The scorching sun is slowly rising in the east, and the brilliance slowly awakens the entire Bimiao City from sleep.

In the east of Bimiao City, the Bai family, in a unique house.

Bai Yunhe, Patriarch of the Bai family, strode here and saw Jiang Hong, a disciple of the Qingyun Sect's Martial Academy, standing in the courtyard.

Jiang Hong turned around and asked him, "What's the matter? Did you find out what happened?"

The movement last night was so great that he couldn't help but notice it.

"I found it." A gloating smile appeared on Bai Yunhe's face, "It is said that someone broke into Feng's house late last night, directly picked out many strong members of Feng's family, and brought Feng Ming's son Use it as a weapon, smother it to death, and walk away."

"Oh?" Jiang Hong frowned, "Who is that person? Why did he do this?"

Bai Yunhe shook his head helplessly, and said: "The people of the Feng family still don't know who that person is, and judging from what that person said, it seems that the old man of the Feng family once took some treasure from the other party, so The opponent is coming for revenge!"

"Really?" Jiang Hong was noncommittal, just thinking secretly.

Immediately, Bai Yunhe said again: "However, the strange thing is that the other party does not seem to be the deity descending, and I don't know how to pretend to be the elder of the Feng family, or directly control the elder of the Feng family by some means." , This is how I entered Feng's house without anyone noticing, and made such a big thing happen!"

"It seems that this matter is quite strange!" Jiang Hong said.

However, he didn't ask any more questions about this matter, and quickly changed the subject, asking, "By the way, how is Fang Shijie doing now?"

"The people I placed in Feng's house got the news. It is said that Fang Shijie happened to return to Feng's house last night. It seems that the Feng family gathered many strong people and entered a secret room one after another." Bai Yunhe said, "However, they entered the secret room What was done in it, but we can't find out. We can only know that when the mysterious strong man made a big fuss at the Feng family, all the people from the Feng family and the Qingyun School of Art appeared, but that Fang Shijie has never been there. Appear."

"Have you found anything in the bamboo forest over there?"

"No." Bai Yunhe shook his head, "After that Fang Shijie left the bamboo forest, our people went in to investigate, but found nothing unusual."

Hearing this, Jiang Hong frowned even deeper.

In fact, when Fang Shijie ran to the bamboo forest in the west of the city for no reason, he felt a little puzzled, and people watched him closely, but he still couldn't figure out what he was doing there. And now so many inexplicable things happened to him, it made his head spin!

At this time, Bai Yunhe suddenly said: "By the way, we found out that the two young men who had comprehended the will of martial arts, a man and a woman who appeared in the west of the city before, lived in the bamboo forest in the west of the city!"

"Could it be that Fang Shijie went there because of them?" Jiang Hong's eyes flashed brightly.

However, he soon shook his head and said, "Impossible. Those who have comprehended the will of martial arts are more suitable for practicing martial arts. The will of martial arts is of no help to the practice of spells, and even hinders them."

However, apart from this reason, neither of them could think of anything else.

In the end, he really couldn't figure it out, Jiang Hong shook his head and said: "Continue to pay attention to these things first, and investigate slowly later. The most important task now is to ensure that today's martial arts test is correct!"

"Yes!" Bai Yunhe nodded, and when the other party talked about the martial arts test, his eyes couldn't help showing a burst of excitement.

At the same time, in the Feng family mansion, in a secret room.

"Trash!" "Idiot!"

Fang Shijie's face was pale, and he was madly roaring and cursing at Feng Ming, Xiao Jie and others.

At this moment, his breath was weak and his face was pale, like a zombie. Obviously, his condition is not good, precisely because he was interrupted before lifting the "Five Sacred Sword Seal", which caused him huge damage.

He pointed at the people of the Feng family in front of him, and cursed: "Feng family? The so-called big family in the Southern Region! Didn't you say how strong you are? It's so easy to be mixed in and cause so many things , and even got involved! If something happens to me, can your Feng family bear it?!"

Everyone in the Feng family, including the silver-haired old man Feng Xia at the ninth level of Spiritualist Realm, all lowered their heads. Although they were also full of anger, they had to suppress it forcibly. Because, they knew that the young man in front of him was qualified to say such a thing, if something happened to him here, the anger of Pill King would not be bearable by the little Feng family!

