As the blood moon set, Fengdu City began to get busy.

Zhang Qingyuan put on his evil-suppressing equipment and walked towards Yu Xuanji's tomb in a ghostly manner.

As soon as he went out, he saw a man holding a door panel and a big knife standing at the door.

""Brother Zhou, long time no see." Zhang Qingyuan stepped forward and said hello.

The big man with a rough face looked at Zhang Qingyuan who came out from the next door with a look of astonishment, and said:"You live here? Next to Si Shou."

At this time, Zhao Jin, who had not been seen for a few days, also staggered over, still wearing the Taoist robe. It is estimated that in his eyes, the status of a Taoist priest from Zaoge Mountain is much higher than that of an evil suppressor.

"Humph! This kid has money but nowhere to spend it. Isn't it just a place to live? He has to find such an expensive place and spend so much money."The old ghost came and found fault with me.

Zhang Qingyuan was not polite either, and retorted:"Senior, what you said is not right. How can the disadvantage of good things be expensive? It is obviously because your disadvantage is poverty."

Zhao Jin shed bitter tears of poverty... clatter...

While the three were talking, there was a sound of chains dragging on the ground in the distance, and a bull-headed ghost came over with a steel fork and a ghost locked with a soul-locking chain.

"Brother Hu?"Zhang Qingyuan was stunned for a moment.

When the dejected Brother Hu heard his voice, he raised his head and ran over, dragging his chain, as if he had seen a savior, crying loudly:

"Woo wow wow... Brave brother, save your brother!"

"What happened? This is……"Zhang Qingyuan looked at the chain on his body and asked.

Although the ghosts entering Fengdu City are usually escorted by ghost officials, they will not be locked with soul chains. This is obviously a method used to deal with ghosts that are plagued by sins.

Brother Hu sat down on the ground, crying and wailing:"Brother, I don’t know either. This bull-headed man said that he would take me to the Yinlu Division to be convicted, and then to be judged by the judge King Yama."


The bull-headed man hit him with a steel fork and shouted:"Get up and follow me. If you delay, you will be in trouble."

Zhang Qingyuan looked at the bull-headed ghost official, frowned, and asked:"Brother Bull-headed, what did he do wrong?"

The bull-headed man had eyes on his forehead. He glanced at Zhang Qingyuan and saw the evil-suppressing uniform on him. His attitude was a little better. He said:"It turns out that you are a colleague from the Evil-Suppressing Division. This little ghost committed a crime in the world of the living. I was ordered by the Yinlu Division to take him to be convicted."

"What did he do wrong?"

"I don't know about this, and the Yinlusi will not tell me this."

""Brother, save me!" Fat Brother grabbed Zhang Qingyuan's trouser leg and begged.

He was a big gangster who was well-dressed in his life, but it was hard for him to show such a hesitant attitude now.

Zhang Qingyuan thought about it, took out a tael of Yin money and quietly stuffed it into the Niutou ghost, and whispered in his ear:"Brother Niutou, can you please go to my Yin house to rest for a while?"

Niutou took the Yin money, a thief light flashed on his honest face, and he grinned and said:"My colleagues in the Evil Suppression Bureau are so polite, how can I refuse your face. Where is my brother's Yin house? I'm a little thirsty on the way here, let me ask for a drink of water."

Zhang Qingyuan pointed to the Yin house yard next to him, and the smile on Niutou's face froze immediately, his eyes widened, and he stammered:"Brother... Brother, do you live here?"

This Niutou is an old hand in the underworld. He knows that the ghosts living in Area A are not simple. They are either rich or powerful, or at least have a noble person in the world to protect them. No matter which one, they are not easy to mess with.

The ghost money in his hand suddenly felt hot.

"Brother Niutou, don't think too much, go inside and take a rest first, I'll be back in a while." As he said that, he led the Niutou ghost and Brother Hu into his tomb.

Zhao Jin came over and asked,"Boy, is that fat guy your friend?"

"Yes! It was one of the ghosts who was killed by a female ghost in Chunjiang Community and then was saved by you, the senior."

