The place where Chen Yu and others are located is a big star named Zhiyuan Star behind the nineteen big stars. At this time, Chen Yu was headed. Many big men gathered here, waiting for the front to come. Message.

Everyone's face was abnormally dignified, and the atmosphere was extremely depressed.

Bai Feng and Jiuhe stood beside Chen Yu, pouting tightly, their hearts were restless. Every minute is extremely long for them!

On the Zhiyuan Star, in addition to the 19 large stars, the remaining troops of the Celestial Star Continent are stationed here, and looking forward, they are thousands of miles away and are very spectacular.

But at this time, many soldiers in the barracks were anxious and discouraged at this time, and the voice of discussion continued, just like the flies gathered in the summer.

"You say, what is the situation now? Will the battle over the nineteen stars be over? Will they be dead?"

In the barracks, people kept asking questions.

"This **** ghost knows, his mother is waiting too uncomfortably now. If all the nineteen big stars are dead, then it's our turn, and I don't know the name Chen It ’s **** futile for my husband's guy to understand the art of war.

Someone shouted.

This shouting and curse immediately caused a lot of echoes.

"That's it! I think Bai Feng's war god's proposal was good before they were brought in to close the door! It's better than dying here. If the news comes on the nineteen stars, everyone will die. Then, Lao Tzu ran away, so he won't wait to die here. "

"Yes, yes! I think so too! I don't want to die here because of Mr. Chen's stupidity!"

This kind of remarks, like wildfire, spread rapidly, and it took a short time to reach the conference room where Chen Yu and others were located.

After everyone heard the news, they all had a tight heart.


This is the most terrifying thing in marching! Once it is really mutinous, there is no need to fight this war, it will definitely lose!

The look on everyone's face now became more gloomy.

Throughout the conference hall, there was silence like death, with no sound at all. Only Jia Cui sat aside, without any regard for the current situation, picked up the elixir and ate it heartlessly. There was a clicking noise in the silent hall.

Some big guys looked at each other, and they could see the strong dissatisfaction in each other's eyes.

"Damn, it's all because of Mr. Chen. If I heard Bai Feng before, I wouldn't have these bad things now."

The big brothers talked to each other and complained.

"Yeah, now I have to wait for the news from the nineteen stars. If all is dead then, I think this Mr. Chen can still sit still! Don't say those soldiers, even us, I'm afraid we have to run! "

"That's right! Even if this Mr. Chen is incompetent, how can he resist the alien army? Let him go crazy alone! Lao Tzu will not accompany him to go crazy!"

"That's right! After the news that the nineteen stars will be completely destroyed, I have to ridicule this Mr. Chen! This kid is so arrogant, I haven't seen it pleasingly."

"Good idea! At that time, I have to ridicule! This kid is too rigid for his own use! Anyway, we are telling the truth, and the law does not blame the public, he can't take us anyway!"

When the other big brothers heard this, they all nodded slightly.

All of this was seen in Bai Feng's eyes.

"No! The hearts of these big brothers are all gone!"

Bai Feng said to Jiuhe, Jiuhe's face was extremely gloomy, and he nodded. He glanced at Baifeng, shook his head slightly, and sighed softly, expressing helplessness.

Seeing Jiuhe look like this, although Bai Feng believed in Chen Yu, he still played a drum in his heart.

"Mr. Chen, are you really sure?"

Bai Feng conveyed the voice to Chen Yu, and the anxiety in his heart became more and more disturbed. He knew that the moment when the news of the Nineteen Stars came, it would be the moment when the entire Tianxie Xingzhou was born and dead!

Chen Yu glanced blankly, but smiled lightly, but did not speak.

"Newspaper! Nineteen stars were attacked by aliens, and news came!"

Suddenly, an extremely anxious voice, like an arrow through the clouds, shot directly into the conference hall!


The sound of the chair rubbing against the ground sounded. Almost everyone stood up in the entire hall. Only Chen Yu was still sitting calmly on the main seat, leaning against the back of the chair, without any intention of getting up.

"Quick, tell me, how's it going?" Bai Feng immediately asked.

Many big brothers on the side are also extremely anxious.

"Is it all gone? Isn't it all gone?" Asked a big rush.

The scout nodded and said loudly, "It's all gone! It's all gone!"


Everyone's complexion turned pale, and there was no trace of blood! Sure enough, it's all gone! They knew that aliens would not do what they expected.

At the moment, a big guy sat on the ground without a picture, patted his hands constantly on the ground, his face lost his soul.

"It's over, it's over! This time our Tian Xingzhou is really over!"

Bai Feng's body shook fiercely. The whole man took two or three steps back and held the table to stabilize his body. At this time, he had a dull look on his face, his ears were rumbling, his limbs were more It's cold.

Just now, secretly preparing to ridicule some of the big brothers of Chen Yu, at this time they turned their heads sharply and looked at Chen Yu tightly.

But at this moment, scouting for a moment, he said with some confusion: "Masters, the aliens are all gone. Why do you look like this?"

"Mr. Chen, did you hear that! This is your good plan, all the aliens are gone! You know ..."

A big brother immediately fired a gun, to ridicule Chen Yu, and his fingers fluttered in the air, but before he could finish speaking, he was holding his arms together, one hand was stiff in the air, and the whole man's eyes widened, like The petrification was normal and completely motionless.

Not only him, everyone in the hall was suddenly shocked, and suddenly scrambled in front of the scout, dozens of pairs of eyes stared at the scout, letting the scout step back.

And at the forefront of these people, it is the white seal that has always been indifferent!

"Say, make it clear! What's going on!"

A pair of scouts scooped up the collar, Bai Feng's tone of voice.

Looking at Chen Yu, the scout's eyes were full of admiration, and his face was extremely joyful.

"It's really like Mr. Chen said. Although there are aliens going on the nineteen big stars, they are all small teams, up to 150,000 and at least 70,000. Now they have been wiped out! And I Fang's casualties are ... "

Swallowed and scolded a few words.

"78 people!"

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