Somewhere in Daxia

""What do you think of this material?" Li Chaogang asked calmly.

In the small meeting room, a few people had a copy of the material in front of them. It was the copy that Zhang Qingyuan had copied.

Wang Zhengyang acted quickly and sent someone to deliver it to Li Chaogang that night.

""What does Zhang Qingyuan mean by sending this thing?" Someone asked in confusion.

Li Chaogang replied calmly:"When people are corrupt, the government will be abolished... These are his original words"

"This is telling us that when we ask the Heaven for the Way, we must criticize the Yin God for being too corrupt, which has led to ghosts invading the world of the living... Interesting, this is to use our hands to attack the underworld!" Everyone present was an old fox, so how could they not guess Zhang Qingyuan's little thoughts.

But what if they guessed it... People will eventually die and go to the underworld.

Sure enough, someone pointed out the key point the next second:"Rather than saying it is to borrow our hands, it is better to say that it is to invite us to cooperate. After all, we are all going to die. We old men don’t have many years to live. In the world of the living, we can decide the world with a single word, but in the underworld, it is nothing. Make friends with them in advance and cooperate with them... This is giving us a chance to choose."

Dong Dong Dong...

Li Chaogang knocked on the table and reminded:"Just think about these words by yourself. Now it depends on whether you want to change our plan of asking the Heaven for the Way according to the things he gave."

"I agree to change!" Someone immediately raised his hand


"I agree too!"

Everyone expressed their opinions.

Li Chaogang nodded and said,"Okay! In addition to what you just said, this thing can also let the underworld take responsibility for the ghost disaster and give an explanation to the world. Shu Wei is not bad."

"What about the sacrifice at Xuanyuan Hill?"

"Just follow the previous ceremonies, no need to be deliberate. Asking the Heavens and the Way was originally an agreement between the ancient emperor Zhuanxu and the two realms of heaven and earth before he opened the heaven-earth connection. Naturally, the ancient emperor will participate in the meeting, and they should know what to do."Li Chaogang finally made the final decision and set the tone, and no one had any other opinions


In the underworld, Zhang Qingyuan returned to his own grave from the Qingyuan Temple.

As a god canonized by humanity, he no longer needed to sit in the temple. If someone offered incense, it would be transmitted to him through the rules of heaven and earth. It was up to him to see if it would come true. There were no such requirements.

""Team leader, you're back? Someone just came to see you again!" Huang Shuangshuang came out to greet him.

Zhang Qingyuan frowned and asked,"Who is it?"

Huang Shuangshuang took out an invitation and handed it to him, saying,"Western Ghost Emperor, Zhao Wenhe!"

Zhang Qingyuan's heart skipped a beat and he silently took the invitation. The edge was gilded, and a big"Zhao" was written in the center. It was also written in gold lacquer, and the specifications were very high.

"He really won't give up." Zhang Qingyuan took the invitation and threw it aside, saying,"Don't worry about him. If someone comes again, just say I'm not here."

"oh……"Huang Shuangshuang took the invitation with some confusion and asked,"Team Leader, have you gotten into any trouble?"

The little girl was very sensitive and noticed that something seemed to be wrong with him recently.

""Team leader, if you need any help, you can tell me. I know some people in the underworld." Huang Shuangshuang said with courage.

Zhang Qingyuan was slightly dazed, but thinking that the matter involved too much, it would be better not to involve the little Loli, so he smiled and said,"Who am I, your team leader? Don't worry, I can't cause any trouble."

"Is that so?" The little Loli was skeptical.

A few hours later, the blood moon set, and eight ghost horses pulled a luxurious carriage slowly to the outer city and stopped in front of Zhang Qingyuan's tomb.

A young man in a brocade robe and with a proud face got out of the car and knocked on the door.

Huang Shuangshuang showed half of her head and said coquettishly,"Who is it?"

Seeing the little Loli, the young man spread out the folding fan in his hand, smiled gracefully and said,"This girl, my surname is Zhao. I am here to pick up Zhang Zhenjun for a banquet on the orders of my ancestor."

"Looking for our team leader? He said he's not here... No, he's not here!"

Inside the hospital, Zhang Qingyuan:"???"

The smile on the young man's face froze in an instant, and his expression darkened visibly... With such a poor excuse, is he looking down on his own ancestor?

"The girl is joking. Does Zhang Qingyuan know who invited him to the banquet today? The young master said with a gloomy face.

Huang Shuangshuang said innocently:"But the team leader is not here, what can I do? Why not ask your ancestor to come back in a few days, maybe he will be here."

"you……"The young master's face was extremely livid, and his eyes were about to spit fire.

As the descendant of the Ghost Emperor and the top young master in the underworld, no one had ever dared to disrespect him like this.

"Okay, you should leave quickly. Our team leader is not here anyway, so there is no point in waiting." After saying that, Huang Shuangshuang closed the door.

"Good good good……"The young master gnashed his teeth and said, turning to the driver and shouting,"Let's go!"

The carriage returned to another huge underworld in the inner city. A middle-aged man wearing a black and gold robe with a Yin dragon embroidered on it and with an extraordinary demeanor stood at the door.

"My dear ancestor, I am incompetent. Not only did Zhang Qingyuan not come, he also insulted my Zhao family.……"

"Hmm!" Zhao Wenhe remained calm, with no sign of emotion.

"I understand, come in!"

After saying that, Zhao Wenhe went straight back to the underworld. In the study room of the inner house, a group of people were already waiting here.

"Wenhe, how is it going?" Another person, also wearing an imperial robe, asked.

"Humph!" Zhao Wenhe snorted with a serious face, and said:"A newborn calf is not afraid of a tiger."

Everyone immediately understood what was going on. Another Ghost Emperor was sitting on a chair, his eyes were downcast, and there was a murderous look in his eyes.

"If that kid really gets involved with Shentu and Yulei and wants to make trouble when asking about the heavens, then in my opinion, I will get rid of him before asking about the heavens and eliminate the hidden danger."

"Du Ziren, what you said is simple. Do you believe that as soon as that kid dies, someone will immediately report the matter to the world of the living? How will you answer then?"

"Then I want to hear your solution, Emperor Zhou Gui?"

The two refused to give in to each other, and the atmosphere was full of gunpowder.

At this time, a long-bearded man wearing the robe of King Yama standing in the corner said,"Your Majesty, when I went to invite him before, according to the report from my old servant, Zhang Qingyuan seemed to be related to Nanhua Patriarch and Xuandu Grand Master. I wonder if……"

Zhao Wenhe waved his hand and said,"The three religions are all one family. Zhang Qingyuan is related to Zaoge Mountain. If we try to establish a relationship, we can definitely get involved. Don't worry about it."

"What about Master Ge Xuan?"

"King Pingdeng, are you stupid? It was the Heavenly Court that wanted to attack us. Do you think Ge Xuan was not involved? Why should we worry about him at this time?"

""All right!" Zhao Wenhe shouted, stopping the quarrel between the Yama Halls. Then he looked at the Southern Ghost Emperor Du Ziren and the Central Ghost Emperor Zhou Qi who were present and said,"Then listen to Brother Ziren, but there is no need to kill him. Capture him and hold his life in your hands. I am not afraid that he will not surrender."

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