Fengdu City District A, Yu Xuanji's tomb.

Bian Fei and Deng Qigong followed Zhang Qingyuan with trepidation, watching him knock on the door of the tomb.

""Mom, someone is coming." Xiaoqiu's voice came from the yard.

"Go open the door."

As the clattering footsteps approached, the little ghost poked his head out, looking at the three people with his sinister yet childlike eyes.

"It's you, this guy!"

Zhang Qingyuan chuckled and handed over the bag in his hand:"It's from Lao Mu's Incense and Candle Shop, the same as last time."

The kid grabbed the bag as if it were a treasure and ran in barefoot. At this time, Zhang Qingyuan noticed that the kid was wearing the same rags as the sack last time.

Suddenly, his feet itched a little...

Entering the courtyard, Yu Xuanji was standing beautifully under the tree with a paper umbrella.

"Are these the two ghost soldiers you mentioned?" Yu Xuanji asked calmly.

"I am Bian Fei/Deng Qigong, and I am honored to meet the Chief of the Yu Division."The two of them bowed respectfully.

Then they began to introduce themselves. They were both dead for a hundred years. They served in the army during their lifetime and were quite skilled, but in reality, they were not much better than Zhang Qingyuan when he first entered the Suppression of Evil Division. Logically speaking, they were not qualified to be the Suppression of Evil Envoy. Because of the opportunity of the Suppression of Evil Division to expand, Yu Xuanji nodded and agreed on the spot.

Both of them showed surprise on their faces and thanked Yu Xuanji repeatedly.

"There is no need to thank me, I will let Zhang Qingyuan take you to report to the Suppression of Evil Division later."

The two thanked him again and prepared to leave.

At this time, the little kid came running out of the house, grabbing a severed hand while running and said,"Mom, mom... look, I found a hand!"

"One hand?" Yu Xuanji was a little confused.

"Oh, it's here!" Zhang Qingyuan beside him suddenly shouted in surprise, and hurriedly stepped forward and said:"Senior Yu, you don't know, I moved to the yard next to yours a few days ago, and this severed hand suddenly got lost. I searched for it for a long time but couldn't find it. I didn't expect it to come to you."

"Is this yours?" Yu Xuanji took the severed hand and looked at it, asking suspiciously.

"It is indeed mine." Zhang Qingyuan was very sure, and then angrily said:"You broken hand, running around everywhere, why don't you come here quickly."

Whoosh... the broken hand was very obedient, and ran directly to his shoulder, and its two fingers were clicking and jumping around, as if it was saying something.

Zhang Qingyuan ignored it, but took out a small box from the Sumeru Ring with a smile on his face, and said:"Senior Yu, please don't blame me. This hand has been lost for several days, which made me very anxious. For this reason, I specially issued a reward in Fengdu City. Whoever can help me find it will be rewarded with one hundred taels of Yin money. You see what a fuss this is."

As he said, he put the box on the table next to him.

"Since it was Xiaoqiu who found it, it is the same for the senior to give the reward. I hope the senior will not refuse it."

Under the umbrella, Yu Xuanji seemed to fall into silence. After a long while, he said,"You issued a reward? And a hundred taels of Yin money. How come I have never heard of any reward?"

Zhang Qingyuan explained,"That is naturally because the senior is busy and will not pay attention to such trivial matters. Many people know about my reward. If you don't believe me, ask them."

As he said that, he winked at Bian Fei and Deng Qigong.

Both of them were also smart people and immediately understood what was going on. Deng Qigong hurriedly said,"Yes, yes... Brother Zhang did issue a reward, and he specially found our Yin soldiers, saying that we have many brothers and asked them to help find it."

After the two explained, Zhang Qingyuan did not say anything more, and clasped his fists and said,"This Yin money is a reward for Xiaoqiu. Please don't refuse it. Although I am not a big shot, I will not break my promise for this mere hundred taels of Yin money."

A mere hundred taels of Yin money?

