Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh... the evil spirit swept across the land like a hurricane, and the humming sound was like the cry of a ghost.

The wild graves around were much sparser, and the environment was unusually dim. Thick fog and evil spirits enveloped the surroundings, and the visibility was very poor.

Zhang Qingyuan had already pulled out the evil-slaying knife and looked around carefully.

Following the guidance of the old ghost, he walked a short distance in the direction of the black temple and stepped into this special area. The evil wind was howling, and the fog was as heavy as ink.

Creak, creak...

There were rotten bones piled on the ground, which made a creaking sound when stepped on. The ground was a little damp, as if it had rained.

"Shit... Was I fooled by that old ghost?"

"Damn it, you dare to lie to me? I'll go back and dig up your grave."

Stepping on the sticky mud, Zhang Qingyuan walked forward step by step, and a large tomb nearly two meters high appeared in front of him.

As he got closer, he saw a hole in the top of the tomb, and a rotten wooden coffin was thrown on the ground next to it. It seemed that someone had dug up the grave.

"Judging from the appearance, there must be at least a fierce ghost lurking here. Was it eaten by an even fiercer ghost?"

Zhang Qingyuan looked around and went up to the top of the tomb. There was a big hole leading directly into the tomb. It was really dug up by force. It was estimated that the owner of the tomb was in great danger.

"Even the evil ghosts are in trouble, what on earth is in the black temple? Where did Zhao Jin really run to?"Standing on the grave and looking into the distance, one can vaguely see a solitary temple standing on the ground in the vast fog.

Even if you just take a look, you can feel a cold evil rising from the bottom of your heart, which makes people shudder.

There is definitely a terrifying ghost lurking in there.


The messy footsteps came from far away, and in the dark fog, a figure could be vaguely seen stumbling from the direction of the black temple. Because the fog was too heavy, it was not discovered before, until you heard the sound and found it when you got closer.

"It's you, kid. Are you looking for death? What are you doing here?" Zhao Jin cursed.

Zhao Jin ran very fast and arrived in the blink of an eye. He didn't look like an old man with inconvenient legs and feet at all.

"What are you standing there for? Run away, I won't save you."Zhao Jin passed him directly, as if he was being chased by a dog, and ran forward without looking back.

Although he didn't know why, Zhang Qingyuan didn't dare to hesitate, and jumped down from the grave, his legs flying, not daring to stop for a moment.

"Senior, what exactly happened?"

"Run first, and ask later." Zhao Jin didn't even bother to explain, which showed how urgent the situation was.

"Amitabha……"A long Buddhist chant came from behind.

Zhang Qingyuan's hair stood up. The huge threat came, and the cold murderous aura almost froze his soul.


Zhao Jin suddenly stopped, and Zhang Qingyuan couldn't react in time, and bumped into his back.


Zhang Qingyuan shouted in fear and pushed Zhao Jin hard, but the guy seemed to have taken root and stood still.

"It's too late!" Zhao Jin said faintly.

Zhang Qingyuan was startled and looked up. He saw the fog in front of him dissipate and a skinny figure blocked their way.

He was wearing a black monk's robe, with a bare head. His muscles had lost their elasticity and lay on his body like dry bark, which made him look a little hideous. He held a string of black Buddhist beads in his hand and a string of pale beads around his neck, which glowed with bone.


Or evil monk is more accurate.

Don't mess with him!

"Who is this?" Zhang Qingyuan asked quietly

"Don't talk... You might as well pray to the ancestors to find a good grave for us." Zhao Jin said with a serious face.

Zhang Qingyuan's heart trembled, and he looked up and saw the black monk slowly walking towards them with his Buddhist beads.

"Amitabha, another donor is here."

The voice was sharp and eerie, like a steel needle piercing one's eardrum.

When he got closer, Zhang Qingyuan noticed that the monk's eyes were completely black, with a swastika printed between his eyebrows, but it was reversed.

""Donor Zhao, why did you leave without saying goodbye? I was just about to shave your head for you?" the monk questioned.

