Heavenly Monarch of All Times

Chapter 99 Martial Arts Test

Bimiao City is a very old city.

From the ancient and mottled city wall, it can be seen that this place has experienced countless wars. The endless years have smoothed the sharp edges and corners of the city wall, but it has not smoothed the belief of people in this ancient town who use martial arts !

Today is the annual martial arts test in Bimiao City, and it is also the busiest time in Bimiao City, because on this day, all young people who are interested in martial arts, and even practice martial arts will get a chance to change their lives , as long as you have the ability, as long as you can stand out from the crowd, even if you are a beggar, you will transform into an object of worship by countless people!

In the cool breeze of midsummer, the flags fluttered.

On the central square of Bimiao City, tens of thousands of people have gathered at this moment. Among them, some are young talents, who are the dawn of the future of the major families. There are also some who are poor and ready to come here to accept the test of fate. Once successful, they will be born out of nowhere and become dragons and phoenixes among the people!

Because, those who win the top ten in the martial arts test will have the opportunity to join the Qingyun faction!

The Qingyun sect is one of the seven super sects among the other human kingdoms near the Zihuan Dynasty Unicom. Not to mention the small city of Bimiao, it is located in Zijing, the imperial capital of the Zihuan Dynasty. Who is not overwhelmed and wants to join?

Joining the Qingyun faction represents a bright future, wealth and prosperity, and strong strength!

This is the goal pursued by most of the young children in Bimiao City!

"Ah, it's about to start, it's finally about to start!"

"I've been waiting for a long time, and finally it's today!"

"It's finally time for me to show. This time, I must use my fists to create a future for myself!"

Standing in the crowd, Ye Han looked indifferent at the moment, but in fact, he couldn't calm down now, because what the woman said to him last night was still recurring in his mind.

Actually let me win the first place in this martial arts test no matter what? What exactly is that woman trying to do? Ye Han muttered to himself.

He couldn't figure it out, looked around for a while, but didn't find the woman in blue, and his heart was full of doubts.

Standing beside Ye Han, Lin Yan'er was also not calm. She also hoped that she could join a sect that could help her grow up quickly, so that she could bear the burden of her parents' mysterious disappearance alone, and stop relying on her aunt everywhere, let alone Always just a liability!

In addition, standing beside them were Yang Qi and other teenagers who had broken through from the west of the city, and they were all gearing up for their fights at the moment, with high fighting spirit.

Of course, among the group of people around them, only a few participated in the competition, but there were more people watching the excitement!

The boys and girls waited eagerly, and finally, a crisp bell rang through the entire square.

"Everyone, don't squeeze! Be quiet!"

A crisp voice suddenly came from the center of the square, causing everyone's hearts to move slightly.

In the center of the square, there is a two-meter-high platform, and a woman in a red cheongsam is standing on the platform. It was she who was yelling at the crowded crowd below.

At this moment, a faint blush lingered on her face, as if she was a little shy. Her already delicate face was even more attractive at this moment, like a ripe peach, releasing great temptation.

The woman's original intention was to tell the people around her to be more orderly, but she didn't expect that when she appeared, the animals on the field became even more enthusiastic, and they all pushed forward with red faces, as if they all wanted to squeeze to the woman's side , and then take advantage of the opportunity!

Seeing this, Lin Yaner frowned.

What made her even more inexplicably uncomfortable was that Ye Han was also staring at the beautiful woman in cheongsam non-stop.

She snorted softly, and asked Ye Han, Yang Qi and the others in disgust, "Are all of you men like this?"

Yang Qi and the others were stunned for a moment, and then looked embarrassed.

Ye Han would also be overwhelmed, but he smiled and said: "If we men are all the virtues you mentioned, do you think I should do something now?"

Hearing this, Yang Qi and the others secretly gave Ye Han a thumbs up.

Lin Yan'er glared at him, but didn't dare to say anything wrong with the man, turned her head away, and said lightly: "These people have such a little concentration, it seems that they may not be very powerful!"

"..." Ye Han was sweating profusely.

This girl was obviously still laughing at him just now when he was also taken away by a beautiful woman!

Opening his mouth, he really didn't know what to say in the end, so he could only accept Lin Yan'er's idea! Because, he estimated that Lin Yan'er would despise him even more if he said he knew the woman on stage.

In fact, the woman standing on the stage at this moment is exactly the beautiful waiter he met at the Demon Hunters Guild who received him twice - Xiaoya.

Ye Han was just amazed that the other party was so charming after wearing this outfit, he was also surprised that the other party turned into the host of this competition, it seems that the identity is not simple!

It's just that, in Lin Yan'er's eyes, the way he was thinking just now turned into a pervert.

Fortunately, they didn't dwell on this issue for long, and their eyes quickly returned to the ring.

