Back at his grave, Tiger Brother sat on the ground with a wronged look on his face. The Bull-Headed Ghost Messenger was quite responsible, sitting on a stone pier, staring at him with his bull eyes.

"Brother, you're back."

"Brother Hu, I'm so miserable. You asked Boss Wang to transfer 500,000 yuan to me. I just made a small fortune, but before I could enjoy it, I was killed by that female ghost."

"The person died without spending all the money... After spending 350,000 last time, I ate instant noodles for a month and was just about to enjoy my life.……"

The guy became more and more sad as he spoke, and he began to wipe away his tears again.

Zhang Qingyuan silently took out his phone. How could he not show this scene to the netizens?

【Dog Dare is on air now? By the way, when will your Qingyuan Temple open? I'm planning to go and burn some incense.】

【Eh? Isn't that Brother Tiger? Playing SM bondage, such a thick chain】

【Minotaur, tied up... What an evil scene! 】

Many people in the live broadcast room knew Brother Hu and immediately started to make fun of him.

But as they watched, they realized something was wrong. This underworld boss who claimed to have chopped dozens of knives from Beihai Kindergarten to Nanshan Nursing Home without shedding a tear was actually crying.

【Brother Tiger, Brother Tiger...what are you doing? You are crying like a woman, how can the brothers hold their heads up high? 】

The image has collapsed.

Zhang Qingyuan said nothing, so as not to be noticed by Brother Tiger, and quietly zoomed in the camera to let netizens see the tears on his fat face.

"Brother Niutou, let's go to the Yinlusi now"

"No problem!" The Bull-Headed Ghost Officer was very polite. He pulled the chain on Brother Hu and shouted,"Get up and follow me to the Yinlusi."

The two men walked out, and Zhang Qingyuan whispered to the camera,"My friends, Brother Hu was arrested in Chunjiang Community and is now being taken to the Yinlusi for trial by the Bull-Headed Ghost Officer. We'll go and see him later."

【Host, we are the 'urban emotional mediators', we have found your biological parents for you. 】

A strange comment flashed by.

Zhang Qingyuan's face turned black, and he cursed:"Get lost! You just found your parents? Be careful, I'll crawl under your bed."

After that, he hurriedly trotted out. Ten minutes later, the three of them came to a majestic government office. It was different from other departments. At the door, a black Yin beast with thick black hair, bright eyes, and a horn on its forehead sat at the door.

The beast's name is 灋(fǎ), also known as 獬豸 or 解廌(xiè zhì), which symbolizes strict laws and impartiality.

Zhang Qingyuan's eyes were filled with tears... Finally, he saw a Yin beast he knew. The Yin beasts in other government offices all looked strange, and he didn't recognize any of them.

Entering the gate of the Yinlusi, the majestic hall leads directly to the gate. On both sides of the hall are couplets: Understand yin and yang to distinguish right from wrong, carefully examine life and death to judge sins, and the horizontal banner: Judge the world with reason.


The gavel sounded, and two rows of ghost messengers suddenly appeared in the originally empty yamen, knocking on the ground with killing sticks and shouting"mighty".

A ghost official sat in the hall and shouted,"Who is in the hall?"

Niutou hurriedly stepped forward, put a piece of paper on the ground, and said,"Replying to the lawyer, this is a ghost imprisoned in the ghost gate. There is blood in the soul. The superior ordered me to bring it to the Yinlusi for trial."


"Kneel down!"

There was another bang of the gavel, and Tiger's legs went limp and he knelt on the ground.

【Someone, bring the guillotine!】

【No need to interrogate him, just drag him out and chop him off... No, first beat him with a hundred big boards and then kill him. 】

Netizens in the live broadcast room did not mind the big deal, and they all made a wish to torture Brother Hu.

At this time, the lawyer noticed Zhang Qingyuan who had come up:"What are you doing here in our Yin Law Department, the evil suppressor?"

"cough cough……"Zhang Qingyuan coughed twice and said,"I have something to tell the court official. Can we move over and talk?"

The middle-aged lawyer with a goatee touched his beard, and a gleam flashed in his eyes. He seemed to have thought of something, and stood up and said,"Since the evil suppressor is here, there must be something important. The trial will be postponed. Please come to the back hall with me to talk."

As he said that, he walked out of the small door on the left, and Zhang Qingyuan hurriedly followed.

When they arrived at the back hall, it was dark with oil lamps lit, and there was no one.

Zhang Qingyuan walked forward, took out ten taels of Yin money and handed it over, saying,"The man outside is my friend. Please show mercy to the lawyer."

The lawyer touched the Yin money in his hand, glanced at Zhang Qingyuan again, and said hesitantly,"This... makes me very embarrassed."

Damn thing, ten taels are not enough... Zhang Qingyuan cursed in his heart.

Then he took out another five taels of Yin money and handed it over.

The latter smiled brightly and said with a cunning look:"Oh, why are you so polite? We are all working for the underworld, and it's too strange to talk about money. Don't do this in the future. I am Hexian, and I haven't asked for your surname yet."

As expected, the name with the word"He" in it is greedy.

Cursing inwardly, Zhang Qingyuan smiled and said,"I don't dare to be called a noble. I just barely share the same surname with the Jade Emperor and Zhang Zu Tianshi. My name is Qingyuan."

"Forehead……"He Xian's smile froze, his face trembled, and he said with a half smile:"Zhang... Brother Zhang is quite good at joking."

【Hello everyone, my last name is Zhang, which is roughly the same as the Jade Emperor and Zhang Tianshi.】

【Hello everyone, my last name is Zhao, which is roughly the same as the God of Wealth Zhao Tianjun】

【There are no powerful people in my Li family. We just have Li Er, who dares not speak in such a situation. 】

Imitations appeared in the live broadcast room one after another, and brought out their ancestors to support the scene.

He Xian returned to the hall, slammed the gavel, and said:"After investigation by this hall, the ghost Lin Zhenhu was from Daxia, and his soul was bloody. Although he hurt people during his lifetime, he was actually brave and courageous. Not only did he not do anything wrong, but he was meritorious. He was sentenced to be released in court and moved into Fengdu normally... Adjourn the court!!"


Zhang Qingyuan was confused... Is this not an act at all? He was just confusing right and wrong? It was a vivid interpretation of"The Yamen is open, but if you have a reason but no money, don't come in."

I just wonder if there will be another Monkey King to save the lives of those underworld bosses before the next incident is exposed.

Facing Hexian's ridiculous verdict, Niutou Guicha was not surprised at all, but felt it was normal. After all, from the moment Zhang Qingyuan stopped him,���He roughly guessed how the subsequent development would be.

After taking back the soul-locking chain, Brother Hu's nose and tears were streaming, and he hugged Zhang Qingyuan.

"Thank you, brother. Brother Tiger, I am in such a difficult situation. If it weren’t for your help,……"

"Okay, okay.……"Zhang Qingyuan pushed him away with a wry smile.

He was not at all impressed by this kind of strong man-locking hug.

"The matter has been resolved. Brother Hu, you can follow the Bull-Headed Ghost to find a grave to live in. I will come back to find you later."

""Brother, you must come!" Brother Hu said to him with a loving look.

Zhang Qingyuan's scalp was slightly numb... Why is Brother Hu so gay?

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