"No wonder he looks so familiar. But I have to remind you that this fat man has a trace of blood on his body. He must have hurt people and seen blood in his life, and he has some sins of killing."

Sins of killing? Did

Brother Hu really fight with Liu Huaqiang with a machete? I thought he was bragging before, but I didn't expect it to be true.

After waiting for a while, Monk Lingzhi arrived late, and the door of Yu Xuanji's tomb was opened at the same time. Yu Xuanji appeared at the door with an umbrella, and she came to pick up the four of them in person.

What's going on? All four people are called?

Everyone was confused and followed him into the yard.

"Senior Yu, where is Xiao Qiu? I bought him a Yin Candle from Lao Mu Yin Candle House today." Zhang Qingyuan asked, searching around.

If he wanted to get closer to Yu Xuanji, following the path of that little devil was definitely a shortcut.

"He was too playful and ran away by himself."

Yu Xuanji replied casually, and then got to the point:"You four are the first people to follow me. I believe you have heard about the expansion of the Suppression of Evil Division."

"What the seniors mean is……"Zhao Jin asked tentatively

"Recently, I have expanded my recruitment, and I have recruited many people. I want to organize these new recruits into groups to avoid confusion. The four of you can barely be considered as veterans. You have also carried out many tasks during this period and have made occasional achievements. Therefore, I have reported to the chief Zhong Kui and agreed to promote you to the position of evil suppressor, and divide you into four groups of Tiandi Xuanhuang, each leading a part of the troops."


Zhang Qingyuan's eyes lit up, suppressing the excitement in his heart... It turns out that giving money as bribes is useful. It's not that you can't get promoted, but that you are ignorant... The truth!

Thinking of the one hundred taels of Yin money spent not long ago, it was so damn worth it.

Yu Xuanji didn't care what they thought, and took out four scrolls of silk, picked up the one with the word Tian written on it and handed it to Zhao Jin, saying:"Zhao Jin, as a cultivator of Zaoge Mountain, you have Taoism when you were alive, and you have never slacked off after death.

You have reached the realm of refining the spirit and returning to the void, which is comparable to the disaster-level ghosts.

You will be the leader of the Tian group.

You are the strongest combat force under my command, responsible for dealing with difficult ghosts.


"I obey your command!" Zhao Jin's face was tense, he was holding back his joy, and he calmly took the scroll.

"Monk Lingzhi, when you were alive... you were the leader of the territory group.……"

"Zhou Long, you will be the leader of the Xuan team.……"

It's my turn, it's my turn... Zhang Qingyuan was so excited that he had already reached out to take the scroll, looking at Yu Xuanji eagerly.

He saw the other party pick up the last scroll and said lightly:"Zhang Qingyuan, you are not strong, and I don't want to push you to the position of the evil suppressor, but considering that you are dedicated, quick-witted, and sensible, I will reluctantly promote you."

""Thank you, Senior Yu!"

Zhang Qingyuan was not stupid. Yu Xuanji meant that the favor of the 100 taels of Yin money had been repaid. Naturally, he had no objection. At most, he could give it to her later. 100 taels would get him promoted one level. Such a good thing would be hard to find even with a lantern.

"Don't be happy too soon. As the head of the evil suppression department, you will face more dangerous situations in the future. You need to practice hard."

"Subordinates understand"

"That's good! I will appoint you as the leader of the Yellow Team. You don't need to participate in too many battles in the future, but you need to rely on your own connections and means to collect intelligence on powerful ghosts causing chaos in the Yin and Yang worlds. This is a major matter related to the accumulation of merits and virtues for me and you, so I hope you don't take it lightly."


Zhang Qingyuan happily took the scroll, on which was written a yellow character, which was his appointment letter.

He began to think actively. He didn't need to worry about the news in the living world, where the ghosts were can be easily found through the Internet. It was the underworld that was a little more troublesome.

" seems like we can find a way to maintain the relationship with Jian Jiaozi." He thought silently.

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