Hello Chang’an

Chapter 326: Does Mr. Song want to become a disciple?

Chapter 326 Does Mr. Song want to become a disciple?

The south of the Yangtze River is rich and fertile. As the capital of the Yangtze River, Yangzhou's importance is needless to say. This is exactly why Xu Zhengye chose to start the uprising in Yangzhou.

In fact, long before Chang Suining regained Yangzhou, many officials had secretly begun to plan for their own forces the next distribution of official power in Jiangnan. Among these official positions waiting to be "divided" was the post of Jiangdu Governor. It is particularly eye-catching, it is a top priority, and everyone wants to compete for it -

In the eyes of these officials, this matter has not really been put on the agenda. At this time, Chang Sui Ning suddenly appeared and tried to intercept the post of Jiangdu Governor!

And in such a domineering manner!

Yes, today's Yangzhou is no better than before. It has just been trampled by the Xu army and it will take some time to rebuild and recover. Even now it is facing the danger of the Japanese army. No matter who takes office and becomes the governor of Jiangdu, he will inevitably face it. Unprecedented pressure—

But personal pressure is pressure, and the imperial court will always protect Jiangdu at all costs. This is a major matter of the country. How come she has become the home of personal ability?

In such a situation, who in the right mind would say such a big statement: "As long as I am here, no one dares to invade Jiangdu, and the Japanese army will never invade the country."

Does she know the weight of this sentence? Can she afford it alone?

She has always been good at creating gimmicks and has never followed the principle of "don't speak too full of words". On the contrary, she always speaks to the fullest and takes the road to the extreme, no matter how eye-catching she is...

But she has a precedent of making her big words come true. In this way, there will always be fools who are willing to believe the big words coming out of her mouth -

It is conceivable that with her words weighing on my head, if someone else were to be the governor of Jiangdu, what if Jiangdu, oh, not just Jiangdu, but the entire Huainan Road, the entire Yellow Sea and East China Sea... If something goes wrong, the person who "replaces" her as governor will become an eternal sinner who hinders her "salvation"!

With such a shadow, can anyone else sit peacefully in the position of governor?

What's more, what she forced others to bear was not just a simple head. It was clearly a string together of the person's wealth, life, reputation, reputation, descendants, and even the appearance of the family's ancestral graves. And roast it on the fire!

Who is this to blame?

In the half-life of being an official, everyone has experienced countless overt and covert struggles, but such a majestic and unreasonable method of fighting for power... is the only time in life!

Wei Shuyi was stunned for a while, thinking carefully about the details behind this move, and then he also realized the beauty of the evil contained in it: "If I can't do it, no one else can live in peace."

Listening to the extremely dissatisfied analysis and conversation of his colleagues beside him, Wei Shuyi also lowered his voice and joined them, saying in a calming tone: "General Ning Yuan did have some ulterior motives in doing this, but it is not difficult to make her plan fail... "

Several colleagues looked at the wise Minister Wei.

Just listen to him say: "As long as the candidate for the governor of Jiangdu can keep the land south of the Yangtze River safe and sound, what is there to worry about? No matter what she says, it's just a breeze."

"..." The expressions on those officials were uglier than if they had swallowed a hundred flies.

General Ning Yuan, who was far away in Jiangdu, was already very hostile to others, but there was actually someone in front of him who was helping to resist them!

"As long as" the land of Jiangnan can be kept safe and sound?

An honest man lowered his voice and asked Wei Shuyi angrily: "When Minister Wei said this, did he not know the current situation in Jiangnan? How can one person guarantee this?"

Wei Shuyi's expression was a little more solemn, and his voice was a little louder: "My lords, you should know that it is precisely because the situation in Jiangnan is so worrying that it is more necessary for capable people to occupy it...rather than those who want to occupy important positions but dare not take responsibility. furnishings.”

An official said: "But the abilities of the 'able ones' are not just based on big words!"

"Killing Xu Zhengye on the seventy-third day, you all thought that was a big talk at first, didn't you?" Wei Shuyi said: "No matter whether General Ningyuan is talking big words this time, her name itself is already a deterrent. "No matter how big or small this deterrent is, it is something that no one else can do or replace at the moment. This is the fact before us."

"In view of the overall situation, your lords are not those who take advantage of the opportunity, so why should you insist on targeting a girl's small psychological tricks due to her inconvenience, and thus develop prejudices, thereby ignoring the benefits she can bring to the overall situation of the country and the dynasty? What are the real benefits?”

Hearing this, some officials who really had the overall situation in mind frowned in deep thought and remained silent for a while.