Zhao Jin glanced around and then stopped at Zhang Qingyuan, saying,"It was this guy. He came to me and tried to persuade me to go back.""


Zhang Qingyuan looked at him in shock... This old man actually did not hesitate to shift the blame to someone else in front of him.

"Boy, you sacrifice yourself for a moment. When I escape, I will ask the master to save you." Zhao Jin said shamelessly.

"cough cough……"Zhang Qingyuan ignored him and said with a look of regret:"So that's how it is. It's me who messed up your business. Don't worry, just get ordained. Last time I heard you say that you admire Buddhism very much and that the founder of Zaoge Mountain is useless and can't save you from suffering."

"Boy, I'm going to chop you down with my sword." Zhao Jin threatened angrily.

"Buddha has mercy on you. Since this donor has come here, he must be predestined with Buddha. Why don’t you join my monastery? Buddha will surely save you from the suffering of reincarnation."The black monk invited Zhang Qingyuan.

"Boy, if you don't want to die, don't refuse."Zhao Jin reminded him again.

Zhang Qingyuan swallowed the refusal that was about to come out.

"The Buddha's teachings are boundless and can save people from suffering. I really yearn for the teachings of Buddhism." Zhang Qingyuan said with a look of reverence. The black monk's dry facial muscles pulled up, as if he was smiling, but it looked a little creepy.

"So, the donor agreed?"

Zhang Qingyuan shook his head and said with a distressed look:"To be honest, Master, I really want to become a monk, but unfortunately I have no money."


Zhao Jin and the black monk looked at him in confusion, wondering what joining Buddhism had to do with being rich.

"Good, good, what does this mean, benefactor?"

Zhang Qingyuan asked in confusion,"Master, I don't know���? Buddha does not save the poor. I wanted to enter Buddhism when I was alive, but I was rejected because I had no money."

Zizizizi... a burst of cold air broke out, and the frost quickly spread to the surroundings with the black monk as the center, even spreading to their calves

""Evil creature, my Buddha saves all living beings, how can it be measured by wealth? Are you deceiving me, the donor?" The black monk said ferociously, and the Yin Qi behind him intertwined to form a closed-eye Buddha statue sitting on a black lotus.

The great pressure almost shook Zhang Qingyuan's soul.

Hearing the black monk's question, Zhang Qingyuan hurriedly said:"Master must have passed away many years ago, right? Now the Buddhist sect in the world is very different from when you were alive.

All Buddhist temples are operated commercially.

Not only do they make a lot of money every year, but if you want to burn incense and worship Buddha, you need to buy incense and candles at high prices in the temples.

It takes a lot of money to save people, so there is a saying that Buddha does not save rich people.

"The black monk's face was extremely gloomy, and he asked:"Is what you said true?"

Zhang Qingyuan nodded repeatedly and said:"Master, if you don't believe it, you can go to the temple in the world to take a look. The younger generation wants to enter, but was rejected because of no money. Buddhism has fallen so much, can it really save all living beings?"I have already made a great wish to practice Mahayana Buddhism in this life, and to save everyone, regardless of their status. The current behavior of the Buddhist sect is not in line with my wish. How can I become a monk?"

As he said this, he put his hands together and made a pious gesture.

"How can this be! The Buddhist sect in the world has really fallen to this point. Such behavior is no different from the devil's way. I must support Buddhism."

"The senior is right. I know there is a way out from the west gate of Fengdu.……"Zhang Qingyuan quickly informed the other party of the route to the world of the living, just wanting to quickly send this old man to the world of the living to cause trouble.

"Amitabha, you are indeed destined to be with Buddha. Don't worry, I will go to the world of the living to support Buddhism. When Buddhism is corrected, I will come to save you."The black monk put his hands together and saluted Zhang Qingyuan, then turned and left.

Zhao Jin was stunned. He didn't expect that he could resolve the crisis in this way.

Zhang Qingyuan: Thank you, the greedy monk in the world, for saving my life. I will take good care of you when you are sent to the underworld by the black monk.

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