The area south of the Yangtze River in Daxia has been a place of prosperity and wealth since ancient times. Many scholars and wealthy businessmen have lingered here and indulged themselves in it.

In the midst of the mortal world, there is the Zaoge Mountain, one of the thirty-six Taoist caves, which was inherited from the Taoist master Ge Xuan and is an authentic Taoist sect.

Zhao Yuanshan took Zhao Lingshan to the Zaoge Mountain. Looking at the green mountains, he couldn't help but feel emotional. More than fifty years ago, the two dynasties of Daxia changed, and the world was in war. He spent his youth here in peace, and then went down the mountain to join the world of great struggle. In the end, he had to flee to the northeast and hide his identity because he stood on the wrong side.

Unexpectedly, fifty years later, he could still set foot here

"Look at the valley over there. I remember there was a small pond. When the weather was hot, I would go there with a few fellow apprentices to take a bath.……"

"And the peach trees planted on the hill over there……"

As Zhao Yuanshan walked, he introduced everything about Zaoge Mountain to Zhao Lingshan and recalled his past.

There was a young Taoist priest in front of him, who looked no more than sixteen or seventeen years old. Hearing what he said, he couldn't help but say,"Master, the places you mentioned are now tourist areas. Thousands of people visit every day, but they can't take a bath or steal fruits."

Zhao Yuanshan had naturally made advance notice before coming to Zaoge Mountain.

Although he had disappeared for decades, he was a person who was registered in the Zaoge Mountain Dharma Lineage.

Even the current headmaster was his descendant, and his seniority was not ordinary.

As soon as he arrived at the foot of the mountain, a small Taoist priest came to greet him, saying that the headmaster and a group of real people had been waiting on the mountain for a long time, and they had also prepared the ritual for Zhao Lingshan to enter the sect.

Half an hour later, a magnificent Taoist temple appeared in front of him, and the tall gate was much larger than what Zhao Yuanshan remembered back then.

Obviously, after entering the new era, Taoist temples also learned from Buddhist temples to carry out commercial operations, and tourists and pilgrims came in an endless stream, and the funds were as strong as a listed company.

But Zhao Yuanshan looked at the tourists coming in and out, and was obviously a little dissatisfied. The quiet place of Taoism was contaminated by these things. What kind of place is it? People in the mountains. The little Taoist led the two of them into the Taoist temple, but did not stop. He walked through the tall palaces and went straight to the back mountain.

""Master uncle, the Taoist temples are different these years. Daxia led us to turn them into scenic spots. However, Master's sect has marked out a quiet area in the back mountain. Outsiders are not allowed to enter. Now the real people are waiting in the back mountain."

When we arrived at the back mountain, several ancient Taoist temples appeared in front of us, and the current head of Zaoge Mountain was wearing a purple robe and leading a group of Taoist high-level people waiting here.

When the two sides met, they were naturally polite.

Zhao Yuanshan listened to everyone coming forward to introduce themselves and reveal their teachers.

He found that many of them were the Dharma lineages passed down by his former senior brothers and junior brothers.

He couldn't help but feel a little comforted.

The only thing that made him dissatisfied was that most of these Taoists in front of him lacked a sense of tranquility, but instead had a bit more commercialism and calculation, and their Taoism was not much.

Seeing that these people had lost their roots, Zhao Yuanshan was too lazy to argue with them. After offering a few incense sticks to the ancestor in the hall, he asked someone to register Zhao Lingshan as a disciple, so that she would be considered a real disciple of Zaoge Mountain.

"Okay, the registration is over. Where is the ritual for ordination? I will take this girl to ask the ancestor for the ordination."

""In reply to Uncle Master, in the Ancestor's Hall, Junior Brother is now a Taoist who teaches the Dharma in Zaoge Mountain. I will personally confer the title of dharma on Junior Sister in a while." A fat Taoist priest stepped forward and said

"You?" Zhao Yuanshan glanced at him and realized that he had no Taoist skills. He must be a mortal who had been hanging around in the mountains. He immediately rejected the Taoist

"Let's not compete anymore. I still know how to bestow the ordination certificate and confer the title. I'll do it myself later."

The fat Taoist was slightly stunned when he heard this, but then he thought, this is just a procedure, there is nothing to care about, why bother arguing, after all, Zhao Yuanshan's generation is not fake, even the head master can only treat him as a disciple.

