Heavenly Venerate Reborn in the City

Chapter 1848: Here comes the opportunity!

"Star order reward! Do you even dispatch such a thing!"

Everyone looked at each other, something incredible.

Qianjilou is a top-level force among the stars!

The Starry Reward Order issued among them is even more famous all over the world!

It is the fat in the eyes of countless forces. Many people in history have received tremendous rewards for completing the starry reward order for Qianjilou!

The reward order for the stars is only for those who are extremely sinful, and at least they are targeted at the strongest half step manifestation! Never heard of a star reward for a guy who has n’t even reached the realm of combined roads!

This is an unprecedented first time!

"Hey, is this really good? Xiao Xuan'er said, but no one is allowed to do anything with Chen Yu, otherwise, he would never die with that person, and Tian Feng Xuan Su Gong also expressed his attitude!

Some worry.

However, Nangong Hao's face was only hot and murderous!

"Well, I don't do it myself, but just issue a reward order. What can he do?"

Squinting, Nangong Hao smiled coldly.

"Dare to offend me, I want him, there is no place to die!"

The storm broke out suddenly!

This news spread quickly in the virtual realm of Hedao!

Everyone looked at each other, and in their hearts, Chen Yu had been sentenced to death!

Under the star reward, no one can live!

But in the realm of condensed spirit, Chen Yu stood quietly in front of the wall, with a trace of regret in his eyes.

"Unfortunately, I can't really kill you. But that day, it won't be far!"

"Nangong Hao, a few of you are blocking me from seeing Xuan Er, but it's no longer necessary for me and Xuan Er, Qianji Building, to exist!"

Murder is spreading.

Behind Chen Yu, everyone was completely dumbfounded.

"Kill, kill the four Adventists? Oh my god, is this true?"

"Invincible! This is invincible! The tyrant, he really is the invincible existence of the ethereal realm!"

"Breaking the wall and killing four people, each of these things is a big event!"

Gongyeying stepped beside Chen Yu, but her face was unusually dignified.

"Chen Yu, you have done a terrible disaster! Do you know that the four people you killed just now? I think it is Nangong Hao of the Qianji Building. Behind the others, they are all top forces!"

"Your true identity has been revealed. I am afraid they will do something to you!"

"What you are facing is the top group in the entire sky!"

Xiao Feiyu was shocked in his heart, and his face was full of worry.

Chen Yu just smiled slightly and shook her head.

"Anyway, it doesn't take long for that top group of beings to bend in front of me!"

With a wave of his hand, Chen Yu said, "Now in Ghost Realm, you are the strongest and there is no crisis. I won't step into the ethereal realm recently, and I will leave the rest to you. is you."

Entering the ethereal realm, Chen Yu's purpose has basically been achieved. The next thing he has to do is to madly improve his strength. See Xiao Xuan'er, and at the same time check the affairs of the border town and the alien race.

"Are you leaving? When will we meet again?"

Xiao Feiyu felt a pain in his heart, and asked his teeth.

Although it is known that Chen Yu has a woman, but that deadly attraction, it makes Xiao Feiyu hard to resist.

Even if it was just a little for Chen Yu, Xiao Feiyu didn't reject it.

Chen Yu smiled and said, "I will see you again if I have a chance in the future."

In conclusion, Chen Yu has left the virtual world, and the consciousness has returned to the real world.

Opening his eyes slowly, Chen Yu's face was cold.

"It's also time to go back to Orbi Star Island and say goodbye to everyone."

"The next thing is to march to Zhongtian Xingzhou!"

With his fist clenched, Chen Yu's eyes burst into infinite desire.

Zhongtian Xingzhou, that is the central area of ​​the entire starry sky. There, Tianjiao is the most prosperous place where all ethnic groups coexist! Tianfeng Xuansu Palace is also in Zhongtian Xingzhou.

Compared with there, the places of Orbi Xingzhou and Tianxing Xingzhou are in small hills.

I just want to go to Zhongtian Xingzhou from here, the journey is extremely long, not a place that can be reached overnight.

First of all, there is no teleportation array. It is necessary to cross an unknown number of stars to be able to approach Zhongtian Xingzhou.

Secondly, on this road, the danger is extremely great. Beasts, practitioners, despair, racial warfare, alien races. . . . . .

Everything can kill a human being.

"It's really a good road."

Chen Yu smiled and shook her head, didn't care, then smiled and her face sank again.

Three days later, Chen Yu returned to Her Majesty's Palace in Orbi Sing Chau with a few people, including Ga Cui and Prajna Ruri.

In the Douwu Holy Palace, Prajna Ruri and Zhao Yun met with great joy.

They did not expect that they could meet again here.

"Chen Yu, what are your plans for the next step?"

After hearing what happened to Chen Yu in Tianxie Xingzhou, Zhao Yun couldn't help asking, looking worried.

"You offend so many forces, those people will not let you go."

"Yeah, it seems that Xuan'er's situation is not good. Those forces are staring at Xuan'er. I'm afraid that in order to get Xuan'er, they will deal with the master at all costs!"

Ye Wushuang frowned.

Shen Fei grabbed Chen Yu's shoulders, his face was indifferent.

"What are you afraid of? Who is my brother Yu? He treats all dissatisfaction! What big **** is Tianjiao. In front of my brother, they are all scum! They dare to come and kill him!"

"Brother Yu, you will kill them in front of me! I will shout at you in the back! Take two more pictures for you!"

"I thank you."

Chen Yu rolled her eyes. This Shen Fei is really a dumb devil.

But the next moment, Chen Yu smiled, confident.

"Those who want my life are not qualified. Whoever dares to stand in front of me before seeing Xuan Er, I will kill anyone!"

Then, Chen Yu waved.

"That's it. By the way, call Jane Frost and Jane Moon, I have something to give them."

Chen Yu remembered the inheritance pieces he got.

That's the inherited armor piece of the Tianpeng Yaopeng family, which is just right for Jian Shuang and Jian Yue.

Ye Wushuang nodded and shouted over Jian Shuang and Jian Yue.


Jian Shuang and Jian Yue knelt in front of Chen Yu. Chen Yu nodded, and when she was about to speak, she suddenly frowned, and looked at the outside of the room as her eyes were cold.

"Huh, it's a boneless bone, with the blood of swallowing Tian Yao Peng. Now, even kneeling down against a humble human race? I've swallowed the face of Tian Tun Peng's family!"


Everyone was stunned and turned to look at it.

At the gate, the three stood quietly, with their hands behind their backs, and looked at Chen Yu and others coldly.

Gazcui, who has not been very talkative, changed her face after seeing the three and was a little excited.

She secretly spoke to Chen Yu.

"Dad, here is your chance to break!"

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