Heavenly Venerate Reborn in the City

Chapter 1849: Did your mother teach you to be polite?


Chen Yu raised a brow, glanced at Gaicui accidentally, nodded secretly, and looked at the three unexpected guests again.

Although he didn't know what Gazhui meant, Chen Yu knew that Gazhui couldn't say such things for no reason.

"Who are you? Why did you come here!"

Jian Shuang looked cold and watched the three men talk.

Jian Yue frowned, a little confused. Why, on these three people, she had a sense of familiarity?

"Oh, it's so sad, we don't even know who we are. It seems that it's been too long for you two to leave the family of the devouring ghosts.

Among the three, the youngest man smiled sarcastically and glanced at them.

"But it is also true that in your capacity, you are not qualified to stay in the clan."

"You are the people who swallow the Tian Yao Peng family !!!"

The body trembled suddenly, and Jian Shuang and Jian Yue's faces were suddenly shocked.

"Yes, we are indeed a family of swallowing sky monsters. My name is Xuanyi. If you count, I will still be your brother."

Xuan Yi smiled, but between the looks, there was no trace of affection, but only strong irony.

"Introduce you, the two of them, named Xuanming and Xuanxiuer, are really your brothers and sisters, we are the ones who swallow the sky demon penguin!"

When it comes to the word pure blood, the three are extremely proud.

After all, in their eyes, Jian Shuang and Jian Yue are just a hybrid wild species. . .

Everyone present was stunned.

They only knew Jane Frost and Jane Moon, who were orphans since childhood, but did not expect that their loved ones would appear!

"What are you doing here?"

Jian Yue looked puzzled.

"What to do? Oh, naturally, I took you home. I didn't expect you to have awakened your blood. Just because Grandpa's longevity has arrived, he sent us here to take you back to the demon spirit family."

"You are the most important people in the family of devouring the heavens."

Xuan Yi was smiling and full of ridicule.

Xuanming and Xuanxiuer were just proud, and they didn't even want to talk to Jian Shuang and Simplicity.

"go back?"

Minus doubles and simplicity, at the same time shocked, glanced at each other, surprised.

"Dad, you must seize this opportunity! The opportunity for you to break through is among this family of Devourers! I did not expect that the mysterious Devourers will appear here!"

"It ’s just the Tuntian Peng Peng family, which is never open to the human race. If you want to go, I ’m afraid it will be difficult. Even if you follow Jian Shuang and Jian Yue, it is estimated that Tun Tian Peng Peng will not agree. can."

Ga Cui spoke in secret, and Chen Yu just nodded.

"We won't go back!"

Jian Shuang and Jian Yue both shook their heads.

To the so-called Devouring Heaven Peng family, the two have no trace of affection. In the past few years, they have suffered all eyes and cold treatment.

If they really care about them, why are they left in the trash?

What's more, from the looks of the three, they could not feel the slightest affection!

"You don't want to go back?"

Xuan Yi froze, it seemed that they had refused. He glanced at everyone, his eyes narrowed.

"Is it because of these humble human beings? The two of you are really willing to degenerate. Actually, you recognize a human being as a teacher? But also, garbage like you, only this kind of guy who picks up garbage can be seen. "

Xuan Yi laughed.

"Hey kid, can you tmd talk? Your mother hasn't taught you what is polite?"

Shen Fei couldn't do anything, and froze, but then he patted his head, his face suddenly realized.

"Oh yes, you are birds, not individuals. It's really hard for you to talk. But next time you go to someone else, let your mother stop eating for you in the toilet, and your mouth is so **** stinky."

Holding his nose, Shen Fei fanned his hands and looked disgusted.

Everyone in the room burst into laughter, and Shen Fei's mouth was too damaged.

Xuan Yi's face fell into a dull glance when they reacted.

"Presumptuous, dare to wait for me, slap!"

As soon as he moved, Xuan Yi immediately disappeared in place and reappeared. He had reached the front of Shen Fei. He held up his palm and fanned him in the face of Shen Fei!

The air screamed, and Xuan Ming and Xuan Xiuer sneered on the faces.

No one has ever been able to disrespect them!

This guy must pay for it!

Xuan Yi's mouth sneered. It seems that Shen Fei has been seen being shocked by his slap fan.

Seeing that Shen Fei was about to be beaten, but a powerful palm grabbed Xuan Yi's wrist!

Chen Yu! At this time was looking at Xuanyi coldly.

"Boy, this isn't where you strew wildness."

Holding Xuan Yi's wrist, Chen Yu looked down at Xuan Yi with a cold tone.


Xuan Yi's pupils shrank suddenly, and her heart was shocked.

Xuanming and Xuanxiuer also changed their faces, full of shock.

Just now, they didn't even see how Chen Yu came over!

This guy is not easy!

"Damn! Let me go!"

Xuan Yi yelled, violently, trying to break away from Chen Yu's hand. What shocked him was that no matter how he struggled, that big hand was like a steel drill, grabbing his wrist so hard that he couldn't move at all!

Why is this guy so powerful?

Cold sweat, left on Xuan Yi's forehead.

"My brother, do you dare to touch it?"

Chen Yu spoke, and a slap slaped her over!

Xuan Yi tried to hide, but he was shocked to find that he couldn't move at all! All I can do is look at him, slap by Chen Yu, and fan it on my face!

"You, dare you hit me?"

Xuan Yi covered her face, looked at Chen Yu inconceivably, and was already stunned.

Xuanming and Xuanxiuer were also wide-eyed and dumbfounded. They have never encountered anything like this. Humans, dare to take action on them?

They, but one of the beasts of the stars!

"What about you?"

Chen Yu sneered and raised her hand again, and heard the popping sounds endlessly. Chen Yu's slaps overlapped in front and back, and kept pulling on Xuan Yi's face.

At first, Xuanyi wanted to resist, but he was shocked to find that no matter how he resisted, it had no effect!

Chen Yu, just like a helpless baby, was hanged by Chen Yu!

Anger, gradually turned into panic!

Xuanming and Xuanxiuer on the side, have completely watched!


Chen Yu gave a swig and a backhand draw, announcing that the whole person was flying out! Just fell in front of Xuanming and Xuanxiuer!

"Xuan Yi, how are you!"

The two shouted with a look of shock, and after raising Xuan Yi, they suddenly took a breath of air.

This fuck, it was too miserable!

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