Heavenly Venerate Reborn in the City

Chapter 1820: Borrow Dongfeng!


The whole conference room was deadly silent. Bai Feng loosened his hands and was mentioned by scouts in the air. He fell down and fell to the ground. Just to this scene, everyone was unaware.

Now they are all with expressions, blank eyes, dull eyes, mouth slightly open, seems to want to say something, but can't say anything.

An absurd feeling came to their minds.

Win! And everything is as expected by Chen Yu! Casualties are even lower!

It's almost like dreaming. Some people who just wanted to have a hard time with Chen Yu at this time felt only a hot face and were extremely ashamed.

The first person who responded was Bai Feng. He waved his hand sharply and said to the scout: "Come on, spread to everyone, the first battle between the nineteen stars and the aliens, we won!

The scout responded instantly and Fei ran out.

At this time, Bai Feng turned his head to look at Chen Yu. When he saw the calm smile on Chen Yu's face again, he knelt down on one knee and worshiped Chen Yu deeply.

"Mr. Chen has a clever idea, I'm white and admired!"

Bai Feng was really convinced. At this time, his heart was extremely excited, because the meaning of victory in this battle was too great!

In the art of war, the general's prestige is extremely important. Once the general has no prestige, the team's hearts will be dispersed. Everyone was skeptical of Chen Yu before, so Chen Yu was not prestigious among these teams.

But now it's different. The aliens really only have a small share like Chen Yu said. This makes everyone trust Chen Yu extremely much! And achieved such a brilliant record, although not many aliens have been eliminated, but at once, everyone convinced Chen Yu.

Chen Yu almost established his prestige almost in the First World War.

As Bai Feng knelt down, Jiuhe also knelt suddenly and convinced Chen Yu.

The big brothers who had secretly transmitted the sound just now, flushed at this time, followed behind Bai Feng, deeply worshiped Chen Yu, and never dared to have other thoughts.

The news of this battle spread throughout the barracks at an extremely fast speed. The scout flew over the barracks, shouting with all his strength, and let everyone know the news.

No matter what soldiers were doing before, at this time they stood up, looked at the sky, a happy smile appeared on their faces, the barracks fell into the ocean of joy, all shouting Chen Yu's name.

The distrust and decadence of the past were swept away completely. They all began to believe that under the leadership of Chen Yu, they could really win the final victory!

In the conference hall, Chen Yu nodded to the crowd.

"Come up, this is just the first step. There are still three days left, and a second attack will be ushered in. At that time, it will be the most important."

When this remark came out, everyone was shocked. The excitement just now suddenly faded a lot.

"Mr. Chen, I don't know how you know that this time, the aliens will only launch small-scale attacks?"

Bai Feng asked with a frown, puzzled. Until now, he couldn't figure out the mystery.

Others were also curious.

Chen Yu just smiled, and then she explained.

"It's very simple. Before I went to Zhao Yunxing, I killed a lot of people from other races. I also had the first contact with Kasai. I also know the character of this person. This guy is a bit cautious in character and will not be involved easily. Risk, and I have killed so many people on Zhao Yunxing, it has left him a psychological shadow. "

After a pause, Chen Yu continued: "The Nineteen Stars are the sky and the evil continent is at the portal. After Kasai made a big fuss before me, he couldn't figure out our truth and reality. He must have doubts in his heart, afraid that there would be an ambush. Only a small number of people will be sent up to listen to the news at one time. This is determined by Kasai's defective personality. After I killed him 100,000 aliens, he didn't have that much courage and the army was under pressure! "

"The aliens that were annihilated this time were pathfinders to detect the condition of the nineteen stars. After learning that, as a alien, how could Casser allow himself to suffer such a big loss? So next, he must share Out of the army! "

After listening to Chen Yu's explanation, Bai Feng was already dead. I just felt that my features were shocked, watching Chen Yu's eyes very shocked.

Chen Yu said lightly, but the game among them was simply thrilling. To what extent does this have to be controlled by the human mind in order to achieve such an arrangement? !!

And it turns out that Kasai is indeed completely controlled by Chen Yu as applauded by Chen Yu!

The two armies are at war, the most cutting heart, Yuren Yuji!

Recalling this sentence again, Bai Feng could not help but swallowed his saliva, and he had fully understood the meaning of this sentence.

This is cutting heart! Control the mind of the other party, and make a response according to the mind of the other party, and directly control the other party!

This is almost like playing chess, Kasai, completely reduced to Chen Yu's pawn!

Such a scheme, such a heavy lifting, such confidence!

What kind of reincarnation is this guy?

Bai Feng's mind was puzzled.

"Go ahead and continue with the arrangement. According to the speed of the alien race, the second big climax will appear three days later. At that time, it is time to decide the future of Tianxie Xingzhou."

The big brothers were shocked, all nodded, and left here, but Bai Feng found an excuse to stay.

"What do you want to ask?" After seeing Bai Feng's stay, Chen Yu smiled and seemed to have guessed something.

Bai Feng frowned and bowed to Chen Yu.

"Mr. Chen, I have to say, I admire you very much, but why, I feel that there is always a sense of inconsistency in it? It seems that there will be any bad things happening in general?"

Chen Yu frowned and nodded at Bai Feng.

"You are good. I did not expect to be able to feel this. Yes, I need to borrow some Dongfeng in this plan."


Bai Feng was surprised for a moment. By this time, Chen Yu had waved.

"Go ahead and do your own thing."

Seeing that Chen Yu didn't want to say more, Bai Feng could only suppress the doubt in his heart, bowed to Chen Yu again, and left directly.

Chen Yu narrowed her eyes as she looked at the sky in the distance.

"Casay, don't let me down."

With the end of the first war with aliens, the layout of the second war also began to be closely arranged. But unlike before, everyone ’s mood is very high this time, as if they were chicken blood, full of energy.

In a courtyard, Tang Ziyu looked at his father Tang Hua, very curious. His father, standing in the yard and looking at the sky, hadn't moved for a long time, and didn't say a word.

"Father, what's wrong?" Tang Ziyu couldn't help asking.

"I'm thinking about a question."

"What's the problem?" Tang Ziyu froze.

Tang Hua didn't look at him, but he still looked at the sky, his hands clasped to his chest, his eyes calmed.

"If we go to aliens now and disclose all our plans, how much benefit can we get?"

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