After scolding Feng's family severely, and even kicking Feng Xia, Fang Shijie pointed the cannon at Xiao Jie and others again, and there was another burst of indiscriminate bombardment, which made Xiao Jie and others feel furious. He is also increasingly dissatisfied with the Feng family. Of course, what they hated even more was the hateful enemy who broke into Feng's house arrogantly just now and caused all this.

After a long time, Fang Shijie was tired of scolding and out of breath, but Feng Ming and the others still dared not vent their anger.

Fang Shijie scanned them with cold eyes. If he could, he really wanted to kill these useless things in front of him right now! However, he had to hold back his breath, because he knew that if he really wanted to fight these people, he would really get no benefit. Moreover, these people are still useful to me, so I can't kill them for the time being.

At this moment, suddenly——

"Patriarch, Patriarch!"

Outside the secret room, there was a shout suddenly.

Feng Ming frowned, cursing secretly in his heart: Who is hitting the gun at this moment? Isn't this making us continue to be scolded?

Obviously, a place like the secret room should not be able to hear the sound from the outside, but now there is a sound, which is obviously because the secret room door was neglected and they left it closed. This was originally just a trivial matter, but Fang Shijie, who might be angry at the moment, thinks it is not a trivial matter!

Sure enough, Fang Shijie's expression darkened again when he heard the shouting outside.

However, he didn't have an attack, because someone outside shouted loudly: "The third young master's injury has stabilized, and he is out of danger!"


Everyone in the secret room was taken aback, and they all showed expressions of disbelief.

Even Feng Ming, as Feng Yuan's father, felt unbelievable when he was pleasantly surprised.

You know, just now he had seen his son's injuries, so many master-level powerhouses attacked him, and he was fine, and he was out of danger so quickly? This is not a joke, is it? !

Feng Ming really wanted to see what was going on with Feng Yuan right away, but he had to resist the urge when he glanced at Fang Shijie out of the corner of his eye.

To everyone's surprise, Fang Shijie didn't know what he thought of, and suddenly said, "Take me to see that little guy!"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and then they were even more surprised to hear him continue: "I want to save him at any cost, I must use him to find out who that guy is, and then tear him into pieces!"

Seeing his ferocious face, Xiao Jie and the others could not help but shudder. But soon, they were all overwhelmed by their hatred for Ye Han, and they all showed bursts of killing intent.

Feng Ming and other members of the Feng family were naturally overjoyed when they heard the words, and hurriedly sent Fang Shijie to where Feng Yuan is now.

Before leaving, Fang Shijie turned his head and said to Xiao Jie: "Junior Brother Xiao, you are responsible for today's martial arts test, and there must be no accidents!"

Xiao Jie bit the bullet and nodded, "No problem!"


At the same time, many big and small forces in the city were also secretly visiting the Feng family. However, they soon let go of this matter temporarily and shifted their attention to other places, because today is the day when the martial arts test begins .

When the morning glow first descended on the earth, many people in the city had already started to take action.

People who are preparing to participate in the martial arts test are practicing, and those who are preparing to watch the excitement are preparing what they need to watch the big show. It's so lively.

In such a lively situation, most of the guests of Yunxiang Building left the restaurant, but Ye Han still stayed in Yunxiang Building.


In the other courtyard, Ye Han looked at the blue-clothed woman in front of him with astonishment: "What you just said is that you want me to win the martial arts test this time?"

"That's right!" The woman in blue nodded, "If you can win the martial arts test, I will return all your belongings, and even give you more benefits."

"But, why did you do this?" Ye Han looked at the woman in blue and asked.

The woman in blue didn't seem to be bothered to say anything, but just left a sentence: "It's useless for you to ask, I just say one word, if I win the championship, I will return the things to you, otherwise, I can only donate Give it to the poor!"

The corner of Ye Han's mouth twitched, and he wanted to ask another question, but the other party didn't give him a chance at all.

"Remember, you only have this one chance!" After saying these words at the end, the figure of the woman in blue had already left the courtyard.

Ye Han wanted to stop her, but in the end he didn't reach out.

He pondered for a long time, but still didn't understand what the other party meant.

"I never thought that such a day would come!"

In the end, Ye Han saw that it was getting late and the martial arts test was about to start, he didn't want to delay here, so he left the other courtyard soon.

What he didn't notice was that, somewhere, a pair of eyes were watching him as he left. These bright eyes belonged to the woman in blue.

The woman in blue watched his back gradually go away, and murmured to herself in a low voice: "That woman seems to have confidence in this kid, so I'll first get to know what kind of person this kid is!"

The voice faded with the wind, and her voice quickly left with the wind.

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