The red moon rose high in the sky, and Fengdu City fell silent.

After seeing off Wei Zheng and Cui Jue, King Qin Guang went out alone, and soon he arrived in front of an even larger underworld. It is more appropriate to call it a underworld, or a palace.

""King Qin Guang pays respects to the two Majesties!"

If Zhang Qingyuan were here, he would certainly not be unfamiliar with the two people sitting at the top. They are Shen Tu and Yu Lei.

"King Qin Guang, you don't have to be polite. Have you met that Master Zhang?" Yu Lei asked casually.

Shen Tu next to him was still cold, with purple pupils that seemed to be able to see through people's hearts. King Qin Guang always felt like he was running naked.

Compared with the Tubo era in Youdu, the two were undoubtedly more powerful.

"To Your Majesty, Zhang Qingyuan seemed to have noticed the Heavenly Court's plan. Before we could speak, he took the initiative to say that he would not interfere with the affairs of the Yang world."

"Oh?" Yu Lei became interested and said,"It's interesting. How can you see so deeply?"

King Qin Guang hesitated, not knowing how to express himself.

"If you have something to say, just say it."

King Qin Guang lowered his voice and whispered in a voice that only the three of them could hear:"When he left, the King of the Wheel sent someone to invite him, but……"

"Zhang Qingyuan scolded him back, during which he mentioned that he was a disciple of Nanhua Patriarch and the nephew of Xuandu Grand Master, so I wondered if it was……"

King Qin Guang pointed to the sky, and his meaning was self-evident.

"The nephew of the great master Xuandu……"

Yu Lei's expression changed, and he showed a confused look on his face. He didn't know why, but he felt as if he had heard this before, but he couldn't remember where or when he had heard it before.

Shen Tu beside him had the same expression.

The two ghost emperors looked at each other tacitly, without revealing anything.

"Okay, I understand. Prince Qin Guang, you can go back first. I will inform you if there is any follow-up situation."

Prince Qin Guang took his leave, leaving Shen Tu and Yu Lei behind. Neither of them spoke, and the atmosphere was a little weird.

"Brother, do you want to ask, if Zhang Qingyuan is really related to the great master Xuandu, there might be problems, after all, he is now in the center of the storm."Shen Tu suggested.

The latter pondered for a moment, still a little hesitant and said:"Since Youdu, I have not bothered the great master again. If this is false, wouldn't it make the great master unhappy?"

"But if we don't ask clearly, if something goes wrong and affects the plan of the Heavenly Court, I'm afraid neither you nor I can bear the consequences."Shen Tu advised.

After thinking for a long time, Yu Lei was finally persuaded:"Just listen to my sister."

The two walked straight to the secret room. There was an altar in the middle of the secret room. Without the token given by the great magician in Youdu, Yu Lei wanted to contact the other party, and he also needed to perform a ritual to communicate with the heavens. It depends on whether there will be a response. After lighting the incense and candles and performing the sacrifice, Yu Lei stood on the altar and sincerely chanted:

"I bow my head with all my heart.

Xuandu Secret Realm, the true teaching of wonderful Dharma.

The inner and outer alchemy, the profound enlightenment.

Showing mercy and saving all living beings.

The power of Dharma is boundless, the wonder of the Dao is infinite.

Holding the whisk, sweeping away the dust.

Keeping the right path in mind, refining the stubborn.

Xuandu Great Master, widely guides the lost.

Sending down the light of mercy to illuminate all living beings, and raining the Dharma to moisten all kinds of things.

Pray in a thousand places and receive a thousand answers, bow in a thousand directions and receive the spirits in a thousand directions.

Great compassion and great wishes, great saint and great mercy.

Xuandu True Realm, the immeasurable heavenly master who saves people……"

As the great disciple of the Human Religion, the true disciple of morality, the great master Xuandu also adheres to the way of tranquility and inaction, so the Xuandu Treasure Edict is rarely circulated, and only a handful of people in the Three Realms know about it. If it weren't for the fate of Youdu, Yulei would not have known about it.

The incense was faint, and as Yulei recited the Treasure Edict, the secret room fell into a strange peace and harmony, as if nothing had happened, and as if something had happened. In the thirty-third Taiqing Heaven, in front of a simple grass reed, the young man sitting cross-legged opened his eyes.

"Yu Lei?"

A puzzled look flashed across the face of the great master Xuandu. He looked at the three realms with his profound eyes. In just a moment, he knew the reason and couldn't help laughing.

"It's this kid again, actually using my name to do things, it's interesting, Junior Brother should already know about this disciple, let him deal with it."

After saying that, he flicked his fingers in the air, and a beam of divine light disappeared into the void.

At the same time, in Yu Lei's secret room, a divine light suddenly appeared, and a line of words appeared in the air.

【I already know about this, just let it be.】

These eight short words made Yu Lei both surprised and confused.

He was surprised that Master Xuandu actually responded to him, but he was confused about what the hell this meant?

Talking to masters is annoying... The thought of complaining only flashed through his mind, and was directly extinguished by him, for he was worried that the master would sense it.

After everything calmed down, Shen Tu couldn't help but ask:"Brother, what does this mean?"

Yu Lei said very depressedly:"Brother, I also want to know what it means! But according to that person's personality, I guess that Zhang Qingyuan should really have some relationship with the master, but not big, so the master did not deny it, but said to let it be, and he should not interfere."

"Then what should we do?" Shen Tu continued to ask.

Yu Lei pondered for a moment and said:"The great master is far-sighted and should have his own plans. We should not pay too much attention to it. We should neither get close to him nor stay away from him. We should just pretend that we don't know about it."

After that, Yu Lei looked at Shen Tu and said:"Sister, why don't you go and take a look at that boy quietly, maybe you can find something?"

"I'm going alone?"

"Forget it... I'll go too. I won't feel at ease if I don't take a look."

The two of them concealed their tracks, quietly left the house, and headed towards the outer city.

In Zhang Qingyuan's grave, Yu Xuanji stood on the wall again.

"Senior Yu, what's up?" Zhang Qingyuan asked helplessly.

As a subordinate, although he hated people who climbed over walls, he didn't dare to show it. Of course, if he were to climb over the other person's wall, he would be very happy.���

"Was that the carriage from Prince Qin Guang’s palace just now?"

"Well! King Qin Guang invited me to dinner, and I couldn't refuse, so I went.……"Zhang Qingyuan pretended to be indifferent and replied

"Didn’t go to the other one?"

""Go to hell, that Wheel King, he sent a little servant to threaten me, I scolded him in the street, I didn't go!" Zhang Qingyuan said indignantly.

You are powerful, you are amazing...

Yu Xuanji said nothing, silently jumped off the wall, and returned to her own yard.

At this time, above the Yin house, two pairs of sneaky eyes were watching what was happening below.

"Strange! I seem to have seen this guy somewhere, but I can't remember where!"Yu Lei said in a strange way.

"Does your brother feel the same way?"

"Sister, are you also……"


In the courtyard, Zhang Qingyuan looked at the severed hand jumping and hopping in the corner, pointing at the sky and the ground. He did not react abnormally, but quietly connected to the vision of the Eye of Earth. As expected, he saw the two familiar figures in the sky.

"Sure enough, sometimes being a little arrogant and domineering can still have miraculous effects... I wonder if Yu Lei has contacted Master Xuandu?"

Zhang Qingyuan thought silently in his heart... He went crazy and cursed the Wheel King on the street, but his attempt could attract Yu Lei's attention and ask Master Xuandu. That would naturally be the best result. Even if nothing came of it, at least he showed his loyalty to the Heavenly Court, and there would always be gains.

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