Heavenly Monarch of All Times

Chapter 100 Different?

A turmoil ended like this. Those who wanted to see a good show were disappointed, while those who were worried about Ye Han were relieved.

Afterwards, Zhou Yun, Feng Ming and others, who had calmed down the scene, retreated from the arena and sat down on the stand on one side of the arena.

Immediately, only the beauty in the cheongsam who was the first to go on stage was left on the stage. She coughed lightly, making everyone's eyes return to her.

"Hi everyone, let me introduce myself. I am Siyi from this year's martial arts test. I want to be Zhou Xiaoya. It is a great honor to be here to host this year's martial arts test!"

The beauty in the cheongsam smiled slightly, and with a soft voice, began to read the rules of the martial arts test: "This martial arts test is different from previous years. First of all, the format of this competition. Instead of a one-on-one competition, we have to adopt another new way of competition!"

New way of playing?

Everyone couldn't help being curious and pricked up their ears to listen.

"Everyone can take a look at this arena first, it is several times bigger than last year, because in this arena, five matches will start at the same time this year!" Zhou Xiaoya began to introduce.

Ye Han glanced at the arena, and sure enough, he found that the arena was different from what the thirteen princes saw last year. Not only was it larger in size, but also there was a large circle at each of the four corners and the middle of the arena. There is a large character written, namely gold, wood, water, fire, and earth. Among them, the word "gold" is in the middle, and the other four are in the four corners.

Zhou Xiaoya paused, and gave everyone enough time to observe the ring, and then spoke again, saying, "To be honest, it will be more difficult to win this martial arts test, because once you stand on the ring, There are only two results, one is to beat one after another who wants to replace you and occupy this corner of the ring, and the other is to be defeated and rest!"


All the young men and women in the arena were shocked when they heard the rules of the competition announced by Zhou Xiaoya, and they were able to remain calm. Only the young masters and ladies of the three major families had already known about this matter in advance. .

Almost as soon as Zhou Xiaoya's voice fell, someone under the ring immediately asked loudly: "Why is this so? In this way, it's not that those who go to the ring first will be exhausted, but those behind can easily defeat their opponents." To win?"

This sentence asked everyone's heartfelt thoughts, and the discussion suddenly became quieter, and many people quieted down, waiting for Zhou Xiaoya's explanation.

Zhou Xiaoya smiled, as if a beautiful peony flower suddenly bloomed, making everyone's eyes brighten.

I only heard Zhou Xiaoya say in her clear and melodious voice: "There are 300 people participating in this martial arts test. It is naturally impossible for one person to defeat dozens of opponents on average and fight until the end. Therefore, the first martial arts test The first stage is divided into six rounds, and in one of the competitions, everyone who can stand on the stage to the end can successfully advance to the second stage."

Hearing this, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Many people feel that in this way, at most, they can defeat nine opponents in a row, which is equal to one out of ten, which is not bad.

Of course, some people felt that it was still too difficult, and said: "Even if it is only for six battles, there will still be a situation where the person who comes to power first will suffer!"

But Zhou Xiaoya said: "That's exactly the case. Since this martial arts test is quite special, what is required is to be able to overwhelm the audience. I think the contestants present must be geniuses, and they are sure to beat everyone. Win in the most beautiful way!"

The last sentence immediately made all the young people who wanted to protest swallow their dissatisfaction for a moment. Especially men, in front of a beauty like Zhou Xiaoya, who would want to make a fool of himself? Therefore, they can only swallow it by themselves!

As for the girls, there were not many participating in the competition, and most of the ones who made it to this point were the children of big families who already knew about this, or they were arrogant people. They didn't care about this condition at all, so They also stopped mentioning this matter.

That's it, the change in the way the martial arts test is conducted has been finalized!

"As I said just now, this is the first stage. In this stage, everyone has only one chance to be in the ring!" Zhou Xiaoya continued, "As for the second stage, it will be the top 30 finals, until the winners are decided. Already! I'll explain how to do it later. Do you all understand?"

Everyone in the arena nodded.

"You said before that this martial arts test is different. I wonder what's special about this martial arts test?" Seeing that everyone fell silent, Ye Han suddenly raised his voice and asked.

For a while, he once again became the focus of everyone's attention.

Zhou Xiaoya also took a careful look at him, and smiled slightly: "That's a good question! Hehe, everyone will hear it clearly next time! The special feature of this year's martial arts test lies in the second stage of the competition. The stage is for the top 30 to compete for the final of the top ten, and then the top ten will compete to determine the champion!"

There was a slight pause in her voice, and seeing that everyone in the audience was listening carefully, she continued: "If you get the top three in this martial arts test, you have the opportunity to directly join the inner sect of Qingyun Sect!"