Because there are several more people on the ring at the moment, and they are the four top masters of Bimiao City, Feng Ming, the head of the Feng family, Lian Yi, the head of the Lian family, Tang Yan, the head of the Tang family, and an old man with gray hair. He is the lord of Bimiao City—Zhou Yun.

This city lord is amazing in strength, but he is elusive. Even the thirteenth prince has not seen him a few times after staying in Bimiao City for so many years. Instead, the affairs of Bimiao City were handed over to the Feng, Bai, and Hua families.

"What a shame to be so noisy!"

Although it had been a long time since he had been in charge, and had no road for a long time, the majesty and pressure exuded by Zhou Yun's cold drink made the noisy people in the arena stagnate for a moment, and quickly calmed down.

"Listen to me!" Zhou Yun said again, scanning the people below, "The distinguished guests of the Qingyun faction are in our Bimiao City now, don't embarrass me all of you, or be careful that I will kill you." The skin was peeled off!"

There was a ferocious look on his face, many boys and girls were startled when they saw it, but Ye Han almost couldn't help laughing out loud after seeing it. He tried not to let himself laugh, but the corners of his mouth twitched, and he lowered his voice and said to the people around him, "Do you think this old man is funny?"

Yang Qi and the others couldn't help but smile happily while covering their mouths.

Even Lin Yan'er pursed the corners of her mouth slightly, she never thought that the Lord Lord of Bimiao City would be such a character. After all, even in the martial arts test, the city lord didn't show up often, and many young people saw him for the first time.

However, what surprised Ye Han was that after he had just said this, he immediately found that the white-haired old man Zhou Yun standing on the ring turned his gaze towards him!

"That brat in blue, what were you talking about just now?!" Zhou Yun stared at Ye Han with a sullen face, and shouted, "Say it again!"

In an instant, all the eyes around him were focused on Ye Han. For a moment, Ye Han felt that there were many completely different elements in these eyes. When his eyes swept around, the corners of his mouth could not help but hook slightly.

Among these people, he saw that some people were sympathetic to him, some were puzzled, some were sneering and prepared to watch a good show, and there were also a small number of people who had a good friendship with Ye Han, such as Yang Qi and others beside Ye Han, showing worry.

Ye Han himself treated it indifferently, and turned his attention to Zhou Yun on the ring again.

The surrounding area was quiet at the moment, and everyone was waiting for Ye Han's answer.

And Ye Han, under the gaze of Jing Hai, said to Zhou Yun indifferently: "I just said, you old man is so funny! Is there a problem?"

Dead silence!

The scene suddenly fell into an inexplicable dead silence, and many people even forgot to breathe!

After the silence, an inexplicable commotion broke out suddenly.

"How dare this kid talk to the city lord like that? Don't you want to live?!"

"He's crazy, absolutely crazy!"

"Ha, now there is a good show to watch, I wonder how the Lord City Lord will punish him?"

"It is estimated that he will die a miserable death!"...

All of a sudden, everyone was talking about it, even Feng Ming, Bai Yunhe and the others were surprised. At the same time, they all looked at Ye Han, and then at Zhou Yun, wanting to see how the old man would deal with it. this matter.

A faint smile appeared on the corner of Feng Ming's mouth: It seems that the old man Zhou still doesn't know the background of this kid named "Lin Feng", right?

If he took action to kill Ye Han, provoked the master behind Ye Han, and was finally eliminated by that master, that would be the best result for Feng Ming and the three of them at the moment!

Surprisingly, after hearing what Ye Han said, Zhou Yun stared at Ye Han for a long time, and then suddenly raised his head and laughed, very happy.

He said: "Okay! Well, well! I haven't been praised by others for a long time, Lao Zhou!"

Hearing that everyone in the arena was stunned, and was a little dumbfounded for a while.

What does this mean? Did he think that what Ye Han said just now was not an insult to him, but a compliment? !

"You're not bad, Lao Zhou is pleasing to your eyes. The martial arts test will start in a while. Give me a good performance. I like you!" Zhou Yun yelled at Ye Han again with a smile on his face, and immediately affirmed everyone's confused thoughts. .

It turned out that he really took Ye Han's words as a compliment!

This old man actually likes others to call him funny? !

Ye Han himself couldn't help but feel ashamed. To be honest, he just didn't want to fall into a disadvantaged position, so as not to let himself be exposed, but he didn't expect such a result in exchange for a single sentence.

Seeing this old man, he immediately thought of the little gray cat, Chen Feng, this guy is just like him!

Not only him, but Feng Ming, who was standing with Zhou Yun in the arena, all three of them dropped their jaws at this moment, and then they could only be silent, and a word sounded in their hearts at the same time: This old man is still so inexplicable!

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