In the next few days, Zhang Qingyuan's grave was extremely busy.

The underworld gods from all over the underworld sent people to congratulate him on his canonization and presented him with a lot of gifts.

Zhang Qingyuan said... a small amount of money could not corrupt his character at all, but these guys gave too much.

A rough estimate showed that it was worth more than a thousand taels of underworld money.

"Power and money go hand in hand. These abominable underworld feudal bureaucrats are sometimes quite pleasing to the eye."

Ordinary ghosts live in poverty and cannot even afford a single coin. These guys casually spend dozens or even hundreds of taels of coin. This made Zhang Qingyuan realize what it means to be blinded by money.

""Team leader, you're collecting so many things, aren't you afraid of being checked?" Huang Shuangshuang asked as she helped him move the things into the house.

"Shuangshuang, what you said is wrong. I, the team leader, collected these out of public interest!"


"You see, in the past few days, besides me, Senior Yu next to me has also sent gifts. If I don't accept it, how can Senior Yu accept it? If Senior Yu doesn't accept it, how can we make progress?"

"Moreover, our brothers who suppress evil usually don't get paid. After collecting these things, they can be given as rewards when they make contributions. So you see, this thing is not actually collected by me, and it will eventually fall into your hands."Zhang Qingyuan said with a twisted and heretical theory.

"Fall into my hands?" Huang Shuangshuang pointed at her nose with a confused look on her face.

"Yes, for example, look at this jade hairpin, which is made of fine Yin jade and can nourish the soul. Jiangnan University also has your contribution, so this thing is given to you."As he said, Zhang Qingyuan took out the jade hairpin from a box and inserted it into Huang Shuangshuang's hair.

"Team...Team Leader!……"Huang Shuangshuang didn't know what to say

"Don't refuse, this thing is a reward for you. If you don't accept it, others will make contributions later. Should they accept it? Don't block their way to wealth."

Another set of perverse theories, successfully shutting up the little Lolita. Although she felt something was wrong, the little Lolita couldn't tell, and couldn't find a reason to refute.

After a few days of hard work, in addition to accepting gifts, Zhang Qingyuan's biggest gain was the expansion of his network of contacts in the underworld. Looking at the pile of name cards in the Xumi Ring, each of them represented a family or force in the underworld. A single one might not have much impact, but the number was too large, and many key positions were controlled by them.

Accepting these name cards meant that Zhang Qingyuan was in the same circle with them, and they would work together in the future to become bigger and stronger and create greater glory.

After a few busy days, he finally calmed down. Zhang Qingyuan sat in the yard, looking at Looking at the ghost tree full of fruits beside him, his mind sank into the core of his soul. Looking at the scent of incense lingering around the true soul light, he recalled what Zhao Jin had told him that day.

Although only a few days had passed, almost all the teachers and students who survived after Jiangnan University were grateful to him. After his statue began to be sold online, almost everyone bought one to worship.

Some other people who were worried about being haunted by ghosts also quietly bought his statue home and burned incense every day.

Feeling the incense that was even greater than what Zhao Lingshan had contributed, it almost turned into a thick mist in the core of his soul. Faces of people praying devoutly flashed in the mist, and their voices could still be heard in his ears.

"The power of incense is the collection of all sentient beings' obsessions and wishes. It contains great cause and effect. If one carries it with one's body, one can ascend to godhood, but one cannot be free and unfettered. After all, one is several levels weaker than a celestial being. It is really the biggest lie that it is difficult for a Yin spirit to become a saint after ten thousand calamities. I don't know how many ghosts and immortals have been blocked by it."

With a light mockery, Zhang Qingyuan did not hesitate. The Nine Yin Soul Lotus blossomed under his will. The incense lingering around began to flow into it. The lotus seat spun around, as if it was enjoying the infusion of the power of the incense. The originally pitch-black Nine Yin Soul Lotus emerged with a faint golden divine light. Some places even faded part of the black color and turned into a dazzling color like gold.

Zhang Qingyuan's mind was connected with it, and the Taoist scriptures and magic he had learned echoed in his heart... As if with divine help, the originally obscure and profound scriptures actually became... It was easy to understand, and countless insights suddenly arose in his mind.

In addition, after the Nine Yin Soul Lotus absorbed the incense, it seemed to purify it, releasing a pure power without a trace of thought, which was absorbed by the True Soul Light.

Originally just a candle-sized True Soul Light, it expanded a little. Zhang Qingyuan only felt that his soul body was more comfortable than ever before, and his body had a sense of weight again, like a solid entity, no longer as illusory as before.

Of course, this was just a temporary illusion. It was still a long way to condense the soul into a solid entity.

"The body of a celestial being is a fusion of soul and spirit, which transforms into the most yang primordial spirit. In the calamity, the body is transformed into a feather, which feeds the primordial spirit and then ascends to the ninth heaven, ranking among the immortals."

"The physical body is a boat, born from the innate nature, and polluted by the acquired energy of the five grains and the filth of the world. It will eventually be abandoned. Only the primordial spirit can survive in the world.……"

This is the information Zhao Jin told him, but Zhang Qingyuan always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't find the answer. Even the records in the Taiping Heavenly Book were the same.

"Forget it, I am just a ghost, I don't have a body, why should I think about these things."After comforting himself, Zhang Qingyuan devoted himself to refining the incense.

With the help of the Nine Yin Soul Lotus, he finally felt a bit like a Taoist genius. Although most of the power of the incense was absorbed by the Nine Yin Soul Lotus, the lotus platform had grown visibly larger and it was also growing.

As time went by, the hot searches in the world of the living fermented. I don't know if it was Lao Wang who pushed it behind the scenes. Anyway, Zhang Qingyuan felt that the power of the incense was increasing, and the incense coming in every day increased a lot compared to yesterday.

Fortunately, the Nine Yin Soul Lotus can refine these incense by itself, so he doesn't have to worry about it. He just needs to use the help of the incense to comprehend the Taoist scriptures. Moreover, while the true soul light is growing, Zhang Qingyuan also took out the lotus seeds that had been in the bottom of the box for a long time. Refining one every day to strengthen one's soul.

For ghosts, the true soul light is equivalent to the soul, and the soul body is equivalent to the physical body.

The simultaneous strengthening of the two made Zhang Qingyuan feel that his power was advancing by leaps and bounds. His soul power was also greatly enhanced, and even reached the threshold of disaster-level ghosts.

If outsiders knew his growth rate, they would probably be shocked.

You know, the growth of ghosts is extremely difficult. Most of the ghost gods in the underworld can only be stronger than other ghosts by taking advantage of their status and enjoying the blessings of the heaven. As for the ghosts in the wild, it is even worse. They can only absorb the resentful evil spirits and make themselves unconscious.

But even so, if they want to grow to the disaster level, the time is calculated in hundreds of years, which shows how difficult it is for ghosts to practice.

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