"Team leader, someone is here to see you."

Huang Shuangshuang shouted in the yard.

Zhang Qingyuan pushed open the door and walked out of the Yin house. He was wearing the uniform of an evil-suppressing general. He looked much straighter and was dressed very formally.

After all, it was the big boss of the underworld who came to invite him, so he had to give him face and try to maintain the surface harmony.

He did not go out, but asked Huang Shuangshuang to see what characteristics the person outside the door had. If the King of the Wheel came, he would definitely not be able to go. Buddhism is also a big pit now.

After a while, Huang Shuangshuang came in and said,"Team leader, there is a word Jiang written on the carriage outside!"

The surname is Jiang!

That should be King Qin Guang.

Zhang Qingyuan was immediately relieved and hurried out. Before he got in the car, he saw another black-painted, red-roofed carriage pulled by Yin horses coming at the end of the street.

"My master will be very happy that the True Lord can keep the appointment."The old servant of King Qin Guang said with a smile.

Zhang Qingyuan got into the carriage directly and said,"Don't talk nonsense, let's go."

After that, he lifted the curtain of the carriage and said to Huang Shuangshuang at the door:"Shuangshuang, if someone comes later, you can say that I was kidnapped."

The old servant smiled and shook his head. Without saying anything more, he got on the shaft and drove the carriage away.

When passing by the carriage sent by the Wheel King, the latter obviously knew what was going on. He stood by the road, staring at the carriage with a gloomy look.

Zhang Qingyuan saw the other party's eyes through the small window of the carriage, and his heart became heavier... In any case, being stared at by a Yama Luo is not a good thing.

And there is more than just himself behind this Yama Luo.

The carriage was not moving slowly. After entering the inner city, it went straight to the depths. There were tall gates and courtyards on both sides of the road, which were majestic and solemn. Those who can live here are either high-ranking in the underworld or have been in business for a long time.

Strictly speaking, the Ten Yama Kings do not live in the city. They all have their own Yama Palaces, but the current situation is special. They will not leave Fengdu City until the inquiry into heaven and the way in the world of the living is over.

Soon, the carriage stopped in front of a huge underworld house. The words"Jiang Mansion" were hung on the door. There were underworld soldiers wearing heavy armor standing guard at the door. The central main door opened, and a middle-aged man in black casual clothes, with a long black beard and a solemn look was waiting in front of the door.

"Master, the True Lord is here"

"Hahaha…Zhang Zhenjun, I have long admired you. I have been in the palace of King Qin Guang for a long time and rarely go back to Fengdu, but that day, the great spirit of humanity covered the sky and shook the underworld. I saw it with my own eyes. To be canonized by the Yang Dynasty, Zhenjun is also a rare hero in ancient times."

Zhang Qingyuan got off the carriage. Although he had never seen King Qin Guang, he knew who was the person with such a magnanimous demeanor.

"King Qin Guang praised him. As the King of Hell, your name is known in the three realms. I admire him very much."

The sedan chair was carried by many people. They gave him enough face. Zhang Qingyuan was not someone who didn't know how to show respect.

After the two of them exchanged pleasantries, King Qin Guang personally led Zhang Qingyuan into the underworld and went straight into the inner hall.

Unexpectedly, he was not the only one present today. There was also a serious-looking old man in attendance, and another one was wearing Confucian scholar's clothes, looking like a gentleman.

"Come! I will introduce you to the Master. The older man on the left is the famous Mr. Wei Zheng from the Ministry of Rewards and Benevolence, and the other one is Cui Jue from the Ministry of Yin Laws. I believe you must have heard of them."Zhang Qingyuan bowed quickly and said,"It turns out that you are Mr. Wei and Mr. Cui. I have heard of you for a long time."

Wei Zheng, needless to say, was one of the famous twenty-four heroes of the Lingyan Pavilion. He once slew a dragon in his dream and was a true legendary figure. As for Cui Jue, the most famous thing about him was the legend of judging a tiger during his lifetime.

After the four of them sat down, soon plates of exquisite Yin food were served. It must be said that as one of the big guys in the underworld, King Qin Guang's Yin food specifications far exceeded those of the Yin Food Building outside. Zhang Qingyuan ate so much that his mouth was full of oil. The Yin energy on his body was stagnant and filled his soul. He even had a faint feeling of breaking through the disaster level.

The four of them toasted each other and soon felt that they had met too late and had a trend of inseparable friendship. The other party did not mention any questions about asking the sky or the way, so Zhang Qingyuan naturally did not ask.