Bian Fei and Deng Qigong were speechless when they heard this.

For ordinary ghosts, a hundred taels of Yin money is like a goddess that they can never pursue in their lifetime.

"Well! In that case, let's leave the money here, and hurry up and take them to the Evil Suppression Division to take care of the rest." Yu Xuanji began to drive people away. After walking out of the Yin house, Bian Fei and Deng Qigong bowed as if they had discussed it beforehand and said,"Thank you very much, Brother Zhang. If you have any instructions in the future, just let me know."

Zhang Qingyuan hurriedly supported them and said,"Okay, okay, why are you two brothers so polite? You don't have to take a mere hundred taels of money to heart."

Bian Fei was very moved and said,"I was lucky enough to meet Brother Zhang that day. I will never forget your support today."

"I've told you there's no need to be so polite. We are all brothers. From now on, we will support each other in the Evil Suppression Bureau, make it bigger and stronger, and create greater glory."As he said that, Zhang Qingyuan stepped forward and wanted to hug the two men's shoulders.

But the embarrassing thing was that the two of them were both more than two meters above sea level, and they could barely reach them by standing on tiptoe.

Seeing this, the two of them hurriedly bent their knees, and the three of them put their arms around each other's shoulders, smiled at each other, and walked towards the inner city with a laugh.

Giving gifts is also an art.

He had planned to give money to Yu Xuanji on the pretext of the missing hand, and he gave it in front of Bian Fei and Deng Qigong, killing two birds with one stone.

Not only did he sell the leaders well, but he also made the two of them owe a big favor... One hundred taels of Yin money is not a small amount of money. If converted into the currency of the world of the living

, it would be one million. You know, although Yu Xuanji also lives in District A, it is probably because of Zhong Kui that she herself should not have much money, otherwise that little ghost Xiaoqiu would not eat two Yin candles every time like the New Year.

With his guidance, the two of them quickly completed the formalities, received waist badges and clothes, as well as two sets of evil-slaying knives and soul-collecting gourds, which are considered standard equipment for evil-suppressing envoys.

"As expected, the uniforms worn by the evil suppressors are of high quality, much better than those worn by the ghost soldiers."Deng Qigong looked at himself and became more and more satisfied.

"Brother Zhang, where are we going next? Why don't we find a shady restaurant and have a meal with our brothers?"Bian Fei said with a smile

"No hurry, we still have to go to the secret library of evil suppression, which is a benefit for every evil suppressor, and we can't miss it."

While speaking, Zhang Qingyuan had already brought the two of them to the door of the secret library.

"Haha…Brother Zhang, long time no see, I missed you so much." Hu Wei saw him, smiling, and came to meet him from a distance.

"Don't blame me, Brother Hu. I have too many things to do in the Suppression of Evil Division. I finally came back and I came to visit Brother Hu as soon as I came back. Zhang Qingyuan greeted him warmly.

As the middleman, Zhang Qingyuan introduced Hu Wei to the two of them. Naturally, both sides were polite.

"Two brothers, please wait for me here, I will be back soon."

After saying that, he followed Hu Wei into the secret library.

"Brother Hu, what good stuff do you have this time? Last time I encountered a life-and-death crisis, and in order to escape, I lost the Ghostly Evil Sword."As soon as he entered the door, Zhang Qingyuan couldn't wait to ask

"Hehe, don't worry, Brother Zhang, you said you were coming, I've already prepared for you, let's go, let's go to the old place."

The two sneakily touched the wall in an inconspicuous corner, Hu Wei operated it twice, and the wall opened, it was still the secret room from last time, and there were five things on the table as usual.

"Brother Zhang, I asked someone to bring two things up from the third floor.……"Hu Wei was still chattering about his own achievements.

Zhang Qingyuan stared at the items on the table with his eyes wide open.

A jade-colored eyeball was quietly placed on the table...

The severed hand hidden in the sleeve couldn't help but come out.

The severed hand: [I want that eye! ]

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