Why did the underworld change the Book of Life and Death?

Would someone who could interfere with the underworld's change of the Book of Life and Death really do such a thing that would kill a person just to let a mere mortal live a few more years?

Zhang Qingyuan fell into deep thought. Perhaps when the Great Sage settled the accounts, he not only saved the lives of the underworld gods, but also some people in the Heavenly Court.

Otherwise, when the monkey made trouble in the Heavenly Palace, the gods in the Heavenly Court were beaten to a pulp. How could they just find a bunch of gods and immortals to save the situation? It is obviously unreasonable.

"It is difficult for the Yin spirits to become saints after ten thousand calamities... It seems that those who are fooled are those outside the circle, and those in the circle know how to operate."

Zhang Qingyuan sighed, the underworld and the heaven are just a larger world of the living, the whole world is a huge grass-stage troupe, the drama on the stage will always be repeated in various forms, the only difference is that a layer of skin has been changed.

Zhao Jin also looked disappointed, and said:"You only need to know these things yourself, don't tell others. Now that you have the identity of being canonized by humanity to protect you, you are also a figure in the underworld. Those Yin gods dare not act on you easily, and you don't need to borrow the name of outsiders, but you may become the center of the vortex in the future, so be careful."

After speaking, Zhao Jin left the yard.


There was a sound from the Yin house behind him, and Huang Shuangshuang walked out of it, which scared Zhang Qingyuan.

"You...why are you here?"

""Team leader, you are confused, didn't you let me live here?" Huang Shuangshuang said a little aggrieved.

Before he could say anything, the little girl said admiringly:"The team leader is indeed the most powerful, he was actually canonized as a god in the world. I heard from my ancestors that it is very rare to be canonized as a god in the world. There are very few of them. Even many gods in heaven have not been canonized."

"Just so-so, third in the world. How about I be your team leader?" Zhang Qingyuan said without any modesty.

In front of this little Lolita, he maintained enough dignity.


At this moment, there was a knock on the door, and then Brother Hu's voice came from outside:"Brother, brother, are you home?"

Zhang Qingyuan opened the door, only to see Brother Hu's face full of surprise, and said proudly:"Brother is awesome, Daxia actually deified you, won't you be on par with Guan Sheng, Yue Fei and Zhong Kui in the future?"

"Ahem... you can't say that, be more low-key." Zhang Qingyuan said awkwardly.

"Brother, stop joking. I've heard other ghosts talking outside. Now in the whole underworld, only you and Zhong Kui have been canonized by the human world. I heard that you don't have to bow to the Emperor of Fengdu. Your status is very high."

As he said, Brother Hu sighed again and said,"Unlike me, I didn't do well in the world of the living. When I came to the underworld, I was also a ghost. Brother, I will rely on you in the future. I have never asked for anything in my life, I just ask you to help me find a way."

The old gangster said so seriously. Zhang Qingyuan said half-jokingly,"Brother Hu, you said this. When I was in school, I must have asked for the shadow area."

Brother Hu's expression froze, and he said angrily,"Brother, stop joking. I know my request is a bit excessive, but brother, don't worry, as long as you are willing to help me, in the future, you let me go east, never west, let me steal chickens, never touch dogs. If I break this oath, let me be punished with three knives and six holes."

"Three knives and six holes, I heard that the Saw Hell and the Mountain of Knives Hell are very good at this." Huang Shuangshuang added the knife on the side.

Brother Hu only noticed her presence at this moment, and immediately gave Zhang Qingyuan an ambiguous look, then stepped forward and greeted her enthusiastically:"Sister-in-law? I'm Lin Zhenhu, friends in the underworld give me face and call me Brother Hu.

I'm a sworn brother of our Brother Zhang." Huang Shuangshuang's pretty face flushed slightly, and she stuttered:"You...you don't, don't talk nonsense, I have nothing to do with the team leader, there is nothing wrong"

"Don't worry, I understand everything. They are in love with each other and it must be innocent. It's not like they spend money outside."Brother Hu said with a tone of being an experienced person who knows everything.

"Humph!" Huang Shuangshuang stamped her feet in anger and said,"Team leader, look at him...he is talking nonsense like this, be careful or he will go to hell where tongues are pulled out."

"Sister-in-law, this is wrong. How can you curse me like this?……"

"That... Brother Hu, don't worry. I will definitely help you. I will ask the Suppression of Evil Division if there are any good jobs and find one for you."

As he spoke, Zhang Qingyuan tried to wink at him, telling him not to commit suicide. Huang Shuangshuang said that he would be sent to the tongue-pulling hell. After all

, he still didn't know the identity of this little Lolita. He was fooled by her several times. But no matter whose descendant she was, she must be from the Yama clan based on the equipment she took out casually when facing the ghost boy. And don't forget that the Urban King's surname is Huang.

After getting the promise, Brother Hu smiled happily. Although he didn't see the meaning of Zhang Qingyuan's eyes, he wisely chose to shut up, then said goodbye and left, saying that he would wait for his news. Just as

Brother Hu left, there was another knock on the door.

Zhang Qingyuan opened the door and saw a charming and charming female ghost standing outside. She was wearing a translucent gauze. She showed everything that should be exposed and half of what shouldn't be exposed.

"Who are you?"

"Ah ha ha……"The ghost girl smiled charmingly and said,"I believe you are the famous True Lord Dangxie. I am Xiang Yuan, the owner of the Qunfang Baigui Building. Today, I have seen the canonization of the human way. I admire you and come to visit you specially. I hope that True Lord will not blame me.""

""The House of Flowers and Ghosts?" Zhang Qingyuan was confused. He never thought that the biggest brothel owner in Fengdu City would come to his door.

"Yes. The True Lord is famous in the underworld, and the girls in my house admire him very much, and they are eagerly looking forward to the True Lord coming to comfort them."

""Humph!" A cold snort came from behind. Huang Shuangshuang crossed her arms over her chest and turned her head to the side.

"That... I've certainly heard of the name of the Qunfang Baigui Building, but I've always been a gentleman and never liked it." Zhang Qingyuan"verbally" refused.

If it weren't for the fact that these female ghosts were so good at sucking, maybe he would have died long ago.

The madam seemed to see his concerns and said,"Don't worry, my lord. The girls in my building all know the rules. They know very well who should be sucked and who shouldn't."

"Okay, okay, I definitely won't go, let's go……"Zhang Qingyuan started to chase people away.

"Oh my... How could you push me?"

Xiang Yuan cried out softly, and fell into Zhang Qingyuan's arms. He wanted to push her away, but the words that rang in his ears made Zhang Qingyuan freeze suddenly.

""Master, when will the ancient book be brought? Master Jian Jiaozi can't wait any longer."

Is it her?

Jian Jiaozi's undercover agent in Fengdu City, who was also his contact person, finally showed up.

Zhang Qingyuan calmly helped her up, and the latter stuffed a card into his hand, whispering,"50% off.""

Damn it!

The 50% off card for the club is simply a naked temptation.

Zhang Qingyuan cursed in his heart and accepted it silently.

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