But not long after, King Qin Guang drank a glass, and then sighed,"I am very happy to meet the True Lord today, but I don't know how long this carefree life will last."

Here it comes!"

Zhang Qingyuan's heart skipped a beat, and then he heard Cui Jue, the supporting actor, ask in"confused" voice:"Why does the king say that?"

King Qin Guang also drank another glass with a depressed look on his face, and said:"You all don't know, that day, the immortal Gongcao under the command of the Earth Official Qingxu Emperor descended to the underworld and said that the Yang people wanted to climb Mount Tai on the fifteenth of this month to ask the heaven and the underworld about the chaos caused by ghosts in the Yang world.

Even the emperor was called back to the heaven by Emperor Qingxu for questioning.

This time of asking is different from the past.

My underworld has to bear a great responsibility for the ghost disasters in the Yang world.


Zhang Qingyuan said nothing and watched the performance of the three people quietly

"Emperor Qingxu actually personally asked about this matter? It is rumored that the ancient Emperor Shun was the incarnation of the Great Emperor and was once the Emperor of Man. If you really want to make a fuss, you might be biased towards the Great Xia in the Yang world, after all, the blood of the Great Emperor flows in the world."Wei Zheng said while stroking his beard.

Zhang Qingyuan's heart moved. He didn't expect that the Earth Official Emperor, one of the Three Officials, actually had such a past.

This big guy can almost be said to be the head of the underworld, under the jurisdiction of the Five Great Emperors, and his status is extremely respected.

"But it is also true that some Yin gods are really not very decent, and the Heavenly Court should have cleaned them up long ago. Cui Jue said coldly.

The three of them laid the groundwork for a long time and finally brought the topic to Zhang Qingyuan.

"Zhang Zhenjun, you are the god canonized by the current dynasty in the mortal world. Do you have any news?" King Qin Guang asked pretending to be indifferent. Zhang Qingyuan's smile faded and said,"Your Majesty, you are joking. Although I was canonized by Daxia, I am separated from the yin and yang after all. How can I know any news? Besides, asking the heavens for the way is a matter that affects the fate of the dynasty in the mortal world. How dare I interfere casually?"

Zhang Qingyuan did not play Tai Chi with them and directly expressed his attitude.

Hearing this, the three of them looked at each other silently. King Qin Guang said seriously,"Zhenjun is really a wise man. He knows that this matter is serious and dare not get deeply involved. But some people may not be willing to be lonely and will come to bother Zhenjun. I just don't know if Zhenjun can still say these words at that time?"

"What if I can tell it, what if I can't tell it? Do they want to kill me, or does His Excellency Qin Guangwang want me to be unable to speak? That should be the safest way for you, right?"Zhang Qingyuan looked at him and directly pointed out the other party's purpose.

For a moment, the banquet hall was filled with the sound of a pin drop.

"Oh, why are you saying this? The king and the True Lord were just joking. Don't take it seriously. Drink, drink." Cui Jue smoothed things over in time.

The atmosphere became lively again, and there was another round of toasts. Two hours later, the three of them sent Zhang Qingyuan out of the underworld.

"It seems that he has guessed something and has expressed his attitude directly before we even opened our mouths.

"It doesn't matter what he says, it depends on what he does. Xue Li's people are already waiting at the intersection, it depends on whether he will go or not."King Qin Guang said indifferently.

When he left, he was still sent off by a carriage. Not long after he left, the old servant who was driving the carriage stopped and whispered:"True Lord, the carriage of the King's Palace is blocking the road ahead."

"Just say I was drunk and unconscious."

As soon as he finished speaking, someone outside shouted,"Zhang Zhenjun, the King of the Wheel of Time wants to see you!"

"My master and I are having a feast and have drunk too much. Please come back another day.……"

There was silence outside for a while, and then he said,"In this case, I can only report the truth to the Wheel King. However, I still want to remind you that in the underworld, no one has ever postponed the invitation of the Wheel King. You are the first one.……"

"Get the hell out of here!"

Zhang Qingyuan pulled open the car curtain, stuck his head out and cursed:"I am a dignified deity, a disciple of Nanhua Patriarch, and a nephew of Xuandu Grand Master. I won't give that shitty Chakravartin King any face. What does he want? Give him the guts, try to touch me if you dare."

At the door of King Qin Guang, the three people's faces were frozen and they looked at each other.

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