Zhang Qingyuan followed Zhao Jin, feeling very nervous.

The first person he offended when he came to the underworld was that little brat, and his mother, who were almost taught a lesson.

Now he was still a little timid to meet her, as she seemed to have a strong background. Even Zhao Jin called her"senior", which seemed to be more than just a matter of seniority.

"Senior, what do you mean by calling that brat's mother senior?" He asked indirectly.

"Hehehehe……"Zhao Jin sneered twice and said,"Don't worry. Although you beat up that kid, you still have no status in the world. Since I gave you a hard time last time, let's just forget about it. Just be careful next time.""

"The origin of that senior is not simple. He is a person who achieved enlightenment thousands of years ago. If it weren't for the Human Emperor Zhuanxu's connection with the earth and heaven, which made it impossible for the living to ascend, it is possible that the senior would have been included in the immortal class."

"Become an Immortal……"Zhang Qingyuan was silent for a moment.

What is the meaning of hitting an iron plate? This is a living example. Even an iron plate is not enough to describe it. He really kicked the ball with a strong kick and hit it.

"I don't know who that senior is.……"He continued to ask

"Yu Xuanji... I believe you must have heard of the name of that senior." Zhao Jin said with great admiration:"She was born with talent. She started practicing Taoism at the age of 22 and reached the highest state at the age of 24. If she had not died unexpectedly, she would have been as famous as the founder of our sect."

"Yu Xuanji? It's her!"

Zhang Qingyuan had naturally heard of the name of this talented woman. Although the evaluation of her in the history of Daxia was not very good, it was all unofficial records. Who could tell how much was true and how much was false?

Her name did not appear in the official history, but her legend was left in the Taoist sect.

As they were talking, the two of them could already see the gate of the inner city. Their current location was already the outer city area A. The ghosts who could live in this place were all of great origin. Some were even not worse than the Yinshen family in the inner city. What they lacked was only a status in the underworld, so they could not live in the inner city.

Not only that, the Yin house here was also very different from Fu Qing's bare house. Not only did it have a yard, but there were also several independent Yin houses in the yard.

"When we get there, remember not to talk nonsense and be respectful. If you want to enter the Evil Suppression Division, you have to point to that senior." Zhao Jin said with some concern.

"Then, give the incense and candles you just bought on the road to your senior Yu’s child. Build a good relationship with that little brat, and you will benefit from it in the future."

"Got it, don't worry!" Zhang Qingyuan nodded and looked at the two incense sticks wrapped in yellow paper in his hand. They were bought with one penny of Yin money on the way here. According to Zhao Jin, they were a bit like lollipops in the world of the living, used to coax children.

At the same time, Zhang Qingyuan quietly opened the Kuaishou live broadcast and quietly said to the netizens in the live broadcast room:"Brothers, I met a celebrity in the underworld and I will go to see him later. You can take a look"

【What celebrity? Nie Xiaoqian?】

【Get out of here, stop thinking about women every day... Host, I've sent you my handsome photos. It's up to you whether you can help me solve my single problem in the underworld.】

【Host, host, what do you think about the Buddha statue shedding tears of blood and then breaking into pieces?

Zhang Qingyuan originally planned to leave it alone after the live broadcast, but a netizen mentioned that the Buddha statue in the world caught his attention.

"The Buddha statue is crying? Can you PM me what’s going on? I don’t have time to watch Kuaishou videos today." He said to the netizens in the live broadcast room.

After a while, a large number of comments appeared in the live broadcast room.

【Sent it to you, anchor, please have a look, there is also a video】

【Shit! Is something serious going to happen? It seems like all the Buddha statues across the country have problems.】

【I sent it to you too. It’s a video from a temple in our village.

Zhang Qingyuan opened his friend list and immediately saw a large number of private messages. He randomly clicked on one and found a video forwarded from another anchor.

【Shock! Buddha sheds tears of blood, there will be a catastrophe in the world!

Although the exaggerated video title is suspected of attracting traffic, the number of views is not small at all. When you click on the comment area of the video, you will see that a large number of people are discussing the same situation that happened to the Buddha statues in their own places.

In the video, Zhang Qingyuan saw a Buddha statue sitting on a lotus. First, tears of blood flowed from the corners of its eyes, and then cracks appeared. Not long after, it suddenly exploded.

He watched several videos one after another, all of which were exactly the same, with the same phenomenon shot in different places and different temples, and the time was roughly the same.

Looking at the hot list again, it was almost dominated by this topic.

The matter was of great importance, and Zhang Qingyuan did not dare to delay. He hurriedly asked Zhao Jin next to him:"Senior, do you think that if the Buddha enters Nirvana, will there be any strange phenomena?"

Zhao Jin said with a serious expression:"I can't guess it, but according to some records of my Taoism, after some gods die, their statues will shatter. I just don't know if the Buddha will be like this."

"If the Buddha's statue was cracked or broken, it would be a disaster. At least the world of the living would be in chaos. After all, there are many statues of the Buddha enshrined in the world of the living."

"Okay, concentrate and stop talking nonsense."

As he said this, Zhao Jin stopped in front of the door of a tomb.

【[No. 127, Area A]

He is indeed a big shot. Not only does he live in Area A, but his number is also very close to the front.

Zhao Jin walked forward cautiously, picked up the door knocker and knocked three times gently, then stood quietly at the door without moving.

"Hehehe...Mom, someone is coming."

There was a burst of children's laughter in the yard.

Then a light and pleasant voice sounded:"Then go and open the door!"

【Damn, this sound... I'm already standing】

【Is it because of the voice actor?】

【Why are you so excited? Didn't you hear there was a child inside? Why are you still calling her mom? Don't worry about it.】

【Baka! I am the 781st generation grandson of Prime Minister Cao, get out of my way, I want to inherit the legacy of my ancestors. 】

The live broadcast room suddenly became lively again, and the power was no less than the words"Black Chicken Brother~~"

The door opened, and a naked kid poked his head out. Seeing Zhang Qingyuan standing outside, he was so angry that he wanted to close the door.

Zhao Jin held the door and said with a smile,"Don't make trouble, Xiaoqiu. We are going to find your mother. The kid behind also brought you a gift to apologize this time."

As he said that, he stretched out his hand to signal Zhang Qingyuan, who understood and handed over the"lollipop" from the underworld he had just bought.

"Is it a Yin candle, or is it from Lao Mu Candle Shop?……"The little brat received the lollipop, looked very happy, and opened the door directly

"Fortunately, he is a little kid. There is nothing that can't be solved by one lollipop. If there is, then two lollipops will do."Zhang Qingyuan thought silently in his heart and breathed a sigh of relief.

Zhang Qingyuan followed Zhao Jin into the yard and saw a beautiful woman who walked out of a painting standing under a big locust tree with an umbrella.

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