddenly deteriorated. I just care about you and have no other intention."


Linghu Mingquan snorted coldly:

"I know my body well and don't care about it!"

"Uncle." Linghu Changping stood up at the right time, cupped his hands and said:

"Chang Ping was not here when we chose the head of the family. As a junior, Chang Ping did not dare to say anything. However, there are many elders in the family. In terms of cultivation, reputation and even physical condition, my uncle does not seem to be the best candidate for the head of the family."


He said politely:

"My nephew has no other intention, he just asked out of curiosity."

Curious to ask?

If you don’t ask at other times, but you choose to ask when so many outsiders are present, you are slapping me in the face!

Linghu Mingquan's face was ashen.

Everyone in the venue also had different expressions, some had solemn expressions, while more had playful expressions.

To them, today's farce in the Linghu family was like a good show, and it was free of charge.

They don't get involved, and they don't intend to smooth things over.


Linghu Mingquan glanced at Taoist Master Qiu, took a deep breath, and said slowly:

"The head of the family does not have to be strong enough. There are other requirements. Otherwise, whoever is stronger will win. How can there be any rules?"

"If you don't believe me, ask Taoist Master Qiu, was the position of the Palace Master of Chunyang Palace determined by someone else?"

Taoist priest Qiu's eyes moved slightly, and then he nodded slowly:

"That makes sense."

"Killing and killing is not the right way, because the palace master has too many things to deal with, which will slow down the progress of cultivation. Therefore, the palace master mostly chooses to do it if he has no hope of getting any closer."

"That's what Taoist Master Qiu said." Linghu Mingquan handed over his hand:

"Mingquan has nothing else to do, but he moved to Fucheng with his father and knows the Linghu family's property very well. If someone else takes over the position of the head of the family, I don't know how to deal with the shopkeepers."

"Don't worry, Changping. Even if I become the head of the family, what is yours will still be yours and it will never change."

"Uncle is too worried."

Linghu Changping lowered his head:

"I'm just curious. By the way... I wonder how many years the uncle will be the head of the family."

"You won't be in front of me all the time, right?"

Linghu Mingquan's face darkened.

He finally understood that the reason Lao Wu and his gang were causing trouble was not to take away his position as head of the family.

It cannot be taken away.

Nowadays, most of the Linghu family's property is in his hands, and the shopkeepers have no plans to change ownership.


That may not be the case in a few years!

Now everyone can see that Linghu Changping has a bright future, which is definitely not comparable to that of an old man like him.

More and more people will take refuge in him in the future.

The purpose of this attack was not for the current position of the head of the family, but for the future, to limit Linghu Mingquan's term of office.


Linghu Changping looked at Fang Zheng, cupped his hands and said:

"My uncle's health is not very good, and the affairs of the head of the family are very complicated. It is only right to re-elect him in a few years."

"Do you think so?"

Fang Zheng sighed in his heart.

"What Chang Ping said is true."

"But who should be the head of the family does not matter what outsiders say. It still needs to be discussed by the Linghu family themselves."

As he said this, he winked secretly at Linghu Mingquan.

This time Linghu Mingquan can make a kind of family boss and elder recognize him, and he can do the same next time.

But if you say that once you become the head of the family, you will be the head of the family forever, Linghu Changping and others will definitely not agree to it today.


In a few years, Linghu Changping will definitely make trouble again, and the Linghu family may find it hard to find peace in the past few years.

Everyone is taking sides, and it’s hard to make progress in business.


Linghu Mingquan looked stiff and nodded slowly.

As soon as this was said.

The atmosphere suddenly relaxed, the hall was filled with laughter again, and the turmoil quietly dissipated.


Linghu Mingquan appeared in Fangzheng's room holding a brocade box.


The brocade box is opened.

A thousand-year-old pure blood lotus sealed with a black ice talisman appears in front of you, and its lines like blood veins are particularly eye-catching.

"Fang will keep this item for now."

Fang Zheng opened his mouth:

"If my father-in-law comes back within three to five years, he will definitely send it back. If..., Fang may use it for himself."

"Take it." Linghu Mingquan waved his hand:

"That bastard from Changping is obsessed with the position of the head of the family. If he becomes the head of the house, this thing will give him an advantage in vain."

"give him,"

"I might as well give it to you!"

Fang Zheng was speechless.

My elder brother-in-law has lived for so many years, but why is he still as childish as a child sometimes?


After thinking for a while, he spoke slowly:

"You can't write two Linghus in one sentence. Changping is also from the Linghu family, and he has a bright future..."


Linghu Mingquan slapped the case and stood up, his eyes wide open:

"Why, you don't even believe that I am qualified to be the head of the family?"

"Just wait, I can be chosen as the head of the family by all the shopkeepers and clan elders this time, and I can do the same next time."

Fang Zheng opened his mouth, but finally shook his head and said nothing.

He lowered his head and looked at the Millennium Blood Purifying Lotus. This thing is the main material for refining the Three Treasure Pills and is very rare.

You only need to buy two other elixirs to get two kinds of three treasure pills.

Sanbao Dan,

It can help martial arts masters and great masters to open their spiritual apertures and break through the realm.


One of the elixirs was in Jiu Yuanzi's memory, so there was only the last elixir left.

The Three Treasure Pills are not difficult to refine.

The difficulty is that magical medicines are rare.

'Now that I am still some distance away from the perfection of the ninth heaven of vowel thunder method, I can take this opportunity to find the location of the third elixir. A millennium pure blood lotus is more than enough to be divided into two parts. Even if my father-in-law comes back, I can divide it from him. It shouldn't be a problem to pay half. ’

'good! ’


The second day.

Fang Zheng went to meet Princess Qingyuan.

"Mr. Fang, the princess doesn't want to see you."

Xiaocui, the princess's personal maid, walked out of the mansion, shrugged and said:

"Please come back."

"Huh?" Fang Zheng raised his eyebrows:

"Miss Xiaocui, do you know why?"

"I don't know, this slave." Xiao Cui shook her head and said:

"But the princess mentioned that Fairy Luhua and Miss Xiao Qian of Luofu Immortal Sect also died, and she was very sad."



Founder handed over:

"Please report back to the princess. Fang is also very sorry about the murder of the disciples of the Luofu Immortal Sect."


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