It was noon in the Yang world. There was an endless stream of tourists in Nanshan Temple. As a temple on one of the most famous Buddhist mountains, there were pilgrims coming from far and wide to burn incense every day.

The novice monk who was welcoming the guests stood at the door of the main hall. Every time a pilgrim wanted to enter, he would nod and bow, then stop him and let him go to another hall.

In the hall, the supreme Buddha Sakyamuni was enshrined, and on the left and right sides were the two venerables Ananda and Kasyapa. On the walls were carved the exquisite statues of the Eighteen Arhats.

In the past, there were constant pilgrims, and the incense on the altar had never stopped. But today, because everyone who came was stopped, the whole atmosphere in the hall was very quiet and peaceful. Entering the hall seemed to make people unconsciously let go of their distracting thoughts and get a moment of relief.

At this time, the temple abbot Miaofa led a group of people into the main hall. The leader was a middle-aged man and woman. The man was very handsome and wore a high-end custom-made suit. The woman next to him was also wearing an international brand, but the color was more low-key. It seemed that she wore it specially for burning incense today.

Behind the two of them was a young man in his twenties, with a listless look and pale face. He seemed to be a little nervous. He was being supported by two people who looked like bodyguards.

"Donor Wang, this Mahavira Hall is the main hall of our temple. It is dedicated to the Tathagata Buddha. It has been worshipped since it was built in the middle of the previous dynasty.……"

"Well, it is an ancient temple. There are still so many people coming to burn incense on weekdays."Wang Zhengyang nodded and said.

As the helmsman of the Wang family in the northwest, he generally does not believe in ghosts and gods. However, in recent days, his beloved son Wang Chao has suddenly become strange in behavior, unable to sleep at night, and often shouting like crazy.

He went to all the nearby hospitals but could not find out the reason. Finally, under the guidance of a friend, he suspected that he might be entangled by some unclean things, so he came to Nanshan Temple to try his luck.

"Master Miaofa, you have seen my son's condition. The hospital can't cure him, so we came here. What do you think can be done?" Wang Zhengyang asked. Abbot

Miaofa put his hands together and said,"Amitabha, I think the young donor must have been frightened. You can burn incense and pray in front of the Buddha, and then make certain offerings. After that, our temple will hold a ritual for the young donor in the inner courtyard to calm his mind and soul."

Wang Zhengyang nodded without any other opinions. He immediately took out a check, wrote five hundred thousand on it, and threw it into the merit incense.

Abbot Miaofa, who was standing by, saw this scene, a gleam of light flashed in his eyes, and then disappeared, and he said calmly,"Amitabha, the donor is a kind-hearted person, and the Buddha will definitely bless your son……"

As he spoke, Abbot Miaofa walked to the altar, took out three incense sticks, and was about to light them, but his eyes unconsciously glanced at the tall Buddha statue above, and then he suddenly staggered back a few steps as if he had seen a ghost.

"Master Miaofa, what happened?"Wang Zhengyang saw this and hurriedly supported him. Abbot

Miaofa was trembling all over, his face was terrified, and his right hand was trembling and pointing at the Buddha statue above.

Wang Zhengyang followed his guidance and almost took three steps back in fear.

The Buddha statue was painted with gold paint, and two extremely conspicuous red marks flowed from the corners of the statue's eyes, leaving extremely conspicuous marks on the face.

The Buddha statue was crying, or blood tears!

This scene, whether it was a believer in Buddhism or not, at this moment, there was a murmur in my heart, there was such a weird thing.

However, before Miaofa and others could recover, there was a click, and an extremely clear shattering sound was heard. Several cracks appeared on the statue without warning, and the largest one ran diagonally through the entire face of the Buddha, like a scar.

The compassionate face of the Buddha, with the existence of this scar, and the blood that flowed out dyed the eye sockets red, actually looked a little weird and evil.

"Master, what is going on?"

"Poor... poor monk……"

Master Miaofa was about to explain, but the sound of shattering interrupted him again. Then the next second, there was a loud bang, and the huge Buddha statue exploded instantly, with countless pieces pouring down. If Wang Zhengyang hadn't been quick-witted and pulled Master Miaofa back, the old monk would have been buried on the spot.

"Buddha... Buddha!"

Abbot Miaofa stood there, letting the ashes fall on him without any reaction, only chanting Buddha, as if his faith also collapsed at this moment.

As the abbot of Buddhism in the present era, although he also imitated other temples to commercialize Nanshan Temple and earned a lot of money every year, it was unrealistic to say that he had no faith in Buddhism.

The strange thing in front of him made him feel scared - could it be that the Buddha really appeared? What he didn't know was that it was not just Nanshan Temple, but almost all the temples dedicated to the Buddha, the Buddha statues shed tears of blood at the same time, and then exploded.

It is conceivable that when the news spreads, such a strange thing will cause a big disturbance.


Zhang Qingyuan, who was in the underworld, naturally didn't know what was happening in the temple on earth. After Deng Qigong brought him and Zhao Jin to the vicinity of the underworld, he said goodbye and left without delay.

Zhang Qingyuan looked up at the sky. It was still covered with blood clouds. The Buddha's light had disappeared. However, the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva on the lotus platform was still illuminating the entire underworld with his vast Buddha's light, as if to appease the emotions of the ghosts and resentful spirits in the underworld.

As for the blood rain, it was still falling, but Fengdu City was very peaceful, because a layer of green light curtain above Fengdu City isolated the strange phenomena outside, and the blood rain could not fall into the city.

"Senior, I'll go back first." After saying hello, Zhang Qingyuan was about to return to his tomb.

However, Zhao Jin grabbed him and said,"Boy, why are you in such a hurry? Come with me."

After that, he dragged him forward.

Zhang Qingyuan was confused and couldn't help but follow him, but still asked doubtfully,"Senior, the ghost soldiers are under martial law now. If you are caught, you will be arrested directly."

After his reminder, Zhao Jin remembered to let Zhang Qingyuan wait for him there, and he pushed open the door of his tomb and walked in. After a while, he came out with two jade pendants and handed one to Zhang Qingyuan.

"Here, I will lend you my identity as a disciple of Zaoge Mountain for now. You must return it when you come back. Okay, follow me."

With the token, Zhao Jin had fewer concerns and walked towards the inner city with Zhang Qingyuan.

"Senior, where are we going?"

"Boy, didn't you say before that you wanted to join the Suppression of Evil Division? I'll take you to see someone who can help you. By the way, I have some questions to ask."

"Oh, who is it?"Zhang Qingyuan instantly became interested

"That little brat, you've seen"


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