Soon, Wei Shuyi came out and advocated accepting the matter based on the pros and cons of the current situation.

When the opposition to something is too great and the emperor has not expressed his position, as a close minister of the emperor, he needs to use different voices to find a balance.

But what he said at this time also came from his heart.

There was also Taifu Chu. Although Taifu never formed a party, having too many disciples was a problem. After careful consideration, many officials expressed relatively tactfully that "the current situation is special, we cannot blindly stick to the normal" and "general Ningyuan" The matter of serving as the governor of Jiangdu deserves careful discussion."

There are also many people who still hold objections, but they are only opposing, but have not recommended specific candidates for a while... With those objectionable words coming first, who can't think about it first?

Looking at the ministers with different thoughts, the Holy Emperor finally said: "Everyone's words have their own truths. This matter is related to the stability of Jiangnan. I will weigh it carefully and consider it."

Without a clear statement from the emperor, those officials who objected could only respond with a "yes", although they were dissatisfied.

When going to court, many officials looked unhappy, but what was more worthy of their anger was yet to come -

Historically, it has always been a taboo for a woman to show her ambition to gain real power openly in the eyes of the secular world and most men. This was not completely changed even though the current emperor was a woman. On the contrary, in the eyes of many officials who were secretly opposed to the empress taking power and never gave up on letting the empress return power to the prince, the words "a woman asking for power" were really an ominous sign.

In this way, under the conflict of interests of various parties, there are more and more voices discussing or criticizing this matter. These voices are spread from the mouths of officials to the inner houses, and then spread through the mouths of the female family members and servants in the inner houses to the high walls of the nobles' mansions.

According to common sense, such disputes in the court are usually not noticed by ordinary people. First, the threshold is too high and it is not easy to understand. Secondly, if you accidentally violate any taboos, you can easily get into trouble.

But this incident has broken this barrier. Because of the popularity of "General Ningyuan", it is too close to ordinary people. After tea and dinner in the streets, it is comparable to "Whose sows gave birth to ten pigs in a litter" "Piggy", "Which man secretly bought sex, and the one he bought was actually a man" and other eye-catching existences.

Therefore, it didn't take long for an official to sit in an official sedan after going to court, and he could actually hear people talking about the matter on the street.

Let's just talk about it seriously. These ignorant people don't know where they heard the news, and by spreading rumors, they have actually become...

"Have you heard that the saint granted General Ningyuan the title of governor of Jiangdu, and he will stay in Jiangdu to fight against the Japanese army?"

"Is he just the governor of Jiangdu? How did I hear that he was made the governor of Yangzhou?"

When the officials in the sedan heard this, a mouthful of blood choked their throats - ignorant people! Ignorant people!

However, when these common people make "irrational discussions", they always add the phrase "sage is wise". At first glance, they are all words of praise. Even if there are officials who want to intervene, they have no name.

A few days later, the storytellers in various teahouses also published books based on the incident. It’s not that they only focused on General Ning Yuan to write about it. In fact, books about General Ning Yuan can bring their own audiences. There are even some in the industry. As a joke, even if you let your own dog write a random piece of writing, as long as you bear the name of General Ning Yuan, there will be no shortage of people to listen!

Looking at this momentum, as long as General Ning Yuan's deeds continue and they follow suit, they may be able to have food and drink for the rest of their lives!

On this day, the servants around the most popular storyteller in the capital secretly left the capital with their baggage on their backs and ventured to Jiangdu, just to bring back the latest material of General Ningyuan's violent attack on the Japanese army.

This matter spread more and more widely, so much so that Song Xian and others who had just returned to Beijing from Luoyang were a little confused about what was true and what was false. Although there were some thrills during this disaster relief trip, fortunately, all the Miao Miao people came back in one piece. Master Chu was very pleased about this.

After Shilang Zhan, who was in urgent need of solitude to heal his body and mind, came to the capital, he asked Tan Li and others to go home and change their clothes first, while he entered the palace alone to meet the emperor.

After bowing and saying goodbye to Minister Zhan, the young and tireless Miao Miao couldn't help but discuss the rumors they heard on the road about the "Jiangdu Governor".

"As an official in the court now, we should not discuss this matter outside like ordinary people." Song Xian interrupted the murmurs of his colleagues.

Everyone was awakened and promptly stopped the topic. After bowing to each other, they went home.

Tan Li and Song Xian were walking together for a while. On the way, Tan Li whispered curiously: "...Yang Zhi, tell me, what did you and Mrs. Chang say when we were in Bianzhou that day?"

