"Brother Zhang, look... this secret library is divided into three floors. Ordinary evil suppressors can only choose on the first floor, while evil suppressors can choose on the second floor. As for the third floor, only those with the order of the chief Zhong Kui can enter. It is a reward for meritorious officials."

Zhang Qingyuan listened to his introduction all the way and asked curiously,"Brother Hu Wei, so the good things are all on the third floor."

Unexpectedly, Hu Wei shook his head and said mysteriously,"Brother Zhang, you don't know, good things are everywhere. There are more on the third floor, and the other two floors are not empty. As for where these things are?"

Hu Wei glanced to the side, but his fingers were constantly rubbing, and his meaning was self-evident.

Really greedy... Zhang Qingyuan cursed inwardly.

However, five taels of Yin money have been spent, and it doesn't matter if you spend a little more. Anyway, he doesn't lack this now. He immediately took out three taels of Yin money and stuffed it into the other party's hand.

Hu Wei touched the money in his hand, and smiled even more brightly, saying with a smile:"Brother Zhang, you don't have to say it. I think you are more and more attractive to me now. If conditions permit, I really want to become your brother."

Please don't... Zhang Qingyuan refused in his heart.

""I wonder if Brother Zhang has any goal?" Hu Wei asked.

Zhang Qingyuan remembered Zhao Jin's advice just now and asked,"The one who just came in is a senior I know. He told me that there is a good mirror in the southeast corner."

""Tsk, that old man is such a miser." Hu Wei said disdainfully.

Obviously, Hu Wei's operation of"money makes the world go round" raised his favorability in the other party's heart, but it also invisibly lowered the favorability of everyone before.

"……That mirror is pretty good. It was stolen from an evil ghost fifty years ago, but it doesn't rank high in this secret library."

Sure enough... Zhang Qingyuan suppressed his joy. This money was well spent."

"Please give me some advice."

Since the money has been spent, there must be a return. Zhang Qingyuan was not polite at all and asked the other party to give him some advice.

Hu Wei pulled him to the corner and whispered,"Don't worry, brother. I have been in the secret library for so many years. I am the first person who respects you and is willing to give you benefits. Naturally, I will not treat you unfairly."

"Now, brother, you can only choose things on the first floor. Although there are some good things, they are still worse than on the second floor, and there are much fewer things. I will take you to see some good things today. You can choose first. Come back in a while. I will move all the good things on the second and third floors. You can carefully select and replace them. What do you think of this?"

Zhang Qingyuan was shocked when he heard this. Can it be done this way?

Seeing that he was puzzled, Hu Wei explained in a low voice:"Brother, don't worry, it won't be a big deal. It's not that no one has done this in the past two years. Some powerful people in Fengdu City often use their connections to come to the secret library to search."

Hearing what the other party said, Zhang Qingyuan was relieved.

Soon he took Zhang Qingyuan to a corner, which was a bare stone wall.

"Brother, open your eyes, the real good stuff is here."Hu Wei approached the wall, searched for a while, and then pressed down on a position.

There was a loud bang, and a crack appeared on the wall. In a moment, a door opened, revealing a small cave.

There were five tables inside, and each table had an item on it.

Hu Wei didn't wait for explanation, and dragged Zhang Qingyuan in, then closed the stone wall.

"Look, brother, the real good stuff has been hidden by us for a long time. Only those who work in the secret library know this place. You can choose it here."

Zhang Qingyuan bowed to the other party. He didn't thank him for his kindness. It was all in those coins.

He was no longer polite and walked to several tables to look at the treasures mentioned by Hu Wei.

"Brother Zhang, look, this first item is the sword held by an evil creature that was killed at the foot of the Iron Wall Mountain when Si Shou Fang succeeded to the throne in his early years. Because the secret vault was newly built at that time, it was not divided into the other two layers."

"As for the second item, it was a string of black Buddhist beads. It belonged to a Buddhist monk in the Yang world. He was obsessed with it and fell into the underworld after his death. He was transformed from a Buddhist to a demon and was killed by the chief."

"The third thing is a demon soldier who eats people in the world of the living.……"

"The fourth……"

"The fifth item is even more powerful. It was obtained by a group of ghost kings that were wiped out by Lord Zhong Kui a thousand years ago. You should have heard of"The Blue Sky is dead and the Yellow Sky should be established". It is the jade pendant of that general Tiangong. This is a villain who got the Taoist skills from somewhere. It would be fine if he rebelled in the human world, but he also rebelled in the underworld. He really doesn't know the destiny.……"

The five items were all treasures, and other evil suppression departments had never seen or even heard of them, which made Zhang Qingyuan feel troubled for a moment.

"Black Buddha beads are definitely not an option. From Buddha to demon, it is very likely that something big has happened to the Buddha. We don't know what happened yet, so it's best not to get contaminated. The remaining four items……"

He glanced around and finally stopped his gaze on the jade pendant of General Tiangong Zhang Jiao. He thought for a moment and smiled,"That's really a coincidence. My name is Zhang Qingyuan, and the original owner of this jade pendant is Zhang Jiao, also with the surname Zhang. It must be fate that made me choose this thing."

But Hu Wei disagreed and said,"Brother Zhang, this is a wise thing. This jade pendant of General Tiangong has inherited some Taoist magic from its previous owner. It can summon thunder and lightning. It is indeed extraordinary."

When Zhang Qingyuan heard this, he became more certain that he wanted this thing. The ability to summon thunder and lightning was the Taoist's signature skill, and he was about to become a Taoist soldier of Zaoge Mountain, so it would be a good match for him.

"That's it, Brother Hu, is it ok?" Zhang Qingyuan confirmed again.

Hu Wei chuckled and said,"Don't worry, brother. These things were obtained in the early years. At that time, the management of the secret library was not regular. These things are not even listed in the account. Just take them."

Zhang Qingyuan's eyes brightened when he heard it. He smiled and put his hand into his trouser pocket, took out ten taels of Yin money and handed it over, saying,"Since there is no book in the account, can you choose a few more?"

Hu Wei looked at the Yin money in his hand and swallowed hard. The continuous money offensive made him appetite, but he also felt dizzy.

After hesitating for a long time, he said,"Take at most one more, otherwise it will be difficult to explain to other colleagues when I change shifts tomorrow."

"In addition to the Buddhist beads, there are also demon soldiers. Give them all to me. As for how to explain to Brother Hu's colleagues, I'll leave it to you."As he said this, Zhang Qingyuan took out another five taels of Yin money.

Hu Wei couldn't bear it anymore, so he put the Yin money into his arms and turned his head away. Seeing this, Zhang Qingyuan took the three things away.

A sword, an earthen jar, and the jade pendant of General Tiangong, only cost more than twenty taels of Yin money, which was a big profit.

Next, Hu Wei taught Zhang Qingyuan how to use each item, and then sent Zhang Qingyuan out the door. Finally, he smiled and told him that if he got tired of using it later, or went out to try it, and if it didn't work, he could come back to him to change it.

The service was so good that Zhang Qingyuan felt that the twenty or so taels of Yin money were worth it.

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