When he arrived at the Patriarch's Hall, an altar had been set up. Zhao Yuanshan nodded, stepped onto the altar in his washed white Taoist robe, and shouted:"Zhao Lingshan, the 1,231st disciple of Zaoge Mountain, enters Taoism today. Disciple Zhao Yuanshan, receives the sixth-grade treasure ordination certificate of the Supreme Three Heavens Jade Talisman Immortal Rank, and informs the Patriarch to bestow the ordination certificate on disciple Zhao Lingshan!"

As he spoke, he lit the incense in front of the ancestral altar, then picked up a pen and wrote down Zhao Lingshan's name, hometown, birth date and other information on the Gao Tiance Book, and lit it and burned it.

A wisp of fragrance went straight to the sky, and in an instant the entire ancestral hall was filled with incense, the atmosphere was quiet and sacred, and the ancestral tablets on the stage seemed to be glowing, as if a god had descended, watching Zhao Lingshan kneeling in front of the tablet.

The Taoist priests of Zaoge Mountain behind him were dumbfounded when they saw this scene... What was going on? Why was it a little different from their previous ordination ceremony?

Of course, they didn't know that the ordination of the Taoist sect was not a casual ritual, but required a person with a real heavenly merit and profound Taoism to preside over it, so that it could be truly notified to the sky and heaven, and consult the ancestors of the three realms, so that The person who is granted the ordination certificate is recognized by the Heavenly Court and the ancestors, and is given the Taoist ordination certificate and Taoist name.

From then on, he or she will truly have the ability to practice Taoism.

Without the Taoist ordination certificate, it is impossible to obtain supernatural powers even if one practices for a lifetime. This is why some Taoist lineages are lost, because there are no predecessors who meet the requirements to grant the ordination certificate to the later generations, making it impossible for the later generations to enter Taoism.

For example, in Zhao Yuanshan's eyes, Zaoge Mountain is like this now. Only the head Taoist priest and a few older Taoist priests have Taoist ordination certificates and have a certain level of cultivation. The rest are just filling in the numbers.

Moreover, even those who have Taoist ordination certificates have only cultivated to the eighth or ninth level, and are not qualified to grant ordination certificates to later generations. You must know that only Taoist ordination certificates of the seventh level or above can perform this ritual. Zhao Yuanshan is of the sixth level, and since he is a Taoist priest of the ninth level, he has no right to grant ordination certificates to later generations.���Meet this condition.

Ignoring the comments of these useless juniors behind him, Zhao Yuanshan continued to perform the ritual. He saw strange phenomena appear one after another on the tablets of the ancestors on the altar. Among them, the tablet of Ge Xuan Tianshi was shining with golden light, which made people unable to open their eyes.

"……The power of heaven is boundless, the Jade Pure Daoist Master, the lineage of the law is endless, and the Dao is passed down for eternity……"

Zhao Yuanshan was mumbling something, and a beam of light descended from the sky and covered Zhao Lingshan. Then, a tangled, simple and complex Taoist scroll slowly fell and sank into her brow.

The scroll disappeared, only flashing on her brow, leaving an imperceptible mark.

At this point, the initiation of the scroll was complete, and Zhao Lingshan was also considered a person of the heavenly court. From now on, she would be protected by the ancestors of Zaoge Mountain.

But it was not over yet. Suddenly, a golden light shot out from the tablet of Ge Xuan Tianshi, forming two words in the air.


Zhao Yuanshan nodded and wrote these two words on the jade book, and then said:"Girl, remember, the ancestor has given you a Taoist name.

From now on, you will be Qingling.

In the future, you will walk in the Taoist sect with this name.

Remember to practice Taoism diligently and don't let the ancestor down.

" After the gift was completed, Zhao Lingshan felt that her thoughts were extremely clear at this moment, as if she had opened her mind.

The Taoist scriptures that she had memorized and then forgotten in her childhood all appeared in her mind one by one.

She bowed to the ancestor and said:"Disciple Qingling, I pay my respects to all the ancestors."

In this way, Zhao Yuanshan's plan for his precious granddaughter was mostly successful. The next step was to make Zhang Qingyuan her Taoist soldier.

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