Zhang Qingyuan entered the statue, and the golden light of the gods protected the area. This is the right and responsibility of every god.

Then Zhao Yuanshan began to perform the ritual, summoning the soul to open the Yin-Yang channel. The golden light also flashed, and soon the sound of horse hooves was heard. A moment later, General Fu Wei rode a tall horse and carried Zhao Jin from the underworld to the Qingyuan Temple.

"Hello, uncle master!"

"Met Master Zhao……"

Everyone present knew the process and bowed in unison.

Zhao Jin, wearing a Taoist robe and carrying a magic sword, nodded lightly and said,"I was chosen by the True Lord to be the follower god of this temple. From now on, I will enter the position of follower god and protect this area."

The old ghost did not lose face to ask for incense, but just said some polite words and walked straight to the side hall. His soul merged with the statue and successfully entered the position of the main follower god.

Then, Lao Wang took out a huge long incense stick nearly two meters long with dragons and phoenixes carved on it, lit it, and inserted it into the bronze tripod in front of the main hall.

Other bosses and official staff who were invited to participate also took incense and offered the first incense stick for the opening of the Qingyuan Temple.

Zhang Qingyuan, who was in the position of the main god, immediately felt a huge amount of incense power pouring into the core of his soul. The Nine Yin Soul Lotus seemed to be stimulated, and each piece bloomed with dazzling light.

Under the nourishment of the vast incense power, the Nine Yin Soul Lotus completely faded away all the black color and turned into a golden lotus petal, shining brightly.

At the same time, Zhang Qingyuan's soul core was like a pile of hot oil, burning fiercely, and the warm breath spread to every corner of his body. His soul body also became more solid in an instant.

"Disaster-level ghosts... are equivalent to Taoist monks who have returned to the void after refining their spirits."

Zhang Qingyuan silently felt the new power, and felt a sense of sudden enlightenment as if he had been trapped for a long time and finally realized the vastness of the world.

His soul returned to the statue, and it was as if his natural power expanded to the surroundings with the help of the power of the Qingyuan Temple statue, covering the entire Qingsong Mountain.

"Is this a divine realm... or a ghostly den?"

He felt confused. He had experienced this power on other ghosts more than once.

""Boy, have you upgraded?" Zhao Jin's voice came to his ears.

Zhang Qingyuan turned his eyes and saw Zhao Jin, who was receiving worship from the crowd in the side hall. He was also covered with a layer of strong incense power.

However, unlike him, Zhao Jin used the magic sword on his back to refine incense, and also did not directly absorb the incense power.

"Senior, what's going on? How could I be born into a ghost?"

"You have reached the level of strength, so it is not surprising that you were born in a ghost den. However, you are now a god, so you should be called a god's domain, not a ghost den."

"I remember that you, the senior, were also at the stage of refining the spirit and returning to the void, which was equivalent to a disaster-level ghost cave. Why haven't I seen you display any magical powers like a ghost cave?"

Zhao Jin did not hide it and said,"I am different from you. I was a Taoist monk in my lifetime. I brought my cultivation into the underworld with me. I have a different foundation, so naturally there will be no ghost caves. You started practicing after entering the underworld. Your essence and foundation are all in your soul body, so there are such changes."

"But you don't have to worry, it's not a bad thing anyway, you will slowly experience it in the future."

I see.

After inviting the gods into the temple, the opening ceremony of Qingyuan Temple finally ended. The invited guests left one after another, but the people who were still at the foot of the mountain did not leave. According to the announcement issued by Lao Wang, Qingyuan Temple will officially accept public worship from tomorrow.

The people at the foot of the mountain are naturally waiting to be the first to climb the mountain and offer the first incense tomorrow.

The people of Daxia always have an inexplicable obsession with things like the first incense, but in Zhang Qingyuan's eyes, it makes no difference whether it is the first or the last incense to be offered.

After sending the people away, Wang Zhengyang returned to the main hall alone.

"Zhang Zhenjun, everyone is gone. What was it that you asked me to hand over to the authorities last time?"

The light reappeared, and Zhang Qingyuan came out of the statue and walked down the altar.

"Old Wang, isn't Daxia going to ask the heavens and the gods in a couple of days about the ghosts that have been causing chaos everywhere recently?"

Wang Zhengyang nodded and said,"Indeed, recently, including our Wang Group, both emerging Internet media and traditional media have received a warning that no negative public opinion can appear in the near future. At the same time, prepare the layout and announce the results of the inquiry to the world."

"Does the True Lord have any advice?"

Zhang Qingyuan took out something he had prepared long ago from the Xumi Ring, a thin booklet.

"There are many reasons why ghosts are rampant in the world of the living. I cannot tell you the specific reasons. The Heavenly Court should give an answer by then, but I do know some indirect reasons. They are related to some situations in the underworld. You can give this booklet to Daxia. I believe they know what it means."

Wang Zhengyang took the booklet doubtfully, opened it and glanced at it. He was shocked and his eyes widened.

"True... True Lord, are these things above true? Are they all true?"

Zhang Qingyuan nodded and said,"Yes! As the saying goes, if people are corrupt, the government will be abolished. Those ghosts in the underworld are corrupt and this is why the underworld cannot manage those ghosts well, causing them to come to the world of the living to do evil."

"If Daxia wants to truly solve the problem of ghosts and demons in the world of the living, it can display these evidences when asking the heaven to investigate the underworld gods to stabilize the order of the two worlds of yin and yang."

"Of course, before that, I suggest that the Daxia officials go to Xuanyuan Hill to offer sacrifices, report the disasters that happened in the Yang world to the Ancient Emperor, and ask for their help.……"

Wang Zhengyang held the booklet in his hand... or the evidence, and swallowed his saliva, feeling a heavy weight.

As a small businessman, he never thought that he would be passively involved in this heaven-seeking ceremony that affected the three realms.

"What? Is there a problem?"Zhang Qingyuan asked.

Wang Zhengyang came back to his senses and nodded with difficulty:"No... no problem! I will definitely convey this to the Prime Minister's Mansion."

After that, Wang Zhengyang looked serious and hurriedly left the Qingyuan Temple with his hands in his pockets.

Whoosh... a golden light lit up at the edge, and Zhao Jin suddenly appeared, looking at Zhang Qingyuan with a complicated face

"Senior, why do you have that expression?"

"You are really brave, you are going to send most of the gods in the underworld to the guillotine!"

"Humph!"A stern look flashed across Zhang Qingyuan's face, and he said,"Why shouldn't I be afraid? Those bastards dared to threaten me and even wanted to use my head to gamble. I can't tolerate them. At worst, we can die together!"

He had figured it out long ago. The more clearly the two sides were playing chess, the more dangerous he, the key person in the middle, would be. He had to muddy the water and drag everyone into the water. He had to make sure that both sides had no time to care about him.

That day, King Qin Guang and King Zhuanlun hosted a banquet. If he had not been concerned about his identity as a god of humanity and worried that he would cause trouble and anger Daxia before asking about the heavens, it would be hard to say whether he could leave the inner city alive.

But after asking about the heavens, the Heaven Court and the Buddhist sect began to play a game. If the Buddhist sect attacked him, the Heaven Court would most likely ignore him, and he would still be in danger. Although the title of god of humanity was heavy, compared to the two behemoths of the Heaven Court and the Buddhist sect, it was no different from an ant. No one would care whether he lived or died.

Not being cared for was the source of all dangers. To put it bluntly, it was the original sin of weakness.

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