At the gate of Fengdu City, due to the previous Buddhist incident, Fengdu City has been under martial law recently, with strict entry and exit.

When he arrived at the gate of the outer city, the ghost soldiers guarding the city checked his badge and registered before opening the gate for him.

Under the gate, a ghost soldier stood straight and winked at him several times.

Zhang Qingyuan walked up calmly and asked in a low voice:"Brother Bian, why are you here?"

"It was arranged by the higher-ups." Bian Fei replied in a low voice, and then asked,"Damn, brother, did you really get into the Suppression of Evil Division?"

Bian Fei was visibly envious, and his two green eyes looked at his fishtail suit, emitting a scorching light.

"Hehe...luck, luck!" Zhang Qingyuan said with a smile.

It was indeed luck that he managed to sneak in without spending a penny.

He glanced around, took out five taels of Yin money and stuffed it into Bian Fei's hand, saying:"It's a coincidence that we meet. Please invite the brothers who are guarding the city to have a drink." Bian

Fei was naturally familiar with his routine, and he didn't hesitate to take the Yin money in his hand, and said with a smile:"Brother Zhang is really a straightforward person."

As he said that, he raised his hand, waved the Yin money in his hand, and shouted to the Yin soldiers around him:"Brothers, this is Brother Zhang from the Evil Suppression Division. He is one of us. He invites us to have a drink."


"From the Suppression Department? This guy is straightforward."

"If there is any situation outside the city, please contact our ghost soldiers. There are also a large number of patrols outside."

The other ghost soldiers also expressed goodwill, not for the wine, but for the fact that he could easily take out five taels of ghost money. As long as a person has money, he can have a connection with anyone... The same goes for ghosts.

""Brother, take this. It's not peaceful outside the city. If you encounter any situation, take it out and light it. If there are ghost soldiers nearby who sense it, they will come to support you." As he said this, Bian Fei took out a black incense candle and handed it to him.

Zhang Qingyuan did not refuse and accepted it. After leaving the city, there was still the endless black Yin soil, with wild graves standing in rows, weird-looking dead trees and weeds everywhere, and ghosts wandering in it.

Because it is close to Fengdu, the ghosts living here are not too vicious, and are much more"friendly" than the ghosts at the other city gate last time, near the Yin River.

But the so-called friendliness is only relative. As long as you leave the city, any ghost is very dangerous.

Most of the ghosts living in Fengdu City are ordinary ghosts, the better ones are at the evil level, and the fierce level is rare. And few.

But outside the city, evil-level ghosts are the norm, fierce-level ghosts are not uncommon, and there are other indescribable terrifying existences entrenched. Even the underworld will not provoke them if there is nothing wrong. If they are not careful, Taoist masters like Zhao Jin will be in trouble.

According to the unified classification of all ghosts in the underworld, there are evil, fierce, calamity, and then another level... It is said that they are comparable to immortals, but this is not something that ordinary ghosts can touch.

The only thing Zhang Qingyuan knew was the six-day ghost. Previously, the two Jianjiaozi that Xie Jiang and Fan Jian went to investigate were ghosts under the command of Zhou Jue Yintian Ghost, one of the six-day ghosts. This is the real top existence in the underworld, the kind that even the immortals in heaven would worry about.

"Should it be over there?" Zhang Qingyuan identified the direction and walked towards the wilderness on the right after leaving the city.

"That old man is usually so arrogant, he would pick up a sword and chop people if he didn't agree with something, but he can't even complete a small task."After a little complaint, Zhang Qingyuan went deep into the wilderness of Yintu.

The wild graves that can be seen everywhere are just a random pit dug, with a wooden sign or stick inserted as a tombstone, and then a whole wooden box buried inside, covered with soil as a temporary shelter.

This is the miserable life of the poor in the underworld.

A relatively large earthen grave with a stone as a tombstone is considered a relatively good ghost in the wild.

Zhang Qingyuan walked by, and a head popped out of the grave. Under the messy hair was a ferocious face, the mouth was torn open, split to the back of the ear, and the dark red eyes stared straight at him.

"Look at your mother, if you look again I will poke your eyes out." Zhang Qingyuan threatened, holding up the evil-slaying knife.

The ghost shrank its head, and seeing Zhang Qingyuan's attire, it knew that he was from the underworld's evil-suppression department, so it didn't dare to provoke him and wanted to retreat back into the grave.

"etc.……"Zhang Qingyuan suddenly stopped him and asked,"Have you seen other evil suppressors come here in the past two days?"

The ghost stuck his head out again, tilted his head to think for a while, then stretched out a dark blue finger and pointed to the east, stammering,"The day before yesterday... the east."

Zhang Qingyuan nodded, and he probably understood what he meant. He should have seen the evil suppressor go to the east the day before yesterday, and the time was almost right.

Ghosts living in the wild are like this. They are eroded by all kinds of evil spirits and resentments in the underworld, and their IQs will gradually become negative, and they will be filled with all kinds of evil thoughts and evil intentions.

In the city, because of the suppression of the ghosts and gods of the underworld, the resentful spirits are difficult to erode into the city, and there is only pure yin energy, so the ghosts living in Fengdu City are no different from ordinary people for hundreds or thousands of years.

This is also one of the benefits of living in the city.

Zhang Qingyuan followed the guidance of the ghost and continued to walk towards the east. The wild graves around him gradually became larger, and the shape was much better than those sloppy wild graves when he came.

However, the evil spirits lingering around are even stronger. The ghosts that can live here are not too weak, and most of them are evil.


In front of a grave surrounded by Yin stones stood a hunched evil ghost, with Yin Qi steaming like a raging fire, which could be seen from a long distance.

Although they were both evil ghosts, this guy was infinitely close to the level of a fierce ghost, much stronger than the little ghost of the Wang family.

Zhang Qingyuan became more alert and walked forward to ask,"Old ghost, have you seen other evil suppressors in the past two days?"

The evil ghost was bent over, with his hands behind his back extending a ten-centimeter-long claw, flashing black light, and the cold evil spirit could already have an impact on the surroundings. There was a thin layer of frost on the ground.

"Hehehehe……"The evil ghost grinned, with only a few black teeth left, and a strong malice in his red eyes.

Zhang Qingyuan had already grasped the evil-slaying knife. If there was anything wrong, he would let this old ghost have a taste of what it was like to punch Nanshan Nursing Home.

This place is not far from Fengdu City. Although the evil ghost was severely eroded by the evil spirit, fortunately he was still a little rational. After thinking for a while, he finally did not attack Zhang Qingyuan. He stretched out his finger like a dead branch, pointed to the back and said:"Ten miles... Black Temple"

"Black temple?"

Zhang Qingyuan frowned.

In the underworld, the wandering ghosts are scary, but they are still within the scope of being dealt with. What really makes people terrified are the ghosts entrenched in the dilapidated buildings.

Abandoned villages, dilapidated houses, unknown temples... are all forbidden places for ghosts. They are often occupied by powerful ghosts, and some of them cannot even be described as ghosts.

After all, this is the underworld, the gathering place of all the filth between heaven and earth, so it is not surprising that some strange things are born.

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