As soon as this remark came out, there was an uproar under the ring, and everyone's questions rang out.

"Wow! Inner sect?! Can you join the inner sect?"

"Yes, how is this possible?!"

"I've never heard of such a thing before!"...

Being in the area of ​​Zihuan Dynasty where the Qingyun Sect has the greatest influence, even in a small place like Bimiao City, everyone knows that the inner sect and the outer sect of the Qingyun Sect are completely different concepts!

A simple analogy is that the outer sect is only a family in a small town like Bimiao City, while the inner sect is the real noble of the imperial capital!

Being able to enter the inner gate, no matter how bad it is, you will be able to get mixed up with the lord of a small town by then!

As for the various cultivation aids enjoyed after becoming an inner disciple, it is completely unmatched by outer disciples!

Everyone couldn't help but be in an uproar, the outer sect disciples are envied by everyone in Bimiao City, not to mention the inner sect disciples in the Qingyun sect that everyone wants to be in the outer sect!

However, facing everyone's life-long questions, Zhou Xiaoya just smiled and said: "I can only tell you that this news is absolutely true! As for why there is such a sudden change, I am not clear about it. I can only say that this It is the decision of the Qingyun Sect, so it can be regarded as expanding the number of disciples recruited by the inner sect this year!"

Someone asked again: "What about next year? Can I directly enter the inner door next year?"

"We won't know what happened next year until next year, won't we?" Zhou Xiaoya still had a smile on her face and blinked her eyes playfully, making the man feel embarrassed to continue to question and embarrass her.

But Zhou Xiaoya threw another bombshell at this moment: "I would like to add one more point, this military test, not only the top three in the military test have the opportunity to join the inner sect, but during the process of the military test, if they perform extraordinary, they will be admitted to the inner school." The envoys of the Qingyun faction who are watching the competition nearby value it, and they also have the opportunity to become an inner disciple!"

As soon as these words came out, the scene completely boiled.

"My God! Am I dreaming?"

"It means that if we perform well, even if we don't become the top three, we still have the opportunity to join the Qingyun sect?!"

"This... this..." Some people were so excited that they couldn't speak.

The crowd couldn't calm down for a long time. In order to suppress the atmosphere of the scene, Zhou Xiaoya had to exert all her strength and said to the crowd: "Don't doubt everyone, I don't dare to talk nonsense with so many big people watching!"

Everyone in the arena couldn't help laughing when they heard the words, and the excitement in their hearts remained undiminished, but they didn't continue to quarrel, but secretly began to think about how to perform with all their strength later.

At this time, among the crowd, Feng Ling, the second young master of the Feng family, suddenly raised his voice and asked, "Apart from this, what's the difference?"

In fact, he had already learned everything from Feng Ming, but at this moment, in order to enjoy the feeling of being noticed like Ye Han, he took the opportunity to show it.

However, what he didn't expect was that everyone around did look at him, but there was something in their eyes that made him uncomfortable, that is contempt!

Feng Ling's face turned pale and white, and he almost wanted to curse, but was stopped by his elder brother, the young master of the Feng family.

Zhou Xiaoya just chuckled, and said: "Besides the difference in the format of the competition, those who stand out in the end will have the opportunity to directly become inner disciples. This time, if they can advance to the top three, they can also get secret rewards from the three major families." , and even the champion can get a mysterious gift from the envoy of the Qingyun faction!"

Ye Han was thoughtful.

Regarding what Zhou Xiaoya said just now, directly becoming an inner sect disciple, in his opinion, has a lot of meaning. There are so many small towns like Bimiao City in the Zihuan Dynasty, how many inner disciples does each have? Then the inner sect disciples are flooded!

In the past, only outer disciples were selected for the martial arts test in Bimiao City.

Now that such a change suddenly appeared, in Ye Han's opinion, something must have happened.

He is not very interested in the inner disciples of the Qingyun Sect. He originally wanted to become a disciple of the Qingyun Sect, but he just wanted to use this identity to leave the Southern Region. However, he was very interested in the mysterious gift Zhou Xiaoya mentioned.

When the other young people present heard the words, their eyes lit up and their hearts itched.

Someone couldn't wait to ask: "What kind of gift will it be? You won't use some ordinary things to fool us!"

"Yes, yes, let me reveal it, and give us something to look forward to!" The others also shouted one by one, wanting to know what the reward was.

Zhou Xiaoya originally didn't want to talk about rewards, but at this moment, it seemed like she couldn't do without talking about the situation. She looked helplessly at Zhou Yun and the others who were sitting calmly on the side of the ring, seeing Zhou Yun nodding to her, she was relieved.

With a raised hand, the people in the noisy audience immediately quieted down. Then, Zhou Xiaoya said with a smile: "Since everyone is so curious, I'll reveal a little bit!"

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