The day before Chang Suining left Bianzhou, Song Xian and Tan Li saw each other off in private, and finally Song Xian asked Chang Suining to "borrow a step to talk."

Tan Li has been curious for a long time, but he has never been able to find a suitable opportunity to ask.

Seeing that Song Xian was silent for a while, Tan Li smiled and said kindly: "It's okay if it's not convenient to say, I'm just asking casually!"

"It's nothing inconvenient to say." Song Xian looked at a green willow tree at the entrance of the alley ahead, as if he had returned to the scene of bidding farewell to Chang Sui Ning under the willow tree that day.

At that time, he bowed deeply to the other party.

"That day, I apologized and thanked Mrs. Chang." His voice was hoarse due to exhaustion from running around for days, but his expression and eyes were calm and clear.

Tan Li had a look of surprise on his face, and then asked: "Can Mrs. Chang accept it?"

Song Xian said "hmm", paused, and then said: "Not only did he accept it happily, he also asked me..."

She also asked seriously - "Does Mr. Song want to become a disciple now?"

Song Xian, who was silent for a moment, repeated these words now.

After Tan Li was startled, he suddenly burst out laughing: "...How did you answer Yangzhi?"

"I said..." Although Song Xian no longer felt contempt for the thought of having a little girl as his teacher, he still had the emotions of a normal person. At this moment, his face turned red: "I said, after she returns to Beijing, I will put it aside." Appreciation wine.”

After all, the atmosphere has reached that point, and if he refuses, it will appear that his apology is very insincere.

Tan Li laughed again, as if he was ready for a banquet, but then he felt regretful and patted Song Xian on the shoulder: "...It's a pity that this teacher Yang Zhi probably has to stay in Jiangdu to fight against the Japanese army. I'm afraid I won't be able to come back for a while... I have no choice but to pay for this apprenticeship meal. "

Song Xian forced a smile that was either thankful or worried.

After separating from Song Xian, Tan Li returned to his residence and met his parents who had been brought to the capital from the countryside.

When the Tan family's parents saw Guangzong Yaozu's son, tears of joy filled their eyes.

The couple took their son to the room to talk, and asked with concern and curiosity what Tan Li had learned about his trip to Luoyang for disaster relief.

Tan Li then took off his baggage. After opening the baggage, he took out a money bag and poured out a pile of silver.

The Tan family's parents, who had never seen so much money, suddenly changed their expressions. How could they help a disaster and make themselves rich? !

Although... I have heard that once a person becomes an official, he will easily lose his original intention, but his son was corrupted too quickly, too hastily!

The glory of Guangzong Yaozu hasn't passed yet, so why don't we just fast forward to confiscation of homes and annihilation of clans? !

Father Tan sadly took off his straw sandals and spit on the soles. Just when he was about to beat the unfilial son, he heard the unfilial son hide and scream: "...This is all earned by my own ability!"

Tan's mother was already wiping away tears: "Son, what corrupt official doesn't think so!"

"No, no..." Tan Li hurriedly said, "My son earned this from his colleagues!"

During this disaster relief trip, the manuals he copied down were very detailed, ranging from the topography to the ways of doing things as an official. His colleagues were afraid of falling behind him, so they could only spend money to buy peace of mind.

He himself had never expected such a way to make a fortune!

On the other side, after meeting with the Holy Spirit, Minister Zhan found the Ministry of Etiquette and was able to report to the Taifu: "The students finally lived up to the teacher's trust and brought them back one by one..."

It's just that Shilang Zhan himself is a little tired - he is like a mother with more than ten babies during confinement.

This expression made the always strict Master Chu unable to bear the irritation and urged people to go back to wash their hands and rest.

But to be honest, Mr. Chu felt that it was not all the fault of Minister Zhan and those Miao Miao that people could come back safely...

It had to be his student. If his student hadn't secretly provided a glimmer of hope for the Central Plains nobles, those nobles would have been driven out and killed, and they still didn't know how to fight back madly, and they would have perished together.

Sometimes, it is appropriate to leave a way for others to survive, but in fact it is also for yourself.

It seems that Li Xian, who was not prepared to leave any way for the nobles to survive at first, seems to have returned to Beijing with him today.

At this time, Li Xian was kneeling in front of the emperor to plead guilty.

He "confessed" that he had done many things inappropriately when he was in Luoyang, which aroused dissatisfaction among scholars all over the world, and was really a big mistake.

At the end, he kowtowed his head on the ground: "...Xian acted inappropriately, please punish me."

Thank you all for your monthly votes, good night~

(End of chapter)

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