After leaving the secret vault of the Suppression of Evil Division, Zhang Qingyuan hurried back to his own grave, locked the door, and ran into his room.

""Eye of Tubo!"

Zhang Qingyuan looked a little dazed. Looking at the eyeball in front of him, he began to doubt his life.

He had never thought that there would be a day when a cow could fly to the sky after boasting to Jian Jiaozi. There was actually such a thing in the world.

On his shoulder, the broken hand was very impatient, constantly poking the back of his ear with its fingers, jumping and poking.

"Stop arguing, let me take a look first."

Zhang Qingyuan picked up the jade blood-red eyeball and confirmed it again and again. It was indeed the eyeball he saw in Youdu. After all, it had been hanging on his head for half a month, and he had seen it countless times. He was very familiar with every detail of the Eye of Tubo.

Seeing that he was hesitating, the broken hand could not wait any longer, so he jumped onto the table, and his index finger grew a five-centimeter-long sharp nail, and began to write on the table.

The broken hand: [This is your eyeball, but it seems to be able to grow on my body.】

"Bullshit, how can this eyeball be mine?"

Broken hand: [But I feel like it and I once belonged to the same person. I am your hand, so of course it is your eyeball.]

Zhang Qingyuan didn't know how to explain to this broken hand that was gradually becoming a slave of two families. After all, its spirituality came from a strand of its own soul.

After thinking for a while, Zhang Qingyuan handed the eyeball to the broken hand and said,"Take it, don't mess around, this is Tu Bo's eyeball."

The severed hand grabbed the eyeball with extreme excitement and held it in the palm of his hand.

The next second, a strange phenomenon appeared. The severed hand fell on the table and trembled wildly as if it had epilepsy. Wisps of blood continued to seep out from the clenched fingers.

Zhang Qingyuan quietly moved away, worried that any accident would affect him.

Thick blood vessels appeared on the severed hand, and the whole hand turned red, as if it was about to bleed.

The terrifying and majestic pressure suddenly erupted, and with a scream, Zhang Qingyuan was directly bounced out. The thick blood mist enveloped the Yin house. He hurriedly climbed up from the yard and looked at the house in shock. The faint supreme aura made his hands and feet tremble unconsciously.

The breath of Tu Bo!


The pleasant sound of copper bells rang, Yu Xuanji stood quietly on the wall, and Zhang Qingyuan almost had a heart attack.

""Yu... Senior Yu!" Zhang Qingyuan felt very nervous. He glanced inside the Yinzhai and then at Yu Xuanji. He wondered what she had discovered.

"What are you doing?" Yu Xuanji asked doubtfully.

"this……"Zhang Qingyuan felt bitter in his mouth, not knowing how to explain it.

It seemed that living next to the leader was not a good thing!

Whoosh... a shadow flashed by, and the severed hand rushed out of the house, jumped onto Zhang Qingyuan's shoulder, and jumped around excitedly, even running to his head and scratching it.

"Stop it, come down, stop it……"

Zhang Qingyuan quickly grabbed the broken hand, but when his fingers touched the palm, he touched something slippery.


Tu Bo's eyeballs grew on the broken hand!

What a Cthulhu combination.

Yu Xuanji floated down from the top of the wall and landed in his yard.

A look fell on the broken hand. This guy seemed to feel threatened and tried desperately to get into Zhang Qingyuan's arms.

"Your broken hand……"Yu Xuanji hesitated to speak, with some doubts

"Ahem… Just now this severed hand was running around, so I used some tricks to teach it a lesson. I hope I have affected you, senior. Please don’t blame me." Zhang Qingyuan forced a reason. Yu

Xuanji didn’t say anything. If it was someone else, she would have slapped him in the face for treating her like an idiot.

But this guy was her subordinate, and he had just taken a favor from him, so she took a deep breath and didn’t care about it anymore.

Zhang Qingyuan glanced at her quietly, his chest heaving, very majestic… What a sin, what a sin, he quickly looked away.

Yu Xuanji looked at the Ghost Spirit Tree again. The white fruits on it were extremely conspicuous, like heads, and it was okay to call it a creepy fruit.

"This tree is good. I heard from Zhao Jin that you got the"Taiping Heavenly Book". You can use these fruits to perform the art of turning beans into soldiers."

"Senior, that's right." Zhang Qingyuan said respectfully.

"Practice the"Taiping Heavenly Book" well, don't slack off." As he spoke, Yu Xuanji flew up and landed on the wall, leaving a message:"Come to my courtyard tomorrow, I have something to tell you."

"Yes, senior."

Seeing that Yu Xuanji had left, Zhang Qingyuan couldn't wait to take out the severed hand. Sure enough, Tu Bo's eye had grown on the palm of the severed hand.

"Can you see it now?"

The broken hand jumped to the ground and responded to him again by writing.

【I can see that this eye is one with me... and one with you.】

Zhang Qingyuan curled his lips. He was too lazy to explain to him the confused self-cognition of the broken hand.

As if sensing his disbelief, the broken hand continued to write: [If it doesn’t work, use this eye to see.]

Before Zhang Qingyuan could react, he felt dizzy in an instant. A picture from another perspective suddenly appeared in his mind, catching him off guard.

In this perspective, he saw himself standing in front of him, and the angle was from bottom to top, which was very strange.

He could see the broken hand, and he could also see his complete appearance through the broken hand. It was impossible to describe in words what it felt like to have a completely free perspective.

"Is this... the underworld from Tu Bo's perspective?"

The perspective followed his mind, and the broken hand automatically adjusted its position, and a completely different underworld appeared in his eyes.

In the dark Fengdu City, an obscure protective shield isolated it from the outside world, dividing it into two worlds.

Fengdu City was peaceful and quiet. One could see beams of light located in various locations in Fengdu City. The most were in the inner city, with more than a hundred. The closest to him was Yu Xuanji's tomb next door. It was a beam of light interwoven with gray and green. The gray was dead silent and heavy, while the green was clear and ethereal, with a bit of nobility.

Outside Fengdu City, the dark, oppressive evil spirit poured down from the sky, continuously flowing into the underworld, and the land of the underworld was constantly steaming with all kinds of resentment and death.

The sky of the underworld was covered by thick black clouds, but Tu Bo's eyes could directly penetrate the black clouds and see When I first glanced at the netherworld sky in Youdu, I saw huge holes all over the sky, like a honeycomb. The evil spirit of the whole netherworld came from these holes.

These holes may not look like anything individually, but if the whole sky is covered with them, intensive phobia will start to take effect, reminding people of the evil picture circulated in the world of the living - lotus breasts!

Resisting the goose bumps, Zhang Qingyuan focused his eyes and looked along a certain hole, trying to see what was behind the hole.

However, as soon as his eyes entered the hole, a huge shadow suddenly passed by, and before he could react, a pair of eyes filled with chaos, evil and great terror met his eyes.


Zhang Qingyuan was startled and quickly looked away, just in time to fall on the blood moon.

Crash... a sea of blood came into view...

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